心照不宣 相关的反义词:
一窍不通 百思不解
学习啦在线学习网 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、定语、状语;指彼此有默契
学习啦在线学习网 Both understand from their hearts what the matter is but do not choose to say so in public.;have a tacit (mutual) understanding;no need to express oneself in so many words;no need to say how grateful (I am);tacit ;
学习啦在线学习网 When he allowed me time off the unspoken agreement was that I would not jump ship on my return.
If the unspoken agreement was that you would stay around for a while, that is what you should do.
学习啦在线学习网 如果你们已心照不宣,你会暂时留在公司,那么你就应该这么做。很简单,问题在于你是否会信守承诺?
Honour if the unspoken agreement was that you would stay around for a while, that is what you should do. Quite simply, thequestion is this: are you good for your word or not?
史密斯说,她不会在“与贝维共进晚餐”(dinner with bevy)的邀请函上声明禁止使用智能手机,而是会发送“心照不宣的信号”来阻止发微博和发短信,比如派送手写的请柬和座位卡片。
Rather than state on her 'dinner with bevy' invitations that smartphone use is prohibited, ms. smith says she sends 'unspokensignals' to discourage tweeting and texting, such as hand-delivered invitations and seating cards lettered in calligraphy.
学习啦在线学习网 庆幸你没带来心照不宣的那位?
学习啦在线学习网 Glad you didn't bring you know who?