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  In college, we mainly learned: C language computer language is not only my first contact, and it is the best language I learned, also won the second session of the whole; although SQL server we learned only large others include database access and Delphi's own database; static web developer, javascript, asp, web database development we learned web development technology which is my favorite course because the design is, I felt the program has made a the same pleasure. Delphi, java, vb. net (in addition PHOTSHOP, 3D MAX, AUTO CAD and some other processing tools, English, taught himself C ++). I like software development, hope to develop in this regard in the future, because I think every time to make something, to create a life like there will be a different feeling, I like this feeling, so in learning these languages the process can be very quick to understand their meaning.

学习啦在线学习网   Some jade is inherently a work of art, some deal with what is a little piece of art, and some of it will have to go through a long process. Although my experience is not a lot, but I like the quality and quantity of the same focus is quality rather than quantity, because I believe that a good work far better than ten inferior works. Like I've been through, like not always get the same experience, but each time a new discovery made me change a lot of wrong ideas.

  During the graduation engaged in software development, I often hear other peers that they have to change it to customer needs. And then do the needs analysis when the customer does not propose, when asked to do arithmetic soon. If you want to modify, but did not consider this problem in the design of the database, modify the database but also consume a lot of time, increasing development costs. If not modified, they can not complete the project, we can not collect the money.

  Or software in use for some time, while using some of the queries, the reaction very slow. As more data is recorded, the more of these queries will be slower, if you want to solve this problem, then we need to modify the database. And to modify the database, for software development, it is very painful.

学习啦在线学习网   These social experience coupled with my personal hard-working, honest man, hardworking, collective spirit, team spirit, sense of innovation, I will quickly adapt to new working environment, and will soon do the job, and sincerely hope we can work together to create a better future of the company.

学习啦在线学习网   I think I already have a software development industry as the basic ability of personnel, as long as your company to give me a chance to do this one in software development, I will fully do my duties, strive to contribute to your company.

  在大学期间,我们主要学习了:C语言不但是我最先接触的计算机语言,也是我学的最好的语言,还获得了全届第二名;虽然SQL server是我们学过的唯一的大型数据库其它的还有access和Delphi自带的数据库;静态网页开发,javascript,asp,Web数据库开发是我们学过的网页开发技术这些也是我喜欢的课程因为也是设计的,感觉跟做出一个程序有一样的快感。Delphi, java,vb。net(另外还有PHOTSHOP,3D MAX,AUTO CAD等一些处理工具,English,自学了C++)。我非常喜欢软件开发,希望以后能在这方面发展,因为我觉得每当做出什么东西时,会有一种像创造了生命一样的感觉,我非常喜欢这种感觉,所以,在学习这些语言的过程中能够非常快的了解它们的含义。



学习啦在线学习网   又或者软件在使用了一段时间,在使用一些查询功能的时,反应好慢。随着数据越录越多,这些查询功能就会越慢,假如要解决这个题目,一定需要修改数据库。而要修改数据库,对于软件开发来说,是十分痛苦的。




学习啦在线学习网   Robot is a new innovation activities, activities for the evaluation of teachers and students should be able to reflect that is developmental, but also reflect competitive. It is to "Robot Contest innovation" for example, proposed to be noted that several principles embodied in the design:

学习啦在线学习网   1. Educational principles: the introduction of robots for Primary and Secondary education services should have a clear teaching point, the project design should reflect possible: the knowledge and skills (such as: computer and program design, structural design, electronics technical, etc.) can make students what insights; on the process and methods (such as: observation, design, installation, testing, commissioning, etc.) which enable students to experience the process; on the attitudes and values (such as: the will to overcome difficulties , automatic control of perception, understanding of technology and culture, etc.) allows students to experience what emotions. When teachers design activities, pay attention to the students hands-on ability to practice, collaboration, innovation, improve knowingly provide environment for development. This is the purpose of primary and secondary schools robot innovation.

  2. Feasibility principle: robot design activities, should have the maneuverability, economy and security.

  1) Operability: In addition to the designer refers to completion, to fully consider the possible involvement of other persons may be repeated if the production venue, the current potential factors teaching robot, school age students present level of knowledge and ability, so that other participants through efforts can also be done related activities.

