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学习啦在线学习网Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

Welcome to Baiyun ancient cave for sightseeing. Today, I will guide you. My name is __×. I hope we can have a good cooperation.

学习啦在线学习网(suspension bridge carved stone wall)

Now the bridge we want to cross is Baiyun ancient cave suspension bridge. Maybe some of us haven't crossed this bridge yet. Please experience it today. The river under our feet is called Chaohe River. Its source is Huangqi Town in our county. The river water directly flows into Miyun Reservoir in Beijing. Most of the drinking water of the people in the capital comes from this river.

Not far across the river, we can see four pieces of white marble inlaid on the stone wall facing us, which are engraved with four big green official script characters of "Baiyun ancient cave". This is the handwriting of Mr. oberda, a famous calligrapher. It is powerful and memorable.

学习啦在线学习网(to the ticket office)

学习啦在线学习网Now we have entered the Baiyun ancient cave scenic spot Yihua Li. Baiyun ancient cave is the general name of a group of natural caves. There are nine caves and thirty-six scenes in the scenic area. Our cave is Baiyun ancient cave, and the small one is Shenfeng cave. Thirty six scenic spots include yingkefeng, quxiantian, lianyinzhai, shibaotan, dayueyatian, xiaoyueyatian and so on. The whole mountain is characterized by "green mountains, beautiful waters, no road in doubt, another village with hidden willows and bright flowers". It integrates "strange, dangerous, secluded and beautiful" in one, with monks, Taoists and nuns living together in one mountain. It is 200 meters away from the scenic Yingke peak. Baiyun ancient cave has woshi mountain in the north, Xianyuan mountain in the East, Lianhua Mountain in the west, and Bianqiang mountain and Bijia mountain in the south. Surrounded by mountains, covering an area of 8 square kilometers, the tour takes about 4 hours to complete.

学习啦在线学习网Baiyun ancient cave is the place where Buddhists live, with "patio"; Babao cave is the holy land of Taoism, with "Dijing"; haha cave is the place where nuns live, with "Renjing". These caves face south in the north, warm in winter and cool in summer. Nature has created good living conditions for human beings.

Every May, it's sunny and windy, and flowers are in full bloom, but here is still a glacier, and it doesn't begin to melt until the middle of June. When we take a picture on the glacier, the picture shows the scene of winter and spring. The sharp contrast can give people a strange imagination.

There are many waterfalls in the scenic area. There is water in the mountain and the water forms a lake. There are boats in the lake and fish at the bottom of the boat. Visiting Baiyun ancient cave is an opportunity to exercise people's courage and perseverance. The journey here is rather dangerous. Please be prepared for climbing. For your safety, if you have guests wearing plastic soled shoes, sandals and high-heeled shoes, please change into travel shoes or sports shoes.

学习啦在线学习网(ticket office - yingkefeng)

学习啦在线学习网Baiyun ancient cave used to be a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, towering ancient trees, and birds and animals. No one dares to come here. Later, Haiguang and Hemingway came here to hunt and found a sika deer, so they arched with a bow. After the deer got the arrow, they ran to the Baiyun ancient cave. The two brothers followed the bloodstain and came to the cave. Suddenly, the deer disappeared. In front of them, there were seventy-two small Kang beds, each with a pile of bones and gold and silver. They were shocked and influenced. From then on, they gave up their hunting life, He decided to build a temple with the gold and silver and become a monk.

According to research, in the early Ming Dynasty, when the king of Yan swept the north, the local rich man fled into the mountains for refuge. For fear of exposing the target, they did not dare to use fireworks. After a long time, people became ill, and they were all killed. In this way, gold and silver are left behind.

From Haiguang and Haiming to Wuhe, the thirty first generation monk, Baiyun cave was full of fireworks. "During this period, Wuhe was driven down the mountain. From then on, the trees were cut down and the temple was demolished and turned into ruins. After the reform and opening up, it began to rebuild, and after ten years of hard work, it gradually restored its original appearance. It's a pity that the old trees have disappeared. It's a pity for Baiyun ancient cave.

Now we are about to enter the "fairyland". The peak in front of us is called Yingke peak. It looks like a giant hand and welcomes you politely. Who needs to take a picture? Please hurry up and take a good picture.

(crescent moon)

学习啦在线学习网Dear friends, please stand in the position I choose for you. You see, the cliff here is like a blade. The two mountains are crowded together, leaving only one crack. When people walk in it, it's hard to see the sun. In the dangerous place, two mountains, one concave and one convex, form crescent shape, revealing a blue sky. Every noon, the sun and moon shine, quite spectacular. What is the geological origin of a canyon like the crescent moon? About 110 million years ago, after the eruption of the volcano, there were many uplifts, compressions, collisions, cracks, and long-term rain erosion, resulting in long or narrow canyons.

学习啦在线学习网(by the ten waterfall pool)

This is ten waterfall pool. You will understand that there are nine pools behind it. Shibaotan was built in 1992 with a depth of 3 meters. People have to cross the water and the stones go up. The stones are steep and the mosses are slippery. Please pay attention to your safety.

(entering Lianyin Village)

Attention, everyone. We are entering Lianyin village. This is a passage to the mountains. This section of road is very narrow, only 2 feet wide. From then on, fat people have to close their abdomen and thin people have to side shoulder. You see, the two mountains stand on the wall, as if to embrace, but they are separated by the gap between the mountains, revealing a line of blue sky, shaped like a crescent moon, also known as "little crescent moon". In the gap between the two mountains, a spring comes, and the spring drops from the stone into the cave, forming a small waterfall. The pool is quiet and clear, which is amazing. There are more than 100 meters of plank plank path in Lianyin village. Because of the mountain shelter, not see the sun, shadow, cool long, so called "Lianyin village".

学习啦在线学习网(to shoutaotan)

This is shoutaotan. You see, does it look like a big peach? It's said that once upon a time, when the queen mother held a flat peach party, the monkey king made havoc in the heavenly palace, stole the peach, and the heavenly soldiers and generals chased it here. The monkey king accidentally lost the peach. After the peach was taken away, it became a "peach pond". In order to live a long life, people put money in the clock to express their wishes. Anyone who wants to vote can have a try. It's going to cross Changshou bridge. Please pay attention to safety. Longevity bridge is named after shoutaotan. People can live longer when they cross the bridge. This longevity bridge and the old pine in front of it are good places to take pictures. source

(into blessing cave)

Now we are at the blessing cave. The cave is 15 meters deep, dark and of different heights. In the dark corner, a statue of God "blessing from heaven" is worshipped. This is a statue I saw on the way. Lucky star is the incarnation of Bigan. People call him God of wealth. (pointing to "stone meat") dear friends, what are these? Do they look like pieces of meat? Yes, this is "stone meat". It grows in stone crevice, is a kind of stone, like lean meat but tasteless, can satisfy hunger, is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, scientific name "Yuliangshi."

