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  You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

  Why pagodas don’t fall down

  In a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes, how have Japan’s tallest and seemingly flimsiest old buildings — 500 or so wooden pagodas — remained standing for centuries? Records show that only two have collapsed during the past 1400 years. Those that have disappeared were destroyed by fire as a result of lightning or civil war. The disastrous Hanshin earthquake in 1995 killed 6,400 people, toppled elevated highways, flattened office blocks and devastated the port area of Kobe. Yet it left the magnificent five-storey pagoda at the Toji temple in nearby Kyoto unscathed, though it levelled a number of buildings in the neighbourhood.

  Japanese scholars have been mystified for ages about why these tall, slender buildings are so stable. It was only thirty years ago that the building industry felt confident enough to erect office blocks of steel and reinforced concrete that had more than a dozen floors. With its special shock absorbers to dampen the effect of sudden sideways movements from an earthquake, the thirty-six-storey Kasumigaseki building in central Tokyo — Japan’s first skyscraper — was considered a masterpiece of modern engineering when it was built in 1968.

  Yet in 826, with only pegs and wedges to keep his wooden structure upright, the master builder Kobodaishi had no hesitation in sending his majestic Toji pagoda soaring fifty-five metres into the sky — nearly half as high as the Kasumigaseki skyscraper built some eleven centuries later. Clearly, Japanese carpenters of the day knew a few tricks about allowing a building to sway and settle itself rather than fight nature’s forces. But what sort of tricks?

学习啦在线学习网  The multi-storey pagoda came to Japan from China in the sixth century. As in China, they were first introduced with Buddhism and were attached to important temples. The Chinese built their pagodas in brick or stone, with inner staircases, and used them in later centuries mainly as watchtowers. When the pagoda reached Japan, however, its architecture was freely adapted to local conditions — they were built less high, typically five rather than nine storeys, made mainly of wood and the staircase was dispensed with because the Japanese pagoda did not have any practical use but became more of an art object. Because of the typhoons that batter Japan in the summer, Japanese builders learned to extend the eaves of buildings further beyond the walls. This prevents rainwater gushing down the walls. Pagodas in China and Korea have nothing like the overhang that is found on pagodas in Japan.

  The roof of a Japanese temple building can be made to overhang the sides of the structure by fifty per cent or more of the building’s overall width. For the same reason, the builders of Japanese pagodas seem to have further increased their weight by choosing to cover these extended eaves not with the porcelain tiles of many Chinese pagodas but with much heavier earthenware tiles.

学习啦在线学习网  But this does not totally explain the great resilience of Japanese pagodas. Is the answer that, like a tall pine tree, the Japanese pagoda — with its massive trunk-like central pillar known as shinbashira — simply flexes and sways during a typhoon or earthquake? For centuries, many thought so. But the answer is not so simple because the startling thing is that the shinbashira actually carries no load at all. In fact, in some pagoda designs, it does not even rest on the ground, but is suspended from the top of the pagoda — hanging loosely down through the middle of the building. The weight of the building is supported entirely by twelve outer and four inner columns.

学习啦在线学习网  And what is the role of the shinbashira, the central pillar? The best way to understand the shinbashira’s role is to watch a video made by Shuzo Ishida, a structural engineer at Kyoto Institute of Technology. Mr Ishida, known to his students as ‘Professor Pagoda’ because of his passion to understand the pagoda, has built a series of models and tested them on a ‘shake-table’ in his laboratory. In short, the shinbashira was acting like an enormous stationary pendulum. The ancient craftsmen, apparently without the assistance of very advanced mathematics, seemed to grasp the principles that were, more than a thousand years later, applied in the construction of Japan’s first skyscraper. What those early craftsmen had found by trial and error was that under pressure a pagoda’s loose stack of floors could be made to slither to and fro independent of one another. Viewed from the side, the pagoda seemed to be doing a snake dance — with each consecutive floor moving in the opposite direction to its neighbours above and below. The shinbashira, running up through a hole in the centre of the building, constrained individual stories from moving too far because, after moving a certain distance, they banged into it, transmitting energy away along the column.

学习啦在线学习网  Another strange feature of the Japanese pagoda is that, because the building tapers, with each successive floor plan being smaller than the one below, none of the vertical pillars that carry the weight of the building is connected to its corresponding pillar above. In other words, a five-storey pagoda contains not even one pillar that travels right up through the building to carry the structural loads from the top to the bottom. More surprising is the fact that the individual stories of a Japanese pagoda, unlike their counterparts elsewhere, are not actually connected to each other. They are simply stacked one on top of another like a pile of hats. Interestingly, such a design would not be permitted under current Japanese building regulations.

学习啦在线学习网  And the extra-wide eaves? Think of them as a tightrope walker’s balancing pole. The bigger the mass at each end of the pole, the easier it is for the tightrope walker to maintain his or her balance. The same holds true for a pagoda. ‘With the eaves extending out on all sides like balancing poles,’ says Mr Ishida, ‘the building responds to even the most powerful jolt of an earthquake with a graceful swaying, never an abrupt shaking.’ Here again, Japanese master builders of a thousand years ago anticipated concepts of modern structural engineering.

  Questions 1-4

  Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?

  In boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet, write

学习啦在线学习网  YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

  NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

学习啦在线学习网  NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

  1 Only two Japanese pagodas have collapsed in 1400 years.

  2 The Hanshin earthquake of 1995 destroyed the pagoda at the Toji temple.

学习啦在线学习网  3 The other buildings near the Toji pagoda had been built in the last 30 years.

  4 The builders of pagodas knew how to absorb some of the power produced by severe weather conditions.

  Questions 5-10

学习啦在线学习网  Classify the following as typical of

  A both Chinese and Japanese pagodas

  B only Chinese pagodas

  C only Japanese pagodas

学习啦在线学习网  Write the correct letter. A, B or C, in boxes 5-10 on your answer sheet.

