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学习啦在线学习网   丹霞山是我国一个非常著名的旅游景点,有很多的外国游客,那么相关的丹霞山英语导游词要怎么写呢?接下来是小编为你带来收集整理的文章,欢迎阅读!


  The Danxia Mountain is situated 45 kilometers far away from Shaoguan City. Geological studies show that, 25,000,000 years ago, this place was a vast expand of a low-lying lake.Later, movements of the earth’s crust made it rise above the ground and the water receded away, thus turning it into a mountain and the former sediment at the bottom of the lake gradually oxidized to be red rocks. These red rocks and red cliffs, being relieved against the green woods and the blue sky, look like rosy clouds. Hence , the name “Danxia” means“red clouds” .


  In the 1930s,professor Chen Guoda of the Sun Yat-sun University made an intensive investigation to study the geomorphic features of the Danxia Mountain and otherred-rock mountains in South China. He denominated this kind of red-rock land shape the “Danxia Landform”, which was soon adopted by the academic circles, thus making the mountain’s name Danxia a term of geology. Places featuring Danxia Landform can be found in all continents of the world except Antarctica(南极洲), such as the Great Canyon of the United States and some areas in Saxony of Germany. But,the Danxia Mountain is the largest and the most typical one.

  The Danxia Mountain covers an area of 300 square kilometers, in which over 600 red-rockpeaks stand out against the woods of green, a sight that reminds a large garden with many ruby sculptures; therefore it is also named China Ruby Park or literally China Red Stone Park. In 1995, the Chinese State Council approved of its being a geological nature reserve and, in 2000, it was listed by the UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) as the world’s geological park.

学习啦在线学习网   丹霞山的面积为319平方公里,有大小石峰600多座,宛如一方红宝石雕朔园,故又称“中国红石公园”,并于1995年被国务院批准为国家地质自然保护区,2000年被联合国科教文组织评为世界地质公园,2010年评为“世界遗产”。

学习啦在线学习网   [The Entranceto the Mountain] 山门

学习啦在线学习网   Now we have arrived at the entrance to the Danxia Mountain. The gate structure is constructed of red sand rocks. These Chinese characters are the name of the park, meaning ”China Rudy Park”. The three big Chinese characters up on the horizontal beam, “Dan Xia Shan”, meaning Danxia Mountain, were written by GuanShanyue, who was a famous painter in China. We’ll go through the mountain road to the Zhanglao Peak, which is the main peak of the Danxia Mountain, 408 metersabove sea level.


学习啦在线学习网   [The Elephants Crossing the River and the Beautiful Girl Blocking the River]群象过江

  Now we have come to the central area of the Danxia Mountain. The Danxia Mountain is rated first among the four famous mountains in Guangdong Province and its unique natural scenery gives free play to one’s fancy. Please look at the hill in the distance beyond the Jinjiang River: Those rocks appear to be a herd of elephants wading across the river and coming up to us. Their trunks , tusks, ears and eyes areall lifelike. So, this sight is named “The Elephants Crossing the River”.

学习啦在线学习网   现在我们将要进入丹霞山的中心景区。丹霞山是广东四大名山之首,其独特的自然风光给人们带来了无限遐想。请大家往锦江对面的山峰看:那些山峰就像一头头大象正要跨越锦江向我们走来,象鼻、象牙、象耳、象眼形神俱备;所以,这一景就叫“群象过江”。

  (On the Yangyuan Bridge) Please look to your right at the hill in the distance. It looks as if a young girl is lying down to sleep: From right to left, the outlines of her head, her neck, her chest and her belly are all clearly discernible. So, this sight is called “The Sleeping Belle” or “The Beautiful Girl Blocking the River”.


  [The Yangyuan Column]阳元石

学习啦在线学习网   This hill is called Yangyuan Hill, meaning “The Hill of Male Sex”. It is so named because the stone column here, 28 meters tall and 7 meters in diameters, is the imageif man’s external genitals. According to geological studies, this stone column has been a part of the cliff and it is for more than three hundred thousand years. In the old days, men were regarded as superior to women and people often prayed for having more sons to carry on their family name; therefore this stone column was highly worshiped by the pilgrims.

