学习啦在线学习网 要考好雅思的阅读部分,肯定需要多加练习。为了方便大家备考,下面小编给大家带来雅思考试阅读材料推荐:“二手酒”的危害。
Secondhand drinking (SHD) is a term used to describe the ripple effects of a person’s alcohol misuse on families, co-workers, fellow students and society at large.
“二手酒”(secondhand drinking)指某人过度饮酒之后对家人、同事、同学以及整个社会带来的一系列影响。
For example, friends and family members are the ones who have to try keep that person safe, watch after them if they pass out, clean up after them if they puke in their car, get over their feelings of being hurt by the mean things they’d said the night before while drunk, live with the constant fighting about the drinking behaviors.
Something most of us do not fully understand is the physical and emotional consequence to the health of a family member or friend caused by repeatedly dealing with secondhand drinking (SHD). It is one thing if this is an occasional happenstance (although even that can be catastrophic – being the victim of a drunk driver, for example), but when it is ongoing – as is the case for family members or friends who live with or love an alcohol abuser or alcoholic – the emotional and physical health consequences can be significant.
学习啦在线学习网 我们很多人对于反复应对“二手酒”对家人和朋友产生的生理和心理影响并不是很了解。偶尔饮酒过度可能影响不至于很恶劣(当然,酒后驾车的影响可能是致命的),但是,如果你的家人或爱人恰巧是个嗜酒如命的人,那么由此产生的生理和心理问题就可能会很严重。
A three-eyed fish was caught in a reservoir in Argentina, reported Cadena 3, an Argentine news service。The fishing hole where the mutant fish was caught may be more of a fission hole. The reservoir, named “Chorro de Agua Caliente,” receives water from a nuclear plant in the province of Córdoba。
学习啦在线学习网 "Simpsons" fans will recall the same thing happened in Springfield. Bart caught Blinky, a three-eyed fish, in the pond fed by Monty Burn's nuclear power plant in the episode “Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish,” from the second season of the hit series。
学习啦在线学习网 Though no official examinations have been completed, the fishermen think the mutant's proximity to the nuclear plant is a little fishy。Like Burns in the "Simpsons" episode, the fishermen don't have the stomach for three-eyed fish. They plan to submit it for testing, then have it preserved。
学习啦在线学习网 A man from Connecticut, U.S. accused of attempting to rob a woman at knifepoint in an elevator at the Mohegan Sun casino says he was sleepwalking at the time, AP reported。
Winston Riley was arrested on March 18 after the woman told police he had flashed a large knife and tried to grab her purse while the two were alone in a parking garage elevator。
Riley said he was awakened by the woman when she ran away in confusion and fright, attorney Nicholas D'Amato said。
学习啦在线学习网 D'Amato said that he plans to use a medical defense for Riley based on that claim. He said he's confirmed with Riley's family that the 27-year-old has had a problem with sleepwalking since he was a child。
学习啦在线学习网 达莫托表示,他计划以这个说法为基础对赖利进行医疗辩护。
People who say 'me', 'myself' and 'I' frequently are more likely to suffer with depression and anxiety, according to new research.
Scientists at the University of Kassel, Germany, found that people who use first-person singular pronouns the most are more likely to be depressed than those who tend to use plural pronouns, such as ‘we’.
The researchers, led by Dr Johannes Zimmerman, interviewed 15 men and 103 women, most of whom were being treated for conditions such as depression and anxiety disorder.
学习啦在线学习网 The interviewers asked the participants about their past, their relationships, and their self-perception, according to Medical Daily.
学习啦在线学习网 They found that people who say 'me' and 'I' 'tend to be more depressed, and that they also have more difficulties with interpersonal behavior such as interacting in a group of people.
For example, these people were more likely to attention-seek and to be unable to spend time alone.
学习啦在线学习网 By contrast, those who use words like ‘we’ a lot were better at maintaining appropriate social boundaries in their relationships while still having a healthy social life.
Dr Zimmerman told Medical Daily: ‘Using first-person singular pronouns highlights the self as a distinct entity whereas, using first-person plural pronouns emphasize [being part of] social relationships.’
As a result, Dr Zimmerman believes that people who use the singular pronouns tend to be needier.