学习啦在线学习网  5 easy interior access to top

  6 tiles on eaves

学习啦在线学习网  7 use as observation post

  8 size of eaves up to half the width of the building

  9 original religious purpose

  10 floors fitting loosely over each other

学习啦在线学习网  Questions 11-13

  Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

  Write the correct letter in boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet.

  11 In a Japanese pagoda, the shinbashira

  A bears the full weight of the building.

  B bends under pressure like a tree.

学习啦在线学习网  C connects the floors with the foundations.

  D stops the floors moving too far.

学习啦在线学习网  12 Shuzo Ishida performs experiments in order to

学习啦在线学习网  A improve skyscraper design.

学习啦在线学习网  B be able to build new pagodas.

学习啦在线学习网  C learn about the dynamics of pagodas.

  D understand ancient mathematics.

  13 The storeys of a Japanese pagoda are

  A linked only by wood.

学习啦在线学习网  B fastened only to the central pillar.

学习啦在线学习网  C fitted loosely on top of each other.

  D joined by special weights.


  You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.

学习啦在线学习网  The True Cost of Food

  A For more than forty years the cost of food has been rising. It has now reached a point where a growing number of people believe that it is far too high, and that bringing it down will be one of the great challenges of the twenty first century. That cost, however, is not in immediate cash. In the West at least, most food is now far cheaper to buy in relative terms than it was in 1960. The cost is in the collateral damage of the very methods of food production that have made the food cheaper: in the pollution of water, the enervation of soil, the destruction of wildlife, the harm to animal welfare and the threat to human health caused by modern industrial agriculture.

学习啦在线学习网  B First mechanisation, then mass use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides, then monocultures, then battery rearing of livestock, and now genetic engineering — the onward march of intensive farming has seemed unstoppable in the last half-century, as the yields of produce have soared. But the damage it has caused has been colossal. In Britain, for example, many of our best-loved farmland birds, such as the skylark, the grey partridge, the lapwing and the corn bunting, have vanished from huge stretches of countryside, as have even more wild flowers and insects. This is a direct result of the way we have produced our food in the last four decades. Thousands of miles of hedgerows, thousands of ponds, have disappeared from the landscape. The faecal filth of salmon farming has driven wild salmon from many of the sea Iochs and rivers of Scotland. Natural soil fertility is dropping in many areas because of continuous industrial fertiliser and pesticide use, while the growth of algae is increasing in lakes because of the fertiliser run-off.

  C Put it all together and it looks like a battlefield, but consumers rarely make the connection at the dinner table. That is mainly because the costs of all this damage are what economists refer to as externalities: they are outside the main transaction, which is for example producing and selling a field of wheat, and are borne directly by neither producers nor consumers. To many, the costs may not even appear to be financial at all, but merely aesthetic — a terrible shame, but nothing to do with money. And anyway they, as consumers of food, certainly aren’t paying for it, are they?

学习啦在线学习网  D But the costs to society can actually be quantified and, when added up, can amount to staggering sums. A remarkable exercise in doing this has been carried out by one of the world’s leading thinkers on the future of agriculture, Professor Jules Pretty, Director of the Centre for Environment and Society at the University of Essex. Professor Pretty and his colleagues calculated the externalities of British agriculture for one particular year. They added up the costs of repairing the damage it caused, and came up with a total figure of £2,343m. This is equivalent to £208 for every hectare of arable land and permanent pasture, almost as much again as the total government and EU spend on British farming in that year. And according to Professor Pretty, it was a conservative estimate.

  E The costs included: £120m for removal of pesticides; £16m for removal of nitrates; £55m for removal of phosphates and soil; £23m for the removal of the bug cryptosporidium from drinking water by water companies; £125m for damage to wildlife habitats, hedgerows and dry stone walls; £1,113m from emissions of gases likely to contribute to climate change; £106m from soil erosion and organic carbon losses; £169m from food poisoning; and £607m from cattle disease. Professor Pretty draws a simple but memorable conclusion from all this: our food bills are actually threefold. We are paying for our supposedly cheaper food in three separate ways: once over the counter, secondly through our taxes, which provide the enormous subsidies propping up modern intensive farming, and thirdly to clean up the mess that modern farming leaves behind.

  F So can the true cost of food be brought down? Breaking away from industrial agriculture as the solution to hunger may be very hard for some countries, but in Britain, where the immediate need to supply food is less urgent, and the costs and the damage of intensive farming have been clearly seen, it may be more feasible. The government needs to create sustainable, competitive and diverse farming and food sectors, which will contribute to a thriving and sustainable rural economy, and advance environmental, economic, health, and animal welfare goals.

  G But if industrial agriculture is to be replaced, what is a viable alternative? Professor Pretty feels that organic farming would be too big a jump in thinking and in practices for many farmers. Furthermore, the price premium would put the produce out of reach of many poorer consumers. He is recommending the immediate introduction of a ‘Greener Food Standard’, which would push the market towards more sustainable environmental practices than the current norm, while not requiring the full commitment to organic production. Such a standard would comprise agreed practices for different kinds of farming, covering agrochemical use, soil health, land management, water and energy use, food safety and animal health. It could go a long way, he says, to shifting consumers as well as farmers towards a more sustainable system of agriculture.

学习啦在线学习网  Questions 14-17

学习啦在线学习网  Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs, A-G.

  Which paragraph contains the following information?

学习啦在线学习网  Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.

学习啦在线学习网  NB You may use any letter more than once.

学习啦在线学习网  14 a cost involved in purifying domestic water

  15 the stages in the development of the farming industry

学习啦在线学习网  16 the term used to describe hidden costs

  17 one effect of chemicals on water sources

  Questions 18-21

  Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 2?

