在托福作文写作中,一般遵循introduction- body-conclusion(导语段-主体段-定论段)的“三步曲”。Body(主体)时间供给了证明观念的理由,是整个托福 写作的主体,在评分中占有很大的比重。例如一篇满分的托福作文有必要“presents a fully developed position in answer to the question with relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas”。这儿的“fully extended / well supported”,有必要经过主体段来表现。
1.Write a topic sentence for each paragraph you plan to write. Each topic sentence should relate to your thesis statement and introduce what the paragraph will be about. If you find that the topics you want to discuss do not support the thesis statement you have written, revise your thesis statement or reconsider your topic sentences.
学习啦在线学习网2.Write ideas that support your topic sentences. The topic sentence for each paragraph tells the reader what the paragraph will be about. The ideas stated in the rest of the paragraph should all relate to the topic sentence.
学习啦在线学习网新托福满分作文也需求“is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details”,相同有必要经过主体时间打开来完毕。一般来说,一篇议论文写作有必要包括至少两个主体段。托福作文每个主体段都有必要有清楚的主题句“topic sentence”和若干支撑句“supporting sentences”。他们一起组成文章的理由段,对全文的观念供给理由支撑。
常用iBT文章结构-适用于comparison & contrast essay和argument essay.
不论是comparison & contrast essay还是argument essay,它们的文章结构基本相同。分为3大部分和5段结构(Point-by-Point Format), 也许有人喜欢4段(即Block Format),但就初来乍到者,我还是建议他们使用Point-by-Point Format, 并且依据我老师的经验(Jeff)来看,北美人更加喜欢这种结构(其实因为这些老外每天都要批阅几十篇文章,他们已经不阅读文章的内容,仅仅是审查文章的结构和词汇,他们没有时间去对比Block Format结构中的问题或者论点),这令我很吃惊,这与国内老师的意见相驳或者相反。
这篇经验我想用一个例子(Coffee and tea)来向大家解释,有可能我的例子不是很好,或者论点有些可笑,不过我想大家还是要记住,老外已经在iBT中说明,他们不关心你的论点(Issue/Top Sentences) 和论据(Details/Evidence)是否合情合理,只关心你的论据(Details/Evidence)是否可以证明你的论点,仅此而已。大家在稍后的文章中可以看到,我的3个论点中的2个比较controversial, 但是,在我的Detail中支持的好就可以了。
学习啦在线学习网首先,谈一谈5段式结构和Body Paragraph的结构:
Introduction Paragraph:Say what you are going to say.
这个我想不用我多说了,就是文章的“引子”,你的文章是否有高分,这个很重要。这样的句子不要出现,例如:In my essay, I will demonstrate…。下面的句子Jeff称之为Ok Sentence,即可以出现的句子,例如:Tea is the best drink in the world. 或者可以使用五星级的句子,例如:Although Coke is becoming more popular, it can not replace China's love of tea.
学习啦在线学习网Background / Definition: 重新描述问题,但是不要使用老外给你的题目原话,这里我可以说,如果你使用了原话,不会对你的文章产生任何不好的影响,只是你不会在这里拿到应该得到的分数而已。你可以写成为 Tea is the most popular hot drink in the world.
学习啦在线学习网Thesis: 中心句,如果文章不是argument essay,请不要直接在句子中表达自己的意见或者用一种General的形式来表达大家的意见, 例如:Tea is the world's favorite drink because it provides health benefits, it is less expensive, and it is available in many varieties.
学习啦在线学习网Forecasting: 见关键词解释。Because后面的3个简单句就是Forecasting。
学习啦在线学习网Body Paragraph I:
Top Sentence: First,Tea is healthier to drink. (OK-Sentence)Jeff推荐的句子Drank by million of people, tea is… (分词开头-ed),再如:Improving your health, tea is drank…(动名词开头-ing),又如:For thousands of years, tea is…(General 开头)
Detail: 这个不用多说了,就是要把你的例子举出来了。For example, people who drink tea, live longer, healthier lives than these who drink coffee.
学习啦在线学习网Befriend:这个是重点了,要把拳头收回来。例如:Although coffee is good for your health, it cause heart attacks in large amounts.
学习啦在线学习网Support:这个时候需要你利用你事实作为拳头伸出去,例如:In fact, heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death, so tea is a better drink according to doctor's suggestion.
学习啦在线学习网Concluding Sentence:最后要简单扼要的总结一下,你在这段的论点和论据,其原理就像是简易书架,你只有两边都有支撑的面,你的书才不会向没有支撑面的那边倒去。可能有些朋友认为这个比较麻烦或者多余,不过我还是建议大家要包含这个部分,例如:To sum up, tea is healthier in several ways compared to coffee.
