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学习啦在线学习网   Three Days to See(Excerpts)

学习啦在线学习网   假如给我三天光明(节选)

学习啦在线学习网   All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time tolive. Sometimes it was as long as a year, sometimes as short as 24 hours. But always we wereinterested in discovering just how the doomed hero chose to spend his last days or his lasthours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned criminals whosesphere of activities is strictly delimited.

  Such stories set us thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances. Whatevents, what experiences, what associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortalbeings, what regrets?

  Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should dietomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live eachday with gentleness, vigor and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when timestretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come.There are those, of course, who would adopt the Epicurean motto of “Eat, drink, and bemerry”. But most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death.

  In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, butalmost always his sense of values is changed. He becomes more appreciative of the meaning oflife and its permanent spiritual values. It has often been noted that those who live, or havelived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.

  Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually wepicture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all butunimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go aboutour petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.

  The same lethargy, I am afraid, characterizes the use of all our faculties and senses. Only thedeaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight.Particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life.But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest useof these blessed faculties. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sounds hazily, withoutconcentration and with little appreciation. It is the same old story of not being grateful forwhat we have until we lose it, of not being conscious of health until we are ill.

学习啦在线学习网   I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaffor a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him moreappreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.






学习啦在线学习网   然而,我们中的大多数人都把生命看成是理所当然的。我们知道有一天我们必将面对死亡,但总认为那一天还在遥远的将来。当我们身强体健之时,死亡简直不可想象,我们很少考虑到它。日子多得好像没有尽头。因此我们一味忙于琐事,几乎意识不到我们对待生活的冷漠态度。




  A Lifelong Career

  As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. Constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgment. Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty.

  Once learning stops, vegetation sets in. It is a common fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. With the world ever changing so fast, the cease from learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. What's worse, the animalistic instinct dormant deep in our subconsciousness will come to life, weakening our will to pursue our noble ideal, sapping our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character. Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization, Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.



学习啦在线学习网   一旦学习停止,单调贫乏的生活就开始了。视学校为汲取知识的唯一场所是种常见的谬误。相反地,学习应该是一种无终止的历程,从生到死。由于世界一直快速地在变动,只要学习停顿数日就将使人落后。更糟的是,蛰伏在我们潜意识深处的兽性本能就会复活,削弱我们追求高贵理想的意志,弱化我们扫除成功障碍的决心,而且扼杀我们净化我们人格的欲望。缺少学习将不可避免地导致心灵的停滞,甚至更糟地,使其僵化。因此,为了保持心理年轻,我们必须将学习当作一生的事业。