学习啦在线学习网  In boxes 18-21 on your answer sheet, write

学习啦在线学习网  YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

学习啦在线学习网  NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

学习啦在线学习网  NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

  18 Several species of wildlife in the British countryside are declining.

  19 The taste of food has deteriorated in recent years.

  20 The financial costs of environmental damage are widely recognized.

学习啦在线学习网  21 One of the costs calculated by Professor Pretty was illness caused by food.

  Questions 22-26

学习啦在线学习网  Complete the summary below.

学习啦在线学习网  Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

学习啦在线学习网  Write your answers in boxes 22-26 on your answer sheet.

  Professor Pretty concludes that our 22………are higher than most people realise, because we make three different types of payment. He feels it is realistic to suggest that Britain should reduce its reliance on 23………… .

  Although most farmers would be unable to adapt to 24…………, Professor Pretty wants the government to initiate change by establishing what he refers to as a 25…………… . He feels this would help to change the attitudes of both 26…………and………. .


  You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 on the following pages.

学习啦在线学习网  Questions 27-30

  Reading Passage 3 has six sections, A-F.

  Choose the correct heading for sections B, C, E and F from the list of headings below.

  Write the correct number, i-xi, in boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet.

  List of Headings

  i MIRTP as a future model

  ii Identifying the main transport problems

学习啦在线学习网  iii Preference for motorised vehicles

  iv Government authorities’ instructions

学习啦在线学习网  v Initial improvements in mobility and transport modes

学习啦在线学习网  vi Request for improved transport in Makete

  vii Transport improvements in the northern part of the district

  viii Improvements in the rail network

学习啦在线学习网  ix Effects of initial MIRTP measures

  x Co-operation of district officials

  xi Role of wheelbarrows and donkeys

  Example Answer

  Section A vi

学习啦在线学习网  27 Section B

学习啦在线学习网  28 Section C

  Example Answer

  Section D ix

  29 Section E

  30 Section F

学习啦在线学习网  Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project

学习啦在线学习网  Section A

学习啦在线学习网  The disappointing results of many conventional road transport projects in Africa led some experts to rethink the strategy by which rural transport problems were to be tackled at the beginning of the 1980s. A request for help in improving the availability of transport within the remote Makete District of south-western Tanzania presented the opportunity to try a new approach.

  The concept of ‘integrated rural transport’ was adopted in the task of examining the transport needs of the rural households in the district. The objective was to reduce the time and effort needed to obtain access to essential goods and services through an improved rural transport system. The underlying assumption was that the time saved would be used instead for activities that would improve the social and economic development of the communities. The Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project (MIRTP) started in 1985 with financial support from the Swiss Development Corporation and was co-ordinated with the help of theTanzanian government.

  Section B

  When the project began, Makete District was virtually totally isolated during the rainy season. The regional road was in such bad shape that access to the main towns was impossible for about three months of the year. Road traffic was extremely rare within the district, and alternative means of transport were restricted to donkeys in the north of the district. People relied primarily on the paths, which were slippery and dangerous during the rains.

学习啦在线学习网  Before solutions could be proposed, the problems had to be understood. Little was known about the transport demands of the rural households, so Phase I, between December 1985 and December 1987, focused on research. The socio-economic survey of more than 400 households in the district indicated that a household in Makete spent, on average, seven hours a day on transporting themselves and their goods, a figure which seemed extreme but which has also been obtained in surveys in other rural areas in Africa. Interesting facts regarding transport were found: 95% was on foot; 80% was within the locality; and 70% was related to the collection of water and firewood and travelling to grinding mills.

  Section C

  Having determined the main transport needs, possible solutions were identified which might reduce the time and burden. During Phase II, from January to February 1991, a number of approaches were implemented in an effort to improve mobility and access to transport.

  An improvement of the road network was considered necessary to ensure the import and export of goods to the district. These improvements were carried out using methods that were heavily dependent on labour. In addition to the improvement of roads, these methods provided training in the operation of a mechanical workshop and bus and truck services. However, the difference from the conventional approach was that this time consideration was given to local transport needs outside the road network.

学习啦在线学习网  Most goods were transported along the paths that provide short-cuts up and down the hillsides, but the paths were a real safety risk and made the journey on foot even more arduous. It made sense to improve the paths by building steps, handrails and footbridges.

学习啦在线学习网  It was uncommon to find means of transport that were more efficient than walking but less technologically advanced than motor vehicles. The use of bicycles was constrained by their high cost and the lack of available spare parts. Oxen were not used at all but donkeys were used by a few households in the northern part of the district. MIRTP focused on what would be most appropriate for the inhabitants of Makete in terms of what was available, how much they could afford and what they were willing to accept. After careful consideration, the project chose the promotion of donkeys — a donkey costs less than a bicycle — and the introduction of a locally manufacturable wheelbarrow.

  Section D

  At the end of Phase II, it was clear that the selected approaches to Makete’s transport problems had had different degrees of success. Phase III, from March 1991 to March 1993, focused on the refinement and institutionalisation of these activities.

  The road improvements and accompanying maintenance system had helped make the district centre accessible throughout the year. Essential goods from outside the district had become more readily available at the market, and prices did not fluctuate as much as they had done before.

  Paths and secondary roads were improved only at the request of communities who were willing to participate in construction and maintenance. However, the improved paths impressed the inhabitants, and requests for assistance greatly increased soon after only a few improvements had been completed.

  The efforts to improve the efficiency of the existing transport services were not very successful because most of the motorised vehicles in the district broke down and there were no resources to repair them. Even the introduction of low-cost means of transport was difficult because of the general poverty of the district. The locally manufactured wheelbarrows were still too expensive for all but a few of the households. Modifications to the original design by local carpenters cut production time and costs. Other local carpenters have been trained in the new design so that they can respond to requests. Nevertheless, a locally produced wooden wheelbarrow which costs around 5000 Tanzanian shillings (less than US) in Makete, and is about one quarter the cost of a metal wheelbarrow, is still too expensive for most people.

