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"Got Milk?" - California Milk Processor Board, 1990s-2000s
"It's not just for breakfast anymore." - Florida Orange Juice Growers Association
"Milk: It Does a Body Good" - National Dairy Council
"Oh, yeah!" - Kool-Aid
"Pure Life" - Nestle Aberfoyle Natural Spring Water, 2002 or 2003?
"They drink it in the Congo" - Um Bongo
"Unleash the power of the sun" - Sunny Delight
"Tang - it's a kick in a glass" - Tang
"Have a Tropicana Morning" - Tropicana Tropicana
"Watch out, there's a Humphrey about!" - Unigate milk
"Life is better Twisted" - Tropicana Twister, 2005
"Drink Tang, gang, it's Tang-erific" - Tang, 1960s
学习啦在线学习网 "100% Squeezed Sunshine" - Tropicana

学习啦在线学习网 Beer and liquor

"A Double Diamond works wonders" - Double Diamond
"After Dark" - Tia Maria
"Australians wouldn't give a XXXX for anything else" - Australian Beer
"Beer at home means Davenport's" - Davenport's beer (home delivery only) (1960s)
"The Beer that Made Milwaukee Famous" - Schlitz
"The Champagne of Bottled Beer" - Miller High Life
"The cream of Manchester" - Boddington's
"Everything you always wanted in a beer. And less." - Miller Lite
"For great lager, follow the bear" Hofmeister lager
"Fosters - Australian for Beer" - Fosters Australian Beer
"From the Land of Sky-Blue Waters" - Hamm's Beer, 1930s–1980s
"I Am Canadian" - Molson Canadian beer
"If you've got the time, we've got the beer" - Miller Beer
"It can only be Heineken" - Heineken
"Made the American Way" - Miller High Life (Miller Beer, 1985-c.1989)
"No Nonsense" - John Smith's
"Probably the best lager in the world" - Carlsberg
"Reassuringly expensive." - Stella Artois, 1981, Lowe Howard-Spink
"Refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach" - Heineken lager, 1974
"Tastes Great. Less Filling" - Miller Lite, 1974, McCann-Erickson Worldwide
"The right one" - Martini
"There's no taste like Stones" - Stones Bitter
"We drink all we can. The rest we sell." - Utica Club, 1965, Doyle Dane Bernbach
"We will sell no wine before it is time" - Paul Masson Wines
"Weekends were made for Michelob" - 1970s
"Welcome to Miller Time" - Miller
"What a refreshing change" - Woodpecker cider
"What we want is Watney's." - Watney's


"Bring Out Your Best" - Bud Light (1982, first TV ad)
"For all you do, this Bud's for you" - Budweiser
"The King of Beers" - Budweiser
"Why ask why? Try Bud Dry" - Budweiser early 1990s
"When you say Budweiser, you've said it all" - Budweiser


"Hey Mabel - Black Label" - Black Label
"I bet he drinks Carling Black Label" (1980s)
"Your best bet for a fuller flavour" - Carling Black Label lager (1980s)


"Guinness is good for you" - Guinness
"My goodness, my Guinness" - Guinness
"Tick follows tock follows tick follows tock" - Guinness (surfer advert)
学习啦在线学习网 "Good things come to those who wait" - Guinness


"The best part of waking up is Folger's in your cup!" - Folgers
"Celebrate the Moments of Your Life" - General Foods International Coffees
"Coffee at its best" - Nescafé Gold Blend
"Good to the last drop." - Maxwell House
学习啦在线学习网 "Sanka...Everything You Love About Coffee" - Sanka


"Avez-vouw un cuppa?" - PG Tips
"Get back your 'oo' with Typhoo"
学习啦在线学习网 "Like tea used to be" - Yorkshire Tea

Carbonated soft drinks

"America is turning 7-Up"
"Barq's has bite" - Barq's root beer
"Be a Pepper. Drink Dr Pepper"
"Drink Barq's. It's Good." - Barq's sarsaparilla drink
"Do the Dew" - Mountain Dew, 1990s
"Drink Canada Dry" - Canada Dry
"Every bubble's passed its fizzical" - Corona, 1970s
"Get busy with the fi" - SodaStream
"Hello sunshine! Hello Mountain Dew"
"I'm a secret lemonade drinker" - R. White's
"It's a red thing" - Tizer
"It's frothy man" - Cresta
"It's not too heavy, not too sweet, it's right for you" - RC Cola
"Life is stimulating enough" - Like Cola
"Lymon is the secret of Sprite"
"Made in Scotland from girders" - Irn-Bru
"Make mine Moxie"
"Mello Yello to the rescue!"
"Never had it, never will" - 7-Up (In reference to caffeine)
"Orange lovers got a crush on us" - Orange Crush
"Schhh! You know who?" - Schweppes, 1962
"The totally tropical taste" - Lilt
"Make 7-Up Yours" 7-Up
"The Uncola" - 7-Up, 1973, J Walter Thompson
"What's the worst that can happen?" - Dr Pepper
"Who's your soda?" - Red Fusion soft drink, Dr Pepper, 2002
"You don't need caffeine. And neither does your cola" - Like Cola
"You know when you've been Tango'd" - Tango soft drink, 1994, HHCL
学习啦在线学习网 "the secret is in schweppavesence" -schwepps, 2005


"Always Coca Cola" - 1990s
"The real thing" - late-1980s
"Have a coke and a smile" - 1980s
"Coke is it" - 1982
"Just for the taste of it...Diet Coke!"
"It's the real thing" - 1941
"The pause that refreshes" - 1929

