学习啦在线学习网 【导语】:日月开新元,天地又一春。回顾过去,振奋人心;展望未来,满怀豪情。那么今天那么今天小编为大家带来的是关于2019年公司总经理新年致辞的范文,希望对大家有所帮助!
学习啦在线学习网 我们刚刚隆重庆祝了万华成立40周年,总结了公司波澜壮阔的四十年发展历程,展望了充满挑战、充满希望的光明未来,转眼间我们又将迎来2019年。值此辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我代表公司管理层,向全体万华人和一直以来关心、支持万华发展的各级领导、广大员工家属、社会各界朋友致以新年的祝福!
学习啦在线学习网 2018年,我们以“安全管理深化年”为管理主题,深化本质安全设计和管理,深化工艺和劳动纪律管理,员工的安全意识和技能明显提升,安全管控能力得到进一步加强。
学习啦在线学习网 这一年,公司创新营销思路,积极采取多种策略应对多变市场,调整营销组织结构,强化产品和商务协同,提高了客户满意度。
学习啦在线学习网 安全是万华基业长青的基础,安全提升永远在路上,因此公司在2017年“安全管理年”,2018年“安全管理深化年”的基础上,将2019年管理主题定为“安全管理提升年”。希望通过实施安全管理三年行动计划,持续提升本质安全和全员技能水平,实现公司安全管理能力和业绩的全面提升。
学习啦在线学习网 我们的发展目标, 五年进入全球 化工20强,最终把万华打造成为具有全球一流竞争力的世界五百强企业。
学习啦在线学习网 新春佳节将至,谨代表集团公司党组,向全体邮政员工及家属、离退休老同志和关心、支持邮政事业发展的社会各界,致以崇高的敬意和诚挚的问候!
学习啦在线学习网 岁月不居,天道酬勤。辞旧迎新之际,回头望望走过的路,我们将从成绩中增强信心,从经验中汲取力量,重整行装再出发,一张蓝图绘到底。
学习啦在线学习网 我们要全面学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想。习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是中国邮政党的建设和改革发展的根本遵循,是我们做优做强做大中国邮政的行动指南,我们必须学懂弄通做实,往深里走、往心里走、往实里走。
学习啦在线学习网 我们要着力加强党的建设。坚持党的领导、加强党的建设是国有企业的“根”和“魂”。中国邮政作为中央企业,必须旗帜鲜明讲政治,树牢“四个意识”,坚定“四个自信”,坚决做到“两个维护”。
学习啦在线学习网 我们要着力推动高质量发展。贯彻新发展理念,坚持质量第一、效益优先,以供给侧结构性改革为主线,推动各板块各专业转型升级,实现高质量发展。
学习啦在线学习网 我们要着力提升普遍服务质量。普遍服务是党和国家赋予邮政企业的神圣使命,是中国邮政的立业之本,是中国邮政的“根”。我们必须牢记“人民邮政为人民”的初心使命,切实抓好普遍服务和特殊服务。
学习啦在线学习网 我们要着力服务国家重大战略。继续助力打好防范化解重大风险、精准脱贫、污染防治攻坚战,积极服务雄安新区建设和“一带一路”建设,履行好央企的经济责任、政治责任和社会责任。
学习啦在线学习网 我们要着力挖掘开放协同价值。以开放合作、协同共享的理念,加强与国家部委、企业集团和社会渠道的合作,实现合作共赢;整合内部资源,汇聚“一个中国邮政”的协同力量,打造新的竞争优势。
Dear all,
Happy New Year!
学习啦在线学习网 The 40th anniversary of Wanhua had just been celebrated, and we reviewed the magnificent development in the past four decades while looking forward to the bright future with both challenges and hopes. Now we are at the dawn of 2019. At the moment of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, on behalf of the management, I would like to express my appreciation and best wishes to all of our colleagues and the leaders, colleagues’ family and friends, who have supported our development in the past.
The past 2018 is an extraordinary year. It is also unforgettable. On June 13, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Yantai Industrial Park and made an important speech. He hopes that everyone will continue to work harder and more eagerly, and to keep striving to move forward toward the established goals.
学习啦在线学习网 His speech greatly encouraged all the Wanhua colleagues to try our best to accomplish our goals. We must keep his words in mind and work harder to make Wanhua become a world-class enterprise.
