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学习啦在线学习网   一位伟大而又平凡的父亲,一封情真意切的信。接下来,小编给大家准备了最感人的家信双语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。


  Dear Seth,


学习啦在线学习网   You’re only three years old, and at this point in your life you can't read, much less understand what I’m going to try to tell you in this letter. But I've been thinking a lot about the life that you have ahead of you, about my life so far as I reflect on what I've learned, and about my role as a dad in trying to prepare you for the trials that you will face in the coming years.


  You won't be able to understand this letter today, but someday, when you're ready, I hope you will find some wisdom and value in what I share with you.

学习啦在线学习网   你今天并不能理解这封信的含义,但是某一天,当时机成熟,我希望你能在我与你分享的内容当中找寻到些许的智慧和价值。

学习啦在线学习网   You are young, and life has yet to take its toll on you, to throw disappointments and heartaches and loneliness and struggles and pain into your path. You have not been worn down yet by long hours of thankless work, by the slings and arrows of everyday life.


  For this, be thankful. You are at a wonderful stage of life. You have many wonderful stages of life still to come, but they are not without their costs and perils.

学习啦在线学习网   因此,谢天谢地吧。你正处在人生一个美妙的阶段。还有很多美妙的阶段会来到你面前,但是都不是唾手可得的,你都得付出代价,经历风险。

学习啦在线学习网   I hope to help you along your path by sharing some of the best of what I've learned. As with any advice, take it with a grain of salt. What works for me might not work for you.


  Life Can Be Cruel


学习啦在线学习网   There will be people in your life who won't be very nice. They'll tease you because you're different, or for no good reason. They might try to bully you or hurt you.

学习啦在线学习网   你的生活中一定会有并不友好的人。他们会嘲弄你,因为你与众不同,或根本不为任何原因。他们可能会欺负你或者伤害你。

学习啦在线学习网   There's not much you can do about these people except to learn to deal with them, and learn to choose friends who are kind to you, who actually care about you, who make you feel good about yourself. When you find friends like this, hold on to them, treasure them, spend time with them, be kind to them, love them.

学习啦在线学习网   对于这种人,你只能学会和他们打交道,同时你也要学会择友,选择那些对你友善的、那些真正关心你的、那些令你感觉良好的人做朋友。当你寻找到像这样的朋友,就一定要坚守这份友谊,珍惜他们,花些时间和他们在一起,友善地对待他们并爱他们。

  There will be times when you are met with disappointment instead of success. Life won't always turn out the way you want. This is just another thing you'll have to learn to deal with. But instead of letting these things get you down, push on. Accept disappointment and learn to persevere, to pursue your dreams despite pitfalls. Learn to turn negatives into positives, and you'll do much better in life.


学习啦在线学习网   You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love. I hope you don't have to face this too much, but it happens. Again, not much you can do but to heal, and to move on with your life. Let these pains become stepping stones to better things in life, and learn to use them to make you stronger.


学习啦在线学习网   But Be Open to life Anyway


学习啦在线学习网   Yes, you'll find cruelty and suffering in your journey through life … but don't let that close you to new things. Don't retreat from life, don't hide or wall yourself off. Be open to new things, new experiences, new people.

学习啦在线学习网   是的,在你的生命历程中你会遇到残酷、煎熬……但不要因此拒绝接受新鲜事物。不要逃避生活,不要躲藏,抑或封闭自己。拥抱新鲜事物,经历全新体验,接触新的人。

  You might get your heart broken 10 times, but find the most wonderful woman the 11th time. If you shut yourself off from love, you'll miss out on that woman, and the happiest times of your life.


  You might get teased and bullied and hurt by people you meet … and then after meeting dozens of jerks, find a true friend. If you close yourself off to new people, and don't open your heart to them, you'll avoid pain … but also lose out on meeting some incredible people, who will be there during the toughest times of your life and create some of the best times of your life.

  你可能会被你遇到的人耻笑欺负伤害……而在碰到无数这样的家伙后,你会找到一个真正的朋友。如果你拒绝接触新人群,并不向他们敞开心扉,你会避免受伤…… 但是同时也失去了认识一些很棒的人的机会,他们会在你生命最困难的时刻陪伴着你,并带给你人生当中最美好的时光。

  You will fail many times but if you allow that to stop you from trying, you will miss out on the amazing feeling of success once you reach new heights with your accomplishments. Failure is a stepping stone to success.

