学习啦在线学习网 大家都喜欢拍照吧!再不怎么喜欢自己的手机里面也会有几张照片,接下来,小编给大家准备了教你拍照更上镜的秘籍双语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。
1. Focus your eyes just slightly above the camera lens, move your face forward a bit, and tip down your chin.
学习啦在线学习网 双眼注视相机镜头略偏上方的位置,脸略向前伸,同时下巴向下倾斜。
2. Put your tongue behind your teeth and smile, which will relax your face.
学习啦在线学习网 3. Keep your arms by your side--but not glued there. To look natural, they should be a little away from your body.
4. Test-drive clothing against a white wall, with an indirect, natural light source (under a tree, indoors near a window)--it will show whether blue really is your best color.
学习啦在线学习网 在非直射的自然光下(如树下或室内靠近窗户的地方),白色墙壁前试穿衣服。这样可以显示:对你来说,蓝色是不是最好的颜色。
5. As a rule, avoid patterns.
学习啦在线学习网 6. Photos exaggerate everything, so go easy on the makeup. For women under 30, a little mascara and lip gloss; over 30, add a touch of concealer.
7. Practice the classic model pose: Turn your body three quarters of the way toward the camera, with one foot in front of the other and one shoulder closer to the photographer. When you face forward, your body tends to look wider.
8. For standing photos, belly in, buttocks tight, shoulders back, spine straight.
学习啦在线学习网 站着拍照时,应当收腹,肩向后伸,挺直腰背。
9. Study photogenic people as well as photos in which you think you looked best. Look at your best angle. You'll probably see that you were laughing or having a good time. Capturing someone when they're relaxed or most animated usually makes for the best results.
学习啦在线学习网 向那些“上相”的人和你认为自己最“上相”的照片学习。想想你展现出最好的一面的时候,当时可能正在大笑或非常开心——在人们最放松,或最有活力的时候拍照,往往能得到最好的照片。
10. To feel at ease, try closing your eyes, then opening them slowly just before the photo is taken.
学习啦在线学习网 放松自己,试试先闭上眼睛,直到拍照前再慢慢睁开。
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