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学习啦在线学习网关于一个叫 smith 的人,小的时候就喜欢收集石头,长大后开始研究岩石层,在采石场的工作,他有大量的机会去研究 rock and fossil,后来还提出了一套理论,

现 fossil 更能提供时间的准确信息,后来,他和另一个科学家发现动物的区系可以帮助确认化石的年代,说这些理论至今都还有用后来,有人认为植物的分科也可以用于化石和岩石的研究。

学习啦在线学习网一道词汇题 rudimentary=basic .

学习啦在线学习网托福阅读补充加试:植物defense system

1 生物学: 植物的defense system,以及科学家为证实 defense system对于 deter animal feeding on them有很大的用处。有一道题是,食草东西虽然吃他们的种子,却也帮助他们传播和繁殖。


学习啦在线学习网Take a deep breath. Taste anything? Actually, your lungs may. Because scientists have discovered that the same receptors that exist on the tongue to taste bitter substances are also found on the smooth muscle of the lungs.

Researchers were studying the receptors on smooth lung muscles that regulate contraction and relaxation of theairways. That’s when they made the discovery—which was so unexpected that the researchers themselves were skeptical.

学习啦在线学习网Finally, they became convinced that the receptors were really there, though not clustered in taste buds as they are on the tongue. The scientists then exposed human and mouse airways to various bitter compounds to gauge the effects.

Many toxic compounds are bitter, so the researchers expected the lung muscle to tense up and contract—to compel the breather to move away from whatever was bitter and perhaps toxic. But, in a second surprise, bitter compounds relaxed and opened airways better than any existing asthma drug. The study is in the journal Nature Medicine. "Bitter taste receptors on airway smooth muscle bronchodilate by localized calcium signaling and reverse obstruction".

Researchers will continue to search for the role of the receptors. Meanwhile, the work represents a surprising new lead in the search for drugs to treat asthma, emphysema or chronic bronchitis.—Cynthia Graber


学习啦在线学习网It's every traveler's nightmare. The porter brings your bags to yourroom and helpfully explains how to access CNN. He shows you how to turn on thelights and adjust the air-conditioner. Then he points to the phone and says:"If there's anything else you need, just call." All this time, you'vebeen thinking one thing: "How much should I tip this guy?" Out ofdesperation you shove a few banknotes into his hand, hoping that you're neithergiven too much or too little.


It's difficult to divine what constitutes an appropriate tip in anycountry. In Japan, if you leave a couple of coins on the table, the waiter maychase after you to return your forgotten change. In New York, on the otherhand, if you leave less than 15%, your reservation might not hold up next time.Asia, with its multiplicity of cultures and customs, is a particularlydifficult terrain. To make your next trip a little easier, here's a guide totipping across the region:


学习啦在线学习网Bangkok In general, the more Westernized the place is, the morelikely you'll be expected to leave a gratuity. Some top-end restaurants willadd a 10% service charge to the bill. If not, waiters will appreciate youtacking on the 10% yourself. However, if you're eating at a downscalerestaurant a tip is not necessary. If you're staying at one of Bangkok's manyfive-star establishments, expect to tip the porter 20 to 50 baht, depending onhow many bags you have. Taxis are now metered in Bangkok. Local custom is toround the fare up to the nearest five baht.


学习啦在线学习网Hong Kong Gratuity is customary in this money-mad metropolis. Mostrestaurants automatically add a 10% service charge to the bill, but thesurcharge often ends up in the pocket of the owner. If the service is good, addanother 10% to the bill, up to HK0 in an especially nice restaurant. ForHK hotel porters should do it at all but the nicest hotels where a new HKbill may be more acceptable. When in a taxi, round up to the nearest dollar.


Jakarta Tipping is not part of local culture, but internationalinfluences have turned some Westernized palms upward in search of a few extrarupiah. A 10% service charge is added at most high-end restaurants. Atmoderately priced restaurants, 5,000 rupiah should do it. If the service issuperb, tack on an extra 1,000 or so. At hotels, porters ask for a few hundredrupiah for each bag. While most taxi drivers will automatically round up to thenext 500 rupiah.


