学习啦 > 实用范文 > 合同范本 > 租赁合同 > 其它租赁合同 > 合同提前终止协议范本


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学习啦在线学习网   提前终止租赁合同引发的主要是对特殊协议权的终止而造成的损失进行评估确认的问题。制造企业由于出租人要求提前终止租赁合同的主要损失包括:在同一时间段承租人承租相同条件的场地(含配套设施)所需的租赁差额、搬迁费和因提前终止合同产生的相关费用。以下是学习啦小编今天为大家精心准备的:合同提前终止协议相关范本。欢迎阅读和参考!


学习啦在线学习网   2011年1月13日,甲方与乙方签署了《红微博文化艺术网络营销推广战略合作服务协议》,约定由乙方负责协助甲方做好网络营销推广及网-络-公-关工作,为甲方的市场营销提供专业服务。双方的合作期限为一年,协议有效期为2011年1月15日至2012年1月15日。甲乙双方经协商一致,同意于2011年4月6日提前终止本协议,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关法律法规的规定,甲、乙双方本着平等、自愿、互谅互让的原则,就双方提前终止协议相关事宜达成如下条款,双方共同恪守:

  第一条 甲、乙双方同意,提前终止双方于2011年1月15日签订的《红微博文化艺术网络营销推广战略合作服务协议》。

学习啦在线学习网   第二条 协议提前终止后,原协议约定的知识产权保护及保密条款继续有效,双方仍需严格遵照执行。

  第三条 价款结算及支付方式:



  第四条 违约责任

学习啦在线学习网   1、甲乙双方应共同遵守本协议,任何一方违反本协议的约定,依法承担相应赔偿责任。

学习啦在线学习网   甲方 乙方 通信地址 通信地址 法定代表人 法定代表人 授权代理人 授权代理人 电话/手机 电话/手机 传真 传真 电子邮箱



学习啦在线学习网   3、自本协议签订之日起,乙方不得就协议存续期间及提前终止本协议所产生的任何事宜(包括但不限于价款、滞纳金、违约金、赔偿金等其他债权债务等)提起仲裁、诉讼、申诉、信访;否则,视为乙方根本性违约,乙方应双倍退还甲方已支付的服务费用。

  第五条 争议解决


学习啦在线学习网   第六条 其他约定


  2、本协议自双方签字、盖章之日起生效, 本协议一式二份,双方各执一份为证,具有同等法律效力。





  年 月 日 年 月 日


学习啦在线学习网   一、Term (合同的期限)

  The Parties agree that this contract will be valid for years as of the date of signature of the parties.

  本合同自签订之日起 年内有效。

  SURVIVAL. The provisions of Articles 5, 6 and 7 of this Agreement, and all warranties, representations and indemnification’s set forth in this Agreement, shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement and/or any other agreement regarding the Services, or any determination that this Agreement or any portion hereof is void or voidable.


  二、Rescission/Dissolution of a Contract(合同的解除)

  Should the Joint Venture Company be unable to continue its operation or achieve the businepurpose stipulated in the Contract due to the fact that one of the contracting parties fails to fulfill the obligation prescribed by the contract and articles of association, or seriously violate the stipulations of the contract and articles of association, that party shall be deemed as unilaterally terminates the Contract. The other party shall have the right to terminate the Contract in accordance with the provisions of the contract after being approved by the original examination and approval authority as well as to claim damages. In case Party A and Party B to the Joint Venture Company agree to continue the operation, the party who fails to fulfil the obligations shall be liable to the economic losses thus caused to the Joint Venture Company.


  If the other party fails to perform its obligation in the contract within the time limit agreed upon in this Contract, and fails to eliminate or remedy such breach within 15 days following the receipt of the notice thereof from the non-breaching party and still again fails to perform the Contract with the period of time allowed for delayed performance, in such case the non-breaching party shall be entitled to rescind the contract by a written notice to the defaulting party and still have the right to claim damages from the defaulting party.


学习啦在线学习网   三、Termination of Contract(合同的终止)

  The liquidation of the Joint Venture’s assets and creditor’s fights and settlement of the Joint Venture’s debts shall be conducted by the Joint Venture Company immediately after the early termination or expiration of this Contract. The liquidation shall be based upon fair and responsible principles and shall be carried out in accordance with the liquidation methods set forth herein.

  Upon announcement of the termination of the Contract and/or the pending liquidation of the Joint Venture Company, the Board of Directors shall work out procedures and principles for liquidation and nominate candidates for the liquidation committee. The Liquidation Committee may engage the services of accountants and lawyers registered in China for purpose of rendering advice to the Board.



学习啦在线学习网   After the termination of the Contract, Party A shall still have the right to use the know-how supplied by Party B, and still have the right to design, manufacture, use, sell and export the Contract Product.

学习啦在线学习网   Any kind of termination of this contract shall not affect in any way the debts and relevant rights and liabilities existing between the two parties and the debtor shall be kept liable until he fully pays his debts to the creditor after the termination of the Contract.

学习啦在线学习网   本合同终止后,甲方仍有权使用乙方提供的专用技术,仍有权设计、制造、使用、销售和出口合同产品。