学习啦在线学习网  Donkeys, which were imported to the district, have become more common and contribute, in particular, to the transportation of crops and goods to market. Those who have bought donkeys are mainly from richer households but, with an increased supply through local breeding, donkeys should become more affordable. Meanwhile, local initiatives are promoting the renting out of the existing donkeys.

学习啦在线学习网  It should be noted, however, that a donkey, which at 20,000Tanzanian shillings costs less than a bicycle, is still an investment equal to an average household’s income over half a year. This clearly illustrates the need for supplementary measures if one wants to assist the rural poor.

学习啦在线学习网  Section E

学习啦在线学习网  It would have been easy to criticise the MIRTP for using in the early phases a ‘top-down’ approach, in which decisions were made by experts and officials before being handed down to communities, but it was necessary to start the process from the level of the governmental authorities of the district. It would have been difficult to respond to the requests of villagers and other rural inhabitants without the support and understanding of district authorities.

  Section F

  Today, nobody in the district argues about the importance of improved paths and inexpensive means of transport. But this is the result of dedicated work over a long period, particularly from the officers in charge of community development. They played an essential role in raising awareness and interest among the rural communities.

学习啦在线学习网  The concept of integrated rural transport is now well established in Tanzania, where a major program of rural transport is just about to start. The experiences from Makete will help in this initiative, and Makete District will act as a reference for future work.

学习啦在线学习网  Questions 31-35

  Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?

学习啦在线学习网  In boxes 31-35 on your answer sheet, write

  YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

学习啦在线学习网  NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

  NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

学习啦在线学习网  31 MIRTP was divided into five phases.

  32 Prior to the start of MIRTP the Makete district was almost inaccessible during the rainy season.

学习啦在线学习网  33 Phase I of MIRTP consisted of a survey of household expenditure on transport.

学习啦在线学习网  34 The survey concluded that one-fifty or 20% of the household transport requirement as outside the local area.

学习啦在线学习网  35 MIRTP hoped to improve the movement of goods from Makete district to the country’s capital.

  Questions 36-39

学习啦在线学习网  Complete each sentence with the correct ending. A-J, below.

学习啦在线学习网  Write the correct letter, A-J, in boxes 36-39 on your answer sheet.

学习啦在线学习网  36 Construction of footbridges, steps and handrails

学习啦在线学习网  37 Frequent breakdown of buses and trucks in Makete

学习啦在线学习网  38 The improvement of secondary roads and paths

学习啦在线学习网  39 The isolation of Makete for part of the year

  A provided the people of Makete with experience in running bus and truck services.

学习啦在线学习网  B was especially successful in the northern part of the district.

  C differed from earlier phases in that the community became less actively involved.

  D improved paths used for transport up and down hillsides.

  E was no longer a problem once the roads had been improved.

学习啦在线学习网  F cost less than locally made wheelbarrows.

  G was done only at the request of local people who were willing to lend a hand.

  H was at first considered by MIRTP to be affordable for the people of the district.

  I hindered attempts to make the existing transport services more efficient.

学习啦在线学习网  J was thought to be the most important objective of Phase III.

  Question 40

学习啦在线学习网  Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

学习啦在线学习网  Write the correct letter in box 40 on your answer sheet.

学习啦在线学习网  Which of the following phrases best describes the main aim of Reading Passage 3?

学习啦在线学习网  A to suggest that projects such as MIRTP are needed in other countries

  B to describe how MIRTP was implemented and how successful it was

学习啦在线学习网  C to examine how MIRTP promoted the use of donkeys

  D to warn that projects such as MIRTP are likely to have serious problems


  TEST 2 PASSAGE 2 参考译文:


  A 40多年来食品价格一直呈上涨趋势。现在已经涨到了越来越多的人都认为太高的程度,很多人认为21 世纪面临的巨大挑战之一就是降低食品价格。然而,这代价不并非立即付现的。毕竟,相对于1960年而言,至少在西方国家,现在大多数食品按相对价值计算反而是便宜多了,这代价恰恰是使食品变便宜的生产方式本身所造成的间接伤害。这伤害包括现代工业化农业所造成的水资源污染,土壤贫瘠,野生动植物破坏,对动物权益的损害以及对人类健康的威胁。


学习啦在线学习网  C上面所述种.种使我们的土地看上去就像满目疮痍的战场,但消费者在餐桌上的时候却很少联想到这些。这主要因为这些代价是经济学家们所说的“外部经济效应”,它们不在如生产或出售一块地里的小麦那样的主要交易过程之中,而且它们也不是由生产者和消费者直接来承担的。对很多人来说,这代价甚至根本不属于经济范畴,仅仅与审美相关,很遗憾和金钱没有任何关系。而且不管怎样,作为食品消费者,他们当然不必为这代价自掏腰包,不是吗?