  2) Economy: simply more to consider other participants in the field, robots and production equipment such as affordability, as far as possible to create conditions for the participants themselves, repair old, with a minimum investment to complete the related activities.

学习啦在线学习网   3) Security: refers to the activities of the robot and the environment design, it should be safe and healthy, and do not pose a threat to the surrounding personnel when activity does not damage the environment. And must comply with the "three principles of robotics." Asimov proposed.

学习啦在线学习网   Feasibility of principle which is the basis of primary and secondary schools robot innovation activities.

学习啦在线学习网   3, the principle of innovation: teaching the robot platform, provides participants with a wealth of room for innovation, and innovation is the essence of technical activities. In robot design activities, it should reflect the principle of innovation, which is the bright spot of the robot activity. Teachers and students can be based on everyday experience, learning experience and ideas of new ideas, it can also be a function of the robot before some improvements, further enhance the activities of the project. This is the core primary and secondary schools robot innovation.

  4, intelligent principle: the design of the robot should be able to reflect the essential characteristics of the robot, which reflect the intelligence of robots (such as perception, planning, action and collaboration capabilities). It shall be in accordance with the input information on the surrounding environment to make judgments based on sensor control, independently in accordance with program instructions, and decided to have a certain autonomy of their robot action. This is the charm of Primary and Middle School robotics innovation.

学习啦在线学习网   5. Interest Principle: robot design activities, should have some fun, can cause enthusiasm and interest related to school age students to participate; some may even have to watch, to make the activities of participants and spectators can causing a corresponding interest and concern. This is the primary and secondary schools robot dynamic innovation activities.

学习啦在线学习网   6, competitive principles: robot contest should have a certain competitive, within the stipulated time activities can be evaluated the participants' thinking ability and technology level. It should also be challenging, comprehensive ability of different participants may reach different results of the activities, so that the participants of the event there are always new robot pursuit of desire. At the same time pay attention to fairness, as long as the students design a robot can do this activity, it is allowed to participate in the evaluation program should be developed is not ambiguous, operable. It should be active participants in the process of experience as a starting point. This is the driving force primary and secondary schools robot innovation.

  Robot "feature innovation project" Evaluation, to focus on grasping the principle of innovation, intelligence principles, applicability and reliability principles. Applicability refers primarily to solve the practical problems of a design (although currently may not be desirable); Reliability refers to the robot operation, the system is reliable and stable.

学习啦在线学习网   In the "site designated project" Evaluation, the organizers should pay attention to the activities of the proposed methodologies and evaluation criteria, modalities usually specifies a particular task, participants use their overall ability to complete the project requirements, evaluation criteria are quantifiable , operable, when the contest participants need to follow.



学习啦在线学习网   2、可行性原则:设计的机器人活动,应具备可操作性、经济性和安全性。


学习啦在线学习网   2)经济性:指要考虑其他参与人员在场地、机器人及设备制作等方面的经济承受能力,尽量使参与者自己创造条件,修旧利废,以最小的投入完成相关活动。



学习啦在线学习网   3、创新性原则:教学机器人这一平台,为参与者提供了丰富的创新空间,创新是技术活动的本质所在。在设计机器人活动时,应体现出创新性原则,这也是机器人活动的亮点之处。可以是师生根据日常生活经验、学习体会和构思的新创意,也可以是对以前某些机器人功能的改进、活动项目的再提升。这是中小学机器人创新活动的核心。

学习啦在线学习网   4、智能性原则:设计的机器人应能反映出机器人的本质特性,即体现出机器人的智能性(如感知、规划、动作和协同等能力)。应是按照周围环境的输入信息来做出判断、基于传感器控制、独立地根据程序指令、而决定自己的行动的具有一定自主能力的机器人。这是中小学机器人创新活动的魅力。



学习啦在线学习网   在机器人“功能创新项目”评价中,要重点把握创新性原则、智能性原则、可应用性和可靠性原则。可应用性主要指是为解决某个实际问题而设计(尽管当前可能是不理想的);可靠性是指机器人运行时,系统是可靠、稳定的。



英文是现在世界上的通用语言之一,在全球化的大潮流之后,中国外资企业也越来越多,英文的使用率得到空前地提高,下面是学习啦小编带来项目英语自我评价的内容,欢迎阅读! 项目英语自我评价 In college, we mainly learned: C language


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