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学习啦在线学习网   拿什么拯救你 我泱泱大国的审美一条盘点中国怪异建筑的图片新闻赚取了极高的点击率,在全世界疯传。f接下来,小编给大家准备了双语文摘中国怪异建筑,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。


学习啦在线学习网   Some love it. Some hate it. Most do both or fall in between. The modern building that looks like an ancient Chinese coin in Liaoning province's capital Shenyang rises as a symbol of the scope of sentiments about the phenomenon it epitomizes-the proliferation of China's odd architecture.


学习啦在线学习网   CNN ranked it among the world's "ugliest buildings". The structure-also known as the Square and Circle Mansion-was envisioned by its Taiwan designer C.Y. Lee & Partners to convey the city's financial aspirations.


学习啦在线学习网   As click-bait slideshows of China's "weird" buildings trend globally, those living in these structures' shadows see more local, closer-up and intimate vantages. Yet their views are also scattered along the adore-to-abhor gamut, although often for different reasons than for outsiders.

学习啦在线学习网   一条盘点中国怪异建筑的图片新闻赚取了极高的点击率,在全世界疯传。那些生活在建筑物周边的当地人则是最有话语权的群体。当然,他们的观点也是褒贬不一的,不过原因和外地人有所不同。

学习啦在线学习网   Some consider these constructions time capsules-monuments to moments in China's development. The mammoth mobile phone clasped by a humungous hand in Yunnan province's capital Kunming has been a landmark not only since but also to the 1990s.

学习啦在线学习网   有人认为这些建筑如同时间胶囊,记录着中国发展的每时每刻。这座手机大楼从上世纪90年代起就是云南省会昆明市的一个地标性建筑。

学习啦在线学习网   Xingyao Cellphone City's facade is pre-touchscreen-it harks to the brick-phone era. Its 15 "buttons" are windows and the "screen" is a colossal display advertising gizmos.


  The sought-after title of the biggest teapot building in China goes to the Meitan Tea Museum in southern Guizhou province, which towers 74m as a proud symbol of the “hometown of Chinese green tea”. Coming complete with a neighbouring tea-cup building.


  It trounces the previous Guinness World Record for the Largest Teapot Monument (yes, there is such a category), which was set by the Chester Teapot, built in West Virginia in 1938 – which stands just four metres high.


  Wuliangye Yibin building, Sichuan

  宜宾五粮液酒瓶楼 四川

  It only seems appropriate that the producer of China’s most potent white spirit, baijiu, has chosen to monumentalise its liquor in the form of a gigantic bottle building. Indeed, the whole of its factory and visitor complex in Yibin, Sichuan province, is conceived as an alcoholic Alice in Wonderland theme park, with buildings in the shape of the drink packaging and avenues lined with glistening oversized bottles.

学习啦在线学习网   中国最烈性白酒的制造商选巨型酒瓶建筑来纪念它家的烈酒正合适。的确,该制造商位于四川宜宾的所有工厂和游客中心就让人感觉好像酗酒版的爱丽丝身处于梦游仙境主题公园一样,饮料包装的建筑和联接巨型酒瓶的大道。

  Piano and violin building, Huainan


学习啦在线学习网   No, it’s not Taylor Swift’s dream mansion, but an experimental building in Huainan, central Anhui province, designed by a group of architecture students at Hefei University of Technology. Conceived as a rehearsal and performance space for music students at the local college, visitors enter through the glass violin atrium, before travelling up a series of escalators into the bowels of the piano, and on to a roof terrace, shaded by the propped-open lid. Locals have allegedly dubbed it “the most Romantic building in China” – though perhaps they don’t know that it currently serves as a showroom for the city planners.


  Teapot building, Wuxi


  What shape does a tourist information centre take in an area famous for its red clay teapots? A teapot of course, made all the more spectacular by having been funded by the second richest man in China, Wang Jianlin of the Dalian Wanda group – which is eagerly buying up chunks of London. The 10-storey pot in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, has received the blessings of antique teapot master Wang Jinchuan, who praised the building’s design as “strongly reflecting clay teapot culture”. Who’d have thought it. But if you thought all this was bonkers enough, it gets better: the whole thing can rotate.





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