  D但这代价对社会的影响却是可以量化的,累积能高到吓人的地步。一项引人注目的将代价量化的活动已经完成。埃塞克斯大学社会与环境研究中心的主任Jules Pretty教授负责了该活动,他是位关注农业未来的领军思想家。Pretty教授和他的同事计算了某一年中英国农业外部经济效应的价值。他们综合了修复损坏所需的费用,得出的总数造二十三亿四千三百万英镑,具体到每公顷耕地和永久性牧场则为二百零八英镑,几乎和当年英国政府及欧盟在英国农业上的投人相当,据Pretty教授说这还是保守估计。



学习啦在线学习网  G但如果工业化农业将被取代,可行的替代办法又是什么呢?Pretty教授感觉对于许多农民来说,有机农业在思想上和实践上都是一个很大的跨越。并且,有机产品的高价格使得许多比较贫困的消费者无力购买。他推荐尽快引入“绿色食品标准”,这会促使市场朝着比现行标准更环保的方向发展,而又不必全部投入有机农业生产。 “绿色食品标准”将涵盖不同农业经贸上的共认做法,包括农用化学品的使用、土壤质量、土地经营管理模式、水资源及能源利用、食品安全以及动物健康等。Pretty教授认为,这一标准将对消费者和农场主从传统的农业转向可持续发展农业大有裨益。

  TEST 2 PASSAGE 3 参考译文:

学习啦在线学习网  马科特乡村一体化交通项目

  Section A



  Section B



  Section C



学习啦在线学习网  大多数物资是通过小路运输的,这些小路为上下山提供了捷径,但却需要冒着很大的生命危险,要是步行就更艰难了。所以,通过修建台阶、扶手和人行桥等来改善路况是有意义的。


学习啦在线学习网  Section D





学习啦在线学习网  引进的驴子反倒变得越来越受欢迎,在将农作物和物资运往市场方面大显身手。买驴的主要是当地稍微富裕一些的家庭,不过通过本地繁殖,驴的供应会有所增加,价钱也会更便宜。与此同时,当地正推广现有驴子的出租业务。

学习啦在线学习网  然而需要注意的是,一头驴要花费20,000坦桑尼亚先令,虽然比自行车便宜,但这笔投资仍相当于一个当地家庭半年多的收人。这很清楚地表明,要帮助贫困的乡村地区,还需要其他的辅助措施。

  Section E


学习啦在线学习网  Section F

学习啦在线学习网  现在,当地没有人再争论改善道路状况及推广廉价交通工具的重要性了。这是长期倾力工作的结果,尤其是负责当地社区发展的政府官员的努力。他们在提高内地居民意识、调动他们积极性的过程中发挥了重要作用。



  Test 2 Passage 1

  Question 1


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:1400 years

  定位原文: 第1段第2句:“Records show that only two have collapsed during the last 1400 years.” 有记录显示,在过去1400年间,只有两座倒塌了。

  解题思路: 使用1400 years定位到第一段第二句,该句明确表明1400年间只有两座日本宝塔倒塌

学习啦在线学习网  Question 2


  关键词:1995, Toji temple

  定位原文: 第1段最后1句: “Yet it led the magnificent five-storey pagoda ...” 尽管大地震将京部附近东寺周围的大量建筑夷为平地,可寺里宏伟的五层宝塔却完好无损。

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 本题的考点在于要将原文中的leave...unscathed同题干中的destroy对立起来。unscathed指“没有负伤的,未受损伤的”,这样就与题干中的destroy(毁坏)相抵触。

  Question 3


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:30 years

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: 第2段第2句: “It was only thirty years ago that…” 仅仅在 30 年前,建筑界的从业者们才有足够信心建造髙于十二层的钢筋混凝土办公大楼。

  解题思路: 这句话与此题的唯一联系就是这个thirty years,抛开这一点,两者简直是牛头不对马嘴。即使读完全段,也未见题干中所表达的意思,而且the other buildings near the Toji pagoda的勉强对等成分也出现在第一段a number of buildings in the neighbourhood。一道题目的主要成分零散在文中数段,这就是典型的形散神必散型的NOT GIVEN。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 4

  答案: YES

学习啦在线学习网  关键词: builders, weather

  定位原文: 第3段倒数第2句:“Clearly, Japanese carpenters of the day knew ...” 显而易见,当时的日本木匠懂得一些窍门让建筑物可以顺风摇摆,不与自然力量对抗,而是顺应自然,从而稳稳矗立。

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 题干中的absorb本指“吸收”,所谓吸收极端天气的能量,其实就是为了避免极端天气如地震等的破坏。文中提到 allow a building to sway and settle itself rather than fight nature's force, nature's force 其实就是题干中的the power produced by severe weather conditions, absorb对应rather than fight,不抵抗自然之力,而是顺其自然,通过摇摆而稳稳站立住了。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 5

  答案: B

学习啦在线学习网  关键词:interior access to top

  定位原文: 第4段第3、4句:“The Chinese built their pagodas.... When the pagoda reached Japan...the staircase was dispensed with...” 中国人用砖石造塔,内设楼梯……当宝塔到达日本,日本人加以改进,楼梯被弃用了……

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 很明显,只有中国的塔有楼梯,也就能方便地到达顶层;日本宝塔没有楼梯,谈何容易到达顶层呢? staircase楼梯,引申一下,就是中国宝塔的特点就是人们很容易就能登上塔顶。所以答案为B。

  Question 6

  答案: A

  关键词:tiles on eaves

  定位原文: 用 tile 一词定位到第5段第2句:“For the same reason, the builders of Japanese ...” 出于同样的原因,日本宝塔的建造者们通过采用较重的陶瓦来覆盖这些延伸的屋檐从而大大增加自身的重量,而不像许多中国宝塔那样采用瓷瓦。

  解题思路: 这句话表明不管是日本塔还是中国塔,屋檐上当然都盖着瓦,只是所用的瓦材质不同而已。所以答案是A。

  Question 7


学习啦在线学习网  关键词: observation post

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: 第4段第3、4句:“The Chinese...used them in later centuries mainly as watchtowers. When the pagoda reached Japan, ...the staircase was dispensed...” 中国人……后来这些宝塔就主要用作守望塔。然而当这些宝塔传入日本时,……日本宝塔没有什么实用性,更多是当作艺术品,所以没有楼梯。

  解题思路: 中国人将塔用作守望塔,watchtower就等同于observation post,而日本人仅仅将塔作为艺术品来看待,并无实际用途,当然不会当守望塔用。答案当然是B

