学习啦在线学习网 现在我们来到了中和殿。中和殿是为帝王去太和殿途中的演习礼仪之地。保和殿,是皇帝宴请外藩王公贵族和京中文武大臣之处。我们再来看看文华殿。它是明代皇太子读书处。乾清门是故宫中外朝和内廷的分界处,由此向北便是内廷。乾清宫是明、清皇帝居住和处理政务的地方。慈宁宫就是皇上住的地方。
Dear visitors, everybody is good. Hope I can bring you the best service.
Now please follow me to the imperial palace the biggest palace in the taihe temple to see see! Here is the Ming and qing emperor summoned, calling the shots, officials held a celebration. Whole house surface width of 11, 5, deep outside corridor column, outside the house, a total of 72 big pillars. Temple of 35 meters high, inside headroom 14 meters high, 63 meters wide, covers an area of 2377 square meters, is the nation's largest wooden hall.
I'll give you introduce other palace!
学习啦在线学习网 Now we came to the house and. Zhonghe palace for emperors en route to the hall of supreme harmony exercise manners. Baohe Palace, is the emperor entertains WaiFan nobility and wenwu minister in Beijing. We take a look at the mandarin house. It is the crown prince of Ming dynasty DouShuChu. Gate of heavenly purity was the palace at at home and abroad, the parting of the imperial palace, the north is the imperial palace. Palace of heavenly purity is the Ming and qing emperors lived and dealing with affairs. CiNing palace is the place where the emperor lived.
We can visit freely now, but I want to remind everyone must pay attention to keep the palace environment.