学习啦在线学习网 In 2018,"the Year of Deepening Safety Management" was established as the management theme, focusing on further improving intrinsic safety design and management, as well as the process and labor discipline management. This significantly improved the employees' safety awareness and skills, and further strengthened our safety management.
The production and operation management of Yantai Industrial Park was further enhanced. The refined management of Ningbo Industrial Park was comprehensively improved. The production and sales of BorsodChem in Hungary reached another record. Meanwhile, the Phase II of the Yantai Industrial Park, a million-ton ethylene project, was approved by the State Council and officially commenced. The America and Meishan projects were announced, contributing to the completion of company's global layout design.
Many scientific and technological innovations were achieved in 2018. Self-developed TBA dehydration, TDI, catalyst and other new plants were successfully commissioned. HCL oxidation, PDH, MDI, PC, ADI and other plants were further improved to achieve remarkable results. The functional solutions, such as aldehyde-free wood-based panels and water-based resins were promoted, which gained huge customer recognition and generating favorable social and economic benefits.
学习啦在线学习网 For marketing, multiple strategies were adopted to counter the changing market actively. Marketing organization structure was optimized, while the coordination of the products and business support was strengthened, which further improved the customer satisfaction.
Our talent management also achieved great results. More than 1,100 excellent talents joined Wanhua. The development of the talent echelon has been continuously improved, while the training of engineers and the job-skills certification have been steadily advanced, which significantly improved the staff capabilities.
On August 16, Wanhua Chemical's major asset restructuring project was unconditionally approved by the listed company mergers and acquisitions reorganization committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the overall listing was successfully completed. Wanhua finally became a real public company of diversified ownership, which laid a solid institutional foundation for the company's long-term development.
Here, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the seniors, colleagues and friends who have made positive efforts and outstanding contributions to Wanhua in the past four decades!
Despite we have accomplished impressive achievements over the past four decades, we are facing a more complex external environment and higher development requirements at the new starting-point for building a century-standing enterprise. In 2019, we must follow the work ideas of "improving foundation, reforming, controlling costs, and designing the future", improving organizational efficiency and the ability of sustainable development, in order to lead us to a better future.
Safety management is the foundation of Wanhua's long-term development. But safety improvement is always on the road. Therefore, after “the Year of Safety Management” in 2017 and the “the Year of Deepening Safe Management” in 2018, the management theme of 2019 will be defined as “the Year of Improving Safety Management”. We hope that through the implementation of the three-year action plan for safety management, the intrinsic safety and the skills of all employees will be continuously improved to achieve an overall improvement in the company's safety management capabilities and performance.
We must follow the trend of the industry and consumption upgrading process in China, integrate various resources with greater efforts to realize the low-cost expansion of advantageous production capacity as soon as possible. We must also further promote the industrialization process of self-developed products; develop more new and high-end fine chemicals to seize the commanding heights of the future market.
学习啦在线学习网 Facing the complex and volatile economic situation in the world, our strategy is to constantly improve our operational excellence. The purchasing department should improve the ability to integrate upstream raw material resources. The manufacturing department should focus on creating a digital factory and solid lean management, and produce "good products" for customers. The marketing department should be oriented to customer needs by offering creative and dedicated service in order to cultivate loyal customers.
We will reform the company's organizational structure, and create a simple and efficient regulation and process system to meet the company's growing needs. We will also reform the company's incentive system to better reflect the performance-oriented philosophy. Meanwhile, we will recruit more top talents, further implement the “Silver Hair” project, and build Wanhua University to build a talented highland in China's chemical industry in order to accomplish our strategic goals.
学习啦在线学习网 After running through decades and decades, we’ve accomplished great achievements. Looking from far distance, we can find it came from a very high point.
To enter the global top 20 chemical companies in five years and finally becoming a World’s Top 500 Enterprise with first-rate global leading competitiveness is our development goal. I firmly believe that as long as we inherit and carry forward the spirit of Wanhua, earnestly practice Wanhua's core values, and keep moving forward step by step, our grand blueprint will be realized soon!
Wish all of our colleagues and friends happiness, health, peace and success in the coming New Year!