学习啦在线学习网 这个世界上的纷纷扰扰争争夺夺总是会带给人挫折与绝望,如果你的眼和心都发现不了世界的美,那么你注定会活在世俗与平庸里。接下来,小编给大家准备了聪明人的小秘密英语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。
So much of life is about finding the lemonade in the bag of lemons that you are handed.
Success starts with finding serendipity. Spotting the moments of peace and beauty that brighten the otherwise stressful landscape of busy days and chaotic attempts at business mastery.
学习啦在线学习网 Ironically, these moments of tranquility are all around us. Waiting to be noticed. Waiting to inspire greatness.
学习啦在线学习网 And if you’re looking for them, you’ll find them.
It is easy (and natural) to feel broken and depressed by the stress of daily conquest. Unless you take time to marvel at what is extraordinary, you’ll find yourself buried in the mundane and ordinary.
That’s what the smartest people in the world know. How to find beauty and distraction amidst stress and complexity.
学习啦在线学习网 When the highly secretive United States National Security Agency looks at finding and hiring the world’s smartest mathematicians and scientists as code breakers, they don’t just look for genius in the areas of math and science and theoretic analysis.
学习啦在线学习网 They pursue brilliant people who are also inclined to appreciate art and those who have musical talents. What the NSA has learned from exploring and cultivating genius is that brilliance and ideation is directly tied to beauty and art and serendipity.
学习啦在线学习网 What’s the lesson? The better you are at appreciating the beauty around you, the better decisions you will make. The more options you will see. The smarter you will be.
Be smart = Stop and smell the roses.
It is true that “what doesn’t kill you can make you stronger”. But it can also leave you broken and unfit to conquer.
学习啦在线学习网 It is when you see the beauty in your situation that you are best prepared to experience breakthrough.
So perhaps the question isn’t: “What’s wrong with this situation?” Perhaps the better question is: “What’s beautiful with this bad situation?”
学习啦在线学习网 Let that beauty inspire you to be amazing. To find a way to make it out of the painful situation you are in right now.
Be smart.
Arrangements for wedding :婚礼的安排
学习啦在线学习网 Banns,Bridesmaids,Best man :结婚预告,伴娘,伴郎
Church,Cake,Cars,Confetti :教堂,结婚蛋糕,汽车,五彩碎纸
Dress :礼服
学习啦在线学习网 Etiquette :结婚礼仪
Flowers,Family Planning :鲜花,计划生育
Guests :嘉宾
学习啦在线学习网 Honeymoon,Hair and Headdress :蜜月,发型与头饰
Invitation :请帖
学习啦在线学习网 June wedding(popular time for holding weddings) :六月婚礼(六月是举行婚礼的佳期)
学习啦在线学习网 Keep cool :保持冷静的头脑
Lists :来宾名单
学习啦在线学习网 Menus,Makeup :菜单,上妆
Night :新婚之夜
Presents, Photographer,Parties :礼品,摄影师,婚庆晚会
Quality :婚礼的品位
Register office,Reception,Ring: 结婚登记处,婚礼招待会,戒指
Speeches :结婚祝词
Trousseau,Thank-you letter :嫁妆,答谢函
Usher :引宾员
Vows: 婚誓
Wedding day :举行婚礼的日子
Crossing :交叉点
You :诸位
Zest :热情洋溢
