学习啦在线学习网 【The map below is of the town of Garlsdon. A new supermarket ( S) is planned for the town. The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket.】
学习啦在线学习网 Garlsdon;
( S1)
学习啦在线学习网 no-traffic zone;
学习啦在线学习网 In contrast, the suggested location, S2, is right in the town center, which would be good for local residents. Theoretically, the store could be accessed by road or rail from the surrounding towns, including Bransdon. But in reality, as the central area is a no-traffic zone, cars would be unable to park and access would be difficult. Overall, neither site is appropriate for all the towns, but for customers in Cransdon, Hindon and Garlsdon, the out-of-town site ( S1) would probably offer more advantages.
学习啦在线学习网 相反,备选地点S2正好位于镇中心,这就方便了当地居民。从理论上说,包括Bransdon镇在内的周边镇上的居民都可以驾车或坐火车来此购物。但实际上,由于镇中心是步行区,汽车无处停泊,这为去超市造成了困难。 总之,没有一个选址适合于所有的镇,但是对Cransdon,Hindon和Garlsdon镇的顾客来说,位于镇外的S1可能具有更多优势。
学习啦在线学习网 【Some people believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time should be used to do more schoolwork. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 】
The issue of whether children are given too much free time, in my view, it's not about the amount of free time they have, but about whether this time can be spent in socially productive activities. Clearly, giving students an excessive amount of spare time after school may cause a series of problems. Young students are at the best stage in their lives to acquire knowledge and skills, if this precious period is occupied with idle activities, they will have to do much more to compete with their peers when they become adults. What can be more disturbing is the possible increase in children's miss behaviour and even offenses after school. Some teenagers may linger on the streets instead of staying with their parents or guardians, which makes it very likely for them to be involved in criminal acts. Not only does school work can include writing essays and research papers, it may also offer a variety of social activities. Such as group discussions or preparation for team presentations, which hones children's cooperative skills. So it seems children should indeed spend more time on their schoolwork.
【Many people ignore basic science today. What are the causes and what are your solutions?】
While technological developments are constantly covered by the mass media, basic science is hardly getting any attention from the public. I tend to believe the public ignorance of basic science research is largely due to its unpredictable value. Compared with applied technology that can produce almost immediate benefits, basic science does not have short-term financial potential. In contrast, to develop basic science, scientists have to devote a great deal of time and energy to their research, while being very uncertain if this devotion will lead to the intended outcomes. Many scientists become dissatisfied with their working conditions and earnings and in the end, they choose to leave their laboratories for other jobs, which can help to explain why basic science is often ignored by the public. Since basic science is the foundation of most technological developments, some steps must be taken to reverse this trend. On the national level, the government should fulfill its responsibility in raising public awareness of the significance of basic science. Only when the government gives priority to this field in its policy can basic science get the funding and the public support that is urgently needed. Also, companies and institutes should financially support scientists who commit themselves to basic science, not just for the sake of profit, but for the development of science as well. Additionally, the public should be made aware that there would be very few technological advancements if basic science were largely ignored. Basic science deserves more public attention. Certainly none of us want it to become a completely stagnant field due to our ignorance.
