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学习啦在线学习网   向总裁写一份感谢信,本文是学习啦小编为大家整理的总裁的感谢信,仅供参考。


  Dear C,

  Good morning!

  Reprensenting all 9 AAA(Chengdu) members, I am presenting our profound respect and gratitude for all what AAA global colleagues care and support, from the very first moment since the earthquake, 8.0 on the Richter scale, attacked our Province on May 12th, last Monday.

  By yesterday afternoon local time 40,075 people had been killed by the earthquake, more than 30,000 missing, 247,645 injured, more than 5 millions homeless. What heartaching numbers! The closest demaged town is just nearly 35 miles away from Chengdu, the capital city of the Province, where our AAA(Chengdu) locates.

  Amongst all 9 emplyees here in the branch, our family members are safe and sound, with all your faithful prayers, while some of the houses are partly demaged. Experienced 7 days and nights stay outside the door, we are currently ready back to houses, where we can go on with our life and work, for the responsibilities that we, the survived, hold and carry on.

  Yes, all people here, in much better conditions than those in the very epiccentre, we are still in the struggling recovery period. Our towns needs rebuilding,our children needs more cares,our houses needs repairs, and more, our panic needs relief, when the post-shakes are still around. Through last deadly week, we are still and always very much proud of:

学习啦在线学习网   1. we have whole nation and world tremendous and continious support;

学习啦在线学习网   2. we have all AAA over 8,000 family members worldwide support, where they prayed and cared and supported us, especially thanks to our Indian IT colleague who sent his care several hours after the earthquake;

  3. we have all AAA China branches 24 hours support, Benny, M,L,Cand C, all of them immedidately threw themselves in full supporting us, days and nights,with all what they can devote ,to share our panic, to ease our burdens and confort our tensions, from other cities in China, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing. Furthermore, we are proud too, for AAA has our first donation to China Red Cross this week, together with we have medical aid already done last week from our Chengdu colleagues;

  4. we have here, in Chengdu branch, volenteers from the very first earthquake day, joined relief efforts, even in the shaking epicentre and Chengdu!

  5. we, 9 of us, were working at the very minute of the hazard on 19th floor, and tried our every way to have all our clients and candidates in our first thoughts afterwards, sending them our warmest greetings, even at the first moments when the mobile networks started to work again after a whole night off!

学习啦在线学习网   We witnessed every single life here at the most respected and rescued, we experienced every relief efforts backboned by old to young, thus we are ready for making a better place here, heart and soul.

  Still remember one sentence, when I got to know years ago, which struck me most during this special occation : All for one, one for all!

  Now, we are enormously touched by AAA' culture and commitment to help our employees and the community through this difficult time. We all nine, out of over 8,000 in this family, are making our commitment as well, to carry on our culture and spread our spirit to the wider space.

  Please receive our greatest respect and gratitude again, to all our respectable AAA family members, US, Europe, India ,and each one in other countries and regions.

  Sincerely yours,







学习啦在线学习网   这些意见和建议都很中肯,对我们非常有价值。对于腾讯来说,现在正处于转型的十字路口,如果说前面的12年,解决的是生存和发展问题,那么接下来的12年,要解决的是如何从卓越到优秀的问题。

学习啦在线学习网   作为一家互联网企业,腾讯不但需要自己发展壮大,还有责任让整个产业更加健康、茁壮地成长。一直以来,我们的愿景就是成为最受尊敬的互联网企业。这里面,离不开一个共赢的产业环境,也离不开用户的真心支持,更离不开您的监督和鞭策。“以铜镜为鉴,可以正衣冠;以人为鉴,可以知得失;以叱为鉴,可以知兴替”,所有这些意见,我们会认真思考幵尽可能地融入到腾讯的发展策略当中。

  2011年开始,腾讯步入了“开放与分享”的转型期,我们希望为用户带来更多美妙的体验、也为合作伙伴创造更高的平台价值。我和所有腾讯人都深深知道,转型会是一次痛苦的蜕变,但我们义无反顾,这条路必须坚定地走到底。我们很乐意随时与您分享腾讯转型的每一个迚展,也期待您持续不断的关注和指导。 再一次感谢您参加“诊断腾讯”活动!再一次感谢您的宝贵意见!




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学习啦在线学习网   安徽:捐赠善款人民币21,645元,用于安徽安庆市岳西县灾后重建。


