1.要相信自己,善待自己,让自己的生活精彩纷呈。不要误认为是要让某个人后悔,而是为了让自己的人生更精彩。believe in yourself, be kind to yourself and make your life colorful do not mistakenly think that is to let a person regret, but in order to make their life more exciting
学习啦在线学习网 2.聪明女人心中燃烧着爱的火焰,但这种爱并不是肆意蔓延的,每一份爱都有它自己的方向和温度。首先她们懂得爱自己,一个不爱自己的女人更不可能好好地去爱别人。the flame of love is burning in the heart of a wise woman, but this love is not spread by itself every love has its own direction and temperature first of all, they know how to love themselves, a woman who does not love her is more likely to love others
3.如我,最多花开寂寞,终无人喝彩。such as me, most flowers lonely, no one cheers
4.女孩,会因为你的爱而变得更加美丽。girl, you will be more beautiful because of your love
5.能使人知己爱己者,未有不能知人爱人者也。people can make friends, love yourself, not knowing, the lover is not
6.这份脱离尘世的爱,不仅温润了我,同样温润了万丈红尘。from this earthly love, not only my warm and moist, the same lofty red dust
学习啦在线学习网 7.听自己的歌,写自己的文字,笑着仰望自己的天空,习惯眼泪不自觉的滚落面颊。listen to their songs, write your own text, smiled at own sky, do not consciously tears rolled down her cheeks habit
8.完成工作的方法是爱惜每一分钟。the way to get the job done is to cherish every minute
9.每个人都不例外,他最亲密的朋友就是他自己。试想如果作为恋人妻子的你都不爱自己的话,那么你有什么理由期待你的男人还爱着你。everyone is no exception, his closest friend is himself if you don't love yourself as a lover or wife, why do you expect your man to love you?
10.只有不成熟的男人,永远没有不成熟的女人。there is no mature man, never an immature woman
学习啦在线学习网 11.永远不要无休止的围着你喜欢的那个男人转,尽管你喜欢得他快要掏心掏肺的死掉了,也还是要学着给他空间,否则,你要小心缠得太紧勒死了他。never chase the man you love to love you, even though he is going to die of the heart, we should also learn to give him space, otherwise, you have to be careful too tangle strangled him
12.爱自己,才是王道,疼自己,才是真理,疼爱自己,才是最幸福的。love yourself, is benevolent, hurt yourself, is the truth, love, is the most happy
学习啦在线学习网 13.当一个男人对你说:分手吧。请不要哭泣和流泪,应该笑着说:等你说这话很久了。然后转身走掉。when a man says to you: break up please don't cry and cry, you should smile and say: wait for you to say this for a long time then turn away
学习啦在线学习网 14.如果你爱一个人,先要使自己现在或将来百分之百的值得他爱,至于他爱不爱你,那是他的事,你可以如此希望,但不必勉强去追求。if you love someone, make sure that you are worth one hundred percent of them now or in the future as long as he doesn't love you, that's his thing
15.我想好好的爱自己,却没能力去寻个爱自己的空隙。i want to love myself, but can not find a love of their own space
学习啦在线学习网 16.如果可以不抽烟,别抽。如果可以不喝酒,别喝。再郁闷也不要去泡酒吧。一个孤独的女子手握高脚杯或者抽烟,会更添寂寞感与忧伤。if you can not smoke, do not smoke if you can not drink, do not drink and don't go to the bar a lonely woman holding a goblet or smoking, will add a sense of loneliness and sadness
17.清泉自爱江湖去,流出红墙便不还。spring love arena, is also out of the red walls
学习啦在线学习网 18.这个世界多美好,取决于我们有多爱自己。how beautiful the world is, depends on how much we love ourselves
学习啦在线学习网 19.那些从不愿收回自己意见的人,爱自己甚至于爱真理。those who do not want to withdraw their views, love themselves and even love the truth
学习啦在线学习网 20.常常以为自己痛苦,事过境迁才知道当时是幸福的。更多时候我是回忆幸福,而不是感觉正在拥有。often think of your own pain, just know that happiness is over more often than not i'm feeling happy, not feeling
学习啦在线学习网 21.女人只有经过生活与时光流水般的打磨,才会悟出生命的宗旨;女人只有历过艰辛伤害心碎泪水才能领略爱情的精髓。only after the life and time of life, like the water, will be able to understand the purpose of life; women only through hardships, injury, heartbreak, tears can appreciate the essence of love
学习啦在线学习网 22.学会好好爱自己,因为你不爱自己,没有人会更爱你。learn to love yourself, because you don't love yourself, no one will love you more
23.窗外雪花纷飞,向你敞开心扉,试问如此爱你,世上舍我其谁!the snow outside the window, open your heart to you, we love you so much, the world now!