学习啦在线学习网(upper Babao cave)

Babao cave is here. Look, there's a yard. It's so elegant. Qingyun temple is built here. It is the place for Longmen Taoist to cultivate themselves. Qingyun temple was built in the Yuan Dynasty. It was rebuilt twice in 1631 and Guangxu 24. It was damaged during the reconstruction period. It was rebuilt after the reform and opening up. Taoist Xu Zongjie was invited to guard the temple and receive tourists. Now Xu Dao is 90 years old, and he often practices martial arts. His body is light.

There are eight treasures in Babao Cave: ground well, stone meat, deer, crane, fish, camellia, Acacia and Ganoderma lucidum.

(rest in the pavilion of visiting immortals)

学习啦在线学习网Visiting immortal road is the route to Erxian cave. We have to pass the 30 meter high "champion ladder" to reach the peak of Erxian cave. On that mountain, the peak is as steep as a sword. On the hillside cliff, there are two natural caves, one up and one down, like two suspended portals. In addition, there are cranes roaming here, the wind is clear and the crane is singing, which makes people feel like immortals, so it is called "Er Xian Dong". There is a "crane cave" near Erxian cave. There is a crane nest in the cave. According to observation, this group of cranes are gray black, with a white head and tail. They are about one meter high and have wings about 1.5 meters. We call them "seven fairies". When they fly in the air, their posture is very beautiful!

学习啦在线学习网(on Xiuzhen Road)

Please be careful. We are going to pass the "cultivation of truth". This is a passage between Baiyun ancient cave and Babao cave. Because babaodong Taoist cultivates his nature on the mountain, it is called "the way of cultivating truth". Xiuzhen road is made by hand. The stone steps seem to hang on the stone wall, which is very dangerous. The stone steps are divided into two sections. The width of the stone steps is more than one foot. There are 72 levels in total. It is said that there are 72 changes. Visitors can count the stone steps one at a time. No one can count how many levels they are. Let's have a try.

学习啦在线学习网(on the edge of cloud pool)

学习啦在线学习网You can see what a beautiful reservoir it is. It intercepts the deep mountain springs and converges to form the wonder of high mountain and plain lake. People call it "cloud pool". Yunchi covers an area of about 600 square meters, with a water depth of 5.5 meters. There are more than 3000 carp in the pond, and the big one weighs 5 kg. The colorful boat in Yunchi is an ideal prop for tourists to take photos. Especially when YINGSHANHONG is open, you can feel the interest of "walking on both sides of the majestic green mountains in the middle reaches of the small bamboo river".

学习啦在线学习网(sanshandou button)

Now we are standing in the center of Baiyun ancient cave group. Please look up and see that the high mountains and cliffs here are like flying from the sky. The three peaks are together. The mountains are closely linked, and the mountains are connected. You can block me and compete with each other, so they are called "three mountain buckles". This is the fork road to Babao cave, Chaoyang cave and haha cave. Chaoyang cave, the ancient Baiyun cave, is only 460 meters away from here.

(Baiyun cave gate)

The original gate of Baiyun cave, which was rebuilt in 1994, has long disappeared. The peaks on three sides of Baiyun cave are natural barriers, and the gate is a passage. The top of the mountain gate is a narrow line of blue sky, and the foot of the mountain gate is a deep valley and flowing spring. Do you think this mountain gate has the momentum of "one man is in charge of the pass, ten thousand people are not allowed to open it"?

学习啦在线学习网(walking on the "18 sets"

Dear friends, we are now walking on the "Eighteen plates". From the gate of Baiyun cave to Baiyun ancient cave, the mountain road is rugged, with a total of 18 bends, so it is called "18 plates". Road twists and turns, please slow down. (finger "cactus") dear friends, please look in the direction of my finger, that is "cactus". You see, does that mountain look like the palm of a man? From a distance, "cactus" seems to stick to the precipice of Qianshan with no gap. But standing on the side of Baiyun ancient cave, you will find that the "cactus" is completely isolated from the cliff, it stands alone, very strange. (Baiyun ancient cave)

学习啦在线学习网Dear friends, Baiyun ancient cave is here. Baiyun ancient cave, also known as Chaoyang cave, is named for its north facing south and its top stone looks like white clouds. Baiyun cave is 4 meters high, 20 meters wide, 26 meters deep, covering an area of more than 600 square meters, and can accommodate 3000 people. It is a cave in the scenic area. It was here that the 72 small Kang was found.

The well-known Baohua temple is built in the ancient Baiyun cave. In the center of the cave, there were six halls, in front of which there was a pavilion in which Maitreya was worshipped. There are three Bodhisattvas on the left and three emperors on the right. There is a stone village behind the main hall, where the ancestors meditated.

Look, the stone crack on the top of the North cave is dripping. That's the patio. Below is the big pot for water. Whether it's rainy season or dry season, it's dripping. There's a lot of water in the big pot, not much to drink. Some people take water as a medicine guide, which is very effective.

学习啦在线学习网Deep on the right side of Baiyun cave, there is a cave called bottomless cave. It is said that there were two women carrying two baskets of candles to explore the cave, but they never came out. In order to avoid the danger of later generations, the monk closed the cave. It's still a mystery what it looks like. Which of us can solve this mystery in the future?

Ladies and gentlemen, due to the time constraint, we are here to end our tour today. Although you haven't visited all the scenic spots, do you feel that Baiyun ancient cave scenic spot has "the danger of Huashan Mountain, the beauty of Huangshan Mountain and the power of Mount Tai"?

Welcome to come again. I wish you all good health. Goodbye!


Ladies and gentlemen

学习啦在线学习网Hello! Welcome to Chengde summer resort. Located in the north of Chengde City, the summer resort is an existing classical Royal Garden in China.

The summer resort is a symbol of the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong in Qing Dynasty. As the founders of the villa, Kangxi and Qianlong visited the south of the Yangtze River for six times, traversing the beauty of the scenery in the world. In the construction of the summer resort, the advantages of many families were learned, and the style of Chinese north and south gardens was integrated, so that the summer resort became the summary and sublimation of Chinese classical garden art. Chinese garden experts say that the whole summer resort is the epitome of the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. Why do experts say that? I think ladies and gentlemen will answer this question after visiting the summer resort. However, I would like to remind you that the reason is related to the topography of the summer resort. (the tour guide adopts suspense method to stimulate tourists' interest in sightseeing)

Ladies and gentlemen, the summer resort is here. Please get out of the car. Now I'll show you her style.

学习啦在线学习网(outside Lizheng gate)

学习啦在线学习网Ladies and gentlemen, the antique door in front of us is the main door of the summer resort, which is called the Li main door. It is the entrance of the Qing emperor. The palace gate is three rooms wide, with two floors up and down. There are three square door openings in the lower layer, and a city platform and a que tower in the upper layer. You see, there is a stone plaque on the top of the middle door. On it is the "Lizhengmen" inscribed by Emperor Qianlong in Manchu, Tibetan, Han, Uygur and Mongolian. It symbolizes that our motherland is a unified multi-ethnic country.

