If only we’d never gone there, thought Alan. They were scrambling up the mountainside in the late afternoon heat. Alice was so tanned that she looked as if she had lived on the Mediterranean for months, while he, being fair, had turned a blotchy, peeling.
学习啦在线学习网 阿兰心里想道:要是我们从未到过那个地方该多好啊。在下午后半晌的炎热中,他们向山坡上爬去。爱丽丝被晒得黑黝黝的,看上去就像在地中海上住过几个月似的;而阿兰原本细皮嫩肉,这时身上已经变得红一块白一块,脱了一层皮。
学习啦在线学习网 He looked up at the mountainside, the path twisting upwards towards the cairn cross, the white heat bleaching the rock. Why on earth couldn’t they talk about it? Why couldn’t he even accuse her?
He had thought it was going to be all right. But it was as if the heat had drained their love.
学习啦在线学习网 At home they had been so blissfully happy that he now realized it couldn’t have lasted. She comes to his school from the Midlands because her family had split up. An only child, living with her father, trying to look after him, lonely, depressed, anxious, she had come to Alan to be healed. At least, that’s what he liked to think. Had he healed her? No. Tom had, even though Alan loved her with all the passion. Now his hatred for both of them was as strong as his love.
在家时,他们曾是多么幸福。现在他意识到那不会再继续下去了。由于家庭破裂,她从内陆来到他的学校。作为独生女,她和她的父亲住在一起,尽力去照顾他。她孤独无依、无精打采、愁眉苦脸,经常到阿兰那里去排除忧伤。至少他喜欢这样认为。他为她解忧了吗?没有。是汤姆,即使阿兰曾付出所有的激情爱着她。如今他对他们俩的爱就像他的恨一样强烈。 “Come on!”Alice had turned back to him, waving impatiently.
学习啦在线学习网 “跟上!”爱丽丝转身向他喊,不耐烦地挥着手。
“Coming,”Alan looked at his watch. Five, The crickets would start singing soon. He walked on, the sweat pouring into his eyes. Knowing she had opened the bottle of mineral water. Would she let him catch up with her? An even greater misery seized him. It reminded him of the night he made himself drunk on the rough local wine his parents bought in the village. His heart had ached then, too, and his sense of loss had increased as he relived each minute of a day when Tom and Alice had seemed to draw closer and closer together.
学习啦在线学习网 “来了。”阿兰看了看手表。已经5点了。蛐蛐儿马上就要开始鸣唱了。他继续向上走,汗水源源不断地流到了眼里。他知道她已经打开那瓶矿泉水。她会让他跟上她吗?一种更大的痛苦折磨着他。这使他想起那天晚上他用父母亲从村里买的粗制的当地酒将自己灌醉的情景,那时他的心也在发痛。每当他想起爱丽丝和汤姆越来越亲近的时候,他的失落感就会与日俱增。
He walked faster. Here, a few miles away on the bare mountainside, there was arid space, and the olive groves, clustered in the stone-cluttered valleys below.
他走得越来越快。他为山顶上那些中世纪的城堡而欢呼雀跃。放眼望去,离那座山几里远的地方有一块空地,在山谷的乱石丛中生长着一小片橄榄林。 “Come on!”
Alan strode doggedly on, looking down at his red, peeling legs, thinking of Tom’s strong, straight, brown ones.
学习啦在线学习网 Suddenly he had turned the corner by the stone shelter. He could see her waiting for him. If Tom were here, they would be together, mocking him, looking at each other, leaving him alone. As he strode self-consciously on Alan focused his mind on her.
学习啦在线学习网 “Where’re we going to camp?”She was sitting on an outcrop, her slim body supple and salt-caked. Her legs were swinging and he longed to run his hands over them. Instead he imagined Tom doing that and hot, angry tears filled his eyes.
学习啦在线学习网 “Santa Caterina.”
学习啦在线学习网 “What’s that?”
学习啦在线学习网 “It’s a deserted monastery, down in the valley. Amongst the fir trees. Over there—look, you can see it.”
“Oh yes.”She turned her head. When he did look he was shocked to see how beautiful she was, like a goddess.
学习啦在线学习网 “Won’t that be spooky?”she asked in the slightly broken voice that he had always found so sexy.
God, how he loved her. Why couldn’t he just take her in his arms now? That could solve everything. But there seemed to be an impenetrable barrier around her—as if she was sealed away by Tom.