学习啦在线学习网Kuala Lumpur Like Indonesia, tipping in Malaysia is confined to thepricier Westernized joints, which often add a 10% service charge to your mealor hotel room. If you are at a hotel restaurant, expect a 10% service charge.But at local restaurants, there's no need to add a gratuity. At five-starhotels, one or two ringgit will suffice a porter. At lower-end establishments,don't feel compelled to tip. Like Bangkok, many taxis are now metered, so youcan just round up to the nearest ringgit.


Manila Tipping is common in Manila, and anything above 10% will gainyou undying loyalty. At restaurants, even if a service charge is included,custom dictates adding another 5%-10% to the bill. Hotel porters should berewarded with 20 pesos per bag. Most taxicabs are metered, and rounding up tothe next five pesos is a good rule of thumb.


学习啦在线学习网Seoul Tipping is not part of Korean culture, although it has becomea matter of course in international hotels where a 10% service charge is oftenadded. If you are at a Korean barbecue joint, there's no need to add anythingextra. But a sleek Italian restaurant may require a 10% contribution. If youare at a top-end hotel, international standards apply, so expect to pay500-1,000 won per bag. Taxi drivers don't expect a tip. Keep the change foryourself.


Singapore According to government mandate in the Lion City, tippingis not permitted. It's basically outlawed at Changi Airport and officialsencourage tourists not to add to the 10% service charge that many high-endhotels tack on to the bill. At restaurants, Singaporeans tend not to leavetips. Nicer restaurants do sometimes levy a 10% service charge. Hotel staff isthe one exception to the no-tipping rule. As a general guide, SSI should beadequate for baggage-lugging service. Taxi drivers don't expect gratuity, butthey won't refuse it.

新加坡根据狮城政府的规定,给小费是不允许的。在樟宜国际机场,这种行为基本上是违法的。官员们鼓励游客拒绝支付一些高级饭店附加在帐单上的 10%的服务费。在饭馆就餐时,新加坡人一般都不留小费。一些好的饭馆有时也以征税的形式收取10%的服务费。饭店员工是不收小费原则的唯一例外。一般的准则是,如有人帮你搬运行李,给一新元就够了。出租车司机是不指望拿小费的,但你要给他们,他们也不会拒绝。

学习啦在线学习网Taipei Like Japan and China, Taiwan is not a tipping society-eventhough much of the currency seems to come in coin form. Tipping is not expectedin restaurants. However, that rule is changing as American-style eateriesintroduce Western ways. Hotel staff won't be overly offended if you don't tip.Gratuity is not expected in taxicabs.




While the primary business interest is in the web content arena, Google has begun experimenting with other markets, such as radio and print publications. On 17 January 2006, Google announced the purchase of a radio advertising company "dMarc", which provides an automated system that allows companies to advertise on the radio.This will allow Google to combine two niche advertising media—the Internet and radio—with Google's ability to laser-focus on the tastes of consumers. Google has also begun an experiment in selling advertisements from its advertisers in offline newspapers and magazines, with select advertisements in the Chicago Sun-Times.They have been filling unsold space in the newspaper that would have normally been used for in-house advertisements.


Since 2001, Google has acquired several companies, mainly focusing on small start-ups.

学习啦在线学习网In 2004, Google acquired a company called Keyhole, Inc.,which developed a product called Earth Viewer, renamed in 2005 to Google Earth.

学习啦在线学习网In February 2006, software company Adaptive Path sold Measure Map, a weblog statistics application, to Google. Registration to the service has since been temporarily disabled. The last update regarding the future of Measure Map was made on 6 April 2006 and outlined many of the known issues of the service.

In late 2006, Google bought the online video site YouTube for class="main">


时间: 楚薇0 分享

学习啦在线学习网On 13 April 2007, Google reached an agreement to acquire DoubleClick. Google agreed to buy the company for .1 billion.

On 2 July 2007, Google purchased GrandCentral. Google agreed to buy the company for million.

On 9 July 2007, Google announced that it had signed a definitive agreement to acquire enterprise messaging security and compliance company Postini.

学习啦在线学习网On August 5 2009, Google announced the purchase of video software maker On2 Technologies for 6.5 million - its first acquisition of a public company.

On 24 November 2009, Google announced the purchase of Teracent, a California based start up company, for an undisclosed price. This is another acquisition on Google's behalf in a series of advertising related purchases- AdMob, Double Click.




