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学习啦在线学习网  雅思阅读是块难啃的硬骨头,需要我们做更多的题目才能得心应手。下面小编给大家分享一下剑桥雅思阅读7test1原文翻译及答案解析,希望可以帮助到大家。



学习啦在线学习网  You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

  Let’s Go Bats

  A Bats have a problem: how to find their way around in the dark. They hunt at night, and cannot use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles. You might say that this is a problem of their own making, one that they could avoid simply by changing their habits and hunting by day. But the daytime economy is already heavily exploited by other creatures such as birds. Given that there is a living to be made at night, and given that alternative daytime trades are thoroughly occupied, natural selection has favoured bats that make a go of the night-hunting trade. It is probable that the nocturnal trades go way back in the ancestry of all mammals. In the time when the dinosaurs dominated the daytime economy, our mammalian ancestors probably only managed to survive at all because they found ways of scraping a living at night. Only after the mysterious mass extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago were our ancestors able to emerge into the daylight in any substantial numbers.

  B Bats have an engineering problem: how to find their way and find their prey in the absence of light. Bats are not the only creatures to face this difficulty today. Obviously the night-flying insects that they prey on must find their way about somehow. Deep-sea fish and whales have little or no light by day or by night. Fish and dolphins that live in extremely muddy water cannot see because, although there is light, it is obstructed and scattered by the dirt in the water. Plenty of other modern animals make their living in conditions where seeing is difficult or impossible.

  C Given the questions of how to manoeuvre in the dark, what solutions might an engineer consider? The first one that might occur to him is to manufacture light, to use a lantern or a searchlight. Fireflies and some fish (usually with the help of bacteria) have the power to manufacture their own light, but the process seems to consume a large amount of energy. Fireflies use their light for attracting mates. This doesn’t require a prohibitive amount of energy: a male’s tiny pinprick of light can be seen by a female from some distance on a dark night, since her eyes are exposed directly to the light source itself. However, using light to find one’s own way around requires vastly more energy, since the eyes have to detect the tiny fraction of the light that bounces off each part of the scene. The light source must therefore be immensely brighter if it is to be used as a headlight to illuminate the path, than if it is to be used as a signal to others. In any event, whether or not the reason is the energy expense, it seems to be the case that, with the possible exception of some weird deep-sea fish, no animal apart from man uses manufactured light to find its way about.

  D What else might the engineer think of? Well, blind humans sometimes seem to have an uncanny sense of obstacles in their path. It has been given the name ‘facial vision’, because blind people have reported that it feels a bit like the sense of touch, on the face. One report tells of a totally blind boy who could ride his tricycle at good speed round the block near his home, using facial vision. Experiments showed that, in fact, facial vision is nothing to do with touch or the front of the face, although the sensation may be referred to the front of the face, like the referred pain in a phantom limb. The sensation of facial vision, it turns out, really goes in through the ears. Blind people, without even being aware of the fact, are actually using echoes of their own footsteps and of other sounds, to sense the presence of obstacles. Before this was discovered, engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle, for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship. After this technique had been invented, it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines. Both sides in the Second World War relied heavily on these devices, under such codenames as Asdic (British) and Sonar (American), as well as Radar (American) or RDF (British), which uses radio echoes rather than sound echoes.

学习啦在线学习网  E The Sonar and Radar pioneers didn’t know it then, but all the world now knows that bats, or rather natural selection working on bats, had perfected the system tens of millions of years earlier, and their ‘radar’ achieves feats of detection and navigation that would strike an engineer dumb with admiration. It is technically incorrect to talk about bat ‘radar’, since they do not use radio waves. It is sonar. But the underlying mathematical theories of radar and sonar are very similar, and much of our scientific understanding of the details of what bats are doing has come from applying radar theory to them. The American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the term ‘echolocation’ to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by animals or by human instruments.

  Questions 1-5

  Reading Passage 1 has five paragraphs, A-E.

学习啦在线学习网  Which paragraph contains the following information?

学习啦在线学习网  Write the correct letter, A-E, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

  NB You may use any letter more than once.

  1 examples of wildlife other than bats which do not rely on vision to navigate by

  2 how early mammals avoided dying out

  3 why bats hunt in the dark

学习啦在线学习网  4 how a particular discovery has helped our understanding of bats

  5 early military uses of echolocation

  Questions 6-9

  Complete the summary below.

学习啦在线学习网  Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

学习啦在线学习网  Write your answers in boxes 6-9 on your answer sheet.

学习啦在线学习网  Facial Vision

学习啦在线学习网  Blind people report that so-called ‘facial vision’ is comparable to the sensation of touch on the face. In fact, the sensation is more similar to the way in which pain from a 6……………arm or leg might be felt. The ability actually comes from perceiving 7……………through the ears. However, even before this was understood, the principle had been applied in the design of instruments which calculated the 8………………of the seabed. This was followed by a wartime application in devices for finding 9…………………………

  Questions 10-13

  Complete the sentences below.

学习啦在线学习网  Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

学习啦在线学习网  Write your answers in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.

学习啦在线学习网  10 Long before the invention of radar, …………… had resulted in a sophisticated radar-like system in bats.

  11 Radar is an inaccurate term when referring to bats because………… are not used in their navigation system.

  12 Radar and sonar are based on similar ………… .

  13 The word ‘echolocation’ was first used by someone working as a ……… .


学习啦在线学习网  You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 on the following pages.

