学习啦在线学习网 大家在备考雅思阅读的时候可以多参考一些机经,让大家对雅思阅读的考试内容和形式有一个大致了解,下面小编给大家带来雅思阅读机经人类与机器人,希望对你们有所帮助。
学习啦在线学习网 Man or Machine
ADuring July 2003, the Museum of Science in Cambridge, Massachusetts exhibited what Honda calls 'the world's most advanced humanoid robot', AS1MO (the Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility). Honda's brainchild is on tour in North America and delighting audiences wherever it goes. After 17 years in the making, ASIMO stands at four feet tall, weighs around 115 pounds and looks like a child in an astronaut's suit. Though it is difficult to see ASIMO's face at a distance, on closer inspection it has a smile and two large eyes' that conceal cameras. The robot cannot work autonomously - its actions are 'remote controlled' by scientists through the computer in its backpack. Yet watching ASMIO perform at a show in Massachusetts it seemed uncannily human. The audience cheered as ASIMO walked forwards and backwards, side to side and up and downstairs. After the show, a number of people told me that they would like robots to play more of a role in daily life - one even said that the robot would be like 'another person'.
BWhile the Japanese have made huge strides in solving some of the engineering problems of human kinetics (n.动力学) and bipedal (adj. 两足动物的)movements, for the past 10 years scientists at MIT's former Artificial Intelligence (Al) lab (recently renamed the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, CSAIL) have been making robots that can behave like humans and interact with humans. One of MITs robots, Kismet, is an anthropomorphic (adj.拟人的) head and has two eyes (complete with eyelids), ears, a mouth, and eyebrows. It has several facial expressions, including happy, sad, frightened and disgusted. Human interlocutors are able to read some of the robot's facial expressions, and often change their behavior towards the machine as a result - for example, playing with it when it appears ‘sad’. Kismet is now in MIT’s museum, but the ideas developed here continue to be explored in new robots.
学习啦在线学习网 CCog (short for Cognition) is another pioneering project from MIT’s former AI lab. Cog has a head, eyes, two arms, hands and a torso (n.躯干) - and its proportions were originally measured from the body of a researcher in the lab. The work on Cog has been used to test theories of embodiment and developmental robotics, particularly getting a robot to develop intelligence by responding to its environment via sensors, and to learn through these types of interactions.
DMIT is getting furthest down the road to creating human-like and interactive robots. Some scientists argue that ASIMO is a great engineering feat but not an intelligent machine - because it is unable to interact autonomously with unpredictabilities in its environment in meaningful ways, and learn from experience. Robots like Cog and Kismet and new robots at MIT’s CSAIL and media lab, however, are beginning to do this.
学习啦在线学习网 EThese are exciting developments. Creating a machine that can walk, make gestures and learn from its environment is an amazing achievement. And watch this space: these achievements are likely rapidly to be improved upon. Humanoid robots could have a plethora of uses in society, helping to free people from everyday tasks. In japan, for example, there is an aim to create robots that can do the tasks similar to an average human, and also act in more sophisticated situations as firefighters, astronauts or medical assistants to the elderly in the workplace and in homes – partly in order to counterbalance the effects of an ageing population.
FSuch robots say much about the way in which we view humanity, and they bring out the best and worst of us. On one hand, these developments express human creativity - our ability to invent, experiment, and to extend our control over the world. On the other hand, the aim to create a robot like a human being is spurred on by dehumanized ideas - by the sense that human companionship can be substituted by machines; that humans lose their humanity when they interact with technology; or that we are little more than surface and ritual behaviors, that can be simulated with metal and electrical circuits.
Questions 1-6
学习啦在线学习网 Reading passage 1 has six paragraphs, A-F.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
学习啦在线学习网 Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
学习啦在线学习网 NB you may use any letter more than once
1 different ways of using robots
2 a robot whose body has the same proportion as that of an adult
3 the fact that human can be copied and replaced by robots
4 a comparison between ASIMO from Honda and other robots
5 the pros and cons of creating robots
学习啦在线学习网 6 a robot that has eyebrows
学习啦在线学习网 Questions 7-13
学习啦在线学习网 Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage 1, using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet.
