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学习啦在线学习网   自我介绍是一把开启社交之门的钥匙,运用得好,可使你在人际交往中顺心如意,需要用英文的做自我介绍的场合最好能用上。本文是学习啦小编为大家整理的自我介绍的英文范文,仅供参考。


  Everybody is good, junior high school life has already started, I hope that in the new school, get on well and the classmate of everyone, happy learning, I spent four years junior high school life. I have a bright and cheerful disposition, the interest hobby is widespread. In many of my hobbies, I like reading books, I like to watch most of the books are the flowering season, the rainy season, it is about nine newborn youth at the age of 16 in high school. The vice President hsin-jang shieh self-esteem open-minded, good grades; Vulnerable language lesson representative Lin Xiaoxu; Dare to dare cry smile style committee member Liu Xia; As a transient student more hair but have no convergence... Although they each have a distinct personality and character, it is in the teacher in charge Jiang Nan and under the guidance of the leadership of the teacher, they spent flower, past the rainy season, to be tested again and again to life and matures, the new starting point of their lives. We also want to the same goal, in education, under the guidance of teachers, got into the ideal high school, a nice flower and the rainy season. I also like to play guzheng, now I have tested a magnitude 8 guzheng. But since grade nine before, will fall by the wayside. This is me, a lively, cheerful girl. After hearing my self introduction, you will be my good friend? Thank you all!!!!!!



学习啦在线学习网   My name is Amanda yuan rain, is an ordinary rural girl, I like singing, painting, and writing stories.

  I'm lazy, not willing to do homework. But a play, I always the most active one. I am very lively and active, sunshine and optimistic. I like the ancients "not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses" character. I admire the ancient people of talent, it also affect me like Chinese like crazy.

学习啦在线学习网   In class, I am a can't spare the girl all the time. I always like to join any activities, always love to speak in class one. I like Chinese, because Chinese teacher is a very good get along with people; I don't like English, although English teacher is very hurt me. My heart has its own goddess Cecilia liu. Because I think she is very beautiful is very interesting.

  I am not outstanding, but very love to laugh. I always think that crying is one day, smile is also a day, rather than pull a long face after one day, not happy for a day. But mom always said I am simpleton excuses for himself.

  Everyone in class consistent think I'm a "man", I don't know why, you see me, don't provoke me. Sometimes people say I bullied her, but one person said, I beat him.

学习啦在线学习网   My biggest characteristics is a word "said". Not brag, I have to say the "said" ah, a few people better than me. I also like watching TV, is there anything good on every time, I was always the first rushed to the front of the TV to watch. Almost everything I see: news broadcast, TV, animation. I am a real couch potato. I also like reading novels, but I recognized in class talented woman! Although I do not love learning, my grades are good, must have my big list before 70.

学习啦在线学习网   All in all, I am such a lively, cheerful, love to speak of a girl.


学习啦在线学习网   我很懒,不愿意写作业。但一玩起来,我总是最活跃的一个。我很活泼、好动、阳光、乐观。我像是古人的“不以物喜,不以己悲”的性格。我很仰慕古人的才华,这也影响到我喜欢语文喜欢的如痴如醉。

学习啦在线学习网   在班级里,我是一个时时刻刻不能空闲的女生。我总是喜欢加入任何的活动,上课总是最爱发言的一个。我很喜欢语文课,因为语文老师是一个很好相处的人;我不喜欢英语,虽然英语老师很疼我。我心目中也有自己的女神——刘诗诗。因为我觉得她很漂亮很有趣。



学习啦在线学习网   我最大的特点就是一个字“说”。不是我吹牛,要说这个“说”呀,有几个人比得过我。我还喜欢看电视,每当有什么好节目,我总是第一个冲到电视机前观看。我几乎什么都看:新闻联播、电视剧、动画片。我就是一个十足的电视迷。我还喜欢看小说,我可是班级里公认的才女!别看我不爱学习,我的成绩也不赖,大榜70之前一定有我。



学习啦在线学习网   My name is junwei junwei, 13 years old this year, was originally a bayi hope primary school from dongfeng road, now in ZhiYong studies in class four junior high school. I'm not tall. 53, not fat nor thin, has a black head of short hair, curved eyebrows, a pair of bright big eyes.

  I love music and drawing, especially the piano and comics, and now his reading a novel. As long as I can be of a novel or comic, I will try to make money to buy, crazier even I have all of the bookstore or look online bookstore is there to sell, of course I will choose the cheapest bookstore to buy books. Sometimes I also want to learn to play the piano, but I want to learn the piano when I was read the kindergarten, but because a class of 200 yuan, my dad doesn't give me, when I saw the teacher to play the piano when I really want to call a teacher to teach me, but the school didn't give the teacher looking for extra money!!!!!!

  You don't look at me is always smiling, in fact I also have trouble, just don't say out, but I was really happy fruit oh in the class, classmates and teachers all like me, I am also very happy. But my grades at school is ugly and poor is very poor!!!

学习啦在线学习网   Remember when I just entered junior high school, I was a young to unfamiliar girl, now remember as a teenager, just remember the happiness and sadness as a teenager; I want to adult, because adults can do a lot of things I want to do, people always want to experience many things, always learn to grow up slowly, not to think about the distance matter how difficult, as long as it is I want to do, nothing is can't do.

学习啦在线学习网   Ha ha!!!!! This is me. After I introduce you also to me knows something!!


学习啦在线学习网   我特别喜欢音乐和画画,特别是钢琴和漫画,现在恋上了看小说。只要我看中的一本小说或者是漫画的话,我是会努力赚钱来买的,更疯狂的我甚至会跑遍所有的书店或者看遍网上书店里有没有得卖,当然我一定会选择最便宜的书店买书。有时候我也很想学弹钢琴,其实我读幼儿园的时候就想学钢琴,但因为200元一堂课的理由,我爸爸不给我学,当我看见老师弹钢琴的时候我很想叫老师教我,可学校不给老师找外快啊!!!









