1 托福独立写作介绍
1.1 典型问法
学习啦在线学习网托福独立写作部分(the Independent Writing Task)为新托福写作试题的第二个部分,要求考生针对某个问题提出自己的论点并展开,考试时间为30分钟。这种题目的典型问法为:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
[A sentence or sentences that present an issue appear here]
学习啦在线学习网Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1.2 评分原则和评分标准
从2010年1月开始,iBT写作评分系统做出重大改革。由原来的两位阅卷者独立阅卷给分,两个分数的算术平均值为原始分,改为一个阅卷人和一个电脑评分系统(E-Rater)分别给分。其中,E-Rater负责Linguistic feature(语言因素),即语法,句法和结构;人工负责文章内容和含义;两部分相加,即为考生的作文原始分。而最终的分数则与原始分所占的百分比(Percentile)相关:比如30分对应97.9%,即只有2.1%的人得到了满分。
Score 5: An essay as this level largely accomplishes all of the following:
Effectively addresses the topic and task;
Is well-organized and well-developed, using clearly appropriate explanation, exemplifications, and/or details;
Display unity, progression and coherence;
Display consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors.
学习啦在线学习网语言运用:如果考生作文句子简单,词汇量有限,没有体现多样性,分数不会超过3分;但是托福写作并不要求学生写fancy words,即高级深奥的词汇;单词,无论难易,准确即可;所以考生也无需故意生搬硬套SAT或GRE单词,一旦使用不当,造成文章晦涩难懂,那就得不偿失了。
2 托福独立写作备考策略
Step 1 输入
比如短语“put a heavy strain on”中文翻译为“施加巨大压力”。有了这个短语,翻译如下句子易如反掌:“移民数量的增加给公共交通施加了巨大压力”;“过多的家庭作业给孩子们施加了巨大的学习压力”。即:“The increasing number of immigrants has put a heavy strain on public transit.”;“Excessive school assignments put a heavy academic strain on students.”有了一定量的短语积累,造句子只需要换头换尾,so easy。
学习啦在线学习网比如对于“Do you agree or disagree the following statement? College students should take part-time jobs before they graduate.”即,“大学生是否应该在在校期间做兼职”这道题目,我们可以选择同意,给出第一个理由Through taking part-time jobs, students can better identify where their true interest lies. 通过做兼职,大学生们可以更好地发现自己真正兴趣所在。成段如下:
Through taking part-time jobs, students can better identify where their true interest lies. Personal experience informs me that university students tend to have little knowledge of what the real world is like and what people in each job will do. At this case, if they are forced to make a choice about their future careers without the opportunity to get in touch with the real world, they may finally end up in a job that does not interest them and even bores them. In this sense, it would be best for college students to expose themselves to the world outside schools by taking part-time jobs. Only through this way can students develop a more comprehensive knowledge of what each job is mainly about and therefore make an informed choice about future career.
学习啦在线学习网“Colleges and universities should offer job preparation before students start to work.”
“People should try different kinds of jobs before they decide their future careers”
“Students should spend a year on traveling or working before they go to colleges or universities.”
“Some universities require students to take courses in various subjects while others require students to specialize in one particular field. Which one do you prefer? ”
Step 2 输出
Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home counties. Why do some students study abroad? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
学习啦在线学习网Studying in one’s home country offers unique benefits. For example, the home country provides best education in some subjects that other countries do not offer. However, it is important to study overseas for at least part of one’s higher education. By studying abroad, students can acquire a new language, get to know another culture, and pursue good programs.
The most obvious advantage of studying overseas is learning a new language. It is important to be bilingual or even multilingual nowadays. For example, international communication is essential for our global economy. For many students who choose to study in English-speaking countries, they can easily pick up English if they are actively engaged in speaking English. Even for those who have had a good grasp of English in reading and writing, they can still improve their spoken English after exposure to an English-speaking environment.
学习啦在线学习网As important as learning a new language is becoming acquainted with a new culture. Cultures differ from one another and they are even diametrically opposite on some points. By studying overseas, students become familiar with other ways of life and learn to respect them. For example, to students from some cultures, privacy is a relatively new concept. The students may choose to tell their course grades to their classmates in the foreign country and ask them for similar information. In turn, they may feel disappointed or even shocked to receive no answer and be told that this is privacy. After a while, however, they have a better understanding of the concept of pervasive privacy in the foreign country.
学习啦在线学习网Last but not least, we are able to undertake excellent programs in the foreign country where we choose to study. Some programs may not be available in the students’ home country. For example, a student who is interested in American literature may find that no university in his or her country offers this program. Other programs are available in the students’ home country but not on a par with similar programs in a foreign country. This can be illustrated by MBA programs of American universities. A number of counties offer MBA programs, but many think that American universities offer the best MBA programs. This accounts for the fact that the majority of MBA holders have obtained the degree from American universities.
Studying abroad can be rewarding. Not only can students acquire a new language and know more about a different culture, but they can pursue excellent programs as well. Indeed, studying in a foreign country is a worthwhile experience.
同不同意:Some people think that 最重要的品质 in choosing the leader of a school organization or club is 诚实.
Leaders of all kinds should have lots of qualities in order to thrive together with the team. Persistence, passion, confidence and personal charisma, to name a few. When it comes to question of whether honesty is the most important qualities of all for a leader in a student organization, I, personally, would say honesty is definitely not the most important even though it is a contributing factor for a qualified leader and there are other qualities that are more urgent than being honest.
学习啦在线学习网First off, being a good listener and able to communicate well with fellow members can be more important than being honest. Only when a leader sits down and listens patiently to problems and concerns of his or her members, can he or she become an effective leader in a student organization. Also, being an effective communicator can also be equally important since it is essential to convey emotions and ideas clearly to others, and when the leader get his or her ideas across to the fellow members, it enjoys a better chance to be implemented. A leader with exceptional communication skills is very confidence and personable when they are interacting with others. Since they can grab the listeners' attention, it is very easy for them to build rapport with strangers and thus they enjoy better chance to broaden their social networks.
Additionally, it is more essential for leaders of student organizations to be compassionate about the community and set exemplars for their fellow members than just being honest. Actually, lots responsibilities of student leaders involve various volunteer programs and philanthropic activities, if leaders of students body are not committed to getting involved in charitable activities, there will be a lack of energy level and passion among his or her fellow members. To be more specific, students organizations involved in lots of volunteer activities, like collecting food, managing the inventory and distributing food to those in need. They also volunteer in homeless shelters to prepare food or even work behind the scene in the business office. If leaders are motivated to take the initiative and contribute their time and other resources to the community in the first place, chances are that his or her members would follow suit.
In all, students leaders should have more important qualities other than being honest like excellent communication skills, compassion about their community and dedication to their endeavors.
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