  Question 8


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:eave,half the width of the building

  定位原文:第5段第1句: “The roof of a Japanese temple building can be made to…”

  解题思路: 联系上一段最后一句:Pagodas in China and Korea have nothing like the overhang that is found on pagodas in Japan. 两句综合在一起,表明只有日本宝塔有悬空的屋檐,而且日本寺庙建筑的屋檐悬于建筑物的侧面之外部分的宽度可以达到建筑物总宽的一半或更多。因此屋檐宽度超过建筑物宽度一半的当然只有日本宝塔了。

  Question 9


  关键词: religious

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: 第4段第2句:“As in China, they were first introduced with Buddhism…” 像在中国一样,它们最初是随着佛教而被引进的……

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: Buddhism佛教,对应题干的 religious as in China中的as表示“正如”,证明日本塔和中国塔都有宗教功能。所以答案是A。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 10

  答案: C

  关键词: floors, loosely over each other

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: 第8段倒数第3句 “More surprising is fact that …” 更令人惊讶的是日本宝塔的每一个单独楼层间实际上都不相连,这一点不同于其他任何地方的同类建筑。它们就像一摞帽子一样只是被一层一层地叠加起来。

  解题思路: unlike their counterparts再次强调这是日本塔所特有的,stack对应fitting,帽子的比喻表明楼层之间是松散地建造在一起的,所以答案为C。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 11

  答案: D

学习啦在线学习网  关键词:shinbashira

  定位原文: 第7段最后1句:The shinbashira, ...constrained individual storeys from moving too far...

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 第6段第4句:...the shinbashira actually carries no load at all. 这句话直接否定了答案A。第5句:In fact, ...it does not even rest on the ground...(甚至不碰触地面),既然不碰触地面,也就无法连接楼层和地基了。答案C不可能。like a tall pine tree出现在第6段第2句,但是很快被作者用but the answer is not so simple给否定掉了,再说B 答案又是对这一句话的添油加醋,所以也不可能是答案。这样,即使只用排除法,也可以确定答案是D。

  Question 12

  答案: C

  关键词:Shuzo Ishida

  定位原文: 第7段第3句: “…his passion to understand the pagoda,has built a series of...”

  解题思路: 根据文章对shinbashira描述,知道人们一直认为其承担了宝塔的重量,也就是C所指的力学,教授做实验也是为了验证这一说法,这就对应了选项C。

  Question 13



学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: 第8段第3、4句: “More surprising is fact that the individual storeys…” 更令人惊讶的是日本宝塔的每一个单独楼层间实际上都不相连,这一点不同于其他任何地方的同类建筑。它们就像一摞帽子一样只是被一层一层地叠加起来。

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 题目:日本宝塔的各个楼层是

  A仅用木头连接的。 C松松地彼此堆叠在一起。

学习啦在线学习网  B仅仅固定在中柱上。 D由特殊的重物相连。


学习啦在线学习网  Test 2 Passage 2

学习啦在线学习网  Question 14


  关键词:cost/ purifying domestic water

  定位原文: E段第1句: “£23m for the removal of the bug…”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 解这道题的窍门是首先在题干上发现cost一词,可以推测出这一段一定会大谈金钱。这样只要到文中寻找钱的符号集中出现的段落就可以了,很容易就找到了E段,接着找到对应语句,选出答案。

  Question 15


  关键词:stages/farming industry

  定位原文: B段第一句: “First mechanisation...”

  解题思路: 此题解题窍门是要了解题干中的stages在文中的体现。这个信息表明该段会讲工业化农业的发展阶段。复数表明不止一个阶段,既然是发展那么就会有时间标志词出现。当考生扫读完A段到达B段的时候,就会发现first一词,接着会发现then,第二个then,第三个then,最后找到now。尽管stage一词并没有出现,但是mechanisation, mass use of chemical fertilisers, monocultures, battery rearing of livestock和genetic engineering都是农业发展的具体体现,考生不难看出这个题对应的是B段。

  Question 16


  关键词:term/hidden costs

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: C段第2句、第3句: “externalities... outside the main transaction... To many, the costs may not even...”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: C段提到:the costs of all this damage are what economists refer to as externalities,由此可分析出这个术语便指的是externalities (外部经济效应),作者紧接着在后面解释了这些代价被称为外部经济效应的原因,即它们不在主要交易过程之中,如生产或是出售一块地里的小麦,同时它们也不是由生产者和消费者直接来承担的。hidden一词在文中没有出现,但是从上面的文字中不难看出来,那些代价或损不是人们所能直接看到的,是隐蔽的。所以答案是C段。

  Question 17


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:effect/chemicals water sources

  定位原文: B段最后一句“...the growth of algae is increasing in lakes…”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 在B段第二句会发现but the damage it has caused,了解到文章开始讲工业化农业的影响了,damage与effect含义等同,接着找下去,在B段倒数第一行找到: the growth of algae is increasing in lakes because of the fertiliser run-off. fertiliser run-off指的是化肥的渗出(化肥当中所含的各种化学元素,在流入河川之后,会造成水中藻类的大量增生),lakes对应水源,故答案是B段。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 18


  关键词:British countryside

  定位原文: B 段第三句:“In Britain, for example…” 例如,在英国,许多深受人们喜爱的农田鸟类,比如云雀、灰山鹑、麦鸡和黍鹀,还有更多的野花和昆虫,都已经从乡村大片的土地上消失了。

  解题思路: 先利用Britain将此题定位到文章B段,接着找到上面这句话,考生可以了解有一些鸟类、 野花和昆虫都已经消失了,不同的几个物种都在面临着消失的尴尬境地。由此可以推知,英国乡下野生物种的数量的确是在下降。vanish虽然不能够和declining直接等同,但是两者所表达的本意都是相同的,都是指物种的减少,故此题答案应该选YES。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 19