学习啦在线学习网  Questions 14-20

  Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs, A-H.

  Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A and C-H from the list of headings below.

学习啦在线学习网  Write the correct number, i-xi, in boxes 14-20 on your answer sheet.

学习啦在线学习网  List of Headings

学习啦在线学习网  i Scientists’ call for a revision of policy

  ii An explanation for reduced water use

  iii How a global challenge was met

  iv Irrigation systems fall into disuse

  v Environmental effects

学习啦在线学习网  vi The financial cost of recent technological improvements

学习啦在线学习网  vii The relevance to health

学习啦在线学习网  viii Addressing the concern over increasing populations

学习啦在线学习网  ix A surprising downward trend in demand for water

学习啦在线学习网  x The need to raise standards

  xi A description of ancient water supplies

学习啦在线学习网  14 Paragraph A

学习啦在线学习网  Example Answer

  Paragraph B iii

学习啦在线学习网  15 Paragraph C

学习啦在线学习网  16 Paragraph D

学习啦在线学习网  17 paragraph E

学习啦在线学习网  18 paragraph F

学习啦在线学习网  19 paragraph G

学习啦在线学习网  20 paragraph H


学习啦在线学习网  A The history of human civilisation is entwined with the history of the ways we have learned to manipulate water resources. As towns gradually expanded, water was brought from increasingly remote sources, leading to sophisticated engineering efforts such as dams and aqueducts. At the height of the Roman Empire, nine major systems, with an innovative layout of pipes and well-built sewers, supplied the occupants of Rome with as much water per person as is provided in many parts of the industrial world today.

  B During the industrial revolution and population explosion of the 19th and 20th centuries, the demand for water rose dramatically. Unprecedented construction of tens of thousands of monumental engineering projects designed to control floods, protect clean water supplies, and provide water for irrigation and hydropower brought great benefits to hundreds of millions of people. Food production has kept pace with soaring populations mainly because of the expansion of artificial irrigation systems that make possible the growth of 40 % of the world’s food. Nearly one fifth of all the electricity generated worldwide is produced by turbines spun by the power of falling water.

学习啦在线学习网  C Yet there is a dark side to this picture: despite our progress, half of the world’s population still suffers, with water services inferior to those available to the ancient Greeks and Romans. As the United Nations report on access to water reiterated in November 2001, more than one billion people lack access to clean drinking water; some two and a half billion do not have adequate sanitation services. Preventable water-related diseases kill an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 children every day, and the latest evidence suggests that we are falling behind in efforts to solve these problems.

  D The consequences of our water policies extend beyond jeopardising human health. Tens of millions of people have been forced to move from their homes — often with little warning or compensation — to make way for the reservoirs behind dams. More than 20 % of all freshwater fish species are now threatened or endangered because dams and water withdrawals have destroyed the free-flowing river ecosystems where they thrive. Certain irrigation practices degrade soil quality and reduce agricultural productivity. Groundwater aquifers_are being pumped down faster than they are naturally replenished in parts of India, China, the USA and elsewhere. And disputes over shared water resources have led to violence and continue to raise local, national and even international tensions.

  _underground stores of water

  E At the outset of the new millennium, however, the way resource planners think about water is beginning to change. The focus is slowly shifting back to the provision of basic human and environmental needs as top priority — ensuring ‘some for all,’ instead of ‘more for some’. Some water experts are now demanding that existing infrastructure be used in smarter ways rather than building new facilities, which is increasingly considered the option of last, not first, resort. This shift in philosophy has not been universally accepted, and it comes with strong opposition from some established water organisations. Nevertheless, it may be the only way to address successfully the pressing problems of providing everyone with clean water to drink, adequate water to grow food and a life free from preventable water-related illness.

学习啦在线学习网  F Fortunately — and unexpectedly — the demand for water is not rising as rapidly as some predicted. As a result, the pressure to build new water infrastructures has diminished over the past two decades. Although population, industrial output and economic productivity have continued to soar in developed nations, the rate at which people withdraw water from aquifers, rivers and lakes has slowed. And in a few parts of the world, demand has actually fallen.

  G What explains this remarkable turn of events? Two factors: people have figured out how to use water more efficiently, and communities are rethinking their priorities for water use. Throughout the first three-quarters of the 20th century, the quantity of freshwater consumed per person doubled on average; in the USA, water withdrawals increased tenfold while the population quadrupled. But since 1980, the amount of water consumed per person has actually decreased, thanks to a range of new technologies that help to conserve water in homes and industry. In 1965, for instance, Japan used approximately 13 million gallons_of water to produce class="main">


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  H On the other hand, dams, aqueducts and other kinds of infrastructure will still have to be built, particularly in developing countries where basic human needs have not been met. But such projects must be built to higher specifications and with more accountability to local people and their environment than in the past. And even in regions where new projects seem warranted, we must find ways to meet demands with fewer resources, respecting ecological criteria and to a smaller budget.

学习啦在线学习网  Questions 21-26

学习啦在线学习网  Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?

  In boxes 21-26 on your answer sheet, write

学习啦在线学习网  YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

学习啦在线学习网  NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

学习啦在线学习网  NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

学习啦在线学习网  21 Water use per person is higher in the industrial world than it was in Ancient Rome.

学习啦在线学习网  22 Feeding increasing populations is possible due primarily to improved irrigation systems.