学习啦在线学习网   你会失败多次但是如果你让失败打到了你,不再努力,你就会错过那种当你达到成就新高度时的那种绝妙的成就感。失败是成功之母。

  Life Isn't a Competition

学习啦在线学习网   生命不是一场竞赛

  You will meet many people who will try to outdo you, in school, in college, at work. They'll try to have nicer cars, bigger houses, nicer clothes, cooler gadgets. To them, life is a competition — they have to do better than their peers to be happy.


学习啦在线学习网   Here's a secret: Life isn't a competition. It's a journey. If you spend that journey always trying to impress others, to outdo others, you’re wasting your journey. Instead, learn to enjoy the journey. Make it a journey of Happiness, of constant learning, of continual improvement, of love.


学习啦在线学习网   Don't worry about having a nicer car or house or anything material, or even a better-paying job. None of that matters a whit, and none of it will make you happier. You'll acquire these things and then only want more. Instead, learn to be satisfied with having enough — and then use the time you would have wasted trying to earn money to buy those things … use that time doing things you love.


学习啦在线学习网   Find your passion, and pursue it doggedly. Don't settle for a job that pays the bills. Life is too short to waste on a job you hate.

学习啦在线学习网   找到你的激情,坚持不懈地追求它。别让自己被一个还债的的工作所累。生命如此短暂,不可将之浪费在你所厌恶的工作上。

  Love Should Be Your Rule


  If there's a single word you should live your life by, it should be this: Love. It might sound corny, I know … but trust me, there's no better rule in life.

学习啦在线学习网   如果让一个词成为你的生活准则的话,那它应该是:爱。也许这听来已是老生常谈,我也清楚…… 但是请相信我,再没有更好的生活准则了。

  Some would live by the rule of success. Their lives will be stressful, unhappy and shallow.


  Others would live by the rule of selfishness — putting their needs above those of others. They will live lonely lives, and will also be unhappy.


  Still others will live by the rule of righteousness — trying to show the right path, and admonishing anyone who doesn't live by that path. They are concerned with others, but in a negative way, and in the end will only have their own righteousness to live with, and that's a horrible companion.


学习啦在线学习网   Live your life by the rule of love. Love your spouse, your children, your parents, your friends, with all of your heart. Give to them what they need, and show them not cruelty nor disapproval nor coldness nor disappointment, but only love. Open your soul to them.


  Love not only your loved ones, but your neighbors … your coworkers … strangers … your brothers and sisters in humanity. Offer anyone you meet a smile, a kind word, a kind gesture, a helping hand.


学习啦在线学习网   Love not only neighbors and strangers … but your enemy. The person who is cruelest to you, who has been unkind to you … love him. He is a tortured soul, and most in need of your love.

学习啦在线学习网   不仅仅爱邻居和陌生人……也要爱你的敌人。对你最残酷的人,对曾经对你不善的人……爱他。他是一个备受折磨的灵魂,最需要你的爱。

  And most of all, love yourself. While others may criticize you, learn not to be so hard on yourself, to think that you’re ugly or dumb or unworthy of love … but to think instead that you are a wonderful human being, worthy of Happiness and love … and learn to love yourself for who you are.

学习啦在线学习网   最重要的是爱你自己。当别人批评你时,学会不要对自己太苛刻,不要认为自己丑、笨或者不值得去爱……而要想着自己是一个很好的人,值得拥有幸福和真爱……并学会爱真正的自己。

学习啦在线学习网   Finally, know that I love you and always will. You are starting out on a weird, scary, daunting, but ultimately incredibly wonderful journey, and I will be there for you when I can. Godspeed.


  Love, Your Dad










一位伟大而又平凡的父亲,一封情真意切的信。接下来,小编给大家准备了最感人的家信双语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 最感人的家信双语 Dear Seth, 亲爱的塞斯, Youre only three years old, and at this point in your life you cant read, m


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