学习啦在线学习网  答案:NOT GIVEN


学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: B段后半段

  解题思路: 没有发现哪句话提到食物味道变糟糕,甚至连food一词都没有看到,因此已经可以判断这是个完全没有被提及的NOT GIVEN题。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 20

  答案: NO

  关键词:financial costs

  定位原文: C段首句:“Put it all together and it looks like…”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 由以上C段中的内容可知,虽然我们的土地已经被工业化农业破坏得像个战场般满目疮痍,但消费者在吃饭的时候却很少能联想到这些,更别说将这些破坏用金钱来衡量了。由此可推知,人们还没有广泛地认识到环境破坏所带来的经济代价。文中的rarely和To many...not...与题干中的widely相互矛盾。由此可知答案是NO。

  Question 21

  答案: YES

  关键词:Professor Pretty, illness

  定位原文: E段相对应数字处:“ ...£169m from food poisoning;...”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: food poisoning指食物中毒,在用Professor Pretty的名字定位到E段之后,考生会发现这一段在列举农业的隐形开销,只要找到illness caused by food的对应成分food poisoning就可以了。Pretty教授的确计算了因食物引起的疾病就医的花销。

  Question 22

  答案:food bills/costs

学习啦在线学习网  关键词:Professor/Pretty/concludes/higher

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: E段倒数第2句: “Professor Pretty draws a simple but...”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 根据空前的our确定空中要填名词,后面的形容词是higher。higher可以对应文中的threefold(三倍);because we make three different types of payment 也可以和threefold相对应。注意不要填成单数。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 23

  答案:(modern) intensive farming

  关键词:Britain/reduce its reliance on

  定位原文: F 段第2句: “Breaking away from industrial agriculture …”

  解题思路: 空前有介词on,证明空中要填名词。原文中作者说对于一些国家来说,摆脱工业化农业生产方式的同时也解决饥饿问题是件很困难的事情,但在英国,对粮食的需求并非如此紧迫,并且现代化的密集型农业所耗费的成本和造成的损失清晰可见,放弃现代化农业是可行的。言外之意就是说英国现在太依赖intensive farming了,而要放弃intensive farming是可行的。所以空中应该填写:intensive farming。

  Question 24

  答案: organic farming


  定位原文: G 段第2、3、4句: “Professor Pretty feels that... Furthermore…He is recommending …”

  解题思路: 原文中的 organic farming would be too big a jump in thinking and in practices for many farmers意为“对于许多农民来说,有机农业在思想上和实践上都是一个很大的跨越”,言外之意就是说许多农民都很难适应有机农业,在意思上与24空所在的半句相对应,所以24空应该填organic farming。

  Question 25

  答案:Greener Food Standard

学习啦在线学习网  关键词:farmers/Pretty/government/change/a

  定位原文: G 段第2、3、4句: “Professor Pretty feels that... Furthermore…He is recommending …”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 25空只需要向下寻找,找到教授的名字,再找到不定冠词a,很快就能找到正确答案Greener Food Standard,即他希望政府能马上制定“绿色食品标准”

  Question 26

  答案:farmers, consumers

学习啦在线学习网  关键词: both...and...

  定位原文: G段最后1句: “It could go a long way...”

  解题思路: 教授觉得上述计划会帮助改变26...和...的态度。分析题目的结构可知,这里要填并列关系的两个名词。文中句子里的shift可以与题目中的change相对应,文中as well as连接的便是两个并列成分,符合题目的结构,由此可知答案是farmers和consumers。也可以颠倒顺序填写。

  Test 2 Passage 3

学习啦在线学习网  Question 27

  答案: ii

学习啦在线学习网  关键词:main transport problems

  定位原文: Section B第2小段第1句: “ Before solutions could be proposed…”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 此篇文章每个Section由多个段落组成,因此要读过每个小段才能最终确认整个Section的大意。Section B的第一小段基本就在描述马科特地区糟糕的交通状况,纯属描述,考生应该快速略过,直奔第二小段。这一小段首句就提到:Before solutions could be proposed, the problems had to be understood. 这里problems第一次原词重现,正好与选项ii中的problems对应。再稍微向下看看,就能找到项目的第一阶段主要集中于调研,并且做了一个涉及400 多家当地住户的调査,后面就是该调査得出的数据。综合这两小段,显然,本部分讲的就是确定该地区的问题,也就是选项ii。

  Question 28

  答案: v

  关键词:initial improvements

  定位原文: Section C 第1小段最后1句: “...a number of approaches were implemented in …”

  第2小段第1句:“An improvement of the road network...”

  第3小段最后1句:“It made sense to improve the paths by...”

  第4小段最后1句: “After careful consideration…”

  解题思路: 第一小段主要讲项目第二阶段的目标;第二小段提到改善路网,提供培训;第三小段提到给当地人常走的小路修台阶、扶手和人行桥;第四小段提到使用独轮车和驴这两种交通工具。总结四段内容,不难发现,后三小段是交通改善的具体体现,也就不难得出答案为选项v。有的考生可能会被viii或xi迷惑,但是与v相比,这两个选项都太具体了,只是其中的一个方面,不够全面。作为整个Section的大意,应该是高度概括全面的。

  Question 29


  关键词:district officials

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: Section E最后1句: “...without the support and understanding of…”

  解题思路: Section E本身只有两句话,而且都集中在政府的作用上。段末提出要是没有当地政府的支持和理解,就很难满足当地村民们的需求,充分肯定了当地官员的作用,而所有的headings中只有x项在讲述district officials(地区官员),所以它就是正确答案。有的考生可能会被iv所迷惑,因为它谈到了政府官方的建议,貌似可以和E段的第一句相对应,虽然本段出现了 government authorities,但重点是解释为什么在项目初期采取了政府下令民间执行的方式,而并未涉及到政府官员的instructions(建议),故排除。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 30