  23 Modern water systems imitate those of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

学习啦在线学习网  24 Industrial growth is increasing the overall demand for water.

  25 Modern technologies have led to a reduction in domestic water consumption.

学习啦在线学习网  26 In the future, governments should maintain ownership of water infrastructures.


学习啦在线学习网  You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.


  Educating Psyche by Bernie Neville is a book which looks at radical new approaches to learning, describing the effects of emotion, imagination and the unconscious on learning. One theory discussed in the book is that proposed by George Lozanov, which focuses on the power of suggestion.

  Lozanov’s instructional technique is based on the evidence that the connections made in the brain through unconscious processing (which he calls non-specific mental reactivity) are more durable than those made through conscious processing. Besides the laboratory evidence for this, we know from our experience that we often remember what we have perceived peripherally, long after we have forgotten what we set out to learn. If we think of a book we studied months or years ago, we will find it easier to recall peripheral details — the colour, the binding, the typeface, the table at the library where we sat while studying it — than the content on which we were concentrating. If we think of a lecture we listened to with great concentration, we will recall the lecturer’s appearance and mannerisms, our place in the auditorium, the failure of the air-conditioning, much more easily than the ideas we went to learn. Even if these peripheral details are a bit elusive, they come back readily in hypnosis or when we relive the event imaginatively, as in psychodrama. The details of the content of the lecture, on the other hand, seem to have gone forever.

  This phenomenon can be partly attributed to the common counterproductive approach to study (making extreme efforts to memorise, tensing muscles, inducing fatigue), but it also simply reflects the way the brain functions. Lozanov therefore made indirect instruction (suggestion) central to his teaching system. In suggestopedia, as he called his method, consciousness is shifted away from the curriculum to focus on something peripheral. The curriculum then becomes peripheral and is dealt with by the reserve capacity of the brain.

  The suggestopedic approach to foreign language learning provides a good illustration. In its most recent variant (1980), it consists of the reading of vocabulary and text while the class is listening to music. The first session is in two parts. In the first part, the music is classical (Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms) and the teacher reads the text slowly and solemnly, with attention to the dynamics of the music. The students follow the text in their books. This is followed by several minutes of silence. In the second part, they listen to baroque music (Bach, Corelli, Handel) while the teacher reads the text in a normal speaking voice. During this time they have their books closed. During the whole of this session, their attention is passive; they listen to the music but make no attempt to learn the material.

  Beforehand, the students have been carefully prepared for the language learning experience. Through meeting with the staff and satisfied students they develop the expectation that learning will be easy and pleasant and that they will successfully learn several hundred words of the foreign language during the class. In a preliminary talk, the teacher introduces them to the material to be covered, but does not ‘teach’ it. Likewise, the students are instructed not to try to learn it during this introduction.

  Some hours after the two-part session, there is a follow-up class at which the students are stimulated to recall the material presented. Once again the approach is indirect. The students do not focus their attention on trying to remember the vocabulary, but focus on using the language to communicate (e.g. through games or improvised dramatisations). Such methods are not unusual in language teaching. What is distinctive in the suggestopedic method is that they are devoted entirely to assisting recall. The ‘learning’ of the material is assumed to be automatic and effortless, accomplished while listening to music. The teacher’s task is to assist the students to apply what they have learned paraconsciously, and in doing so to make it easily accessible to consciousness. Another difference from conventional teaching is the evidence that students can regularly learn 1000 new words of a foreign language during a suggestopedic session, as well as grammar and idiom.

学习啦在线学习网  Lozanov experimented with teaching by direct suggestion during sleep, hypnosis and trance states, but found such procedures unnecessary. Hypnosis, yoga, Silva mind-control, religious ceremonies and faith healing are all associated with successful suggestion, but none of their techniques seem to be essential to it. Such rituals may be seen as placebos. Lozanov acknowledges that the ritual surrounding suggestion in his own system is also a placebo, but maintains that without such a placebo people are unable or afraid to tap the reserve capacity of their brains. Like any placebo, it must be dispensed with authority to be effective. Just as a doctor calls on the full power of autocratic suggestion by insisting that the patient take precisely this white capsule precisely three times a day before meals, Lozanov is categoric in insisting that the suggestopedic session be conducted exactly in the manner designated, by trained and accredited suggestopedic teachers.

学习啦在线学习网  While suggestopedia has gained some notoriety through success in the teaching of modern languages, few teachers are able to emulate the spectacular results of Lozanov and his associates. We can, perhaps, attribute mediocre results to an inadequate placebo effect. The students have not developed the appropriate mind set. They are often not motivated to learn through this method. They do not have enough ‘faith’. They do not see it as ‘real teaching’, especially as it does not seem to involve the ‘work’ they have learned to believe is essential to learning.

  Questions 27-30

  Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

  Write the correct letter in boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet.

  27 The book Educating Psyche is mainly concerned with

  A the power of suggestion in learning.

  B a particular technique for learning based on emotions.

学习啦在线学习网  C the effects of emotion on the imagination and the unconscious.

  D ways of learning which are not traditional.

学习啦在线学习网  28 Lozanov’s theory claims that, when we try to remember things,

  A unimportant details are the easiest to recall

学习啦在线学习网  B concentrating hard produces the best results.

  C the most significant facts are most easily recalled.

  D peripheral vision is not important.

  29 In this passage, the author uses the examples of a book and a lecture to illustrate that

学习啦在线学习网  A both of these are important for developing concentration.