学习啦在线学习网 In 2003, Massachusetts displayed a robot named ASIMO which was invented by Honda, after a period of 7 in the making. The operating information is stored in the computer in its 8 so that scientists can control ASIMO's movement. While Japan is making great progress, MIT is developing robots that are human-like and can 9 humans. What is special about Kismet is that it has different 10 which can be read by human interlocutors. 11 is another robot from MIT, whose body's proportion is the same as an adult. By responding to the surroundings through 12 ,it could develop its 13 .
文章学习啦在线学习网题目 :Man or Machine
学习啦在线学习网 结构A. ASMID研制成功并向公众展示的社会影响
学习啦在线学习网 B. CSAIL一直致力于研制拟人机器人
C. Cog是有着和人来一样的比例的机器人
学习啦在线学习网 D. 在创造类人互动机器人方面, MIT走在前端
E. 类人机器人的发展空间
F. 创造类人机器人的利与弊
Question 1-13
题目类型:Information in relevant paragraph
1Different ways E段第4句E段开头就引出创造机器人的成就, 随后并提出这些成就有一定的发展空间, 直到第四句说明这些类人机器人have a plethora of uses,用途多样. 因此答案为E
2The same proportion
学习啦在线学习网 ...adultC段第2句C段第2句提到cog has a head...and its proportions were originally measured from the body of a researcher in the lab. 表明该机器人是按照成年人人体比例创造的, 因此答案为C
3Copied replacedF段第3句F段第三句the aim to create...by the sense human...can be substituted..., that can be simulated 都表示人类可被机器等取代.因此答案为F
学习啦在线学习网 4Comparison
ASIMO... Pther robotsD段第2,3句D段第2句指出ASIMO is...but not an intelligent machine,because it is unable to...learn from experience.第3句又表明robots like...however, are beginning to do this. 体现出其他机器人能做到ASIMO所不能做到的自发学习. 因此答案为D
5Pros and consF段第1句F段开头指出这些机器人证明了我们看待人性的方式, bring out the best and worst of us.这半句话体现出创造机器人的利与弊. 因此答案为F
学习啦在线学习网 6eyebrowsB段倒数第4句B段倒数第四句提到one of MIT’S robots is...and has two eyes...and eyebrows. 因此答案B
学习啦在线学习网 Question7-13 Summary from Reading Passage
summary参考解题思路: 先跳开空格把该段通读一遍, 了解大意, 发现总体是按照文章段落顺序概括的. (如有所遗忘, 再看原文各段段首句, 大概知道各句在文章的相应段落)
学习啦在线学习网 解析: 第1句和第2句对应文章A段, 根据after a period of 7___in the making定位该段第3句, 答案为17 years. 然后根据文章倒数第四句its action are...controlled by scientists through...in its backpack.可以判断8答案为backpack. 该题第3, 4句对应文章B段, MIT is inventing robots...with the ability to 8___humans定位该段第2句behave like humans and interact with humans.可以判断9答案为interact with. 根据Kismet ...has various...by human interlocutors定位原文倒数第2句human interlocutors are able to read some of the robots’ facial expressions得出10答案为facial expressions. 第5,6句对应原文C段, robot from MIT,proportion定位该段第1, 2句得出11答案为Cog/cognition. 最后根据该段最后一句getting a robot to develop intelligence via sensors判断12答案为sensors, 13 答案为intelligence.