学习啦在线学习网There are two stone lions on both sides of the door to show the majesty of the emperor. There is Yudao square in front of the gate. The road is paved with blue stones. There are stone tablets in the East and west of the square, on which are engraved in Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan and Chinese characters: "officials wait to dismount here", so we call it dismount tablet. There is a red screen wall to the south of the square, separating the Royal Garden from the outside world. It is said that there is a golden rooster flying from Jiguan mountain in Hongzhaobi. In the dead of night, if you tap Zhaobi, the Golden Rooster will chirp. If you want to make a textual research, please come here at night to listen. OK! Today, I invite you to be the "emperor" and go in and feel the life of the emperor.

(inside the main entrance of Li)

学习啦在线学习网Please look to the right. On the mountain in the distance, there is a huge stone pillar standing up from the sky, straight into the clouds. It is thick on the top and thin on the bottom, which is very similar to the hammer used for washing clothes. We Chengde people call it Bangchui mountain, and Emperor Kangxi named it "qingchufeng". During the construction of the summer resort, this scene is skillfully used to integrate the inside and outside of the resort, expand the sense of space, and create a new artistic conception. This is a successful example for the designer of the resort to use the garden art of "borrowing scenery". People who come to Chengde usually go to the mountain to touch Bangchui mountain, because there is a popular saying in Chengde: "if you touch Bangchui mountain, you can live one hundred and three years." If you are interested, you may as well go up the mountain tomorrow to have a touch. It must be very interesting.

学习啦在线学习网The palace in front is the place where the Qing emperor "worked and lived" in Chengde. Now Chengde people call it the summer resort Museum.

(in the exhibition room)

学习啦在线学习网The first picture that comes to our eyes is the complete picture of the summer resort, which is the full picture of the peak period of the Qing Dynasty. Summer resort, also known as "Rehe Palace", "Chengde Palace". It started construction in 1703, the 42nd year of Emperor Kangxi, and was completed in 1792, the 57th year of Emperor Qianlong. In the early and middle Qing Dynasty, several emperors came here almost every year to spend the summer and deal with government affairs, usually in April and may of the lunar calendar, and returned to Beijing in September and October. In fact, the summer resort has become the second political center of the Qing Dynasty. The whole villa covers an area of 5.64 million square meters, which is about twice the size of the summer palace in Beijing and eight times the size of Beihai. The villa can be divided into palace area and garden scenic area. The palace area is composed of four groups of buildings: the main palace, songhezhai, Wanhe SONGFENG and Donggong. Garden scenic area is divided into mountain area, Lake area and plain area. The mountain area is wide, accounting for more than 70% of the total area of the villa. The villa is the essence of the national garden, with the characteristics of Nan Xiu Bei Xia. There are 90 pavilions, 29 dykes and bridges, 25 inscriptions on cliffs, more than 70 groups of rockeries and stones, more than 120 groups of buildings such as temples, halls, temples, pavilions, towers and pavilions, with a total construction area of more than 100000 square meters.

学习啦在线学习网The 36 scenes named after four words by Emperor Kangxi and the 36 scenes named after three words by Emperor Qianlong are known as "72 scenes of summer resort". Emperor Kangxi praised it as "the north pole with its own mountains and rivers, and the natural scenery is better than the West Lake." The palace wall of the villa is about 10 kilometers long. Because it looks like the Great Wall, we Chengde people affectionately call it "little Great Wall". Outside the palace walls are the Royal temples built in imitation of the famous temples of all ethnic groups in China. These temples are semicircular around the periphery of the villa, forming the trend of the stars and the moon, symbolizing that all ethnic groups in the country were closely around the ruling center of the Qing Dynasty at that time. With the passage of time and the change of dynasties, the summer resort has gone through many vicissitudes. After the founding of new China, the villa has been reborn. Now it is a well preserved and large-scale Royal Garden in China, a world cultural heritage and a famous tourist attraction at home and abroad.

(coming to the second exhibition room)

Most of the pictures on display here are pictures. This picture of autumn Mulan is eye-catching. Mulan, which means sentinel deer in Manchu. The way to whistle deer is that before dawn, soldiers sneak into the mountain forest, wearing deerskin and antlers, whistling at the mouth to imitate the call of a male deer. Autumn is the season for deer to mate and group. In this way, the female deer can be drawn out for shooting. "Means hunting in autumn. This picture is painted by Xinglong a in Qing Dynasty. It depicts the hunting scene of the emperor more than 200 years ago. You may wonder why the emperor of the Qing Dynasty led a large group of people to hunt here for thousands of miles. Because after the emperor of the Qing Dynasty entered the pass, the fighting capacity of the Eight Banners who were brave and good at fighting in history began to decline. Some of them fled, some wounded themselves, sometimes one person was injured, and many people escorted them, in order not to go to the front line. Emperor Kangxi realized that it was urgent to improve the quality of soldiers and consolidate the northern frontier. In this situation, Emperor Kangxi personally led the Eight Banners out of xifengkou and went north to inspect, and set up a Mulan paddock for the purpose of practicing martial arts in Suiyuan.

The establishment of Mulan paddock was the product of the friendly relationship between the Qing Dynasty and the Mongolian and Tibetan Nationalities. It closed the relationship between the Mongolian and Tibetan areas and the Central Plains, strengthened the exchanges among the Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan and Han nationalities, consolidated the northern border defense, and was conducive to resisting the invasion and expansion of tsarist Russia. The annual hunting lasted about 20 days each time. The emperor personally led officials of various government departments and eight banners of Manchu and Mongolian to participate. In order to meet the needs of a large number of people, accommodation, rest, savings and the emperor's handling of government affairs, more than ten palaces were built from Beijing to the paddock. Rehe is located in the middle of this northern patrol route. From Beijing to here, the memorial ceremony is coming day and night. Moreover, the climate here is pleasant, the scenery is beautiful, and the water and grass are abundant. So Kangxi decided to build a large palace here, which is Rehe palace. In this regard, Qianlong had a very clear saying: "our emperor built this villa outside the Great Wall, not for his own travel in Henan, but for the construction of the world.".

History shows that the establishment of the autumn festival and the summer resort achieved the Emperor Kangxi's political goal of "combining the internal and external heart and forming a solid career". Now let's look at this picture again. It can be divided into two parts: the imperial camp and the hunting ground. The imperial camp was the place where the emperor lived and dealt with the government affairs, and the hunting ground was the place where he actually hunted. When hunting, there was strict organization and discipline. After the soldiers disguised as deer led the deer out, the sergeants gradually reduced the encirclement to the level of people side by side and horses with ears, but they could not shoot at will. At this time, the emperor first came out to shoot arrows, and then the princes, ministers and soldiers shot in turn. The picture shows a deer hunting scene. Please follow me.

This second gate is called "Yue shoot", which is the place where the emperor watched the archery competition between the emperor's son and his grandson. There is a plaque on the top of the door, which is written with four gold-plated characters of "summer villa". It is the imperial pen of Emperor Kangxi. This plaque is extremely beautiful and eye-catching. Perhaps you have found that the word "avoid" in this summer resort is written one more horizontal. Is it Emperor Kangxi's mistake, or is there another reason )This gentleman (young lady) is right. It turns out that in the Qing Dynasty, when the two characters "Bi" were used at the same time, either way of writing was correct. This is a variant character phenomenon. Here Emperor Kangxi wrote it for the sake of pursuing the beauty of calligraphy.

