学习啦在线学习网An amount of people today change their career and place of residence several times during their lives. Is this positive or negative to development?很多人在一生中不断改变自己的居住地以及工作,是好还是不好?(2013年10月19日)
Many parents these days work in other countries, taking their families with them. Do you think advantages of the development outweigh its disadvantages?
学习啦在线学习网【首段】 背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场
Sure enough,with the availability of new technology, people may get a reasonable career in any favorite cities without considering regional limits. No matter where one dwells in, he or she can keep contact with their family members via the Internet or airplane timely. One of the traits of modern way of working is that people enjoy more freedom in terms of selecting their dream jobs and places of residence. To voice my opinion, the merits of free job selection and multiple career choice prevail over its possible downsides.
【二段】 多元职业和候鸟生活之利好的展开
Seen from positive aspects, many benefits can be acquired. First,multiple career choice and constant change of residence means a broad range of working experience and constant refreshment. Meanwhile, one can become more talented and competent by taking up various jobs. Also, regular change of jobs makes one excel professionally and living in different cities greatly enriches one’s experience of the world. Hence,one can have brighter career and enjoy precious memory in the future. Last,to embark on more jobs in diverse cities enables one to have better personal resources. A well-connected interpersonal network,to some extent, indicates more splendid opportunities of job-promotion, comfortable salary and even the room for career achievement.
On the downsides, some problems might ensue. For a start, the decomposition of family bonds is an unavoidable risk due to the spatial separation.Imaginably, the face-to-face opportunities of communicating with relatives and friends will be reduced if people live too far. Further, every individual should assume the responsibility of getting married and starting his career, it might be hard for people to obtain the sense of well-being and enjoy a kind of stable life provided that they change place of working too quickly.
【尾段】 再次亮明观点
学习啦在线学习网In closing,my stand is that it is up to us to find the means to achieve that happiness each of us long for, however, young people should be inspired to explore the unknown. That is the best way for them to deepen their insight into what they are hoping to do with their lives. Finding jobs and experiencing life in diverse cities exert many positive impacts on many people, especially for those who dare to challenge themselves.
1. Young adults are generally intoxicated by splendid job opportunities and modernized lifestyle.
2. migrant lifestyle
3. indicate long-lasting sense of refreshment
学习啦在线学习网4. acquire various vocational skills
学习啦在线学习网5. accumulate rich working experience and establish well-connected interpersonal network
6. spatial separation 空间的分离
学习啦在线学习网7. familiar circle of friends 熟悉的朋友圈
8. the decomposition of family bonds 家庭纽带的分解
9. get married and carve out career 成家立业
学习啦在线学习网10. It is up to us to find the means to achieve that happiness each of us long for
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除了参加培训班和学习有关雅思写作方面的书籍,笔者推荐以下国内出版的英文报纸和杂志作为平时的补充材料:《21世纪英文报》(21st Century)、《广州英文早报》(Guangzhou Morning Post)和《英语文摘》。
学习啦在线学习网部分考生对笔者推荐国内出版的英文报刊杂志表示不解,他们认为国内出版的英文报纸杂志水平不及外国英文报刊高,阅读价值不大。不可否认,国内英文报刊的整体水平无法与外国英语报刊相提并论,这是很正常的事情,毕竟英语不是我们的母语。作为写作老师,我推荐上述报刊杂志的理由有以下几点:首先,上述报刊的文章内容和语言难度较贴近国内读者,且相当部分内容考生已经在中文报刊上看过,这样可以降低阅读难度,增强考生的自信心,激发阅读兴趣;其次,上述报刊的文章主要由国内英文记者撰写,虽然与native English writer的文章有一定差距,但比较而言,仍属上乘,值得广大考生认真学习,模仿度较高,不至于曲高和寡,打击考生的信心;第三,不少文章的内容与雅思写作和口语话题密切相关,考生可以从中积累相关论点论据和漂亮的表达
例: Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children. Many children do not get as much attention from their parents as children did in the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
例:Some people say the government should not put money in the Arts, such as music, opera and paintings, but instead should spend more money on construction of public facilities. Discuss.
例:What are the causes of water shortages? Please also offer some solutions to deal with this problem.
例:In some countries, sports and entertainment personalities earn higher salaries than professionals like doctors, nurses and teachers. Why do you think this happens in some societies and do you consider it is good or bad?
学习啦在线学习网例:In some countries, the national traditional arts are facing extinction. Some people think that the government should support them. Do you agree or disagree? What should the government do?
