学习啦在线学习网 在学英语的过程中,很多孩子总是觉得单词难记,每次还记混。其实,这主要是因为大家没有很好的把单词进行分类。小学生刚接触英语单词时,按类记忆会轻松简单很多。想了解更多学英语单词学习方法的信息吗,和学习啦小编一起看看吧!
学习啦在线学习网 1. 激活词汇储备
Activate your vocabulary by thinking or speaking briefly about the subject you are about to work on. For example, if you are going to study English on topics that focuses on vacations, take a moment to think about your last vacation, what you did, what you enjoyed, etc.
学习啦在线学习网 2. 激活语法储备
学习啦在线学习网 Activate your grammar by thinking about the general grammar area before you begin to study. For example, if you are going to study English grammar focusing on the past, stop to think about what you did last weekend, where you went, etc. to help activate what you already understand about using the past.
3. 唱首歌吧
Before class begins, sing a song in English to yourself. Make sure to use a song that you understand and know very well. This short and fun exercise will help your brain focus on the English language in a relaxing manner.
You can type about your day, your hobbies, your friends, etc. Typing helps activate the kinetic part of your brain that helps improve learning through physical activity.Typing while you study your English grammarwill help solidify your knowledge with movement.
学习啦在线学习网 A little Grammar, Listening, Reading and Writing
学习啦在线学习网 学一点语法、听力、阅读和写作
Next, make sure to study a number of areas rather than focusing on just one topic. Study a little grammar, then do a short listening exercise, then perhaps read an article on the same topic. Don't do too much, twenty minutes on three different types of exercises is plenty!
Review Grammar as Your Watch or Read
学习啦在线学习网 Give yourself one grammar goal when reading a new article or watching a new video. For example, try to write down each example of a form you are studying such as the present perfect. Use highlighters (colored pens) with texts to highlight forms that you are studying.
Use Different Learning Methods
学习啦在线学习网 用不同的学习方法
学习啦在线学习网 Don't just use one way to study English. Use a variety of methods which will help all the parts of your brain help you. For example, if you are learning new vocabulary, create a word map, describe a picture, make a list and study that. All of these methods together help to reinforce your learning.
学习啦在线学习网 不要只用一种方法学英语。用多种方法学习会调动大脑的各部分助你学习。比如,如果你在学新单词,画一张词汇图、描述一幅图、列个清单然后开始学习,这些方法都会巩固你的学习。
Find Some Friends
学习啦在线学习网 You can practice the exercises together, have conversations together (in English!), and, as you study English together, help each other with exercises you may not understand.
学习啦在线学习网 你们可以一起做练习,一起聊天(当然要用英语!)。你们一起学的时候可以互相帮助,解决练习中的疑惑。
ChooseTopics that Interest You
One of the most important things to do is to study English using topics that you like. This will help motivate you because you will also be learning about a topic you find interesting while you study English.
学习啦在线学习网 学习英语最重要的一点就是用你喜欢的话题。这会激励你,因为在学英语的同时,也学习了你所感兴趣的话题。
学习啦在线学习网 1、尽量从无规律的机械记忆走向借助字母组合、音标读记单词。
学习啦在线学习网 2、苦某节课单词量过多时,可5∽7个单词为一个记忆模块,这样记忆效率会提高。
学习啦在线学习网 4、学单词词组时可与用法放在一块进行,即词不离句学习。
学习啦在线学习网 5、复习单词时,可将学过单词串联成句子、段文来互译加深理解记忆。
学习啦在线学习网 8、布置朗读、默写一个或一单元单词时务必变换顺序,如正读(写)倒读(写),从中间到后再到前,从中间到前再到后,任意变换,旨在破解首尾效应弊端,即开头、结尾能记的牢,中间易遗忘。
1. 重复(听,读,写)
学习啦在线学习网 2. 和以前的知识建立联系
a.建立单词间的联系,如: grass-green, school-students,hit-ball, swim-pool, apple-fruit, irritated-annoyed, dead-alive, baby-mother, etc.
b. 建立语义地图:比如碰到单词faithfulness,可以联想到下面的单词: cat,friend,family,reliance,trust,dishonest,unfaithfulness, believe in, friendships,bonds,obey,dog,friendly, sexually unfaithful, gossiping, marriage, love. 然后可以画出一幅简图,将其进行分类。
c. 分析语义特征:和意义相近的单词进行分析比较,建立联系。
学习啦在线学习网 3. 将单词进行分类(按照语义和功能进行分类);
4. 利用构词法,分析单词的词根和词缀,联系记忆相关单词;
5. 采用图形或图像来辅助记忆单词;
6. 尝试用其它的单词来解释生词
7. 利用母语(主要是声音)来联想记忆生单词;
8. 使用短语,习语,谚语来建立单词间的联系;
学习啦在线学习网 9. 利用歌曲和诗歌的韵律来辅助记忆单词;
10. 和他人互动交流刚刚学习的单词,如单词的解释,用法,如何记忆,给出一些例句等等。
11. 将生词放到句子中记忆