学习啦在线学习网 第一个,英语深奥的语法,像这种,除了老师会在上课的时候专门讲解,其他的都是在你做练习以及考试中会遇到的,那么首先就得有一个好习惯——弄一个专门的语法笔记本,把老师上课讲的、练习、考试遇到的,随时记录在本子上,不要随便就写在书上或考试卷子上,是英语书上还好,书不轻易丢,但是试卷却是极其容易丢的,一个不小心可能就不知道放在哪了,如果遇到以前教过的语法,但是不记得了,去哪找,所以,语法笔记本的用处就来了,记在上面,既是把语法都整理在一起了,也是方便你在下次翻看复习,整个高中英语的语法那么多,都记在一起,也会让你在之后的英语学习中带来很大的好处。
学习啦在线学习网 第二个,对于高中英语单词的学习,其实很多同学都是对于英语的音标不会或者不熟悉,因为会英语音标,自己就可以学习单词,就算老师只带读几遍,可能也不会,但是会音标,就简单多了,不用老师带读,自己就可以掌握单词的读法,即使不小心忘记了,但是看到音标也就会了,英语字母也音标组成,只要记住了英语字母所代表的音标,这个单词就很好记了,完全不用去死记硬背,再说了,这种死记硬背的方式去记单词,也记不好单词,通常第一天记了,第二天就会忘了。还有就是多写单词,写的多了,对它的印象就深了,不是有那句话“好记性不如烂笔头”。
学习啦在线学习网With the same dream and the same desire, we have come together from every part of the country and from many different areas. Facing innumerable strange faces, I realized that I’ve been a college student, a student who just started in society and a big child who should have known how to take care of himself.
The first two days
学习啦在线学习网The college had us do our military training for the first two weeks. In fact, I have done military training several times; each time leaves a wonderful memory. Although we just have had two days of the military training till now, it is a time to be real.
学习啦在线学习网It was raining for two days. Sometimes I even felt proud when the rain ran down my cheeks. Maybe it was a sense of achievement that growth has given to me. Because we were wet all over, our company commander let us sing Sailor, a song sung several hundred times before. However, given the special situation, the song seems so good for it and makes us think. Yes, the song delivers a kind of spirit, a state of mind, a kind of courage unafraid of work or getting work. The company commander teaches us again and again. Do they only teach us these simple acts? No! They are teaching us a way of being a man and an attitude of doing things. That’s what we lack. We should seize the uncommon chance and forge ourselves to be a useful man, a firm and persistent man!
The sunshine always comes after the storm and is waiting for us. We are expecting sunshine as well. The sun will shine again after rain.
Be browned, but healthier
学习啦在线学习网“We have to get up at around 5 o’clock, suffering from not enough sleep. The training is so intense, which gave me a bad appetite. But then, I’m much healthier. You can see from my face…” A younger school sister said with a forced smile. Yeah, her face is browned by the sun, and seems thinner than before. The ten days training is really practical. Though it is the last day of the military training, you cannot see any tiredness from the smiling faces in the training field; they seem ready and happy…”
学习啦在线学习网Drill, just this word
学习啦在线学习网In the burning sun, we repeated the simple and boring “At ease” and “Attention”; in the cool rain of morning, we practiced March, Double time march and shouted loud and clear slogans; in the blowing sand, we drilled each motion of corps fist time after time… The ten days military training could be described as suffering. Besides, none of our drillmasters still has a good voice now. It’s really uncomfortable to be trained in the Assembly ground, the flaming sun shining on the ground and you couldn’t see any shady or a cool place. Moreover, the purpose of military training is to not only be trained like a soldier, but also to learn to be patient, insistent, share happiness and pain and change to any environment. A freshman said, “What’s military training? Drill, just this word!”
Drillmasters also crazy
学习啦在线学习网Encouraged by the drillmasters, the students have become crazy to “Sing a song, sing a song!” Thereupon, Qinghai-Tibet Platean (Qingzang Gaoyuan) flew over here, Beautiful Grassland won a burst of applause there. “Zhou Jielun” has just been finished, “Cousin Lin” was heard… All kinds of flavor, both classical and popular at the same time. The ground was full of songs and laughter. As one stops, another starts. It’s really lovely and busy! The drillmasters also became crazy with the students instead of seriousness as usual. They acted in command for a while, then became a guest compere… The students wouldn’t let their drillmaster go at this moment. “Drill master, sing a song! Sing a song!” With that, the drillmaster showed off his skill and won a loud applause.
学习啦在线学习网Go by the reviewing stand
学习啦在线学习网With full spirit, orderly march, and confident smile on their faces, tens of S-bands went by the reviewing stand, shouting loud and clear slogans. The leaders and teachers of the college sent them an ardent look and they also received a burst of applause. A parent of a freshman from Jiangsu, seeing his child going by with orderly march from the platform, said happily, “I can set my heart at rest and go home tomorrow. It’s the first time our son leaves home, I wasn’t sure that he would change with college life. But from his performance today I know he progressed a lot. The drillmasters paid great effort and the children also did. I’m assured now!”
Time to say goodbye
Although the students often complained during the training, they didn’t like to say goodbye to each other when it was time to say goodbye to the military training and their beloved drillmasters. “I really don’t want to go! We will truly start our college life tomorrow. That is a happy thing. I must take a photo with my drillmaster to remember the experience.” So the younger school-brothers and school-sisters began looking for the drillmasters.