学习啦在线学习网   这座山叫阳元山,即“雄性之山”。这根石柱叫阳元石。高28米,直径7米,酷似男根;阳元山因此得名。据专家考证,阳元石原为山体石壁的一部分,大自然的鬼斧神工把它从山体重分离出来并雕琢成这个样子,至今已有30万年了。旧时人们都祈求家族男丁兴旺、子孙绵延,所以此石常受人膜拜。

  [The Yinyuan Cliff] 阴元石

  This steep face of rock is called Yinyuan Cliff, meaning Stone Cliff of Female Sex, because it is a strong resemblance of woman’s external genitals. It was formed some one hundred thousand years ago. Just as God sculptured the first man and his wife,Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, so had Nature carved a carved a couple of stone husband and wife in the Danxia Mountain. What a wonderful world this is!


学习啦在线学习网   [The Jinshi Cave]

  This cave is called Jinshi Cave, meaning Colorful Rock Cave in English. The inside of this cave is a Buddhist monastery consisting of the Thousand Buddha Hall, the Guanyin Hall for the Goddess of Mercy is the largest, 30 meters deep and 4meters high with adequate space to accommodate a hundred pilgrims at the sametime. In this hall there are many images of the Goddess of Mercy in her different facial expressions. In the Sakyamuni Hall there is a piece of rockthat shapes like a dragon. It is called ”Bian Se Long”, meaning “color-changingdragon” or chameleon, because its color changes with the season like achameleon whose color changes according to its background. It is light green insummer, yellowish green in autumn and brownish yellow in winter. Why is that?It is because on the surface of the rock is growing a kind of alga that is highly water-absorbing. The alga is lush and green when water is adequate inrainy seasons. When water is insufficient in dry seasons, it turns yellow or brown. Outside the cave, there are two big Chinese characters “jin yan” on the cliff , meaning “colorful rock cave”. They were written by Zhao Rulai, a man of letters of the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279AD), and are the earliest engravings on cliffs in the Danxia Mountain.

  这个岩洞叫锦石岩。岩洞里面是一座佛教寺庙,有千佛殿/观音殿/大雄宝殿等庙堂;其中观音殿堂最大,深30多米,高4米,可容纳上百善信同时参拜;洞内塑有 观音32相,个个表情栩栩如生,神态各异。在大雄宝殿内有一石壁,状似龙,其颜色会因春夏秋冬四季不同而变化;春而嫩绿,夏则深绿,秋为黄绿,冬变褐黄;故被称作变色龙。这种神奇的现象是怎么出现的呢?原来是因为岩石上生长着一种低等的藻类植物;这种藻类吸水性很强,天气潮湿时吸水时生长茂盛颜色就很深;天气干燥时吸水少,颜色就变成褐黄。洞外的崖刻上刻有“锦岩”二字,是南宋赵汝来所题。这是丹霞山最早的摩崖石刻。

学习啦在线学习网   [The Biechuan Temple]

  This is a Buddhist monastery called Biechuan temple. It was built in 1662,during the Kangxi reign of Qing Dynasty, frequented by a large number of pilgrims. It is one of the three largest Buddhist monasteries in Northern Guangdong. Up on the main gate of temple, there are four Chinese characters: Bie Chuan Chan Si, meaning Biehuan Chan Buddhist Monastery. They were written by Li Hanhun, who was the former chairman of the Guangdong Province. Going through the gate, we can see many engravings on the red cliff. Among them the two big Chinese characters Danxia, 5-6 square feet each, are the most beautiful. They were written by an official of Qing Dynasty.


  The Biechuan Temple is constructed in more or less the same layout as other Buddhist monasteries. It consists of the Hall of the Heavenly Kings, the bell and drumtowers, the Sakyamuni Hall and the Hall of the Goddess of Mercy and so on. Now you can look around on your own for a while. We’ll meet half an hour later at the entrance and will go down-hill, by the same way as where we came up, to the pier to take a boat-ride in the Jinjiang River so that you may feast your eyes on the beautiful scenery along the river.