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学习啦在线学习网   单词是基础,一定要把单词记熟,背单词。睡前背,早上起来背,效果最好。根据情况,背单词的时候一定要把读音结合上。背名词的时候要结实物背,这样的方法有趣又有效。词组一定要背。自己准备一个小本子,把你遇到不会的题解决之后记到一个小本子上,随时随地进行记录。




学习啦在线学习网   坚持做阅读,阅读在考卷中占得比例特别大,所以一定要多做。要有耐心。印刷体最好练一下。






学习啦在线学习网   语法是语言的“骨架”,是词形变化规则和组词成句规则的总和,也是研究词的结构、用词规则、组合词语、句子结构等一系列规律的专门科学。具有概括性、生成性、稳定性 和系统性的特点。学习语法的目的,是为了可以更好地进行听说读写等语言实践活动。也就是说,通过对语法规则规律的掌握,减少在语言实践练习中的盲目性,提高语言的准确性。学习语法可以通过课本、书籍、网络等方法加强练习。

学习啦在线学习网   多读、多背、多写

  学好英语,还要有坚持不懈的精神,不经历背诵大量文章,写大量东西,听大量文章(读报、听广播、看外语电影、听外语讲座、读书籍)是根本不可能达到目的的,因为学习语言需要对我们的各种感观进行刺激,每天至少看 60-120分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的最好时间。




  1. Have a Word of the Day. 每日一词

学习啦在线学习网   Trying to learn everything at once and getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of words in your new language can be overwhelming. Sometimes, even if you do learn new words, you forget them quickly because you haven’t heard them enough in context.


学习啦在线学习网   One way to get around this problem is to keep a few new words in your vocabulary by using them on a daily basis. Since it takes an adult an average of 150 times to learn to use a new word properly, having a Word of the Day or several words can help build your vocabulary.


  You can do this one of two ways. One, you can keep a running list of words you’d like to learn and designate one to be the word of the day. Or, two, you can wait for new words to come up organically in conversation, and then try to use the new word several times.

  推荐两种方式:1. 列个单词清单,每天轮流选择一个作为使用重点;2. 选择无意出现在对话中的新单词作为记忆对象,再使用数次。

  2. Speak the language as much as you can (especially with native speakers).

学习啦在线学习网   说得越多越好(特别是跟母语人士)

  It goes without saying that the best way to learn how to speak a language is to actually speak it. Reading and studying grammar books will only get you so far.

学习啦在线学习网   毫无疑问,说好一门外语最好方式就是说说说。毕竟阅读和语法只能帮你到这里。

学习啦在线学习网   And yet, it’s so easy to get trapped in the “not-good-enough” mindset, where you don’t speak because you think you don’t speak well enough. And then your speaking doesn’t get better.


  3. Listen to foreign language radio or TV, even as background noise.


  Part of learning to speak a foreign language properly is learning the intonations and rhythms of the words. In French, for example, you can’t put the emphasis on different words in a sentence to vary what you mean (like you can do in English). And it’s easy to distinguish beginner students from near-native speakers by listening for the ones who pronounce French like it’s English.

学习啦在线学习网   口语学习的一个重要部分就是学习声调和节奏。例如在一个句子中,将重音放在不同单词上就会表达出不同的含义。初学者和高手的区别就在于是否会将英语说成中国味儿。

  The remedy to that is to listen to the language as much as possible.


  Try to hear the pacing of the words, how they’re pronounced in different contexts, and what the different intonations are. How does the language sound when the speaker is excited, or angry, or asking an accusatory question?


  Even listening to the language in the background will help you to pick up information on how the language is spoken.

学习啦在线学习网   即使是把对话当背景也可以潜移默化影响你。

学习啦在线学习网   4. Look up words you don’t know in a monolingual dictionary.

学习啦在线学习网   使用单语词典查单词

  Figuring out the meaning of words can be tricky in a foreign language, since direct and accurate translations don’t always exist. While getting the word for physical objects, like milk or desk, might be straightforward, translating concepts can be a lot harder.


学习啦在线学习网   By looking words up in a monolingual dictionary, you can make sure that the word or phrase you choose actually means what you think it does.

学习啦在线学习网   通过查询单语词典,你可以确保所选用的单词是你想表达的意思。

学习啦在线学习网   5. When you make a mistake, immediately try to correct yourself.


  If you mistype a word, you should delete the whole word before retyping it correctly to reprogram your brain to do it properly the next time.

学习啦在线学习网   当你打错一个单词时,你应该将整个单词删除,再重新打出正确单词,这样做是在脑中重新编程避免下次再错。

  The same goes for learning a language.


学习啦在线学习网   If you misspeak, and catch your mistake, immediately correct yourself by repeating the sentence correctly. It will help you program your brain to avoid making the same mistake again, and solidify the grammar rules in your mind.


  6. Carry around a notebook and write down new words you learn.


  Any time I heard a word I didn’t know, I’d write it down (asking the other person to spell it, if necessary).


学习啦在线学习网   After a few weeks, I had a great resource to look at whenever I thought, “Oh, I remember talking about that recently, but I forget what it’s called.” And just as importantly, I had a written record of all of the words I learned.


学习啦在线学习网   If you’re in the beginning stages of learning a language, this process might be too overwhelming, since you’re learning new words all the time. But once you get to an intermediate or advanced level, your learning process slows down. In the beginning, you progressed easily because you were learning simple verb tenses and lists of super useful vocabulary that you use every day – hello, “How are you?”, “Can I have a pen, please?” – and when you get past that stage, the learning suddenly gets more difficult.

学习啦在线学习网   初学者这样做工作量会很大,因为大部分单词都是新的。但一旦过了初学阶段,学习进程就会放慢速度。初学者学的东西是很轻松的,之后会突然难度大增。

  When you’re advanced, keeping a record of the words you learn can also help you from getting frustrated and thinking that you aren’t learning anything new.

学习啦在线学习网   当进入高级阶段,记录新单词还可以帮你摆脱学习出现瓶颈的挫败感。

学习啦在线学习网   As long as you use the language, you’ll always be progressing.









你是否觉得自己很努力学习英语,但是又不见效果呢?还不知道学英语该如何入手,怎样更有效的学习英语的话,请看下文,以下是学习啦小编分享给大家的学好英语的方法,希望可以帮到你! 学好英语的方法 背单词 单词是基础,一定要把单词记熟