The two bronze lions on both sides of the gate are majestic. Speaking of these two bronze lions, there is a touching legend! It is said that during the Anti Japanese War, the Japanese invaders occupied Chengde and plundered it. One day, a group of Japanese soldiers found that the two bronze lions were beautiful and priceless. They wanted to take them away, but they were too heavy to carry them. So they went to find tools separately. All this makes the old people in the nursing home look in the eyes and feel pain in the heart. He thought that the bronze lion was the treasure of the country, and it must not be taken away by the Japanese soldiers. He had an idea. He immediately got pig blood from the village and smeared it on the lion's eyes. When the Japanese soldiers found the tools and came back, they found that the lion's eyes were red, and they all cried blood. They were all stunned. They were afraid that moving the lion would bring them bad luck, so they ran away in a panic. This pair of national treasures has been preserved until now. Now the pair of bronze lions have become mascots in people's minds. If you want everything to go well, don't forget to touch it.


学习啦在线学习网Dear friends

Hello! Today we visit Pule temple. Pule temple, commonly known as yuantingzi, is another royal temple built by Emperor Qianlong after Puning Temple and Anyuan temple. It covers an area of 24000 square meters with the east facing the West and the central axis facing the summer resort. The first half of the architecture of Pule temple is the traditional "Jialan Qitang" style of the Han temple, and the second half is the Tibetan form. The main building of the temple, Xuguang Pavilion, imitates the praying Hall of the temple of heaven in Beijing. The layout of the building is different from that of ordinary temples, which breaks the pattern of traditional temples facing south. In the East, it is adjacent to the chime hammer peak, and in the west, it is opposite to the summer resort. It echoes with the Puren temple, Anyuan temple, Puning Temple, Xumi Fushou temple, Putuo Zongcheng temple, etc. in the eight outer temples, forming a pattern of stars holding the moon and bowing to the summer resort.

学习啦在线学习网(in front of the Mountain Gate of Pule Temple)

Now we come to the gate of Pule temple. There is a pair of stone lions in front of the door. You see how well preserved they are. In the middle of the mountain gate, there is a stone plaque inscribed with "Pule Temple" written by Emperor Qianlong in Han, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan Languages.

学习啦在线学习网(entering the Mountain Gate)

学习啦在线学习网The first thing you can see when you enter the mountain gate is the bell and drum towers on both sides of the north and the south. Its function is the same as the bell and drum towers of Puning Temple. I will not repeat it here.

You see, there is a five room hall with a single eaves on the top of the platform. Under the central eaves is a Yunlong plaque written by Emperor Qianlong. In the center of the hall is Maitreya Buddha with a big belly. He has a fat head and a big cheek. He is happy with his eyebrows and smiles. It seems that he is welcoming us. On both sides of the cloth bag monk are clay statues of the four heavenly kings.

学习啦在线学习网The four heavenly kings, 8.38 meters high, are in sitting position. Though they have been living for 200 years, they are still resplendent and magnificent, ranking second to none in the country. Behind Maitreya Buddha stands Weituo Buddha. Weituo is the Dharma protector of the Buddha and one of the Eight Generals of the southern growth heavenly king, ranking first among the 32 generals (each of the four heavenly kings has eight generals). It is said that when Sakyamuni Buddha came to Nirvana, the evil spirits took away the remains of the Buddha, and Weituo chased them in time and tried hard to recapture them. Therefore, Buddhism regards him as the God to expel evil spirits and protect Buddhism. Since the Song Dynasty, Chinese temples have worshipped Weituo, known as Weituo Bodhisattva. They often stand behind the Maitreya Buddha statue and face the main hall to protect the Dharma and help monks.

(in front of Zongyin Hall)

学习啦在线学习网When we enter the second courtyard from the Tianwang hall, we are presented with a hall with seven wide faces and five deep faces, with double eaves and glass tile roofs on Xieshan mountain. This is the main building of the temple "Zongyin hall". Zongyin means that Buddhism is the unchanging truth. In the center of the main ridge of Zongyin hall, there is a yellow glazed tile Lama tower, about two meters high. The base of the tower is xumizuo. The tower is composed of Chenglu pan, Xianglun, sun and moon. On both sides of the pagoda are inlaid with eight ornaments for Buddha's offering: wheel (Dharma wheel), snail (Buddha's sound is widely spread), umbrella (protecting all Dharma), cover (Buddha's power), lotus (not contaminated by worldly customs), vase (virtue is perfect), Pisces (freedom and liberation), pan Chang (Buddhist doctrine runs through all the time). In the center of the hall, there are three Buddhas: the pharmacist Buddha in the Oriental glass world, the Sakyamuni Buddha in the Chinese dancing world, and the Amitabha Buddha in the Western Paradise. There are eight wood carved Bodhisattvas on the stone Xumi seats on both sides of the three Buddhas: Manjusri, Vajrayana, Avalokitesvara and King Tibetans in the South; Puxian, Maitreya, void Tibetans and removing dirt and obstacles in the north. They are called eight Bodhisattvas. The eight Bodhisattvas are of the same size. They are all carved in wood and painted in gold.

学习啦在线学习网There are five auxiliary halls on each side of Zongyin hall. The Nanpei hall is called "Huili hall". In the hall, there are statues of Buddha, Vajra with horse head, Vajra with subduing part and Vajra with anger. They are pink, blue, red, three heads and six arms, with human skin on the back and tiger skin skirt around the waist. The backlight behind is a five color flame, which is said to represent five kinds of "wisdom". The north side hall is "Shengyin hall". Inside the hall is dedicated to the inner achievement of Vajra hand, the outer achievement of Vajra hand and the secret achievement of Vajra hand. It is said that these three Buddhas are the images of Sakyamuni when he preached the secret Dharma, and are the secret incarnations of Sakyamuni. So it's also called "secret master".


学习啦在线学习网Dear friends, we now come to the "city" in the eastern half of Pule temple. The city is actually a Datura entity. Mandala is a transliteration of Sanskrit, translated as "Tan" or "Daochang". This is the place where the lamas practice, observe and teach the secret law. In order to prevent the invasion of "demons", the tantric sect of Lamaism drew a circle or built a high altar on the practice site, on which the Buddha, Bodhisattva or scroll were placed. Only in this way can we get the protection of Buddha and Bodhisattva and not be disturbed by the "demons".

学习啦在线学习网The city is divided into three layers: the outer layer is a group of square houses. There are doors on all sides. Facing the west is the main gate, which is three rooms wide and one room deep, with a single eaves resting on the top of the mountain. There is a Qianlong stele built in the gate hall. It is inscribed with Qianlong's stele of Pule Temple written in Manchu, Han, Mongolian and Tibetan Languages. The construction of Pule temple is not like that of Puning Temple and Anyuan temple. In view of specific historical events, Emperor Qianlong felt that there was still a large space to be used from Puning Temple and Anyuan temple to the area of qinghammer peak. In order to make the overall rational layout of the temples around the summer resort, he built this temple. "Pule" is derived from Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Tower" in which "the worries of the world come first and then the happiness of the world come later". On both sides of the original square courtyard, it has 72 single-layer Gallery room, no longer exist.