Body Paragraph II: 结构如上述,我就不多说了。
学习啦在线学习网Body Paragraph III: 同上。
Conclusion Paragraph: 关于Conclusion我还是要多说两句,通常老外喜欢用Conclusion作为整篇文章的结尾用词,而用to sum up等作为段落的总结。例如:Despite the fact that coffee consumption is increasing, it will never be as beneficial as tea. Tea is less expensive, comes in more varieties, and is healthier. In conclusion, tea will remain the best drink until humans invent something better.
顺便提及一下,有的朋友会问,是否可以变化一下Body Paragraph的结构,我的建议是不要变化,不信的话,您可以自己尝试一下把你的文章重新排一下,您就会知道这里面的区别了。
再谈一下comparison & contrast essay 和argument essay的区别:
学习啦在线学习网在我看来,它们之间的区别有两点。第一点,作者的视角不同。何谓视角不同?即当你写argument essay的时候,你需要在Introduction Paragraph中的Thesis中表达作者支持哪一方面。第二点,对比方面在文章中所占的份额,即如果你在写comparison & contrast essay时,比例为40%(一方面的优点)和60%(另一方面的优点和缺点),虽然是comparison & contrast essay, 但是我想作为作者,你怎么也要表达一下自己的意见或者意图,让读者明白你是虽然在作两件事物的比较,但是还是有你的偏好在里面(喜欢Reading的朋友会有这种体会)。在写argument essay 时,比例为10%(敌对方的缺点)和90%(支持方的优点针对敌方缺点和无伤大雅的支持方缺点)。
1. 要多使用连接词来转换读者的视角和给出你自己的例子。不要让读者自己通过文章内容来转换视角,这样的文章不适用于考试,而适用于你自己的写作中或者长篇论文中。
学习啦在线学习网2. 通常,我都是在写开头的时候,顺便把文章的结尾一并写好,因为文章开头和结尾的结构相似。可以节省时间。
3. 一定要花时间来检查文章中的词汇是否正确以及必要的时候要用更好的句型来优化你的写作。有很多朋友觉得时间不够,所以不检查自己的文章,我想既然你用键盘输入你的文章,就一定有错误的时候,况且那个时候比较紧张。我作为视计算机为自己一部分的人,每次给客户,朋友和同事回信的时候,我都要检查一下。以免让人家笑话或者引起争议。
所谓“普遍性”,就是题目涉及的内容大家都熟知,例如,曾经有这样一个题目:A/D:The telephone has greater effects on people than television.题目当中的television 和telephone都是大家熟知的事物,起码对于所有托福考生来说,大家都肯定是再熟悉不过的东西了,所以这样的事物出现在题目中,是具有公平性的;
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To achieve successful development of a country,a government should spend more money on young children’s education(5-10) rather than on universities.
——the issue of how to invest in education
学习啦在线学习网或者——the issue of educational investment
学习啦在线学习网As is often the case, the issue of educational investment is so much concerned that it has aroused a wide discussion.
People varying in personalities as well as backgrounds tend to look at the same matter from diversified perspectives.
学习啦在线学习网Some people maintain that investing in primary education is a wise/an optimum option, while others hold that investing in tertiary-level education is sensible/sagacious.
将两部分人的观点进行论述,目的在于通过可讨论性的体现,将题目转化成双方面的观点。之后要做的工作就是段落收尾了,收尾之前也需要进行适当的铺垫In taking various factors into consideration, 其中take…into consideration代表“考虑”之意,相当于consider something,之后,根据行文方式的不同选择不同的收尾方式,下面给大家两中选择:
学习啦在线学习网——I reckon that elementary education and high-level education are intertwined elements that are playing respective roles in the process of one’s growth.
学习啦在线学习网——I reckon that it is the latter/former claim that makes more sense/ bears more rationality.
学习啦在线学习网In recent years /As is often the case, the issue of educational investment is so much concerned that it has aroused a wide discussion. People varying in personalities as well as backgrounds tend to look at the same matter from diversified perspectives. Some people maintain that investing in primary education is an optimum option, while others hold that investing in tertiary-level education is sensible. In taking various factors into consideration, I reckon that elementary education and high-level education are intertwined elements that are playing respective roles in the process of one’s growth.
学习啦在线学习网(I reckon that it is the latter/former claim that makes more sense / bears more rationality.)
学习啦在线学习网大家可以看到,在文中多次出现初级教育和高等教育的词组,但上文却采取了不同的表达方式,primary education对应于elementary education,tertiary-leveleducation相对应于high-level education。因此,向大家强调一点是,如果在一个段落,或者一篇文章中,我们不可避免的会遇到重复意思的表达,这时候,希望大家多多积累同近义词的短语和词组,用于文章当中将会显得语言更加丰富。
学习啦在线学习网In your opinion, which one is better, to spend money on something that lasts for a long time, such as valuable jewelry, or spend your money on short term pleasure such as vacation?
