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学习啦在线学习网  Describe aTV series

  yo like you should say:

  what the TV series are

学习啦在线学习网  who act these series

  what is the plot

学习啦在线学习网  and explain how you feel about it








  What kinds of TV programs are popular in your country?

学习啦在线学习网  Why people enjoy watching reality show?

  What's the difference between the programs that young people enjoy watching and the programs that old people enjoy watching?

  Why young people don't like watching educational orograms today?



学习啦在线学习网  年轻人喜欢看的节目和老年人喜欢看的节目有什么区别?



学习啦在线学习网  My favorite TV series isJourney to the West. It is madeaccording to a namesake Chineseclassic. It mainly describes a longourney to the Western Heaven tofetch the Buddhist Sutras. Themain characters of this TV series are a monk, named Xuanzang, and his four disciples, named Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and Yulong Santaizi. Each of the four disciples has his own special skills and they have to protect their master from various monsters and calamities throughout the journey. Afterencountering eighty-one disasters, they finally reach their destination and successfully get the Buddhist sutras. I like this TV series because it tells people that even though you may encounter a lot of difficulties in your life, you should never shrink back. Try your best to get over the difficulties and never stop pursuing your final target. Every time I meet difficulties in my life and want to give up, I will think of this TV series, and then I will put myself together and keep on moving forward.


  雅思口语题库Part2范文之:追过的电视剧(Describe a TV drama series you’ve watched)

  You should say:

  How does it look like

  Where did you see it

  When did you see it

  And how do you feel about this work



学习啦在线学习网  3.故事线:讲述的是一个来自贫困社区的男人,他靠卖毒品赚了很多钱——然后他决定要去合法的地方;他想把自己的过去留在身后,用他的夜总会真理来做一个合法的生意。

  Okay, so recently I’ve been watching “Power” – a TV series about a guy who comes from a poor neighborhood and makes a lot of money selling drugs – and then he decides that he wants to go legit; he wants to leave his past behind and make a legitimate business with his nightclub Truth. So, the series follows the problems he and his family have to face while trying to get out of the drug business and make a legal living running clubs. Obviously, it’s not as easy as it might sound – because all his old friends still try to involve him in drug trafficking, and there always seems to be some crisis or something which stops the guy from simply making a clean break and starting afresh.

  A friend of mine recommended the series; I hadn’t heard of it before, but I gave it a try. Watching a couple of episodes, and I kind of liked it. Each episode has good pacing, and the characters are interesting enough to hold your attention. The plot is also quite well written and has just enough twists and turns to keep you wondering what will happen next. Another thing I like about it is that the things that happen are credible; they’re not fantastically impossible scenarios like in some TV series – you can actually imagine how such circumstances might occur in real life and how these people would deal with them. So, the main characters are a guy called Jaimie and his wife Tasha and their two children, and Jaimie’s ex-drug partner Tommy Egan, who is still involved in the drug business. The other main character is government lawyer, Angela Valdez, who has an affair with Jaimie while the special task force she is a member of is trying to prosecute Jaimie and Tommy for drug related crimes. There are some other characters which recur throughout each episode, people who work in the club and other friends and contacts that appear repeatedly throughout the series.

学习啦在线学习网  It’s now in season four, although I haven’t watched this current season yet – I watched up until the end of season three, so I guess I’ll catch up with it when I have some more free time. I like watching the episodes all at once rather than one each week. But it’s one of the best TV series I’ve seen for a while – the fact that the time flies past while watching it is always a good sign that it’s enjoyable.


  Describe a television program that you like to watch.

学习啦在线学习网  You should say:

  what program it is

  what the program is about

学习啦在线学习网  how often you watch it

  and explain why you like watching this program.

  Over the course of my life, I have been watching a lot of television programs, ranging from scientific to reality shows. However, the TV program that I am addicted to is the Apprentice on NBC channel. The show airs for about 30 minutes, twice a week. The show is hosted by Donald Trump, one of the richest and most powerful billionaires in the world.


  There are often 10 people in each episode and all the participants are young, dynamic, enthusiastic and talented people from all walks of life. Despite of different backgrounds, they all share the same dream of becoming successful people, which is the very reason why they join this program.


  The Apprentice is regarded among one of the most popular educational TV programs. Watching this program, I can gain a deeper insight into the business world and about obstacles that people have to encounter and overcome in order to succeed.


学习啦在线学习网  This program is useful for not only business people but also young people like me. It inspires us and motivates us to advance in our career paths.

学习啦在线学习网  这个项目不仅对商人有用,对像我这样的年轻人也有用。它激励我们,激励我们在职业道路上前进。



  和作文很相似的,口语中对给定话题的回答要切入主题,否则就构成跑题。 什么是跑题?这个个问题的回答不如用具体的例子来陈述:

学习啦在线学习网  考题:Do you often listen to the music?

学习啦在线学习网  不少考生回答说: yes, I love to listen to the music.

  这个答案是我在一家被称为最专业的雅思培训机构中某个老师的课上听到的。当然这个老师的口语很好,很令人感动,语音语调都很优美,但是他指导学生的回答出了毛病。 问题是:“你经常听音乐吗?” 这个问题的重点是:“经常”。考生需要回答的是“是否经常听?”


  "I listen to the classical music four times every week and each time I listen to it for about thirty minutes. Actually, I have listened to Chopin for almost twelve years."

学习啦在线学习网  这个答案,准确地回答了”often“的问题,而且用classical music 代替了music 使得答案显得更加具体细腻。

学习啦在线学习网  雅思口语考试中的切题问题需要引起大家的关注,否则口语考试依然会因为跑题而被扣分。







相信大家都有自己喜爱的电视剧吧,那么你们知道怎么用英语说出来吗?下面小编给大家带来雅思口语part2话题范文:电视剧。 雅思口语part2范文解析:电视剧 【题目】 Descri


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