As a child ,I felt I was an ugly duckling .you know,the kid no one would play with.Who was considered odd.Too skinny .Did nothing athletic.My few friends and I constituted the outcasts at my grade school.
学习啦在线学习网 儿时,我总觉得自己是只丑小鸭。没有小孩喜欢和我玩,他们觉得我性格怪癖,长得瘦骨嶙峋,又不爱运动。我和仅有的几个朋友都是被遗弃的对象。
Later,as I began to develop a figure and a smile,I still never could shake the feeling that I was substandard.Ehen the prettier girl got the guy,I figured that was only fair-she deserved to be happy.I didn't.
学习啦在线学习网 When a guy did give me some attention,I figured he was doing me a favor,so I reciprocated obsessively until he got tired of me.Even when I looked in the mirror and saw something pleasant looking back at me ,I figured it was a fluke.
学习啦在线学习网 后来,我开始越长越漂亮,便时常面带微笑但仍摆脱不了自卑的阴影。我认为,一个更漂亮的女孩有男朋友是很自然的事--她应该享受幸福。而这种幸福并不属于我。
Yrear passed,and I went through some bad realationships,up-and down weight loss,extreme self-hatred .Then there came a time when I was living in England,the land of "everyone looks perfect".In my own contrariant way,I decided to differentiate myself.
学习啦在线学习网 I stopped coloring my hair and let all the gray show, I stopped wearing makeup.I stopped wearing clothes that I thought would make me look attactive to men.For about two years,I stripped away all the disguises I'd been using and tried to show only myself.
学习啦在线学习网 And I discovered something.I am beautiful.
When I couldn't rely on my externals to communicate my beauty,I had to turn to internals.I think of internals as spiritual qualities.These qualities are linked to qualities such as love ,patience,caring,listening,fun-loving,joy,creativity,peace,since these are spiritual qualitiles,each of us has access to them wherever and wherever we are.
学习啦在线学习网 当美丽不能凭借外表来传达,我转而重视内在美。我认为,内在美是一种精神品质。这些品质与爱心、耐心、体贴、倾听、欢乐、愉悦、创造力以及平和等品性息息相关。这些精神品质,人人都可拥有不管你是谁也不论你身在何方。
And what was fun to realize is that no one has any more or less of these qualities.I had been thinking of myself as not having enough beauty ,as being deprived somehow.But when I began to express those spiritual qualities,beauty became natural and effortless.I don't think you can help being beautiful when you're being loving or when you're at peace,when you're haveing fun or exprressing creativity.
I could see then that worrying about my appearance and how it rated compared to that of others was a form of self-obsession.Expressing spiritaul qualities was selfless,because it's about expressing Soul.
I know I was making progress when one day,I seek in the network,a man approached me and just appreciated how at peace and pretty I looked.I really felt like one of the "beautiful people "in my own way.
学习啦在线学习网 我知道自己正在逐渐进步。有一天,当我在公园读书,俯瞰大海时,一位男士走到我身旁,欣赏我的宁静之美。我真切地觉得自己在特有的方式向“美丽的人”转变。
These days,I want to marry .I'm back to coloring my hair and wearing makeup.But that's not what makes me feel beautiful.the smile on someone else's face shining back at me gives me the glow of beauty ,and I feel blessed..
学习啦在线学习网 you are beautiful,too .so are all the people around you.when you see spiritually,the world becomes a place of beauty.