学习啦在线学习网  B his theory about methods of learning is valid.

学习啦在线学习网  C reading is a better technique for learning than listening.

  D we can remember things more easily under hypnosis.

学习啦在线学习网  30 Lozanov claims that teachers should train students to

学习啦在线学习网  A memorise details of the curriculum.

学习啦在线学习网  B develop their own sets of indirect instructions.

  C think about something other than the curriculum content.

  D avoid overloading the capacity of the brain.

  Questions 31-36

  Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 37

  In boxes 31-36 on your answer sheet, write

  TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

  FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

  NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

学习啦在线学习网  31 In the example of suggestopedic teaching in the fourth paragraph, the only variable that changes is the music.

学习啦在线学习网  32 Prior to the suggestopedia class, students are made aware that the language experience will be demanding.

  33 In the follow-up class, the teaching activities are similar to those used in conventional classes.

  34 As an indirect benefit, students notice improvements in their memory.

  35 Teachers say they prefer suggestopedia to traditional approaches to language teaching.

学习啦在线学习网  36 Students in a suggestopedia class retain more new vocabulary than those in ordinary classes.

学习啦在线学习网  Questions 37-40

  Complete the summary using the list of words, A-K, below.

  Write the correct letter, A-K, in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet.

  Suggestopedia uses a less direct method of suggestion than other techniques such as hypnosis. However, Lozanov admits that a certain amount of 37..............is necessary in order to convince students, even if this is just a 38.............. . Furthermore, if the method is to succeed, teachers must follow a set procedure. Although Lozanov’s method has become quite 39.............., the results of most other teachers using this method have been 40.............. .

  A spectacular B teaching C lesson

  D authoritarian E unpopular F ritual

学习啦在线学习网  G unspectacular H placebo I involved

学习啦在线学习网  J appropriate K well known


学习啦在线学习网  TEST 1 PASSAGE 1参考译文:





  D工程师们还能想到什么呢?比如盲人,他们好像对路上的障碍有着不可思议的直觉。人们把这叫做“面感视觉”,因为据盲人说感觉到有障碍物的时候就像脸部被触摸一样。一则报道称一位完全失明的男孩能凭借面感视觉绕着附近街区快速骑三轮车实验表明面感视觉实际上与“感”和“面”没有任何关系,尽管这种感觉可能被认为源自面部正前方,正如幻肢中的牵涉性痛感一样。事实上,面感视觉是通过耳朵传输的。尽管盲人并没有意识到这一点,但实际生活中他们的确在运用自己的步伐以及其他声苦的回声来感觉路上障碍物的存在这个事实没有被发观之前,其实工程师们已经利用这条原理制造了很多设备,比如用回声来测量船底海洋的深度。在这项技术发明之后,武器制造者很快就将其改良来侦测潜水艇。二战期间,交战双方都充分运用了这些设备,代号分别是英国的Asdic和美国的Sonar以及美国的Radar或是英国的 RDF,后两者使用了雷达回声技术而非声波回声技术。

  E 当时的雷达声呐技术先驱们毫不知情,但现在所有人都明白了正是蝙蝠,或者说是自然选择在蝙蝠身上鬼斧神工,早在几百万年前就已经使这种技术达到完美境界,而蝙蝠的“雷达”在探测及导航方面取得的完美成果足以让人类工程师佩服到哑口无言。从技术角度讲,说蝙蝠有雷达功能是不准确的,因为它们并没有运用无线电波,而只是运用了声呐系统。但实际上雷达和声呐的基本原理是非常相似的,而且大多数关于蝙蝠行为细节的科学理解都是利用雷达理论完成的。美国动物学家Donald Griffin教授第一个发现蝙蝠利用声呐技术,由此,他创造出了一个新的词汇:回声定位。这个词涵盖了动物和人类所利用的雷达及声呐系统。

学习啦在线学习网  TEST 1 PASSAGE 2 参考译文:



学习啦在线学习网  B 在19世纪和20世纪工业革命及人口扩张时期,水的需求量集聚增长。此时,出现了史无前例的大型水利工程:这些数以万计的水利工程旨在防洪,保证清洁水资源的供应,提供足够的水用于农田灌溉和水力发电,这造福了上千万人。食品供应能跟上人口剧增主要是由于人工灌溉系统的增长使得世界粮食产量提高了40%。世界上五分之一的电都是通过水力推动涡轮机而产生的。

  C 当然我们也要看到事情不足的一面:虽然我们取得了进步,但世界上仍有一半的人口享受的供水服务还比不上古希腊和古罗马时期。正如联合国2001年9月在关于饮用水权利的报告中指出的那样:全世界仍然有超过10亿的人口无法获得干净的饮用水,25亿人缺乏充足的卫生设施。每天有1~2万名儿童死于与水相关的各种可预防疾病,而最新证据表明我们解决上述问题的力度还远远不够。



  F 出人意料的是,人们对水的需求量所幸并没有像某些人预测的那样剧增。因此过去20年中,建设新水利项目的压力也随之渐渐消退。尽管在发达国家,人口仍然急剧膨胀,工业和经济依然高速发展,但人们开采地下水和地表水的速度却减缓了下来。在全球某些地区,人们对水资源的需求量甚至下降了。

