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学习啦在线学习网   在如今这个信息时代,广告是营销的工具和手段,营销功能应被视为广告与生俱来的本质功能。营销离不开传播,传播功能是广告的最基本功能,广告通过信息的传播起到促进、劝服、增强、提示的作用。下面是学习啦小编带来广告文案的英文版,欢迎阅读!



  玫瑰留香,人独醉!Rose in blossom, enchanted alone!

  SHEAI, 一个至柔至美的品牌,正如香奈儿所说:世界上没有丑女,只有不会装扮的女人!



  SHEAI, a premium brand!

学习啦在线学习网   No ugly lady but just those who know no dressing up. Our SA Sofa, because of our design, just likes a pretty lady with good dressing up.

  SHEAI can give you a home full of feminine charm.

学习啦在线学习网   这款SHEAI沙发采用个性的大花布结合,既有简欧的风范又不失中国传统的工艺和审美.,加上大大的靠包设计,宽大的扶手,成为客厅众人的焦点。

  With both European simple design style and traditional Chinese crafts and aesthetics, this SHEAI sofa adopts special jacquard fabric. With the additional big curved backrest and armrest, it is the spotlight in the living room.

学习啦在线学习网   这款SA沙发对香奈儿设计风格的理解和运用达到了极致。大量时装面料的使用,煽情性的色彩搭配,时装中特殊的剪裁、缝合、细节装饰等时尚设计元素引入,使家更加高贵、优雅。

学习啦在线学习网   With a perfect learning and digesting of the design style of Chanel, this SHEAI sofa has employed lots of stylish fabric with suitable color matches. By bringing in the special clipping, stitching and other detailed decoration from the stylish dress, this sofa type gives you a noble and elegant home life.


  For this comfortable leisure SA sofa, what’s the most classic is the color match. Its blue color is full of vitality and can give you a visual relief.

学习啦在线学习网   这款可以随意摆放的沙发,可以充分地满足个性时尚的人。可以根据自己的喜欢摆放。休闲的大摆包,给您极致的靠感体验。

学习啦在线学习网   The one, fond of personality and fashion, would be much satisfied with this sofa, which can be freely placed in the living room. The big leisure backrests of the sofa can give you a nice reclining experience.


学习啦在线学习网   Concision in Style

学习啦在线学习网   靓丽 Beauty in Design

学习啦在线学习网   方正立体的造型,搭配永恒的白色和灰色。

学习啦在线学习网   Simple Line Sofa with classic white color and gray color

学习啦在线学习网   SA沙发品牌的代表作,设计师巧妙运用红加黑色,稳重中不缺乏时尚。高靠背的设计,给人更多的舒适感觉。配上独立的主人位,生活就更惬意。

  This sofa is the masterwork of SHEAI sofa brand. With red color ingeniously matched black color, its style becomes simple but stylish. The design of high backrest gives you more comfortable feeling. And you would be much satisfied with the independent host seat on the sofa.

  亮光布在光的作用下显得五彩斑斓,宽厚的软包运用得体,坐、立、躺可以随意发挥;经典的色泽可以随意搭配其他家具或装修颜色,给你舒适的家庭氛围。 The sofa’s shiny fabric would be colorful under bulb light. You can freely sit, stand and lie on the wide thick cushion. The classic colors of the sofa can give you a random match with other furniture and decorations, leaving you in a cozy home. SA沙发品牌的代表作,设计师巧妙运用红加黑色,稳重中不缺乏时尚。高靠背的设计,给人更多的舒适感觉。配上独立的主人位,生活就更惬意。

学习啦在线学习网   This sofa is the masterwork of SHEAI sofa brand. Ingeniously matched red color with black color, its style is simple but stylish. The design of high backrest gives you more comfortable feeling. And you would be much satisfied with the independent host seat on the sofa.


  This SHEAI sofa with masculine style is much charming, surely leading the fashion trend. With suitable color matches and much comfortable backrests and back cushions, this sofa type can give you a nice life in the living room.


  CBD Sofa


学习啦在线学习网   Our vivid & novel designs full of the breath of youth.

  CBD沙发强调舒适、自然、时尚,通过顶级设计师的倾力打造,赋予极强的现代感,色彩清雅,线条简洁,采用沙发专业面料, 品质优良,织品无纬斜,防污能力高,表面还进行了特种处理,具有抗静电、阻燃等功能。

学习啦在线学习网   CBD Sofa pays much attention to be comfortable, natural and stylish in design. Because of the hard work from our top designers, the contemporary sofa, with light color and simple lines, is quietly elegant, much suitable for leisure purpose.

学习啦在线学习网   It also adopts the professional sound sofa fabric, which is good dirt-proof and with no bow and skew. The fabric surface is also in the special processing, anti-static and flame-retardant.

学习啦在线学习网   CBD沙发与家的温馨情调更吻合,是客厅彰显身份的标志,是优雅、时尚、智慧的体现,高贵浪漫的别样风情弥漫着整个家。CBD沙发,给你一个钻石级的家!

学习啦在线学习网   CBD sofa, matching up better with your home, is the embodiment of grace, fashion and wisdom, leaving nobility and romance in your home air. CBD sofa can give you a diamond-level home!

  舒适 大气 优雅 简洁 自然 时尚

  Cozy splendid elegant simple natural stylish




