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(一)特点——summary与short questions 的结合体

学习啦在线学习网从形式上来看,sentence completion其实就是“迷你”的summary。二者都属信息补充型(information gap)题目。Summary 是摘要出一个相对内容上完整的信息段落,简述凝练。题目是完整的一段陈述,没有割裂感。因此在题号上也有一定的顺序性,题目基本与文章保持平行一致。Sentence completion 则可以看成是分解断裂开的summary,即每一个sentence就是summary中的一个题号。即使sentence completion前后两题内容上是独立的,但也多是顺序性的。因两者同需考察信息检索填补information gap的能力,所以基本上答案也多是原文原词或时态和形式上的变形。

从内容上来看,sentence completion常是给出一个空(也有两到三个,但也多是相并列的成份)来让考生填补相对重要的信息问题。转化一下就可以看成是对那一个填空项的提问,且目的性很强。再者,两者通常是要用非常少的词来作为答案,而且定位了答案后,还要再思考如何凝练成题目所要求的字数限制。

学习啦在线学习网因此,sentence completion可以看成是summary 和 short questions 两者的结合,在解题思路和技巧上都可以相借鉴


1. 推测答案性质



按着找关键词的步骤——先看明显标志(时间,地点,大小写,人名,转有名词等);再看句子中是否存在逻辑关系词(因果,条件,转折,递进,对比等),有助于跟进一步判断答案性质;如果以上两点都不明显或无作用,那就重点看此句子题目的主语和宾语,因为主语和宾语是最能表现句子的限定性的,而且多是名词或名词性短语,最具有稳定性。以上本着reading for gist,记忆住划出的题目中的关键词,然后去判断题目对应内容所应出现的段落。例如,在剑4,第四套第一篇文章question7

According to Professor Yessis,American runners are relying for their current on --------.

其中,American作为明显标志的关键词,即可被带进文章去查找具体出现在文章的那个部分。回原文reading for gist 的过程中(skimming)会发现,提起American runners 主要是在第三段,那么就迅速判断大致答案出现的位置。而在题目中,“rely on”又是明显能透露出一个因果缘由的逻辑关系,所以在再次进一步缩小范围时会有很大帮助。最后根据“running on their genetics" 判定,答案是genetics.


学习啦在线学习网Yessis links an inadequate diet to -------.

学习啦在线学习网虽无上题中的明显标志,但看宾语的部分 inadequate diet 则知它应是与进食营养的方面有关系。而文中第四段就是主要讲nutrition 运动营养方面的问题,那么就能判定此处必有答案。

在Skimming for gist的时候,要留意第一句,第二句和最后一句。因为往往能表现一段主要在讲什么内容的topic sentence大多出现在这几句上。所以要多留心,好帮忙快速定位。

3. 深记“同义转换”概念

由于雅思阅读考试的目的就是检测考生是否有信息检索和同义转换的能力(paraphrase),所以在句子题目中的关键词也多是同义词近义词的替换。例如上题中(question9)inadequate diet在文中相对的就是deficiency in minerals。文章中lead to injuries. 因此答案为injuries. 所以在平时的学习和复习中就要多多积累同义近义词,不同说法的表达方式,加强词汇能力。这样在scanning过程中,才可以看准考察信息点,而不会因为英语基础的关系而漏掉或找不到答案的出处。




1. 字数要求

学习啦在线学习网2. Sentence completion 的答案字数都不会很长。审题时,务必看清题目要求填one word,还是no more than two /three/four words。然后根据题目要求去自己精炼答案。

3. 原文原词

学习啦在线学习网由于是考察文章信息检索和填补information gap的能力,基本上答案都是原文原词。若是动词,形容词副词则要留意是否依据题目语法需变形和时态。大部分多是名词和名词性的短语。

4. 顺序性

学习啦在线学习网基本与文章平行顺序。答案多是考察细节,但也不乏考察大体上的文章内容。这需要reading for gist和specific info.两者都要兼具。尤其在细节题上,了解sentence completion具有一定顺序性特点,可以辅助答案在文章locating,对解题有所帮助。

剖析sentence completion,这种题型实质看成是summary和short question的结合变形。长度比summary短,答案要比short questions要求更精准,但其在难度在于题目中的关键词与文章中原词的同义转换。因此在解这类题中,可借鉴summary和short questions的解题方法,并且还要留心sentence completion自身的注意事项。


Travellers to China worried that their view of the Great Wall will be obscured by Beijing’s pollution can rest easy with a “smog insurance” product being introduced this week.


“Smog insurance” is the latest response to choking air pollution in China and follows efforts that include closing industrial plants and do-it-yourself air filter specialists dispensing advice online.


学习啦在线学习网Panasonic, the Japanese electronics group, said last week it would offer a pollution bonus to expatriate employees working in China.