  G 这个显著的转变究竟该如何解决呢?我想大致有两个因素:其一,人们已经懂得如何更有效的利用水资源,社会各界也在重新思考各自用水的优先权。在20实际的前75年间,人均用水量增加了一倍。在美国,人口增长了4倍,而用水量竟然翻了10倍。但自从1980年以来,人均用水量下降了,这主要得益于一系列新技术在家庭及工业节水方面的作用。例如,字1965年,日本要用1300万加仑的水才能产出100万美元的商业价值,而截至到1989年,就算算上了通货膨胀,只用350万加仑的水就足以产出相同的商业价值了,这几乎相当于原来产出的4倍。在美国,水资源的使用已经从80年代的顶峰时期下降了20%。

学习啦在线学习网  H 另一方面,水库、引水渠以及其他水利设施还是需要休假的,特别是在发展中国家基本水资源仍不能保证供应的地区。但与过去相比,这些水利设施的建设一定要更加规范化,要对当地的人名做出更加细致的说明,同时还需要考虑环保的要求。即使既定地区水利工程建设似乎已得到保证,我们也要想办法用较少的资源满足较多需求,保护当地生态,并做到少花钱、多办事。

  TEST 1 PASSAGE 3 参考译文:


  Bernie Neville的《暗示教学法》一书,主要着眼于激进的新式学习方法,讲述了情感、想象力以及潜意识在学习过程中所起的作用。书中讨论到了由Geaorge Lozanov提出的一个理论,那就是暗示的力量。

学习啦在线学习网  Lozanov的教学技巧主要基于这样的证据:在无意识状态下(他称此为非特异性心理反应)大脑所作出的各种联系要比在有意识状态下作出的持续更长时间。除了实验室证据可以证明这一点之外,我们自身的经历也表明我们通常会记住自己所观察到的周边信息,而忘记最开始的学习目的。回想一下几个月前或是几年前学过的课本,会发现我们能够轻易地回想起一些无关紧要的细节,比如书的颜色、装订、字体或是我们当时在图书馆阅读此书时做过的桌子,而不是回想起当时我们集中精力所看的课本的内容。再试着回想一下我们曾经认真聆听过的讲座,较之应该听到的演讲主题而言,我们会更容易回想起演讲者的容貌和举止风度,我们在报告厅的位置甚至是当时坏掉的空调。及时这些周边细节是比较容易忘掉的,但在催眠状态下,或是当我们像演心理剧那样在想象中重温当时的情景时,这些周边信息就能很快的被回想起来。而另一方面,演讲内容的细节信息早就被抛到九霄云外去了。


  外语学习中的暗示教学法是这一理论的绝佳例证。这种方法最新的改良版本(1980年)是学生边听音乐边朗读单词和课文。第一节课被分成了两部分:第一部分中,教师会伴随着古典音乐(莫扎特,贝多芬,勃拉姆斯)的旋律以缓慢且庄严的语调朗读课文。学生则跟着看课文。接着是数分钟的静默。下一部分中,学生们要听的是巴洛克音乐(巴赫. 柯瑞里,亨德尔),此时教师用正常的语音语速朗读,而学生将书本合上。整节课上学生的注意力都是被动的,他们只是听音乐而并不学习课本内容。



学习啦在线学习网  Lozanov试验过在睡眠状态下、催眠状态下或精神恍惚之际给出的也接暗示的教学法,结果发现这些过程都是没有必要的。催眠术、瑜珈、西瓦心灵术、宗教议式以及精神疗法都与成功的暗示相关,但看上去好像没有哪一种技巧是在使用暗示法时必不可少的。这些仪式可能被视作安慰剂。Lozanov认为他的体系中围绕暗示所进行的仪式实际上也是安慰剂。但同时也指出如果没有这种安慰剂,人们就不能甚至惧怕使用他们大脑的储备容量。正如任何一种安慰剂一样,它也要获得权威部门的认可才能有效果。正如医生充分利用权威暗示的力量,坚持要求病人必须每天三次、餐前服用某种白色胶囊一样,Lozanov也坚决要求暗示教学法一定要按照事先指定好的方式进行,并且要由培训过的合格教师来执行。

学习啦在线学习网  尽管凭借现代语言教学中的成功案例,暗示教学法有了一定程度的名气,但几乎没有一个教师能够取得像Lozanov和他的同僚那样显著的成就。也许我们可以将这些平庸的成果归咎为安慰剂效果不足。学生还没有形成适当的思维体系,在运用这种方法学习的时候他们没有充分被激发,他们没有足够的“信念”。

学习啦在线学习网  他们认为这不是真正的教学,尤其是因为这种教学方法并没有涉及他们学会相信的学习之根本——那就是“学”。



学习啦在线学习网  Question 1


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:wildlife other than bats. . . do not rely on vision. . .

  定位原文:B段第2句: “Bats are not the only creatures to face this difficulty today”.

  解题思路: 题目问哪一段举出了除了蝙蝠之外不需要视觉导航的物种的例子,B段中说了被捕猎的昆虫、深海鱼类、鲸鱼、海豚等物种在鲜有光线或者完全黑暗的环境下是如何生活的,比较容易定位。

  Question 2


学习啦在线学习网  关键词: early mammals avoid dying out

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: A段倒数第2句: “In the time when the dinosaurs …”

  解题思路: ancestors 等同于early mammals, survive 等同于avoid dying out。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 3


  关键词: why … hunt in the dark

  定位原文: A段第5句: “Given that there is a living...”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 联系上下文,对应句说了物竞天择使蝙蝠晚上捕食,后面说了这个可能追溯到过去,那时恐龙白天捕食,使哺乳动物不得不晚上捕食

  Question 4


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:a particular discovery

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: E段倒数第2句话 “… and much of our scientific understanding of the details...”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 理解定位句意义:大多数关于蝙蝠行为细节的科学理解都是利用雷达理论完成的

学习啦在线学习网  Question 5


  关键词: early military echolocation

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: D段倒数第2句和最后1句: “After this technique had been invented....” “Both sides in the Second World War ...”