  关键词: future model

  定位原文: Section F第2段最后1句:“...and Makete District will act as a …”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 对解题原则熟悉的考生,在符到选项i的future时,已经可以把它大胆地归给文章的最后一段了,因为带有future一词的选项的任务往往就是给文章收尾。但是如果考生觉得这样猜测风险太大,那么就可以通读到Section F的最后一句,找到future model的对应词reference,再在 reference后看到future work,也可以选出正确选项i。

  Question 31


学习啦在线学习网  关键词: five

  定位原文: 全文结构

  解题思路: 从Section E开始赞美当地官员、 Section F开始歌颂这个项目的重要性和对将来的影响,就应该能够推测出来整个项目只有三个阶段了。答案当然是NO。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 32


  关键词:prior to the start, rainy season

  定位原文: Section B第1小段第1句: “When the project began…”

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 原句中的 began 对应题干中的 start, virtually totally isolated 对应 almost inaccessible。inaccessible指“无法达到的,不可进入的”,正好对应isolated(与世隔绝的),此题基本做到了词语的一一对应。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 33


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:Phase I

  定位原文: Section B的第2小段第3句: “The socio-economic survey…”

  解题思路: 从这句话可以看出,调查主要是关于当地家庭花在出行上的时间,并不是题目中所说的交通开销。有的考生会说,那文章中也没有明确说调查不是关于开销的呀。在雅思阅读文章中,每当提到事物的原因、做某事的目的、或者调查研究的目的时,一般这个原因和目的都是唯一的。也就是说,如果文中说这样做的目的是A,题中说这么做的目的是B, —般就选择NO。

  Question 34

  答案: YES

学习啦在线学习网  关键词:one-fifth or 20%

  定位原文: 首先由题目中的one-fifth或者20%定位到Section B第二小段的80%

学习啦在线学习网  “80% was within the locality”.

  解题思路: locality指“地区,区域”。该句说80%的家庭出行仅限于本地,推理一下,那么剩下的20%出行是在本地之外了。做一个简单的数学运算,就能得知答案为YES。

  Question 35



学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: 按顺序原则定位到 Section C

  解题思路: Section C 第1小段最后1句: “...a number of approaches were…” 在这句话中,并没有提到首都。向下寻找,直到Section C的最后,capital一词也没有出现,这时已经完全可以肯定,这是一道无中生有、完全没有提及型的NOT GIVEN。

  Question 36


  关键词:footbridges, steps, handrails

  定位原文: Section C 第3小段:“Most goods were transported… It made sense to…” 大多数物资是通过小路运输的,这些小路为上下山提供了捷径,但却需要冒着很大的生命危险,要是步行就更艰难了。所以,就有必要通过修建台阶、扶手和人行桥等来改善路况。

学习啦在线学习网  解题思路: 找到这两句话之后,开始在选项栏中寻找对应句尾,特别要注意特殊词之间的联系,很快就能看到选项D: improved paths used for transport up and down hillsides. (改善用于上下山的小路)正好和文中原句对应。因此D就是正确答案

  Question 37


  关键词:breakdown, buses and trucks breakdown, buses and trucks

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: Section D第4小段第1句:“The efforts to improve…” 由于当地大多数机动车发生故障时没有条件修理,所以提升现有交通服务效率的努力并不是很成功。

  解题思路: 题目中的buses and trucks 对应文中的 motorised vehicles,breakdown很容易和动词词组broke down相对应。作者在这里再次进行了一次因果关系转变。I选项中的hinder(阻碍)一词是解题的关键,efficient对应文中的efficiency,该选项是原文前半句话的另一表达。答案是I。

  Question 38


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:secondary roads and paths

学习啦在线学习网  定位原文: Section D第3小段第1句: “Paths and secondary roads were …” 只有愿意参与道路建设与养护的社区提出要求时,施工方才会去帮助他们改善小路和二级公路。

  解题思路: 利用定位词:很快就能定位到Section D第3小段第1句,再利用at the request of和 willing定位到选项G: was done only at the request of local people who were willing to lend a hand, willing to lend a hand 等同于文中的 willing to participate in construction and maintenance,都指意在公路的建设和养护中出力。答案是G。

  Question 39


  关键词: isolation, part of the year

  定位原文: Section D的第2小段第1句:“The road improvements and…”

  解题思路: 理解这句话时,可以结合原文Section B一开始就提到的马科特地区在雨季就几乎与世隔绝这个事实来理解。那么该句可理解为以往到了雨季就几乎隔离的地区现在已经全年都可到达,言下之意隔离不再是个问题了,对应选项,只有E表达了这个意思。另外,原文这句话的意思并不能和题完全对应,所以,考生可以使用排除法,先去掉刚才三道题目已经选过的选项,然后把剩下的选项逐一对应到题干后面去,看看哪一句在语法和语义上都能够说得通。考生很快会发现,只有一个答案可选,那就是E选项。

学习啦在线学习网  Question 40


学习啦在线学习网  关键词:main aim

  定位原文: 全文结构

  解题思路: 首先剔除D:三个正面,一个负面,负面选项先出局,大体浏览一下文章也能看出文中并未涉及这个内容;C项过于具体,驴的使用只是计划的一部分,不够全面;然后在剩下的A、B中比较:A属于拔高型,文章只在最后提到马科特的成功可以作为以后的范例,并未直接说明其他国家需要,而且这也不是文章的主要内容;最终只有选项B概括了全文,答案为B。


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      为了帮助大家更好地备考雅思阅读,下面小编给大家分享剑桥雅思阅读4原文翻译及答案解析(test3),希望对你们有用。       剑桥雅思阅

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