学习啦在线学习网 小作文不得少于100
学习啦在线学习网 考试的时候 就有数了 字数版当然也就没什么问题了
学习啦在线学习网 个人觉得字数一般都能达到
学习啦在线学习网 Eiffel Tower, the University of North London。
2. 逗号是可以用来分开句子的不同部分,避免意思上的混乱的。此外,额外的信息也是可以在逗号之间被加入的。我们可以看一个例句。
学习啦在线学习网 The pollution of rivers, which is often caused by chemical waste and
fertilizer, is causing enormous problems for fishermen, especially in
学习啦在线学习网 连接的是Britain,而不是前面的内容。
Therefore, the use of chemicals on farms should be better controlled.
However, even if such laws were passed tomorrow, most rivers would take
years to recover.
Chemical waste from factories is still drained into river systems; it is
hard to believe that this
学习啦在线学习网 Practice is still allowed by law in some areas.
学习啦在线学习网 4. 分号通常在你需要别人注意你接下来所给出的信息时使用。例如:
The environment is important for the following reasons: ....
学习啦在线学习网 5. 引号被用来给出引用或标题,而单引号的使用表现出的是所属关系和缩写。例如:farmer’s profits, there’s, etc.
6. 在正式的写作中,不要使用任何缩写,而应当写出全称。也就是通常我们所用的don’t, shouldn’t, can’t 等都要相应的变成do
学习啦在线学习网 not, should not, cannot.
学习啦在线学习网 7. 在雅思写作中,不要使用叹号,也要避免使用问号。
8. 括号是比较有用的符号,特别是在Task 1中可以用来引用数据,但是也不要过度使用。
学习啦在线学习网 How many words do you need to write for IELTS? The short answer is 250 for the essay and 150 for the task 1 report. This is essential information because you can lose a whole band score if you do not write enough words. If you are concerned or new to IELTS, I suggest you read through the following points.
Repeating the question
If you repeat the wording of the question, the examiner may not include those words in the final word count. What this means is that you should not take whole sentences and phrases from the question. You can borrow single words: they may well be the right word to use and it would be pointless looking for another word that was not exactly correct.
重复问题的字数不算!因此千万不要照抄整个题目~~ 除非原题中有一两个无法找其他词代替的,或者说是核心词,那么可以保留。
Let’s look at a question to see what you can and can’t do: ”Some people argue that the government should give every unemployed person a mobile phone and should make sure they have access to the Internet. They believe this is the best way of using public money to reduce the problem of unemployment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”
学习啦在线学习网 Here you could of course repeat the words “government” “unemployed” “the internet” and “mobile phone”: these are simply the correct terms to use. But what you should avoid is writing ” I agree that the government should give every unemployed person a mobile phone and should make sure they have access to the internet”. This is simple copying.
Repeating yourself
学习啦在线学习网 In the same way, if you repeat large bits of your essay, the examiner may not count those words. The key point to remember is that it is really quality and not quantity that counts – do not repeat yourself, just to get to the word limit.
学习啦在线学习网 All words are words
Sometimes people ask what is a word. Small words like “a” and “is” are still words. A contracted word like “isn’t” is probably going to be counted as one word and not two. Generally speaking, however, you are not going to use contracted words in your IELTS writing – with the exception of a less formal letter in General IELTS.
学习啦在线学习网 所有词都算数,但是雅思作文千万要杜绝缩写词,那样太不正式啦!一旦写了必扣分!
学习啦在线学习网 Do not waste time counting words – count lines
Time is your enemy in IELTS writing. Whatever you do, do not waste time counting all the words you have written, there are far more important things to check. Rather what you should do is to count the number of words you normally write in a line and then multiply that by the number of lines you have written. So if you normally write 12 words to the line, you need to write 23/5 lines in your essay.
Do not write too many words – spend more time planning and checking
Some candidates write 300 words or more in their essay. There is no deduction for this, but it is not a good idea unless you are a very high quality candidate. There are no prizes for quantity, only quality. The time you spent writing the extra 30/40 words would be much better spent either planning your essay or checking and improving its quality.
学习啦在线学习网 写作并不是字数越多越好~如果你可以在规定时间内写到300个字以上,除非你的英语相当好!不然的话还是花点时间来组织全文或者检查错误吧!毕竟质量还是比数量重要~
A sensible target?
It’s quality not quantity that really counts. So my suggestion would be to aim for between 250-275 words in the essay and 150 – 170 words in the report. This means that you have some margin for error.
学习啦在线学习网 最佳安排:小作文 150-170字 大作文 250-275字
学习啦在线学习网 雅思官方规定:雅思写作考试有最低字数要求,Task 1应不少于150字,Task 2应不少于250字。但是,如果写的越多就越容易得到高分吗?
学习啦在线学习网 官方回答:“不一定!”
学习啦在线学习网 建议Task 1花费20分钟完成,Task 2用40分钟左右完成。如果你在Task 1中花费太多时间,就没有充足的时间完成Task 2的文章。
写作时间过长,检查时间就会少。然而在考试的最后几分钟,检查你的回答远比多写几句话来的更重要。比如在雅思写作Task 1中,写的太多很容易让你的回答变得不够简洁清晰,如你写了300字,也许说明你的文章中包含了太多的细节或者一些并不相关的信息,这对你的分数并没有帮助。
学习啦在线学习网 记得花一些时间规划文章结构以及检查错误!