Li Keqiang, Chinese premier, declared a “war on pollution” in his annual speech to the legislature in March. Only three Chinese cities meet national air quality standards, two of which are on islands.


CTrip, an online travel agent, and Ping An, the state-owned insurance company, have teamed up to offer “smog insurance” to travellers and residents in seven cities plagued by smog. The scheme pays out when the air quality index, or AQI, exceeds set levels for two days in a row.

在线旅游代理携程(CTrip)和国有保险公司平安(Ping An)联手推出“雾霾险”,面向受到雾霾困扰的7个城市的游客和市民。该产品将在空气质量指数(AQI)连续两天超过设定水平时作出赔付。

学习啦在线学习网A week of the index being over 300, a level deemed hazardous at prolonged exposure, yields the policy holder a free lung check while those who need hospitalisation because of it would receive Rmb1,500 ($240).


If pollution exceeds the charts, as happened this winter in the northern city of Shijiazhuang for several days, policy holders can compete for a free trip to the subtropical island of Hainan to “clear their lungs”.


It is not unknown for cities in northern China to see pollution in hazardous levels for a week at a time, particularly in the winter. But Ping An is on safer ground in the springtime, when breezes and bright skies tend to keep the AQI within more comfortable limits.


学习啦在线学习网Haikou, the capital of subtropical Hainan Island, Zhoushan, on an archipelago south of Shanghai that consists of 1,390 islands and 1.1m inhabitants, and Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, were the only three to meet national standards in a survey of 74 of the largest cities, the vice minister for the environment said this month.


学习啦在线学习网The air quality index assesses the level of air pollution with a grading system from 0 to 500. The higher the value, the more polluted the air and the greater the health concern: 50 represents good air quality with little potential to affect public health and over 300 is well within the hazardous range.

学习啦在线学习网空气质量指数采用从0到500的数值来评估空气污染水平。该值越高,空气污染就越严重,健康担忧就更大: 50代表空气质量状况属于优,不致影响公众健康,而超过300就进入危险范围了。

学习啦在线学习网The air in Beijing on Thursday was rated “good” by the US embassy and “excellent” on the Chinese index.



学习啦在线学习网No matter what problem you're facing, tough times happen to the best of us. Whether it's financial trouble or just an overall bad day, finding positivity in a daunting situation is the key to overcoming it. It may be hard to look on the bright side, especially when things aren't going as expected, but everything passes in time. If you need a boost of happiness to help you through the day, be sure to remember these things:


1. Accept it.


Although it may seem challenging to accept a negative situation, it's your best bet in moving toward a resolution. You can't change what already happened; you can only focus on how to improve the circumstances now.


学习啦在线学习网2. Don't waste time dwelling on it.


学习啦在线学习网Dwelling on a problem can only make it bigger than it already is. Not only will you feel worse in the long run, but also, you'll lose valuable time when you could be working toward a solution. Don't let a bad situation get the best of you — take steps to let it go.


3. Don't compare yourself to others.


According to a quote from Steven Furtick, "The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone's highlight reel." When you're struggling through a tough situation, comparing yourself is the last thing you should be doing. You have no idea what struggles another person could be going through, so instead of comparing, you should look at the happiness within yourself.

作家史蒂文·富蒂克说过:“我们缺乏安全感,是因为我们总是拿自己不好的地方与别人的长处对比。” 当你在艰难的环境里挣扎的时候,你最不该做的事儿就是和别人比较。你根本不知道其他人正在经历什么样的挣扎,所以与其比较,不如多关注一下自己的快乐。

学习啦在线学习网4. Make a plan of action.


学习啦在线学习网The best way to overcome a negative time is to be determined to find a way out of it. If you don't like the way something is, do what you can in your power to change it. In financial situations, you can work on a budget and prioritize your costs. In a fight with a loved one, you can take some time to cool down and amend things by talking it out.


学习啦在线学习网5. Recognize positive things in your life.


学习啦在线学习网While it may feel like your world is crashing around you, this rough time does not, ultimately, define your life. From family to being healthy, it's best to recognize the positive things in your life. It definitely helps ease the pain of a negative situation.


6. Acknowledge you're not alone.


Having a support system is essential for any tough moment. Family members, significant others, and best friends are the people you should confide in when going through a distressing time. These people are the ones who know you best and can give you advice from an outside perspective. Besides, it doesn't hurt having someone you love and care for in your corner rooting you on.


7. Learn from it.


There's always something to be learned from every experience you go through, good or bad. Take some time to reflect on the situation, how you reacted, and what you can do if you ever go through it again. Collecting all this knowledge could even help you avoid the situation in the future or assist a friend who is going through something similar.


学习啦在线学习网8. Look to the future.


Now that all is said and done, it's time to start looking ahead to the future. Leave the past behind you, and begin looking to a brighter tomorrow. Change begins and ends with you, and clinging to a past event won't help alter it. Work on building a better future for yourself; it all starts with a positive mindset.




