学习啦在线学习网 I am Ginger. I just finished my courses today. I would like to say that you are a good teacher.You are so warm and sincere to talk with me. You helped me to correct my Pronunciation ,teached me a lot of useful expressions like "My bed is talking".What is more ,except for the book ,we talk about each other's country ,society&culture. No doubtly,we are good friends now. At the same time ,I want to thank you so much ,because you are so patient to arrange my courses because I had to change my courses time often. Thank you again!
学习啦在线学习网 life in yangshuo has been very peaceful and relaxing. the scenery here is very beautiful and you never get tired of it. people here are also very nice, specially when you get to know them.
学习啦在线学习网 the best time to be in yangshuo is summer. in fact, when the weather is warm it is a delight to go to the river and just swim. food is good and very cheap, even though it is maybe too oily. in yangshuo, you can also find imported food, which is very good, but best, just go to west street and eat very good western food at a very good price (very cheap for western food in china, even cheaper than chinese food!)
学习啦在线学习网 teaching at omeida was a very good experience for me. it gave me the opportunity to improve my teaching skills. i was also very glad to be able to teach different students and get to know them. it was very nice to have a very friendly atmosphere in the class.
moreover, i would like to thank the education department for their different materials (books, dvd...). also, i was very glad to have met all the teachers working at omeida. they were very nice and it was very good to be able to discuss about a variety of things and exchange materials that was and will be very useful.
thank you to odar who gave me the opportunity to work for omeida.
学习啦在线学习网 我是2月16号出院患者陈xx的女儿,我妈妈偶然发现的脑膜瘤在你主持的手术过后已完全切除,现处于恢复阶段,且每天的恢复进度让人像感受一个个奇迹般令人兴奋。对于您高明的医术也许不用我多说了,网站中好评如潮:专业细心态度和蔼……而我想到了四个字:大医精诚。x教授根据患者的经济状况和病情制定医治方案,既让患者病情得到治疗又不用患者经济负荷过重,是位难得的会为百姓切身利益着想的好医生。手术过后我爸爸一直在感叹,x教授为人很正直,相对比于有些医生为了一己私利而让病人做些无关紧要的检查和开些疗效一般而昂贵的药,牟教授会了解病人真实情况而制定合理的治疗方案。是的,医术精湛,为人真诚也是我这个涉世未深的90后学生对教授的高度赞扬。
学习啦在线学习网 感谢教授让我妈妈获得新生!希望教授保持心中的一块圣地,保留赤子之心更好的为更多有需要的病人服务,让更多绝望中的患者看到希望,重获新生、享受美好的生活。