学习啦在线学习网The second floor is a square stone platform with battlements on the brick wall. A stone arch is built in the center of the platform, and there is a corridor between the arch and the gate hall. In the middle of the West arch, there is a stone plaque of "shewei Xianxiang" written by Emperor Qianlong, which means that it is the same as shewei state, showing auspicious scenery. There are stone pedals on both sides of the arch leading to the bottom of the platform. The arches on the north and south sides are closed, with Buddhist painting axes hanging inside. There is a small hall at the exit of the pedal road from the pedal road to the top of the second floor platform. There are eight Lama pagodas with the same shape and different colors in the middle of the four corners and four sides of the top. The pagoda is divided into five colors: yellow, black, purple, green and white. These five colors represent the "five elements" of land, water, fire, wind and air in Lamaism. The five color pagoda symbolizes the five color land (the land of China's Kyushu is five colors), which means that under the heaven, is it the king's land. The eight pagodas are divided into eight directions and serve as the merit towers of Sakyamuni's "eight great achievements" (Buddha, becoming Tao, turning the wheel of Dharma, manifesting supernatural powers, benefiting the world, transforming monks, thinking immeasurably and entering Nirvana). It symbolizes the long-term and stable rule of the Qing Dynasty.

学习啦在线学习网The square stone platform on the third floor is surrounded by stone railings. In the center of the platform is the main building "Xuguang Pavilion" in the second half of the temple. It means facing the rising sun in the East. This is a round pavilion with double eaves, yellow glazed tiles and a pointed roof. Its shape is the same as that of the praying Hall of the temple of heaven in Beijing. 12 eaves columns and 12 gold columns support the double eaves dome in two layers. The square platform and the round roof show the ancient Chinese cosmology with a round sky and a round place. The building on the round stone Xumi seat in the center of the hall is called "Mandala", which is a three-dimensional "Mandala" model in China.

The nine palace grid on its base is made of 37 pieces of wood, representing 37 kinds of knowledge of Sakyamuni. In the middle of the mandala, there is a double bronze statue of the king Buddha of shangle. Shangle King Buddha, also known as Shengle King Buddha, is also called "Huanxi Buddha". It is also named "Deqiao" and is one of the original Buddhas of Tantric practice of Lamaism. Tantric school advocates practicing secret law, that is, practicing through "the door of convenience" (yoga) to become a Buddha. King Buddha of shangle is the incarnation of King Buddha holding wheel, representing wisdom. Mother Buddha (female image) represents meditation. Only with "both wisdom and tranquility" and "both meditation and meditation" can one become a Buddha. The combination of two bodies is like the wings of a bird and the wheels of a car. Only in this way can one become a Buddha, which is another form of cultivation in Tantric Buddhism.

The top of Xuguang Pavilion is decorated with exquisite dragon troupe and Pearl caisson. The carving is exquisite and glittering, which has high artistic value. come

(in the exhibition room of Tantric Buddhism)

Dear friends, now we are in the exhibition room of Tantric Buddhism. This is the gate hall on the north side of the city. Originally, there were 21 groups of rooms beside the square gate hall. Now only the gate hall is left. Except for the west gate hall, the other nine gate halls have been turned into exhibition rooms.

学习啦在线学习网Esoteric Buddhism, also known as esoteric Buddhism, originated in the late stage of the development of Mahayana Buddhism in ancient India, and has obvious characteristics compared with Xianzong. 800 years after Sakyamuni's death, Buddhism was divided into Buddhism and Buddhism. Academia believes that Esoteric Buddhism is the product of the combination of Mahayana and Brahmanism after the 7th century. It was introduced by Indian master rinwatson in the early 8th century. He fought many times with Bon witches in secret law. Every time he defeated some Bon witches, he declared that some stupid God had been subdued and named him the protector of Buddhism. The tantric Buddha statue of Tibetan Buddhism is unique, which is not only the precious wealth of religious art, but also the treasure of human body statue art in the world. Let's have a look here

学习啦在线学习网Apart from the modern clay statues, they are all originally preserved in the temple, which is hard to see in other temples.

学习啦在线学习网What are the differences between Tantric Buddhism and Buddhism? There are the following points: first, Tantric Buddhism takes Sakyamuni as its leader and attaches great importance to theory, while Tantric Buddhism praises the Tathagata and pays attention to matters; second, Tantric Buddhism advocates preaching Buddhism, meditation, enlightenment and self-cultivation, while Tantric Buddhism attaches great importance to inheritance, truth and mantra in order to become Buddha; 3、 Xianzong's Classics mainly include scriptures, laws, precepts, and theories. In addition to tantric, there are eulogy, praise, Dharma, mantra, rituals, yoga, and seal of contract. Fourth, Xianzong has four kinds of prestige: walking, living, sitting, and lying. In addition to tantric, it also needs to contemplate, follow the teacher's instruction, abide by rituals and practice procedures.

Tantric cultivation can be divided into four steps: Shimi, xingmi, yoga MI and supreme yoga MI. Master zongkaba, the founder of the Yellow religion, stipulated that the order of practice should be first obvious and then secret. Only the living Buddha who has obtained the degree of gexi in Tibetan education is qualified to practice Esoteric Buddhism, which is passed on by master Vajra and practiced in the upper and lower esoteric schools. The practice of Tantric Buddhism is accompanied by the imperial concubine Ming. Therefore, most of the tantric statues are double figures of men and women, which are called "joyful Buddha" or "joyful heaven". Each of these statues has a Buddhist story or legend, so they are three-dimensional fables of Buddhism. Because the joyful Buddhas are all naked, they are men and women, so some people mistakenly think that "joyful" refers to the sexual pleasure of men and women. In fact, these two words mean fearless, angry spirit, transcending life and death, and gaining joy.

学习啦在线学习网(in the second exhibition room of Tantric Buddhism)

学习啦在线学习网One of the most influential Buddhist statues of Tantric Buddhism is the bronze "King Kong of great power, virtue and terror" in the second exhibition room. He was a man and a woman, with nine sides, thirty-four hands and sixteen feet. The nine faces represent the nine Sutras of Mahayana, the two horns symbolize the two truths, the thirty-four hands with body, the thirty-seven meaning, the thirty-seven Bodhi Dharma, the sixteen feet symbolize the sixteen emptiness, and the combination of men and women symbolizes the great happiness. On the left and right, eight feet step on eight things and eight birds, symbolizing "80% of the Department" and "eight freedom". Nudity and nirvana symbolize "no dust". Anger and uprightness symbolize "wonderful way". As for the joyful Buddha image, there are such legends in sibunayega Dharma and Japanese Tantra of dongmi: the woman is the incarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva. With her beauty, she subdued the king who believed in Brahmanism and made him the protector of Buddhism. This kind of saying is completely out of the secular attachment psychology. It is a difficult realm for ordinary people to reach to deeply study the essence of Tantric cultivation. It is to break the ignorance, cultivate the good root and obtain the right consciousness. There is a mysterious veil about the true meaning of Tibetan secrets. No wonder we can't understand it. However, the artistic charm of these superb human figures is amazing to every tourist.