学习啦在线学习网 A在2003年7月,曼彻斯特的剑桥博物馆陈列了Honda称之为“世界最先进的人性机器人”:ASIMO (即“创新移动的进步之举)。Honda的智力产物正在北美巡回展示,所过之处,总能令现众开心不已。17年的辛苦制作,ASIMO高4英尺,重115磅,以小孩的形态穿着宇航服。在远距离看不清ASIMO,近距离下ASIMO面带微笑,两个大眼睛包含着摄像头。它不能自己行走,得由科学家通过机器人背包上的电脑远程控制。观察ASIMO在曼彻斯特的表演,很令人惊讶,它具有人性的特征。ASIMO走来走去的时候,上下楼梯的时候,现众总是爆发出喝彩声。展示过后,许多人跟我说,他们喜欢机器人在日常生活中起更大的作用——有人甚至说:机器人就像是人一样。
学习啦在线学习网 CCOG(认知cognition的缩写)是另外一个前MIT智能实验室的先驱项目。有头,两条胳膊,手臂和躯干,其比例最早是由实验室研究员的身体测量而来的。COG被用来检测机器人学的体现和发展,特别是通过传感器去发展智力反应周边环境方面,以及通过互动类型学习方面。
学习啦在线学习网 Version 17203 主题 仿生小机器人
1E 2C 3F
4D 5F 6B
7 17 years 8backpack 9interact with
学习啦在线学习网 10 facial expressions 11Cog/Cognition 12sensors
学习啦在线学习网 13 intelligence
Intelligent machines such as robots are widely applied to take the place of human beings. Please discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
The technology of intelligent machines improves amazingly with the help of artificial intelligence. Robots, known as steel-collar workers, are widely employed in different aspects, such as marine research, space exploration and some modern assembly lines. Robots bring about advantages undoubtedly, and meanwhile, they are not as versatile as expected. (49 words)
The advantages of robots are innumerable. The employment of robots on assembly lines saves a lot of labor forces. Robots are widely used in developed countries. In Japan, one out of ten thousand workers are robots, which not only improve the working efficiency, but also enhance accuracy. That is the reason why robots are so popular in automobile industry and electronic production line. (63 words)
学习啦在线学习网 Another merit is that robots can take the place of human beings and work in the dangerous environment or the places not accessible for us. Human beings have extended their cognition to the outer space, where there are considerable unpredictable dangers. Robots can work in any kind of situation, no matter how awful the environment is. In hospital, robots work as professional doctors doing operation on the patients. Furthermore, robots can work around the clock, never knowing what tiredness is. (80 words)
However, the disadvantages of robots are undeniable. Firstly, all the robots and other intelligent machines are designed by human beings. What robots do is follow the instruction and pre-set programming by human beings. If there is something wrong with the electric circuit or programs, robots will become good-for-nothing machines. Besides, robots cannot work creatively when confronted with complicated situation. (59 words)
In short, robots are subsidiary to human beings. However competent they are in various kinds of field, robots will never take the place of human beings and play a decisive role in our work and life.
学习啦在线学习网 Some people think that robots are very important for human's future development. Others, however, think that robots are dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
学习啦在线学习网 一些人认为机器人对于人类的未来发展非常重要。然而,其他人提出机器人是危险的并且对于社会有消极影响。讨论双方观点并给出你的看法。
Intelligent machines such as robots are widely applied to take the place of human beings. Please discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
学习啦在线学习网 机器人好处2: 能代替人在危险环境中工作。举例,在深海和外太空的探险中,人类的肉体无法承受那些压力和温度,但是机器人可以。
学习啦在线学习网 机器人的坏处:机器人是被设计和编程的,无法承担那些创造性的工作。举例,如果它们的程序被修改的话,难保它们不作出对于人类有害的事情。
学习啦在线学习网 2010-3-20
学习啦在线学习网 Lately, more and more work has to be done by machines. To what extent do you think the positive effects of this development outweigh the negative effects on individuals and society?
学习啦在线学习网 现在越来越多的工作可以用机器取代人力。你是否认为这个现象对个人和社会的积极影响超过消极影响?
Some scientists think it is very soon that computers will be more intelligent than human. Some people think it is a positive development, while others think it is a negative development. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
学习啦在线学习网 一些科学家认为不久电脑就会比人类更具智能。一些人认为这是积极的现象,而其他人则认为这会对我们的社会有负面影响。讨论双边观点并给出你的看法。
机器人好处2: 能代替人在危险环境中工作。举例,在深海和外太空的探险中,人类的肉体无法承受那些压力和温度,但是机器人可以。
Robots, known as steel-collar workers, are widely employed in different aspects, such as marine research, space exploration and some modern assembly lines. These Intelligent machines bring about advantages undoubtedly, and meanwhile, they are not as versatile as expected.
学习啦在线学习网 Publicly speaking, the merits brought by robots are too obvious to ignore. Firstly, the employment of robots on industry improves the productivity. For example, during manufacturing, smart machines managed by computers can fulfill those repetitive tasks like transferring, assembling and welding, with a much higher speed and accuracy than human. Furthermore, robots can work around the clock, never knowing what tiredness is.
Secondly, robots can take the place of human beings and work in the dangerous environment or the places not accessible for us. Human beings have extended their cognition to the deep ocean and outer space, where there are considerable unpredictable dangers. Robots can work in any kind of situation, no matter how awful the environment is.