  解题思路: 第二次世界大战可以对应early一词。

  Question 6


  关键词: facial vision / pain / arm or leg

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: D段第5句 “… like the referred pain in a phantom limb”

  解题思路: 通过填空题的小标题“Facial Vision”,首先可以把此题迅速定位到文章的D段,紧接着可以在D段的第5句寻找到定位关键词referred pain。

  Question 7

学习啦在线学习网  答案:echoes/obstacles

  关键词:perceiving / ears

  定位原文: D段第6句、第7句 “The sensation of facial vision… the presence of obstacles”.

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 此题需要将两句话放在一起理解:而感视觉是通过耳朵传输的,尽管盲人并没有意识到这一点,但现实生活中他们的确在运用自己的步伐以及其他声音的回声来感觉路上障碍物的存在。perceive一词在雅思学术类阅读考试当中多次出现,是“感知;感觉;察觉”的意思,相当于原文中的sense。综上分析得出答案echoes或obstacles。

  Question 8


  关键词: before / instruments / calculated / seabed

  定位原文: D段倒数第3句: “… for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 按照解题顺序,找到介词before,接着找到instruments,并很快找到题目中关键词 calculated的同义同measure,然后就以顺利找到正确答案depth。

  Question 9

学习啦在线学习网  答案:submarines

  关键词:wartime / finding

  定位原文: D段倒数第2句:“After this technique had been invented…”

  解题思路: 看到weapons designers 可以联想到wartime, detection是探测的意思,与题目中的finding同义,由此可知答案是submarines. 这里特別提醒考生,如果不变复数是不得分的。

  Question 10

学习啦在线学习网  答案: natural selection

  关键词:radar/ resulted in/ radar-like / bats

  定位原文: E段第1句: “… or rather natural selection…”

  解题思路: 题目:早在雷达发明之前,是什么在蝙蝠身上进化出了复杂的类雷达系统呢? Sophisticated一词指“稍密的;复杂的”。根据题意, 考生需要寻找一个蝙蝠拥有精确定位本领的原因。原因连接词在这用并没有出现,但perfect一词却可以告诉我们是自然选择使然,所以正确答案是 natural selection。

  Question 11

学习啦在线学习网  答案:radio waves/echoes

  关键词: not used

  定位原文: E段第2句: “It is technically incorrect to…”

  解题思路: 题目说蝙蝠也使用雷达实际上是不正确的,因为在导航的时候它们根本没有使用____。not used是关键词,题目中以被动语态的形式出现,文章中则变成主动语态,但因为核心动词use 没有改变,所以此题很简单,正确答案是radio waves。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 12

学习啦在线学习网  答案:mathematical theories

  关键词:radar / sonar/ similar

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: E段第4句: “But the underlying mathematical theories…”

  解题思路: 题目:雷达和声呐是基于相似的____。先在E段后部找到radar和sonar两个关键词,接着找到similar,空里要填的名词应该就不远了。此处语序有所变动,但是仍然很容易找到答案mathematical theories,因为题干中要求最多用两个词填空,因此前面的underlying就不能填了。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 13


  关键词: echolocation/ first / someone

  定位原文: E段最后1句: “The American zoologist…”

  解题思路: 第一次使用声呐一词的人的职业是____。只要知道coin词有“发明;创造;杜撰”的意思,就能轻易联想到first used。而根据文章,这个词是由一个叫Donald Griffin的zoologist发明的,由此得出答案。

学习啦在线学习网  Test 1 Passage 2

  Question 14



  定位原文: A段最后1句出现了the Roman Empire

  解题思路: 本段第1句定下了段落的主要内容为古代对水资源的管理,接下来讲了城镇的发展带来大坝和引水渠的发展,最后讲述了罗马帝国鼎盛时期的水利系统。因此本段的主题是古代的供水系统。

  Question 15

  答案: vii


  定位原文: C段倒数第2句出现 sanitation, 最后一句“preventable water-related diseases kill…”

  解题思路: C段最后1句说到:每天大约1-2万名儿童死于与水相关的各种可预防性疾病,新证据表明我们解决上述问题的力度还远远不够。虽然不能够在首句就感觉到这一段是在谈健康与水供给之间的关系,但是看了下面的文字,就可感觉到作者在谈健康,特别是sanitation一词出现后,基本可以确定答案是vii 。

  Question 16

  答案: v

学习啦在线学习网  关键词:effect

  定位原文: D段从第2句开始的整个段落

  解题思路: D段是一个描述性段落。第1句话就说“我们水资源政策的后果远非仅仅危及人类健康那么简单”,承上启下,显然这一段不是讲健康了,但同时我们也更加确认C段是在讲健康方面的问题,那么个人健康讲完了,要不要讲一下地球的健康呢?于是考生在这一段找到了freshwater fish… threatened… endangered… degrade… soil quality… reduce… agricultural productivity… 等等与环境相关的同语,所以不必读到最后,考生应该已经能够看出这道题目的答案是v。