学习啦在线学习网 尽管媒体上关于科技发展的报道可谓铺天盖地,但基础科学却仍然很难引起公众的注意力。 我倾向于认为公众之所以忽视基础科学研究,很大程度上是因为它的价值是不可预知的。相比那些能起到立竿见影效果的应用科学,基础科学在短期内并不具备太多的潜在经济效益。而相反,要发展基础科学,科学家们需要投入大量的精力和时间来进行研究,而且他们的投入是否能达到预想的研究结果也是完全不确定的。许多科学家到最后都渐渐变得对自己的工作环境和收入不满起来,进而离开实验室去寻找其他工作,这也就解释了为什么基础科学会经常被公众所忽视。 鉴于基础科学是绝大多数科学技术发展的基础,我们必须要对这种现状做些什么了。在国家政府的层面上,政府应该肩负起让公众意识到基础科学的重要性的责任。只有当政府在政策上对基础科学研究给予一定优先度,基础科学研究才能从社会支持中得到它们目前最急需的资金支持,而不该仅仅关心其研究所能带来的经济效益,更应该同样看重其为科学本身做出的贡献。此外,社会还应该向公众普及如果基础科学的研究被忽视掉的话,技术进步也就无从谈起的正确理念。 基础科学需要得到我们更多的关注。我们显然不想因为我们的无知导致整个时代的发展走入停滞。
【Advertisements play a major role on TV in market economies. Despite the benefits of such information, many people criticize the role of TV advertising.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with their view?】
Unlike the Internet, where we can often disable advertising windows, we cannot screen TV advertisements out of our lives. The question is, is the price worth paying? Let us consider some of the points that may be made in defence of TV advertising. Firstly, advertisements provide information, and information is essential to a modern economy because it brings those who have products and services into contact with those who want to buy. Indeed, advertisements are the most efficient means of such communication and help to keep the price of consumer goods down. Secondly, the advertising industry is a significant source of employment. Thirdly, advertisements are often charming and well-filmed, a source of entertainment in themselves.
不像网上弹出的广告那样可以随手关掉,面对生活中的各类电视广告,我们实在是无处可逃。可问题是,这些广告值得我们看吗? 先来考虑几点电视广告值得我们为其辩护的好处吧。首先,广告提供了当今经济社会中最宝贵的东西——信息,因为它能把那些拥有产品和服务的人与那些想购买这些东西的人联系在一起。确实,广告是承载这种交流以及抑制产品价格的最有效的方法。其次,广告业也可以满足大批就业人群的需要。第三,多数广告都是充满魅力且精心制作的,本身也拥有很高的娱乐性。
【In some countries, traditional arts are going extinct. Some people think that we should try to keep them. To what extent you agree?】
Those who object to preserving the traditional arts may think that it would lay a heavy burden on the government's budgets. These people fail to recognise the economic value of the traditional arts. Since some arts symbolise the local or national culture, they can be used to boost the local tourism and economy. A good example illustrating this point is the native arts in Australia where many aboriginal people make a living by selling traditional-style handicrafts. As far as eye can see, laying at the heart of this issue is not even whether we should rescue traditional arts from the brink of extinction, but how we can make the efforts to keep them alive more efficient and effective.
学习啦在线学习网 那些反对保护传统艺术的人可能认为这会是政府预算的沉重负担。这些人没有意识到传统艺术的经济价值。由于一些艺术象征着地方或国家的文化,因此它们可被用来促进当地的旅游业和经济。能够有力印证这一观点的例子就是,在澳大利亚有许多土著人以出售传统风格的手工艺品谋生。 依我看,这个问题的关键并不在于我们是否应该拯救濒临消亡的传统艺术,而在于我们如何能将让它们延续下去的努力变得更加有效率和效力。
学习啦在线学习网 【Modern technology is creating one single world culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?】
学习啦在线学习网 Through the ages, man has undergone many changes. Modern technology is rapidly changing the world's living standards, which results in creating a single world culture. I believe new technologies including the Internet, television, electronic media, means of transportation, etc., have great impact on creating a similar culture all around the globe. Below I will list my reasons to support my opinion. First of all, the Internet and e-mail have changed the way people communicate with each other. Internet brought many benefits. It is a new means of communication and a fast access to information and news. People communicate with each other and share our ideas, happiness and difficulties. We have a great opportunity to find out more about countries and their history.
古往今来,人类经历了很多变化。现代科技正迅速地改变着世界各国的生活水平,这导致了单一世界文化的形成。我认为,新科技对全球单一文化的形成有巨大的影响,新科技包括了因特网、电视、电子媒体、交通方式等等。我会例举如下论据来支持我的观点。 首先,因特网和电子邮件改变了人们相互之间的沟通方式。因特网具有很多好处。它是一种新型的沟通方式,是迅速获得信息和新闻的通道。人们互相交流,分享他们的想法、快乐和困难。我们有了极好的机会去了解更多关于国家及其历史的知识。