学习啦在线学习网As is often the case, the issue of money spending is so much concerned that it has aroused a wide discussion. People varying in personalities as well as backgrounds tend to look at the same matter from diversified perspectives. Some people maintain that spending on jewelry is a wise/ an optimum option, while others hold that spending on vacation is sensible/ sagacious. In taking various factors into consideration,I reckon that material life and spiritual enjoyment are intertwined elements that are playing respective roles in daily life.
When a new piece of technological device, usually an electronic gadget, is launched, there must be long queues of people who cannot wait to own it. On the other hand, there are patient people, who wait until the market calms down. Although passion is not necessarily undesirable, patience is more adoptable.
当启动一种新的技术设备(通常是电子产品)时,一定会有很多人迫不及待想要拥有它。 另一方面,还有耐心的人,他们等到市场平静下来。 尽管热情不一定是不希望的,但耐心更可取。
学习啦在线学习网For one thing, if a consumer could stay calm, he or she would likely have an economical deal or even a bargain. As consumer electronics are updated so frequently that the original high price of a model can hardly remain long, it is not smart to purchase a device when it is newly available and at its peak price. After the initial thrill, many early birds regret their impulse because they know that they have overpaid. It is therefore sensible to buy the device when the price drops to a reasonable level. As for the excitement of owning a new digital gear, as long as the device is new to its owner, it does not have to be the freshly available.
一方面,如果消费者能够保持镇定,则他或她可能会达成经济交易,甚至讨价还价。 由于消费电子产品的更新频率很高,以至于模型的原始高价几乎无法维持太久,因此,在新近可用且价格最高的设备上购买设备并不明智。 最初的激动之后,许多早起的鸟儿后悔自己的冲动,因为他们知道自己付出了高昂的代价。 因此,在价格降至合理水平时购买设备是明智的。 至于拥有新的数字设备的兴奋,只要该设备是其所有者的新设备,就不必新鲜购买。
学习啦在线学习网Here comes the follow-up question: for how long should a consumer wait? Usually a few months — when many people have owned it. A typical example is smart phones, whose old models are replaced with new ones annually. A consumer could wait for merely a few months and own the most recent model with a moderate expense of money, saving hundreds of dollars.
接下来的问题是:消费者应该等待多长时间? 通常几个月-当很多人拥有它时。 一个典型的例子是智能手机,其旧型号每年都会被新型号替换。 消费者只需要等待几个月,就可以拥有一笔适度的金钱,拥有数百美元,就能拥有最新的模型。
Waiting is a rational decision also because consumers can be better-informed. Although it is exciting to chase the trend closely, those technological fashionistas can wind up feeling disappointed. When they purchase a newest model of tablet or a most cutting-edgy wearable item, they often have no idea or only a vague idea of how these products actually feel—the appearance, the tactility, the weight and the functionality. At the moment they open the box, any feature that is below their expectations can upset them. Contrarily, patience makes winners. It is particularly advantageous that ‘late arrivals’, who have probably learned the strengths and weaknesses of a device from the feedback of ‘early birds’, are well prepared for the item. Especially unsurprising by the drawbacks, those patient shoppers are less likely to be ripped off .
学习啦在线学习网等待也是一个理性的决定,因为消费者可以了解更多信息。 尽管紧追潮流是令人兴奋的,但是那些技术时尚达人可能会感到失望。 当他们购买最新型号的平板电脑或最易切削的可穿戴产品时,他们通常对这些产品的实际感觉一无所知,或者只是模棱两可—外观,触感,重量和功能。 在他们打开包装盒的那一刻,任何低于他们期望的功能都会使他们不高兴。 相反,耐心使胜利者。 可能已经从“早起的鸟儿”的反馈中了解到设备优势和劣势的“迟到者”为该物品做好了充分的准备,这是特别有利的。 尤其是不足为奇的是,那些耐心的购物者被剥夺的可能性较小。
学习啦在线学习网In conclusion, first, if a technological product is purchased at a supposedly lower price, it is more worth the money; second, if the decision of purchasing is based on others’ user experience as reference, it may be more reasonable. For these two reasons as the minimum, it is better to buy a technological device when the initial heat is gone than when the tide is high.
总之,首先,如果以较低的价格购买技术产品,那么物有所值; 其次,如果购买决定是基于他人的用户体验作为参考,则可能更合理。 出于这两个最低限度的原因,最好是在初始热量消失时购买技术设备,而不是在涨潮时购买。