  Question 17


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:revision, policy

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: E段第1句

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: E段首句说: “At the outset of the new millennium,however,the way resource planners think about water is beginning to change”. 这句话当中的changed正好可以与revision相对应。在第三句考生还可以找到Some water experts are now demanding…,这就对上了答案中的scientists call for。在下面考生还可以找到this shift in philosophy,这一点又可以对应policy. 纵观全段,shift, shifting等表示变化的词不断出现,所以最合适的答案就是i。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 18

  答案: ix

  关键词:surprisingly downward

  定位原文: F段第1句

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: F段首句说:Fortunately — and unexpectedly — the demand for water is not rising as rapidly as some predicted. F段末句提到:And in a few parts of the world, demand has actually fallen. 合起来看,正好可以与heading当中的“令人惊奇的下降趋势”相对照,很好选择的一题。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 19

  答案: ii

  关键词:explanation, reduced

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: G段第1句

  解题思路: “What explains this remarkable turn of events?” 此句中的turn of events指的就是F段中提到的水需求量下降一事,所以答案应该选择ii。如果考生把F段和G段连起来看的话,会发现选项的逻辑连贯性。

  ix: a surprising downward trend in demand for water

  ii: an explanation for reduced water use

学习啦在线学习网  Question 20

  答案: x

学习啦在线学习网  关键词:raise, standard

  定位原文: H段第2句: “But such projects must be…”

  解题思路: H段第2句的higher specifications等于选项中的raise standards,也比较容易理解答案是x。

  Question 21


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:Ancient Rome

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: A段最后1句:“At the height of the Roman Empire…” 在罗马帝国鼎盛时期,人们修建了9 条主要水利系统,其疏水管道和污水管道均以革新的方式铺设,为城区居民提供用水。当时罗马城内居民人均用水量和现今工业社会很多地区的人均用水量相当。

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路:关键词是as much…as,这个词组与题干中的higher than相抵触,两者明显不符。所以答案为NO。

  Question 22

  答案: YES

  关键词: irrigation system 或者按照顺序原则定位在B段

  定位原文: B段倒数第2句: “Food production has kept pace with …” 食品供应能跟得上人口猛增主要是由于人工灌溉系统的增长使得世界粮食产量提高了40%

  解题思路: 题中的feeding increasing population在文中对应Food production has kept pace with soaring populations, 题中的due primarily to变成文中的mainly because of, 而题中的 improved irrigation system则成了文中的expansion of artificial irrigation systems。

  Question 23

学习啦在线学习网  答案:NOT GIVEN

  关键词:ancient Greeks and Romans

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: 在C段第1句 “…with water services inferior to those available to the ancient Greeks and Romans” 世界上有一半的人口享受的供水服务还比不上古希腊和古罗马时期

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 题干中的古希腊、古罗马终于出现了,但是周围根本没有任何语句表明现代人模仿了他们的水利系统,从上面这句话也完全无法推出这个结论,可见题目是无中生有,属于完全没有提及型的 NOT GIVEN。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 24


  关键词: industrial growth

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: F段第3句、第4句: “ Although population, industrial output… has actually fallen”. 尽管在发达国家,人口仍然急剧膨胀,工业和经济依然高速发展,但人们开采地下水和地表水的速度却减缓了下来。在全球某些地区,人们对水资源的需求量甚至下降了。

  解题思路: 题目中称工业增长使水需求量整体上升,而文中却说速度放缓,甚至需求量下降,两者显然是抵触的,所以答案是NO。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 25


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:modem technologies, domestic或者跟随24题顺序找到G段

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: G段第4句 “But since 1980…” 但自从 1980年以来,人均用水量确实是下降了,这主要得益于一系列新技术在家庭及工业节水方面的作用。

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 文中的decreased对应题目中的reduction, 都指需水量的下降。这是一道很容易辨別的YES。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 26

学习啦在线学习网  答案:NOT GIVEN

  关键词: government, water infrastructures

  定位原文: H段位于第1句的infrastructure

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 原文只是说未来还会建各种设施,但没有提到国家是否应该拥有水利设施

  Test 1 Passage 3

学习啦在线学习网  Question 27


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:Educating Psyche

  定位原文: 第1段首句:“Educating Psyche by Bemie Neville is …”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 作者开篇就揭示了本书的主要内容,是关于激进的新型教学法的。题干中的 mainly concern 等同于文中的look at; radical new两个形容词等同于D选项中的not traditional,因此可以判定正确答案是D。个别同学会被C困扰,因为貌似emotion, imagination, unconscious 这样的词在文中第一段也出现了,仔细辨别the effects of emotion, imagination and the unconscious on learning这句话,就会发现它说的是情感,想象力和潜意识对学习的影响,而不是C答案中情感对想象力及潜意识的影响,这是典型的混淆项。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 28

  答案: A

  关键词:Lozanov’s theory

  定位原文: 第2段第2句 “Besides the laboratory evidence for this…”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 这句之后作者马上举出两个例子:读书和听演讲,我们没有记住书的内容,也没记住演讲的主题,却能够较易回忆起书的颜色、装订、字体以及演讲者的容貌举止,甚至是礼堂里坏掉的空调,这些小细节与主题相比微不足道。作者所举的例子形象地说明了题干中所说的“当我们努力要记起什么的时候,我们记住的往往是些无关紧要的细节”,所以正确答案是A