学习啦在线学习网 上帝啊,他是多么爱她,现在他为什么不可以把她揽在怀里呢?这样,一切问题都会迎刃而解的。但是,好像她周围有一种难以逾越的障碍——就像被汤姆密封了起来。
学习啦在线学习网 “The valley’s dangerous,”said Alan, hoping to frighten her, to provoke reaction.“If the clouds come down there’s no way out. Sometimes for days.”
学习啦在线学习网 “这个山谷很危险,”阿兰说,希望吓住她,引起她一种反应。“如果乌云压下来就会无路可走了。有时会持续好几天。”
学习啦在线学习网 “Is there anywhere else to camp,”asked Alice.
学习啦在线学习网 “Not really.”Alan was certain she’d rather be with Tom. Yesterday he had seen them sitting on a wall together outside the villa. Their ankles had been entwined. He had wanted to grab Tom’s legs and pull him off. He would hurt his brother—and Alice would be sorry . It would be her fault.
学习啦在线学习网 “Let’s go,”said Alan quickly.
学习啦在线学习网 “How far is it?”she asked.“I’m whacked.”
“Half an hour.”
“Can we eat them?”Her voice was a little plaintive. Alan noticed with satisfaction that she was becoming dependent on him again. But he knew that once they were off the mountain she would be with Tom. For a crazy moment he imagined Alice with himself living in the mountain valley together. Always. Trapped perhaps by some magical force that wouldn’t let them leave.
The monastery was square-roofed, austere,with barrack windows. There were fish tanks at the back and a terrace on which the monks would have walked.
学习啦在线学习网 Their feet on the stones made the only sound. Santa Caterina was utterly still. A swift rose soundlessly over the slate roof and the heat shimmered on the roughcast walls. They lay down, their rucksack still on their backs, passing the water bottle, almost dozing.
学习啦在线学习网 四周只有他们踏在石头上所发出的声响,圣卡塔林纳万籁俱寂。一朵怒放的玫瑰在石板屋顶无声无息,亮光在粗糙的墙壁上闪烁。他们躺下来,递过水瓶,旅行包仍背在背后。他们几乎昏昏欲睡。
学习啦在线学习网 Suddenly she sat up and looked him with surprising tenderness. Alan’s black mood eased slightly.
Have they all gone then?”asked Alice.
学习啦在线学习网 “Yes. I don’t know when. A long time ago.”
学习啦在线学习网 “是的。我不知道是什么时候走的。好长时间了吧。”
She was lying back, her eyes closed. He could talk to her now. They could both talk the problem and solve it. They would reach each other. But he couldn’t make the move.
学习啦在线学习网 她仰面躺着,双目紧闭。他现在可以和她谈了。他们俩谈谈那个问题,然后就迎刃而解了。他们彼此都能探到对方,但他不能动。
“It would be terrible if it is pulled down,”Alice said idly, her eyes still closed.
学习啦在线学习网 “如果庙被推倒,那将是多么可怕,”爱丽丝懒懒地说,眼睛仍然闭着。
学习啦在线学习网 “It won’t be.”
“How do you know that?”
学习啦在线学习网 “They patch it up from time to time.”
“Why don’t they live here?”
学习啦在线学习网 “他们为什么不住在这里呢?”
“Don’t know. Maybe it’s too remote.”
学习啦在线学习网 “不知道,或许这里太偏远了吧。”
The desire to punish her had gone. But he daren’t touch her. He daren’t break the enchantment.
学习啦在线学习网 渐渐地,想惩罚她的欲望消失了,但他不敢触摸她,不敢轻易打破这令人着迷的时刻。
学习啦在线学习网 “The heat in the day. The cool evenings. It would be good to live like that.”
“Live here?”
“Could we ever get permission?”
“I don’t know.”
学习啦在线学习网 “Just to see what it was like. I mean—”She half sat up.“Can we get inside?”She ran a finger gently down his peeling cheek.
“先看看这里怎么样,我是说——” 她半坐了起来。“我们能进去吗?”她将一根手指轻轻地放在他脱皮的脸颊上。
Alan was taken aback but then he became aware that the crickets had started. How long had they been singing? He wondered.“Let go and see.”
学习啦在线学习网 They tramped round but as Alan already knew, there was no way in. In the end they came back and he lit a fire at the side of a small stone building. Other campers had obviously used the space and there were black marks on the walls.
He cooked supper, using half a precious bottle of water to make it. The intimacy was still there but the talking was at an end. Alan could hardly contain his rising excitement. They had night together. Anything could happen.