Also on display in the exhibition room are the prison master King Kong, riding sheep to protect the Dharma, joyful King Kong, auspicious Heavenly Mother, shangle King Buddha and so on. Please enjoy it freely.

学习啦在线学习网Although Pule temple is a Lamaist temple, there is no Lama in it, but it is guarded by eight banners. This is the place where the Kazakh, Uighur, Kirgiz and other ethnic upper class people who come to the summer resort to worship the Qing emperor pay homage and live.

学习啦在线学习网Dear friends, this is the end of the tour guide's explanation of Pule temple. Short time together, eternal memory, in your heart, my heart left a good memory. I remember a song like this: "when we surpass our dreams, we need to face them sincerely, let our life savor this moment, and let the years remember this time.".

Dear friends, goodbye!


Chengde city is located in the northeast of Hebei Province, in the transitional zone between North China and Northeast China. The city has jurisdiction over eight counties and three districts, covering an area of nearly 40000 square kilometers with a total population of more than 3.4 million. Chengde Municipal People's government is located on the Bank of Wulie River in Shuangqiao District, 435 kilometers away from Shijiazhuang, the provincial capital, and 256 kilometers away from Beijing.

Chengde city has a long history, as early as the Neolithic age, there were primitive people living. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the central governments of all dynasties have set up county, prefecture, county and other administrative organs in Chengde. Rehe hall was set up in the first year of Yongzheng reign, Chengde mansion in the 43rd year of Qianlong reign, and Rehe Dutong mansion in the 15th year of Jiaqing reign. After the revolution of 1911, the government system was abolished and Rehe special district was set up. In 1928, it was established as the capital of Rehe province. In 1933, Chengde was occupied by Japanese invaders, and the puppet Manchukuo Special Administrative Region was established. It was liberated in 1945, and was occupied by the Kuomintang in 1946. In 1948, Chengde city was liberated again, under the jurisdiction of Rehe Province, and became the capital of Rehe province. In November 1956, yingshouyingzi and Shouwangfen in Xinglong County were under the jurisdiction of Chengde city. In 1958, Chengde County was abolished and merged into Chengde city.

学习啦在线学习网On March 15, 1960, Chengde city was merged. After the merger, Chengde city was under the jurisdiction of urban area, Xiabancheng District, Longhua County, Weichang County, Fengning County, Luanping county, Xinglong County, Qinglong County and Pingquan County. In May 1961, Chengde was divided into Prefecture and city. After that, Chengde was divided into Cuiqiao District, Hongqiao District, shuangtashan District, hongshiluan Working Committee and Shuangfengsi Working Committee. In February 1965, yingshouyingzi, Shouwangfen and mazuan were re assigned to Chengde City, and yingshouyingzi mining area was restored. In January 1984, Chengde city was changed into a city under provincial jurisdiction, with jurisdiction over Shuangqiao District, Shuangluan District, yingshouyingzi mining area and Chengde County. Qinglong County is under the jurisdiction of Qinhuangdao city. On July 1, 1993, the prefecture and city were merged to implement the management system of city Governing County, which governs eight counties and three districts.

学习啦在线学习网Chengde, formerly known as Rehe, has a long history and rich multi-ethnic history and culture. According to textual research, there are traces of human activities here as early as the period of Longshan Culture in the Central Plains. During the Warring States period, the state of Yan set up a local government at the county level in this area. After Qin Dynasty, local governments were also set up.

From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the yuan and Ming Dynasties, Xiongnu, Xianbei, Qidan, Nuzhen, Mongolian and other ethnic minorities once nomaded here. Until the early Qing Dynasty, Chengde city is still only a small village with dozens of families, called Rehe Shangying. In 1703, the Qing government built a summer resort here. In 1723, the Rehe hall was set up. In 1733, it was renamed Chengde Prefecture after taking the meaning of "inheriting the kindness of ancestors". This is the origin of the name Chengde. Since then, Chengde has gradually developed into a city with "more lights than ever before". However, from Xianfeng's succession to the throne (1851) to the reign of the Kuomintang, Chengde gradually declined and became desolate. After the revolution of 1911, the government system was abolished and Rehe special area was established. Rehe province was established in 1929, and Chengde was the capital of Rehe province. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, Chengde city changed from decline to rebirth. In July 1993, the former Chengde City and Chengde District merged.

Chengde is one of the 24 famous historical and cultural cities, one of the top ten scenic spots in China, one of the 44 key scenic spots in China, and one of the top 40 tourist attractions in China. At the end of 1994, Chengde Mountain Resort and its surrounding temples were listed as world cultural heritage by UNESCO. In June 1998, Chengde Mountain resort was identified as one of the first ten demonstration sites of civilized scenic spots in China. At the end of 1998, Chengde city was rated as China's tourism city. Chengde is rich in tourism resources. In the past three years, Chengde Municipal government has invested more than 30 million yuan to renovate and restore the famous summer resort and Waiba temple. Now 40 of the famous "72 scenes of KangQian" in the summer resort have been renovated, and seven of the eight outer temples are open to tourists. In addition, Kui Xing Lou, Twin Towers mountain, Town God's Temple and sandwich wall ditch have been newly developed in the urban area.

学习啦在线学习网Chengde city is rich in tourism resources. In Luanping, there is Jinshanling Great Wall, the essence of the great wall; in Fengning, Jingbei grassland is famous for its advantageous geographical location and beautiful natural scenery; in Baiyun ancient cave, there are strange, dangerous, wild, secluded, monks, nuns and Taoism; Mulan paddock, the famous royal hunting garden of Qing Dynasty in Weichang County, is a natural resort for summer tourism and winter skiing and hunting; Wuling Mountain in Xinglong is rich in species of animals and plants, which is listed as a nature reserve; the underwater Great Wall in Kuancheng is a wonder of the Great Wall; The scenery at the source of Liaohe River in Pingquan is charming. The natural secondary forests are well-organized. The grassland on the top of the mountain presents a subalpine grassland landscape. Chengde is a resort with beautiful mountains and rivers.


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, uncles, aunts, aunts, husbands, brothers, sisters, ladies and sisters. First of all, on behalf of the boss of the travel agency and all the landlords, as well as myself and the driver in front of me, I would like to extend my heartfelt greetings to you.

学习啦在线学习网It's said that 500 times of looking back in the past life, only in exchange for a brush in this life. Today, we people from different cities can share a car to spend 3 days and 2 nights together in Chengde, which shows the great fate between us. It also shows that we didn't do anything else in our last life, and we turned back.

学习啦在线学习网Having said so much, you still don't know me. Let me introduce myself. I'm the tour guide of our 3-day tour in Chengde. The moral introduction of my name makes it easy for you to remember and recognize. You can call me a guide, or whatever, but don't call a guide. When you call a guide in the scenic area, seven or eight people who turn back don't know who is who.