学习啦在线学习网 However, the disadvantages of robots are undeniable. Firstly, all the robots and other intelligent machines are designed by human beings. What robots do is follow the instruction and pre-set programming by human beings. If there is something wrong with the electric circuit or programs, robots will become good-for-nothing machines. Besides, robots cannot work creatively when confronted with complicated situation.
学习啦在线学习网 In short, robots are subsidiary to human beings. However competent they are in various kinds of field, robots will never take the place of human beings and play a decisive role in our work and life.
学习啦在线学习网 使用机器人的坏处1:机器人的普及会使某些人失业。
学习啦在线学习网 The progress of high-tech is inevitable and undeniable. Currently, a heated debate springs up as to the merits and demerits of artificial intelligence, namely, robot. It is predicted that robots will step into our daily life in the near future. Some supporters think it is a blessing that life could be much easier with the availability of robots, while opponents believe it is a curse. I would like to discuss the pros and cons of mechamical person in the following essay.
Seen from the advantageous aspects, a number of virtues could be gained via the use of the robots. In the first instance, robots can perform some risky and repetitive tasks for human being, which economized the labor force to be engaged in other aspects. To illustrate, Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. With the popularity of robots, more and more automated machines have replaced human labor. In addition, the robots have entered offices, departments and houses to aid people to fulfill various tasks, as a result, people could enjoy longer leisure hours. Artificial intelligence certainly relieves human beings from heavy labors.
学习啦在线学习网 However, under no circumstances could we ignore the downsides brought about by robots. For a start, the popularity of robots may take the bread out of some people’s mouths. A danger arises upon use of mechanical person , the more workers will be unemployed and the lower our living standard will become. Even worse, being lenient in robots will make them become war-machines in the world. It has a high probability that robot soldiers will arouse chaos just like what is shown in the science fiction movies. Lastly, too much reliance on robots will contribute to people’s deteriorating creativity, flexibility and self-motivation.
学习啦在线学习网 译文:然而,任何情况下不能忽视机器人带来的不良影响,第一,机器人的普及会使得一些人失业,使用机器人的危险是,失业的人越多,人们的生活水平越低。更糟糕的是,对于机器人的纵容会使得它们沦为战争机器,很有可能,机器人战士会引发人间战乱,正如很多科幻电影展示的那样,最后,多度依赖机器人会导致人的创造力,灵活性以及主动性的下降。
In the final analysis, mechanical person has both positive and negative effects. As for the potential demerits of robots, moral guidelines and law restrictions should be set up to guide all kinds of human activities to prevent misdeeds of human beings.(327)
学习啦在线学习网 使用机器人的好处1:机器人可以在一些危险的环境中工作,比如在医院或者核电站处理放射性物质。
学习啦在线学习网 使用机器人的好处2:机器人更适合做一些重复无聊的工作。比如在流水线上工人有可能由于粗心造成事故和机器故障,而机器人可以连续不断地工作,而且可靠性和精确度也很高。
学习啦在线学习网 使用机器人的坏处1:使用机器人会造成失业。由于企业引进机器人,成千上百的人会失去工作,被迫做出改变。
Thanks to rapid development in artificial intelligence, robot technology has developed to the point that robots can lift heavy objects, do precise assembly line work and even guide a machining operation. Robots are being used in industries for achieving advantages which would not be possible with human beings.
学习啦在线学习网 Robots are feasible substitutions in surroundings which are unsafe for the employment of human labor. They can be used effectively in environments where handling of radioactive materials is involved, such as in hospitals or nuclear power plants. Another benefit lies in the fact that robots are more suitable for performing boring and repetitive work than human workers. On an assembly line where tasks are cyclic and monotonous, operators tend to be careless, which would increase the possibility of accidents and malfunctions of machines. By contrast, robots have the ability to work continuously with high reliability and precision.
On the other hand, the widespread use of robots may inevitably carry certain negative effects. One possible risk is that they would cause unemployment. Because of the adoption of industrial robots, thousands of workers are put out of their old jobs and forced to make changes in their work. However, robots are primarily used in industries to free workers from boring, dangerous and heavy work, rather than replacing human labor. Moreover, robot technology itself will also create jobs, such as robot technicians, salesmen, engineers, programmers and supervisors.
My view is that robots will become an indispensable part of the technology-dominated age. If used correctly, they can serve as efficient servants and make our future lives more fantastic. (262 words)
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