Military training is such an unforgettable experience; it’s a memory worthy of treasuring for ever.
学习啦在线学习网Going through the military training, we learned to be quiet, to think, to be calm and peaceful. We don’t want to dream of what will come tomorrow. The important thing is to live each day well. So I am looking for a new sun. I believe the future scenery must be beautiful.
另外,另一种值得一提的教学安排就是英语ppt展示。 对于英语的ppt展示的教学安排,很多人不支持,觉得没意义,不如不用上课更好。
学习啦在线学习网 但我个人觉得,它是利远大于弊的。因为这种教学安排给了我们很多的学习空间,让教学的互动性与学生的自主学习的激情给充分调动起来,同时也是一个很好的考验个人的自我约束的意识。可能部分的同学还停留在老师一个人在讲课,学生在下面听的中学教学模式中,很难理解这其中的意义。因此,有一部分同学在机房学习时,因自身的自律意识不强而做一些与学习无关的事情,如:看视频,聊qq,发邮件等。从另一角度来说,这也是对学生的自我管理与约束方面的考验的平台,在这平台上,学生将能逐渐摆脱掉依赖老师与家长的监督来学习的不良学习习惯,提高自己的自我约束能力与增强自己的学习意识。只是,在这转变过程当中,老师等要学会引导这些学生,这样这种教学方式将会真正达到提高学生的自主学习能力的目的。
学习啦在线学习网 就我个人的情况来说,通过每周一次的英语ppt,我也接触到了更加丰富的英语学习资源,开阔了视野,掌握了利用个人展示这一强大的平台来锻炼我们,同时也增强了自主学习的意识。总的来说,这目前大学的英语教学安排还是不错的,当然,还需进一步的发展完善。
The day we were looking forward to came at last a week's military training began.
During the training, each of us did his part in earnest. We drilled more than six hours a day, though it was very hot at the time.
In the blazing sun, we always tried to measure up to the high standards which were demanded . Sweat streamed down and we wouldn't wipe it off. Olny three days later our faces were tanned.We felt happy and proud of it .
Our platoon officer was a young PLA man, about twenty years old. He was very strict with us during the training and very kind to us afterwards. By talking with him, we came to know not only more information about army life, but also about military affairs.
The military training gave us good discipline. It brought us great happiness, too. We'll never forget it.
I remember when I was very young, I will look forward to, look forward to and, like the People's Liberation Army, dressed in camouflage uniforms, received military training. Fortunately, I finally look forward to this day ... ...
Just enter the door to high school, military training is a Prior to that, how happy I am because I can finally experience the taste when the People's Liberation Army! I have dreamed more than once: I was wearing camouflage fatigues, standing on the playground, listening to loud slogans instructors and students, together with the slogan of his forward refueling breeze for us, for our sun clouds, enjoy the sound and laughter from the playground into a vast blue sky ... ... However, this is not true!
When to wear camouflage uniforms, set foot on the playground, the waves on the head-up heaters, although very hot, however, I feel very warm. I finally met the instructors, who, like us, also dressed in camouflage uniforms, the spirit can seem more than we had. We have just total instructors on hand, he blew a whistle, said: "The following five minutes to carry out military training!" Oh, only five minutes, I will certainly be able to insist on living! "I himself." Attention! "Instructor of instructors to hear the total order, then we have issued orders," began the following points "Therefore, I have to instructors to model the action of our stand. The burning sun, sun, I sweat. Sweat rolled down from the forehead, down the cheek drip down also hard for me trying to catching, instructors has prevented me, let me again point Stand straight! I was very angry, thinking: he added that instructors can ah! is not even a little human touch! Fortunately, as long as five minutes, let me take a look at a few point of! instructors take advantage of attention, I looked at the table, ah! all eight, and do not tell us how to rest, ah, instructors must have forgotten that you wait another moment. a minute later, two minutes later three minutes have passed ... ... watch instructors almost "wrong time" 15 minutes, I was very anxious. At this time, my feet have begun to insist not, and pain, faster Station Station the instability. Finally, when a full 35 minutes have passed, the instructors agreed with us the rest, trying to get water to drink up, and he stopped, he said: "The moment you insist, go to school drink plenty of water. "After listening to this, I feel the instructors really like the training ground like a real hell ah!
Probably have been for a long time, I am tired of dragging the body back to the hostel, trying to lie down in bed later, but the instructors walked in, pointed at our hostel, said: "what a mess, Come clean up the look!" Helpless, reluctantly climb up from cleaning to health. A clean-up after an instructor came to the bedside, said: "Come see, and I teach you !" Alas! Folded blankets folded stack is not it? Studies also attached? Finished, the instructors made up of our model, only skill he moves, a folded blanket. After I have gazed look, wow, nice, quilts made in the hands of instructors such as "Mankiw", we stacked the "hamburger" It's more comparable! It seems also quite lovely instructors.
学习啦在线学习网Finally, the five-day "ordeal" is over, I recall that the five-day military life. I am filled with emotion. I slowly come to understand, although the military training very hard, but it is not only my physical training, but also my strong willpower. Let me understand it to be a hard, a Chinese Stand straight. At the same time, military training, I also learned how to do normal things instead of by their parents, I learned self-reliance, but also integrated into the collective.
学习啦在线学习网Although military training very tired, let me benefit, I began to live like this.