24.千万不要在那些愿意在你身上花费时间的人而去浪费你自己的时间。don't waste your time on a man / woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you
学习啦在线学习网 25.还以为自己会天长地久地保留那份情,原来,都只是命运对青春年少开的玩笑。thought i would love to keep enduring as the universe, originally, just the fate of youth joke
学习啦在线学习网 26.你们一直在离我远去,或者,你们从来没有靠近。you've been away from me, or you've never been near
27.爱是女人出行的勇气,爱是女人凝视的星星,爱是女人航行的罗盘。love is the courage of a woman to travel, love is a woman staring at the stars, love is a woman navigation compass
学习啦在线学习网 28.不爱自己国家的人,什么也不会爱。he who does not love his country will not love anything
学习啦在线学习网 29.只要把自爱之心扩大到爱别人,我们就可以把自爱变为美德,这种美德,在任何一个人的心中都是可以找得到它的根底的。as long as the heart of love to love others, we can put love into virtue, the virtue, in any one person's heart is can find its foundation
学习啦在线学习网 30.才发觉根本没什么东西会是永远的,就像天空不是鹅黄的,就像不会不丢弃单车,就像不会一直穿穿球鞋,就像不能一直像最初那样纯粹!found no what things would be forever, like the sky is yellow, like not discarded bicycles, like not always wear shoes, like not always as original as pure!
31.真正的爱情,是在爱的时候懂得珍惜;无法爱的时候,懂得放弃。true love is when you know how to cherish in love, when you can't love, you know how to give up
32.对你不喜欢的追求者的示好和关心坚定的说不和拒绝。即使他说,这不关你的事。no love for you when he courting and refused to say even if he says, it's none of your business
33.既然曾经拥有过,就不要哭泣,微笑着将这段经历藏在心底吧。now that you have had it, don't cry, smile and hide it in your heart
34.与其等到别人来爱你,不如自己学着努力多爱自己一些,如果今天的你没有比昨天更喜欢自己,那明天对你来说又有什么意义呢?it's better to try hard to love yourself more than to wait someone to love u if today you don't like yourself more than yesterday, so what's the meaning of tomorrow?
学习啦在线学习网 35.感情不过是多种形式的自爱。the sentiment is the various forms of self love
学习啦在线学习网 36.生气时别用不吃饭伤害自己,悲伤时别用不睡觉来折磨自己,要好好照顾自己爱自己,自己的身体不珍惜等谁珍惜。when you are angry, don't hurt yourself by not eating don't use your sleep when you are sad you should take good care of yourself
37.如果一个人从来没有尝过忧伤的滋味,那他也不可能会感受到幸福。if a person has never tasted the taste of sorrow, then he will not be able to feel the happiness
38.其实不管你爱过多少人,不管你爱的多么快乐或痛苦,到最后你不是学会了怎样去爱,而是学会了怎样爱自己。in fact, no matter how many people you love, no matter how happy or painful you love, in the end you have not learned how to love, but learned how to love yourself
39.女人唯一要做的就是多爱自己,爱自己的容颜,爱自己的个性,爱自己的自由,有棱有角的女人才更富有生气!the only woman to do is to love yourself, love your appearance, love your personality, love their freedom, and the woman is more energetic!
40.才知道,那份阳光的笑脸是对这个世界的面具,心底藏着的爱,腐烂成茶渍,是那样的狰狞,那样的罪恶。i know, the sunshine smile is the world's mask, hidden in the heart of love, is so rotten into tea, ferocious, so evil
41.爱情是两个亲密的灵魂在生活及忠实,善良,美丽事物方面的和谐与默契。love is the harmony and understanding of two intimate souls in life and faithfulness, kindness and beauty
学习啦在线学习网 42.人不自爱,则无所不为;过于自爱,则一无所为。people do not love, will do anything; too is not for love
43.每天打扮的优雅从容出门,给自己带上不同的笑容。女子岁后,要学会保养自己的皮肤。every day elegant dress calmly go out, to bring their own different smile after years of age, women should learn to protect their skin
44.自恋,是因为既然没有别有人愿意爱自己,那就自己爱自己,相信一样也会很幸福吧!narcissism, because no one is willing to love their own, it is their own love, i believe it will be very happy!
45.你们是注定,我是偶然。you are doomed, i am accidental
学习啦在线学习网 46.自尊自爱,作为一种力求完善的动力,却是一切伟大事业的渊源。as a kind of self-esteem, strive to improve the power source is all great cause
47.恍然之间发觉了你的蜕变。you suddenly found the transformation between
48.任何时候,不要为一个负心的男人伤心,女子更要懂得,伤心,最终伤的是自己的心。如果那个男人是无情的,你更是伤不到他的心,所以,收拾悲伤,好好生活。at any time, not a sad ungrateful men, women should know that sad, ultimately hurt their own heart if the man is ruthless, you are not hurt his heart, so, clean up the sadness, a good life Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes.每个人犯了错误,都自称是经验。
49.The world may be full of cheating, however we never lack friends with a warm heart.有时候世界虽然是假的,但并不缺少真心对待我们的人。
50.When your mood is very easy to be influenced by another person, you know, he means a lot to you.当你的心情很容易被另一个人所影响时,你便会知道,他对你意义非凡。