I know you are very sleepy now, so I'll talk about the itinerary later. Let me get to know you first. If you have anything, you can find me. My phone number is 188605. At the same time, please remember the license plate number to avoid getting on the wrong bus. What's the name of our group Group, in the name of the tail number of the license plate, on the one hand, always remind you of the license plate, on the other hand, it's the peak tourist season in Chengde. Today, five cars were sent together. I can't tell the group's collection clearly, so that you can quickly get familiar with the organization.

学习啦在线学习网As we have a long drive, we are expected to arrive in Chengde at about 1 p.m., so I'd like to make it clear to you first.

1. First of all, our seats are fixed. We will do whatever we sit today in the next three days. This seat is not arranged by me. It is arranged by the travel agency according to the order of everyone's registration. The quality of our group's tourists is relatively good. It's not said that there are differences because of the seats. We are front-line tour guides. We often travel in groups. Once I met a situation where 30 of 50 people in a car said they were carsick, but our bus can't drive horizontally. Therefore, the travel agency didn't promise that they would be carsick in front of us when they received the service, because they were all carsick. So if you want to be the front-line tourists, please register in advance. However, we are at high speed all the way, like this one-and-a-half floor bus, it is the same before and after sitting, and there will be no carsickness.

学习啦在线学习网2. The luggage reminds you to put the scattered things on the top, and it's better not to put the things in the front two compartments, because the braking curve is easy to cause the luggage to fall off, so as to avoid hurting people. Take personal valuables with you.

3. Parents with children must be optimistic about their babies. Don't run around in the car. We adults are the same. People are not allowed to stand or walk when the car is running at high speed. Don't feel tired. It's OK to rely on it for a while, because the road conditions are changing at any time. I remember a tourist just like I am now resting. As a result, a person with emergency brake flew directly past. Although there is insurance, it's not safe Suffer. Although the master is good at driving long-distance Chengde line, but for the sake of safety, we try to do in the seat, armrest down and fasten the seat belt.

学习啦在线学习网4. There will be a stop in the service area in about three hours. You can also go down for a walk to relieve yourself. If you have a friend who is in a hurry, please remember to tell the guide that we are on the highway, not that you can't hold it. We can only stop when you get the service area. Without special circumstances, we normally stop every three hours, so that we can get to the scenic spot earlier.

5. And then there is the sanitation in the car. First of all, smoking is not allowed in the car, whether it is running or stationary. Then there is not eating melon seeds and other easy to jump, that are all snacks. Garbage we put in garbage bags, not enough garbage bags to find guide to ha. Remember to take the garbage down when you get off the car. Some perishable food has been suffocating for a long time. It really smells bad. Then there is the food with strong pungent smell. Don't eat stinky tofu, durian or instant noodles in the car. Carsick friends really can't stand it. You are vomiting when you eat his noodles. The picture is too beautiful. I really can't watch it.

6. Finally, there are preferential policies. For those under 18 years old and after 2000, they only look at the year but not the month. For those who show their ID cards, half price student ID cards, full-time graduate students are not included. For those over 60 years old from 1949 to 1958, they only look at the year but not the month. For their ID cards, half price. Those under 1.2 meters and those over 70 years old and 1948 years old should show their ID cards free of charge. Reporter card, disability card, officer card, online examination certificate - free ticket. I'll collect the documents later.

Next, I'd like to introduce the general situation and itinerary of the scenic spots. What items are included in your tour fee, which items are not included, which items need to be consumed separately, which places can save money, and which scenic spots are not regretful. Come out to travel and consume rationally.

(itinerary introduction) Chengde summer resort, little potala palace, Putuo Zongcheng temple, Banchan palace, Xumi Fushou temple, Pule temple, Bangchui mountain, Pule temple, sanguanfeng

学习啦在线学习网Chengde summer resort:

Located in the center of Hebei Province, it is a landmark building, covering an area of 5.64 million square meters, a world cultural heritage, a national AAAAA tourist attraction, a national key cultural relics protection unit, and one of the four famous gardens in China.

Chengde summer resort, also known as "Chengde Palace" or "Rehe Palace", is located in the north of Chengde City Center in Hebei Province, on the narrow valley along the West Bank of WuLie river. It is a place for the Qing emperors to spend summer and deal with government affairs.

The summer resort was built in 1703. It took 89 years to complete after the reign of Emperor Kangxi, Emperor Yongzheng and Emperor Qianlong. The summer resort, with the style of simple and elegant villages and wild interests, takes the nature of natural landscape and absorbs the scenery of the South and north of the Yangtze River. It has become the largest ancient imperial palace in China.

The summer resort is divided into four parts: palace area, Lake area, plain area and mountain area. The whole resort is rich in water in the southeast and mountainous in the northwest. It is the epitome of China's natural landscape, a brilliant milestone in the history of Chinese garden, a masterpiece of Chinese classical garden art, and the highest example of Chinese classical garden.

学习啦在线学习网On March 4, 1961, the summer resort was announced as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. Together with the summer palace, Humble Administrator's garden and Liuyuan, it was named as China's four famous gardens. It was listed in the world heritage list in December 1994.

During the reign of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, about half a year was spent in Chengde. The important political, military, ethnic and diplomatic affairs in the early Qing Dynasty were all dealt with here. Therefore, Chengde summer resort has become the capital and the second political center outside Beijing. Here, Qianlong met and entertained some important figures, such as durbert Taiji sancheling, turhuttai jiwobashi and the sixth Panchen Lama, the leader of politics and religion. Both emperor Jiaqing and Xianfeng of Qing Dynasty died here. In 1860, when the British and French allied forces attacked Beijing, Emperor Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty fled to the summer resort for refuge, where he approved several unequal treaties such as the Sino Russian Beijing treaty. The "Xinyou coup" that influenced the process of Chinese history, the court coup planned by Cixi, and so on, also originated here.

学习啦在线学习网There are two famous scenic spots in it: Jinshan Temple, Jinshan shangbi Pavilion, which was built in Jinshan, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province. It was the first time that Cixi was favored. Liu Xiaoqing also shot the burning of Yuanmingyuan here. Yanyu building: it was built in imitation of the Yanyu building in Nanhu, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, and nominated by Emperor Qianlong. This is the scene of shufangzhai, the first little swallow in huanzhu gege. The big tree that little swallow jumps up and down, and the rockery that five elder brothers play hide and seek are all here. Rehe, formerly known as Rehe palace, is one of the shortest rivers in the world. It is only 0.3 km long. It was a volcanic eruption zone 70 million years ago. In the Qing Dynasty, the spring water protruding from the spring eye could cook eggs. Later, it was poured into the spring water of Wulie River, Chengde's mother river, to keep the water temperature level, with an average temperature of 8 degrees. Rehe washes her hands with water. Women are 20 this year and 19 next year. Men have money and beautiful women have everything.

