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学习啦在线学习网Businesses are as likely as are governments to establish large bureaucracies, but bureaucracy is far more damaging to a business than it is to a government.


Contrary to the statement’s premise, my view is that businesses are less likely than government to establish large bureaucracies, because businesses know that they are more vulnerable than government to damage resulting from bureaucratic inefficiencies. My position is well supported by common sense and by observation.





学习啦在线学习网“As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.


As a saying goes, “God helps those help themselves”, which is true in most cases. But as far as the large numbers of laid-off workers caused by the technological and market changes are concerned, I believe the government and the business certainly have an unshakable responsibility to take.





"We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us.”


I believe this statement should be interpreted broadly—to mean that we are influenced by the exterior shape of buildings, as well as by the arrangement of multiple buildings and by a building’s various architectural and aesthetic elements. While I doubt that buildings determine our character or basic personality traits, I agree that they can greatly influence our attitudes, moods, and even life styles.





"As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.”


As technology and changing social needs render more and more jobs obsolete, who is responsible for helping displaced workers adjust? While individuals have primary responsibility for learning new skills and finding work, both industry and government have some obligation to provide them the means of doing so.





学习啦在线学习网Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


The Advantages of Saving Money

Everyone must work to live, but many people are fortunate enough to make more money than they immediately need. What should they do with this extra income? While it is tempting for people to spend it all on things they desire, I believe it is better to save at least a portion of the extra income for the future.

学习啦在线学习网By saving money, people give themselves more security. They cannot predict the future; perhaps one day they will be jobless. At a time like this their savings can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time. In addition, saving money allows people to build up a larger sum. They can then buy something more worthwhile than the small things they can but if they spend the money right away. For example, they may be able to buy a house with their savings. Finally, the practice of saving helps people develop the habit of setting goals and planning for their future. In this way they are bound to lead more meaningful and successful lives.

学习啦在线学习网Most people would like to enjoy their money immediately. Nobody likes to wait for the things that he wants. However, if we learn to save our money, we can gain more advantages in the future. We will lead more secure and, thus, happier lives. We will also be able to buy the things we truly want but cannot afford right now.



It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.


Both the countryside and an urban environment have many things to offer. Many important museums and cultural venues can be found in the city. There is also often good access to educational resources and a wide variety of job opportunities. However, the countryside offers a more relaxed and peaceful way of life. Communities are often close-knit and secure. Although both environments offer good opportunities for development, it is my opinion that life in the countryside is more beneficial for children.

One important advantage of raising children in the countryside is that the environment is cleaner and healthier. With fresh air to breathe, less crowded living conditions, and more chances to take part in physical exercise, children in the country are usually healthier than those in the city. Another advantage of country living is safety. There is not only less crime in the countryside, but also fewer traffic accidents. Parents do not need to worry so much when their children are playing outside. A third advantage is the stronger sense of community in the country. Children know their neighbors and learn to care about others at an early age. Finally, a country upbringing allows children to experience a more natural environment without all the distractions of entertainment places in the city. Thus, they can concentrate on their schoolwork and their families.

学习啦在线学习网Due to the great number of advantages in raising children in the country, I believe it is better for children to grow up there rather than in a city. Without all the dangers and distractions of city life, they will grow up healthier and better grounded in the moral values of their culture.



People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Why People Attend College or University?

There are many advantages to a college or university education. Students have ample opportunity to explore a variety of interests, increase both their general and specific knowledge, prepare for a chosen career and develop independence. All of these are valuable goals to achieve,but it is my belief that most students today pursue higher education insgroupsto prepare for their future careers.

In the past, only the rich and privileged had the opportunity to attend a university and their goals were very different. Coming from wealthy families, few of them would have to compete for a job after graduation, and most wished only to be considered well-educated. Today’s students are more practical. They must be able to compete in a very competitive job market; therefore, a practical education is very important. Furthermore, higher education is a big investment and so most students want to get all they can out of it. For these students, it is better to have clearly defined career and education goals rather than to try and find themselves in college. Of course, all students want to increase their knowledge, but I believe that most students today want that knowledge to be relevant to their future careers.

学习啦在线学习网The world has changed a great deal since universities were established. They are still wonderful places for acquiring broad knowledge and for personal development. However, in today’s competitive world these pursuits must be balanced with the pursuit of more specific goals. That is why I think most students view higher education as a valuable tool in career preparation.

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