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  幼儿英语小故事演讲:Sunshine Fairy

  Once upon a time, there was a woman and her two daughters, who lived in a clean, clean house. Her eldest daughter was ugly but hardworking and kind; her little daughter was very beautiful but she was lazy. All housework is the eldest daughter to do, the little daughter shopping all day to eat. Women prefer little girls.

学习啦在线学习网   One day, woman bitterly to the daughter said: "that I do not care to lose my Amethyst brooch in the forest, to find you!" The eldest daughter had to go with a black bread.

  It was winter, and it was snowing. Snowflakes fly in her body melted into a drop of cold water. She went into the forest, suddenly appeared in front of a wisp of downy sunshine, she hurried past, found that light is emitted from a thick tree of the holly tree trunks, branches parked a dove of peace, "Hey! Hello hello!" "Hello"!" Dove suddenly lightning like handed daughter keys, eldest daughter asked why, with a key opened the tree a little door, see inside filled with gold and silver jewelry, the eldest daughter in the bottom found Amethyst brooch. It turned to go home, found the dove of peace is pecking at the black bread, the daughter said to her kindly, "you must be hungry! Eat." Finish saying, go quietly. At this time, the peace dove into the sunshine fairy, holding the hands of a sphere, with light hair, she in my heart silently wishes: "I wish you more beautiful, the more diligent richer."

  Daughter returned home, the pin to pay for women would start work, drag, the ground is full of gold coins, wipe the table, table into gold! The woman and the little girl jealous. After the eldest daughter told the truth, the little girl was driving three donkeys with a basket of bread.

  Find holly, little daughter took a key from the foot of the dove of peace pulled, opened the door, put the gold and silver jewelry into the basket, kick kick the door, left key, she found pigeons pecking at bread and angrily pulled her feathers, pulling open her, took the bread left. The sun fairy appeared, holding her golden ball, "she would curse the longer the ugly, jewelry will gradually become the earth!"

学习啦在线学习网   The little girl came home, took a look at the basket, which is full of mud! She and the woman angrily put her out of the house. It just so happened that the prince riding bluish white road, see seemingly fairy's eldest daughter, let her ride on another horse horse back to the palace married, and small daughter and woman angrily died.

  The eldest daughter became Queen, living happily.

  幼儿英语小故事演讲:quarrelsome lovers

学习啦在线学习网   There was a magician who kept a talking parrot. Wherever he went, he carried it, and when he did it, he carried the parrot.

  I do not know from what time, the parrot has become a lot of mouth, the magician did not care.

学习啦在线学习网   One day, the magician with a parrot, came to Beijing, China, to perform magic. He put the parrot on his side.

  He gave us a look at his hands, not holding anything. He clenched his fists and blew his breath. Then, the other hand drew a flower from it. The crowd suddenly sounded a thunderous applause. At this time, the parrot is probably: "out of pocket." Applause from the crowd stopped. The magician gave a good look at the parrot, and continue to change the next magic. He took out a piece of red cloth, in front of the audience shook, of this knowledge a piece of cloth. He put the cloth on the table, put the cloth on the table, and there was a goldfish bowl. The audience felt very strange, think the magician is very powerful, can not help but muster the palm. The parrot is not convinced, said: "it is under the table." The magician was very angry, thought: under the table, see how I can pick up you! The parrot is an immensely proud look, feel very great. The magician regained the confidence and then changed the magic. He took his hat off and put his hand in his hand and pulled out a bird. The audience that the magic can not be made false, and muster the palm. The parrot talkative faults then made: "he is out of the sleeve." The audience applause turned into boos, they think the magician is a big liar, they are all gone. The magician repaired the parrot. He is not in this disgrace, had to take the ship back home to Taiwan. They were sitting on the boat blocks on the reef, the ship capsized. They rely on a piece of wood, to a desert island. The parrot said to the magician, "this is where I'm taking. Where did you go?" That magic does not know whether to laugh or cry, blame say they were the cause of the disaster, the parrot to recognize his talkative errors. Parrot listen to also very guilty.

  Later, the parrot flew to the shore, the owner of the encounter to tell people, and later it was saved and its owner. Since then, the parrot never talkative, but for the magician to add to the fun, improve the visibility of the magician.


  Once upon a time, the pig and his mom and dad happy life together.

学习啦在线学习网   One day the pig went out to play, on the road to meet the bear in the rope that he jumped very well, he asked: "Hello, hello! What's your name?"

  The bear said: "hello! My name is winnie. What's your name? "The pig said:" my name is pig. You can skip very well! We make a friend? "He agreed happily. After the pig and bear often play together.

学习啦在线学习网   One day, bear in the pig home saw a very beautiful picture, Mangba pigs find to ask: "pig, this painting is who painted the?"

  The pig said: "this is my painting." Bear to pointing to the above a question: "pig, what is painted this?" "this is we just met." Pig said.

学习啦在线学习网   The bear and pointed to the second questions: "what is this painting?"

  Pig said: "this is the scene we are happy to play together. "

学习啦在线学习网   "Is this the situation when I jump rope?" he said, pointing to the third picture.

学习啦在线学习网   "Is." Said the little pig. "You were so good at that time." Then they pulled into the forest to play.

  Soon the cold winter to the bear to the pig said: "I'm sorry, winter is coming, I have to hibernate, otherwise I will freeze to death. I'll play with you again in the spring of next year." Bear and pig to reluctant to part farewell, into the forest to hibernate.

  Spring is coming, the bear is out of the woods, and he is looking for his friend. But there's no one at home. He went to ask the neighbors pig rabbit, the rabbit said: "just to the winter, to some people, they put a pig away is heard with going to the city"

  Winnie decided to go to town to see the pig, he walked and walked for three days and nights, finally came to the city. He met the dog in a meat market, to inquire about the whereabouts of the pig dog. The dog wants to say: "he was sold to the front of the very wealthy family went to see, is that building." The bear ran quickly to the building.

  Building the door tightly shut, the building around a circle, from the window to climb in. No one in the building, a parrot in a cage dancing. The bear asked if she knew where is the pig.

  The parrot said: "you said piggy ah, he has been eaten, the bones are in a pail."

  Bear was in the bucket saw many bones. He was very sad, tears out carry on the bucket before skipping, jumping up. I hope he can see.








作为一种新兴的儿童文学形态,思考故事在儿童哲学领域中有其自身独特的地位,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇幼儿英语小故事演讲 幼儿英语小故事演讲:Sunshine Fairy Once upon a time, there was a woman and her two daughters, who l


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