学习啦在线学习网  Question 29

  答案: B


学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: 第2段

  解题思路: 考生可以将C排除,因为文章并未涉及这个选项的内容。D选项所提到的催眠在第2段根本未被提及,也可以直接排除。A和B两项中,A与文中所述内容不符,文中是用两个例子来说明白我们记忆的时候,记住的往往是无关紧要的细节,而不是用来说明书和演讲对于促进注意力集中的重要性。因此B是正确答案,文中所举的两个例子相当于论据,用来证明他关于教学方法的理论是对充分根据的。

  Question 30



  定位原文: 第3段倒数第2句 “In suggestopedia, as he called his method…”

  解题思路: 选项C中 something other than the curriculum content刚好可以和上句中的shifted away from the curriculum to focus on something peripheral相对应。即使考生根本不认识peripheral一词,也可以从shift away这个词组猜测出来重点被从curriculum上转移到别的东西上去了,然后可以推出正确答案是C

  Question 31


学习啦在线学习网  关键词: in the fourth paragraph

  定位原文: 第4段第4句到第7句 “…the teacher reads the text slowly and solemnly… in the second part … while the teacher reads the text in a normal speaking voice.”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 文中提到教学的两个阶段:音乐从第一阶段的古典音乐到了第二阶段的巴洛克式音乐,老师也从第一阶段的“用缓慢且庄严的语调朗读课文”变成了第二阶段的“用正常声调朗读课文”,这就证明改变的不仅仅是音乐,还有老师的朗读方法

  Question 32


  关键词:prior to

  定位原文: 文章第5段第2句: “through meeting with the staff…” 通过与老师以及对这种语言学习方式感到满意的学生的交流,他们形成了一种期待:那就是接下来的学习将是简单轻松的

  解题思路: 原文中的easy and pleasant与题目中的demanding互相矛盾,由此可知答案应为FALSE

  Question 33


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:follow-up

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: 第6段第4句:“Such methods are not unusual in language teaching”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 这些方式在语言教学中十分寻常。言外之意,暗示教学法跟进课程中所用的教学方法比如games或者improvised dramatisation,在普通教学中也被用到,推测一下,即为跟进课程使用了与传统课堂相似的教学方法。

  Question 34


  关键词:improvements in their memory

  定位原文: 第6段最后1句 “Another difference from conventional teaching is …” 与传统教学模式不同的是,在间接暗示方法下,学生通常可以轻易记住1000个生词以及语法点和成语。

  解题思路: 作者仅仅是说采用暗示方法的学生记往了1000个单词,这高于传统教学方法的成果。但是并没有说记住1000个单词,就代表他们的记忆能力有了所谓的提高,从文中给出的证据,我们是无法推知这个结论的。因此答案是NOT GIVEN

学习啦在线学习网  Question 35



学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: 第6段最后1句 “Another difference from conventional teaching is …”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 文中提到了suggestopedia及conventional teaching,但主要讲了两者的区别与联系,并未标明教师对两者的偏好,因此答案为NOT GIVEN.

  Question 36


学习啦在线学习网  关键词: new vocabulary

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: 第6段最后1句 “Another difference from conventional teaching is …” (与传统教学模式的另外一点不同就是在间接暗示方法下,学生通常可以轻易记住1000个生词以及语法点和成语。)

  解题思路: conventional teaching等同于题目中的ordinary class, difference 一词就暗示了暗示教学法比传统教学方法的进步,而后面强调学生在暗示方法下可以记住多达1000个新词,显然比在传统教学方法下记忆的更多。因此答案是TRUE.

  Question 37

  答案: F

  关键词:hypnosis/ however/a certain amount/convince

  定位原文: 第7段第4句: “Lozanov acknowledges that …”

  解题思路: 与其他如催眠那样的方法相比,暗示教学法使用了一种不那么直接的暗示方法。然而,Lonazov承认为了说服学生,一定量的37还是必要的,尽管37只是一种38。

  从Lozanov acknowledges向后寻找,很快找到a这个冠词,后而就是38空要填的词H placebo,返回头寻找曾经出现在词库里的名词,考生就得到了F ritual

  Question 38


  关键词:hypnosis/ however/a certain amount/convince

  定位原文: 第7段第4句: “Lozanov acknowledges that …”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 从Lozanov acknowledges向后寻找,很快找到a这个冠词,后而就是38空要填的词H placebo

  Question 39

  答案: K

  关键词:follow a set procedure/ although/most other teacher

  定位原文: 最后1段第1句: “While suggestopedia has gained…”

  解题思路: 题目中的句子翻译为:再者,如果暗示教学法要取得成功,教师就必须遵循一套教学流程。尽管Lozanov的方法已经变得很 39 ,然而大多数其他教师的使用结果都是40

学习啦在线学习网  文章中说暗示教学法gained some notoriety. notoriety是此题关键,本来此词是臭名昭著的意思,但在这里贬义褒用,取著名之意。那么K well known 显然就比spectacular更合适了,故39 题应该选K。

  Question 40

  答案: G

  关键词: follow a set procedure/ although/most other teacher

  定位原文: 最后1段第1句: “While suggestopedia has gained…”

  解题思路: 根据文章,L的方法是spectacular的。那么教师的结果应该与之相反,因此40空应该填G unspectacular。













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