学习啦 > 学习方法 > 通用学习方法 > 复习方法 > 人教版六年级英语单元总复习资料


时间: 素雯896 分享


学习啦在线学习网   六年级的同学马上紧要进入小升初考试前夕的总复习阶段了,那么同学们应该如何复习英语呢?下面是由学习啦小编整理的人教版六年级英语单元总复习资料,希望对您有用。



学习啦在线学习网   tomorrow明天 film电影 supermarket超市trip旅行 tonight在今晚 evening晚上/傍晚 next week下周 comic连环画杂志 dictionary词典

学习啦在线学习网   word单词 post card明信片 visit拜访


学习啦在线学习网   take a trip去旅行 go for a picnic去野餐 go to the cinema去看电影 learn to swim学习游泳 visit my grandparents看望我(外)祖父母 get together 聚会

  go to the supermarket去超市 go ice-skating去滑冰 make a snowman堆雪人 see a film看电影 make mooncakes做月饼 read a poem朗诵一首诗

  this weekend这周末 Renmin Park人民公园 next week下周

  this morning/afternoon/evening今天上午/下午/晚上 next Wednesday下星期三


  What about you?你呢? Here they are!它们在这儿!

学习啦在线学习网   Can I help you?我能帮助你吗? Sounds great!听起来很棒!

学习啦在线学习网   Have a good time!玩得开心! You too.你也是

学习啦在线学习网   四、公式化句型:


学习啦在线学习网   问句:What are you going to do +其它? 你/你们···打算做什么?

  next week tonight tomorrow this morning/afternoon/evening this weekend...


  I’m/We’re going to +动词(短语)原形+其它. 我/我们打算···。

  see a film take a trip visit my grandparents watch TV...


  问句:Where are you going(+将来时间)? 你/你们打算(···)去哪儿?

  答语:I’m/We’re going (to the)+地点. 我/我们打算去···。

学习啦在线学习网   3、询问对方打算何时去做某事的句型及答语:

  问句:When are you going to +动词(短语)原形? 你/你们打算什么时候···?

  答语:I’m/We’re going to +动词(短语)原形+将来时间. 我/我们打算···。


  What are you going to do on the weekend? 你周末打算做什么?

  I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend? 这个周末我打算去看望我的外祖父母。

  Where are you going this afternoon? 你今天下午打算去哪里?

  I’m going to the bookstore. 我打算去书店。

学习啦在线学习网   What are you going to buy? 你打算去买什么?

  I’m going to buy a comic book。 我打算去买一本漫画书。


  Let’sHave a Nice Day!

  Today is Saturday.Tomorrow morning I’m going to the bookstore with myfriends.We are going to look for some good books.We all like reading books.Weare going to have lunch in a restaurant.I like chicken,beef andvegetables.After lunch,we are going to the Summer Palace by bus.We are going toplay near the Kunming Lake.Maybe we are going to row a boat on the lake.Thatwill be great!We are coming back at 5 in the afternoon.