学习啦在线学习网 Pepsi-Cola

"Ask For More" - 2000, many European areas
"Catch that Pepsi spirit. Drink it in, drink it in, drink it in" - 1979-c. 1984
"Come Alive! You're in the Pepsi Generation" - c. 1967
"It's the Cola" - 2003
"Join the Pepsi People" (Feelin' free) - mid-1970s
"The Joy of Cola" - 1999
"The Choice of a New Generation" - 1985-1990
"Pepsi - for those who think young" - c. 1960
"Pepsi Cola hits the spot"
"Pepsi's got your taste for life"
"All the taste, 1/3 of the calories", Pepsi Max, 1993
"Same time tomorrow?" - Diet Pepsi, 1990s
"The time is right, for Pepsi Light" / "We put a little lemony taste in and took out half the calories."
"Uh-Huh! (You got the right one!)" - Diet Pepsi, 1991
"You've got a lot to live, and Pepsi's got a lot to give" - c. 1968-1973
"Lipsmackin' thirstquenchin' acetastin' motivatin' goodbuzzin' cooltalkin' highwalkin' fastlivin' evergivin' coolfizzin' Pepsi" - 1973, Boase Massimi Pollitt
"Yeh hi hai right choice baby"1980s (India)
"Nothing official about it" 1990s - During 1995 Cricket World Cup (India)
"Yeh Dil Maange More" 1990s (India)
学习啦在线学习网 "Yeh pyaas hai badi" 2000s (India)


"1001 Cleans a Big, Big Carpet for Less than Half a Crown" — 1001 carpet shampoo, c.1964
"The appliance of science" — Zanussi, 1981, Geers Gross
"Ariston and on and on..."
"Away go troubles down the drain--Roto-Rooter" — 1954 to present.
"Covers The Earth" -- Sherwin Williams paint
"Does exactly what it says on the tin" — Ronseal, late 1980s to present.
"Hands that do dishes can feel soft as your face, with mild green Fairy Liquid"
"HILLYBILLY LIKES YOU!" — Hillybilly Vac Shack
"It Beats - as it Sweeps - as it Cleans" — The Hoover vacuum cleaner, 1926
"It's a lot less bovver than a hover" — Qualcast Concord lawnmowers, 1985, WCRS
"Kills all known germs... dead" — Domestos
previously - "Kills 99% of all known germs... dead" — presumably it got better!
"Kills Bugs Dead" — Raid (insecticide)
"Quick, Henry, the FLIT!" — Flit insecticide
"Not Advertised" No-Ad sunscreen
"Nothings sucks like an Electrolux" — Electrolux
"Put the freshness back" — Shake'n'Vac
"Screw yourself." — IKEA, 2004, Norway. External link: [1]
"Unböring." — IKEA, 2003, Canada.
"You don't have to be rich, just smart." — IKEA, United States
"Ring around the collar" — Wisk Detergent, 1968
学习啦在线学习网 "A buck well spent" — Springmaid Sheets, 1948

Personal care

"99.44% Pure" — Ivory soap
"A totally organic experience" (not "orgasmic"!) - Clairol Herbal Essences
"Absolute cleanliness is Godliness!" — Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap
"Because I'm worth it" — L'Oréal
sometimes followed by, "Aren't you?"
superseded by, "Because you're worth it"
"Does She or Doesn't She? ...Only her Hairdresser Knows for Sure" — Clairol hair dye (later often shortened to "Does She or Doesn't She?")
"For those who like the trade rough" — Travis aftershave
"Good Morning! Have You Used Pear's Soap?" — Pear's Soap
"I liked it so much I bought the company." — Remington shavers
"I'm not a doctor, but I play one on t.v." — Vicks cough syrup
"I never knew you had dandruff" — Head & Shoulders shampoo
"Is she or isn't she?" — Harmony hair spray
"It Floats!" — Ivory Soap
"It won't let you down" — Rexona/Sure/Degree anti-perspirant
A slogan used by Rexona in Finland was "There's always space for one who uses Rexona!" This led to many jokes, such as being able to fit an elephant into an car, as long as he uses Rexona.
"I've fallen and I can't get up!" — LifeCall Personal Emergency Response Systems
"The mark of a man" — Old Spice aftershave
"Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline" — Maybelline (lipstick, makeup)
"Preparing to be a beautiful lady" — Pear's Soap
"Raise your hand if you're sure". - Sure, 1984, Wells, Rich, Greene
"R-O-L-A-I-D-S spells Relief" — Rolaids (indigestion medicine)
"The best a man can get" — Gillette razors
"The Lynx effect" — Lynx deodorant
"When a man you've never met before suddenly gives you flowers" — Impulse deodorant
"Which twin has the Toni?" — Toni, 1946, Foote, Cone & Belding
"You'll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent" — Pepsodent, 1956, Foote, Cone & Belding
"Your fragrance. Your rules" — Hugo Boss Deep Red
"The name on the world's finest blades" — Wilkinson Sword razors
"Look sharp, feel sharp" — Gillette, 1940s
"The Axe effect" — Axe deodorant
"Look Ma, no cavities!" — Crest toothpaste
"Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride" — Listerine, 1923
"Want him to be more of a man? Try being more of a woman!" — Coty Perfumes
"A little dab'll do ya" — Brylcreem, 1950s
"Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is!" — Alka Seltzer
学习啦在线学习网 "Please don't squeeze the Charmin" — Charmin