Bangchui mountain

In 1702, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty named this mountain "qingchufeng", which looks like a chime hammer. Jiaqing avoids homophony and changes it to Bangchui mountain. Qingchui peak is isolated from the gentle mountains. It is just like a towering pillar. The natural shape with a slightly thick upper part and a slightly thin lower part can easily open people's imagination, saying that it can be similar to Namibia's "thumb of God".

学习啦在线学习网What's quite amazing is that there is a mulberry tree about 3 meters high at the waist of qingchufeng. It is estimated that this mulberry tree and qingchufeng have loved each other for 300 years, and it is said to be the earliest mulberry tree in China. There is a platform under the peak and a Qing Dynasty Tantric statue on the East Cliff. The actual measurement shows that the height from the platform base to the peak is 59.42 meters, the height of the hammer is 38.29 meters, the volume is 6508.68 cubic meters, and the weight is 16200 tons. Qianchufeng is far away from the pavilion of "chufeng luozhao" in the summer resort.

There are many legends about Bangchui mountain. It is widely spread that Bangchui mountain falls and toad stone runs. In that year, Dayu led people to Chengde. He found a toad making waves in the mountain. During the day, Dayu and others worked hard to drain the water. At night, the toad's stomach swelled and sucked the water back. Dayu was determined to punish the toad. One night, Dayu found that the toad essence was doing mischief again, so he picked up a big hammer for pounding clothes, and beat the toad essence to the ground, turning it into a big stone. Fearing that it would run out again and harm the people, Dayu threw the gavel and set it beside the toad stone, turning it into a mountain peak. Toad fine move, give a mallet. In this way, toad spirit no longer dare to make trouble, had to lie there obediently, until today.

There is a saying in Chengde that if you touch Bangchui mountain, you will live to 130.

Pule Temple

It is commonly known as yuantingzi. It was built in 1766, facing west. At that time, the relationship between the Northwest Nationalities and the Qing government was increasingly close. The Kazaks living near Balkhash and the brutes living in the north of Congling constantly sent representatives to make pilgrimage, so the temple was built. Facing the summer resort, the temple presents a situation of stars crowding the moon, symbolizing the unity of a multi-ethnic country. On Bangchui mountain, you can visit the temple of heaven together. Emperor Qianlong adopted the suggestion of living Buddha Zhang Jia and built the temple in 1766. It was named "Universal Music" with the meaning of "first worry and then joy".

学习啦在线学习网Waiba Temple: Waiba temple is the general name of eight Tibetan Buddhist temples in the northeast of Chengde Mountain Resort in Hebei Province. From 1713 to 1780, eight outer temples were successively built. At that time, there were 40 temples directly under the Li Fan yuan in Beijing and Chengde, including 32 in the capital and 8 in Chengde. Chengde was located outside Beijing and the Great Wall, so it was called Wai Ba temple, including Puren temple, Pushan Temple (no longer exist), Puning Temple, Anyuan Temple, Putuo Zongcheng temple, Shuxiang temple, Xumi Fushou temple and Guangyuan temple. The Qing emperor built these temples in order to conform to the custom of the Mongolian, Tibetan and other ethnic minorities believing in Lamaism, "because of their religion, it is not easy for them to be vulgar", and to achieve the political purpose of "combining the internal and external heart, forming a solid career" of the Qing Dynasty through "deep benevolence and wealth".

Putuo Zongcheng temple in little potala palace

学习啦在线学习网The layout of the temple is modeled on the Potala Palace in Lhasa, commonly known as the "little potala palace". Here Emperor Qianlong met with the leader of turhu, wobaxi, and his party, and held a grand lecture, saying, birthday and other activities.

Located in the north of Chengde Mountain Resort, the temple was built in 1771. "Putuo Zongcheng" is the Potala Palace in Tibetan language. It rises from the mountain to the mountain, and is magnificent.

学习啦在线学习网In the 36th year of Qianlong, the 60th birthday of Emperor Qianlong and the 80th birthday of empress dowager, the leaders of various ethnic minorities in the border areas gathered in Chengde to hold a grand birthday celebration, creating an unprecedented situation of national unity.

学习啦在线学习网In order to respect the beliefs of all ethnic groups and unite the people of all ethnic groups, Emperor Qianlong ordered the construction of this large temple.

The temple of Zongcheng in Putuo is the largest of the eight outer temples.

Xumi Fushou Temple

Xumi Fushou temple, a national key cultural relic protection unit, is located on the south slope of Shizigou in the north of Chengde Mountain Resort in Hebei Province, east of Putuo Zongcheng temple. In 1780, the sixth Panchen Lama set out from zhashlunbu temple in Shigatse to celebrate Emperor Qianlong's 70th birthday. After a long journey of more than 20000 Li, he came to Chengde after 13 months. In order to welcome the sixth Panchen, Emperor Qianlong built a temple of Xumi Fushou for the sixth Panchen to preach and live in, which is also called "Panchen Palace". "Xumishan", the Tibetan name "zhahui", is an auspicious place for Jie to live in; "Fushou", the Tibetan name "Lunbu". Xumi Fushou means to live as long as the auspicious Xumi mountain. The temple with the highest gold content is also the only one with full-time commentators. Next to the little potala palace, you can visit it together.

Kuixing Building

学习啦在线学习网It is the only Taoist temple to visit today. The main scenic spots for studying are distributed in three areas: square garden area, palace area and landscaping area: Longmen, Zhongdou palace, 72 blessed land, Rongshi Lezhen hall, Hongwen hall, Kuixing main building, chengtiantai, Congming spring, and trestle road around the mountain. Among them, the Rongshi Lezhen hall is the East and west side hall, which respectively worships eight statues of "Shou, Xi, Le, he" and "Fu, Lu, Cai, an". The painted images are exquisitely carved and unique.

学习啦在线学习网It was built in 1828 A.D. in Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty. The original building stands on the top of Banbi mountain. It is a three room hard mountain buniwa hall. At that time, it was full of incense. In order to facilitate the exchange of incense, a dock and a tea shed were built at the foot of Banbi mountain. Later, Kuixing building was destroyed due to disrepair. The newly built Kuixing building is located on the original Banbi mountain, covering an area of more than 100 mu. Its construction scale is much larger than that of the original building, and many new cultural contents are added. The whole group of buildings are gorgeous in color, grand and magnificent, and well arranged according to the mountain.


Located in the south of Chengde City, the relative height of the peak is 300 meters, with an altitude of 650 meters. The peak is shaped like a monk hat, and Emperor Qianlong named it sengguan peak. The peak is adjacent to Wulie water in the East and Jiuhua Mountain in the south. In spring, summer and autumn, morning and evening, the clouds on the top of the mountain rise like gauze and light silk. In the severe winter, silver is covered in plain clothes, vast and magnificent. The most amazing thing about this mountain is not the beauty of the scenery, but the ability to "gather and disperse with clouds and take up the experience of sunshine and rain". The local proverb says, "wear a rain cap when it rains, and a wind cap when it blows.". When the local people see the clouds gathering at the top of Seng Mao mountain, they know it will rain; when they see the clouds behind Seng Mao mountain, they know it will be windy. The Buddha statues of sengguanfeng can be photographed. The cliff stone carving is the light of Buddhism.











