An angry voice awoke Wang Ziji. The 21-year-old electronic and information science and technology major at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics heard a voice shouting, “Why are you constantly changing my consultant?”
学习啦在线学习网 “It must be my roommate arguing again with his study abroad agent,” Wang thought. It had already happened several times, which made Wang wonder if having an agent was a wise choice.
学习啦在线学习网 In fact, many students who plan to study abroad have the same concern. Below, their upperclassmen talk about their experiences and professionals offer advice.
学习啦在线学习网 事实上,很多准备出国留学的学生都有着同样的顾虑。下面就让我们来向前辈学长们取取经,听听专业人士给出的建议。
学习啦在线学习网 Poor writing
Zhang Na, 24, is an archaeology major of Northwest University. She decided to leave the application work to a study abroad agent as it was already quite late.
学习啦在线学习网 24岁的张娜(音译)是西北大学考古系学生。由于时间相当紧迫,她决定请一家留学中介代办申请。
学习啦在线学习网 At first, the process was smooth, but when Zhang read her recommendation letter she noticed a problem. “I wasn’t satisfied with it,” says Zhang. “I could tell the writer hadn’t put any thought into it because it said I’m a ‘promising young man’ in the letter.” She had to rewrite the personal statement and recommendation letters herself in the end. “I didn’t trust them anymore,” she says.
学习啦在线学习网 一开始,整个进程很顺利,但当张娜阅读自己的推荐信时却发现了一个问题。张娜说:“这份信让我很不满意。信中把我称作是‘一位很有前途的男生’,我敢断定写信的人根本就没有花心思在这上面。”最后,她不得不选择自行重写一份个人陈述和推荐信。“我再也不相信他们了。”
Shu Hui, head of the Korean department at the Shanghai Overseas Affairs Service Center Co Ltd, admits that Zhang’s experience is not unusual. “Good personal statements and recommendation letters require a lot of detailed information. If the consultants can’t work closely with the applicant, they are not likely to deliver a satisfactory result,” she says.
Change of consultant
Another problem Zhang experienced with the agent was changing consultants. “My first two consultants left the company midway through the application process, so I had to get used to a new one twice,” she says.
Wang Ziji’s roommate was even more frustrated about the constant changing of consultants as none of his consultants handled the handover well. “He had to explain his application status to the new one every time, which is the opposite of what he expected from the agency,” says Wang.
DIY or study abroad agent?
学习啦在线学习网 靠自己还是找中介?
Meng Fang, 22, studies computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. She decided to apply for the master’s degree program by herself after comparing the process of applying by herself to applying through an agent. “I evaluated different elements of the application process and came to the conclusion that I should do it by myself,” she says.
学习啦在线学习网 22岁的孟芳(音译)现就读于卡内基梅隆大学计算机科学专业。在对个人申请和中介申请进行一番比较之后,她还是决定自行申请硕士项目。她说:“我对申请流程中的各要素都权衡了一番,最后得出一个结论:还是自己动手靠谱。”
Cao Xianshui, a senior study abroad expert and the author of Further Your Study in the US, believes that whether students should hire a study abroad agent or not depends on their individual case.
学习啦在线学习网 资深留学专家、《你也能去美国留学》一书的作者曹贤水(音译)认为学生是否聘请留学中介还是要看个人情况。
学习啦在线学习网 “For well-heeled students who want to apply for a less competitive university, finding a study abroad agent is a good way to save some trouble,” he says. “But for students who have enough self-discipline and good learning and analysis skills, applying by themselves may give them a better chance of getting into a top university.”
