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  Hans Christian Andersen (1805--1875), the famous Danish fairy tale writer of the 19th century, the founder of the world literary fairy tale, the representative works are "ugly duckling", "little girl selling matches", "new clothes of the emperor", "thumb girl" Etc., far-reaching impact.

学习啦在线学习网   Andersen has been tribute to the royal family of Denmark, highly praised for the whole of Europe children brought joy. So far, his works have been translated into more than 150 languages, thousands of fairy tales published in the world after another release. His fairy tale also inspired a large number of films, stage plays, ballet and movie animation and other derivatives.


学习啦在线学习网   Born poor and talented

  On April 2, 1805, Andersen was born in the slums of Odense, a small town in the town of Odense, in the island of Fernand, Denmark, where a family lives in a narrow house. Father is a shoemaker, read a lot of books, imagination rich romantic temperament, Andersen childhood from the influence of his father, the impact.

  In the spring, the storks fly again, the curcula in the courtyard re-wrinkles the small new leaves, and the little Andersen knows that he is 6 years old. He pretending to walk in his father's side, pointing to pack the old nest of stork Ukraine. When I heard the summer, the frail little storks were unable to fly to Egypt for the winter, and when they were pecking, he was sad: "Let them go to our top floor, and in winter I will have something to give them food."

学习啦在线学习网   Odense is a closed town where people believe in God and witches. Many mysterious legends are endless in the air. The lady of the spinning room sometimes speaks of the bizarre story of the "thousand and one night" to the little Andersen who plays, and he sees that everything he has heard is magical, as if it is true, Sometimes he will be the forest of their own imagination out of the wizard scared to run home, souls do not possess. Years later, these ancient legends and childhood fantasies have become the source of his creation. In the free educational environment, especially the mother's encouragement, so Andersen has long demonstrated its imagination. He picked up the toy theater at home and made clothes for his puppet, and he also read all the possible drama scripts, including Ludvig Holberg 1684- 1754 and William Shakespeare William Shakespeare 1564-1616), and later he even wrote down all the scriptures of Shakespeare.

  The devotion is written

学习啦在线学习网   Andersen's father had volunteered to fight against Napoleon Bonaparte's aggression and died in 1816. After the death of his father, the next day, the mother's only means of making a living is to others to wash clothes. In the cold winter the temperature of the river can not imagine, she had to drink a few wines to drive cold. This is a decent person's view, is very vulgar behavior, harsh rumors gone, people in the city are whispering - "shoemaker's wife Mary is a woman like alcohol!" Not only that, the town In the long tongs who ridicule Andersen idle, the mother had reluctantly to the shy little son to the factory to do child labor. 11-year-old Andersen was dizzy with heavy work, but his song saved him. He went to Copenhagen in September 1819, and he was hired by the Danish royal theater, but soon because of his voice Was dismissed, a series of setbacks so that he found that he did not belong to the stage. Later he received the help of the musicians Christoph Weyse and Siboni and the poet Frederik Hoeg Guldberg 1771-1852, by the Royal Dutch Theater Accepted as a dance apprentice while he began to write. As a result of the later became lazy, so gradually lost Frederick's love for him, but then Andersen began to get the royal theater director Jonathan Collin (Jonas Collin) help, then the two of them become friends for life.

学习啦在线学习网   In 1822, several critics read a script called "Aphroso", which was sent by a bold young man. The script is rhythmic, there are many grammatical mistakes - of course, the author is no cultivation is obvious to all. But there are many sparks that are genuinely and vividly flashing, and perhaps this insignificant little guy can bring something clear to the theater. So, the author of the script, Hans Andersen was sent to the Latin school for further study, the state consultant Mr. Gu Lin for his application for a royal fee to pay the cost. 4 years of struggle so that Andersen deeply felt this more broad, full of joys and sorrows of society. In the school, he read the Shakespeare, Goethe and other famous works and Danish classical works, deeply experience the charm of writing, he suddenly knew he wanted to pursue the "lamp" is what - that is " Literature ", as long as there is indomitable courage and a sincere sense of the soul, it will be able to climb the peak of literature.

学习啦在线学习网   17-year-old Andersen tall and thin, sitting in the lower class classroom and the children with classes for him is not a pleasant thing. The children laughed at his country as a stupid man, because he did not understand the courtesy of the upper class, in their eyes, he is the unpopular "ugly duckling." After the test and suffering, he finally passed the graduation exam in 1828. And in the past few years, he has read many poets and writers' works, Byron, Heine, Scott, in school, Andersen did not forget his creation, his poems "evening" and "dying children" Published in the writer Heidelberg publications, greatly acclaimed. In 1829, Andersen's comedy "Love on Nikolay Yevta", listening to the applause of the audience, the young playwright rolling tears - ten years ago, it was in the same theater, he had By the sharp subtle and negative, and today, he finally succeeded, has been recognized and cheered by the public. This year he wrote "Young Try," a book, published under the pseudonym of William Christian Walter. 1827 published the first poem "dying child", in 1829, he entered the University of Copenhagen to study. His first important work "1828 and 1829 from the Hormon Canal to Amai Island East Side walk in mind" came out in 1829. This is a humorous sense of travel, quite the German writer Hoffman's style, the publication of this travel to Andersen had the initial recognition of society, then he continued to engage in drama creation. In 1829, Andersen's long fantasy travel "Amag Island Travel" published, the first edition sold out, the publisher immediately to the favorable conditions to buy the second edition, Andersen so hungry from the oppression.

  Travel career creation fairy tale

学习啦在线学习网   "Travel is life", Andersen said so. After the failure of the first love, from 1831, Andersen began his first foreign roaming, his life, he carried an umbrella, a cane and a simple luggage to visit all the countries of Europe, has completed the "Amag Island Travels "," fantasy sketch "," travel silhouette "and other works. In 1835, with autobiographical novel "improvisation poet" published, shortly after the publication of the novel, was translated into German and English, Andersen began to enjoy international reputation.

  In 1835, Andersen wrote to his girlfriend, "I want to create for the next generation." From his childhood experience, Andersen deeply understand the loneliness and suffering of the poor children's life. In the same year, Andersen's first fairy tale collection came out, including the income "hit box", "small Klaus and the big Kraus", "pea on the princess", "small Italian flower" four fairy tale. These fairies come from Andersen's own life experience, "they are like 'seeds' hidden in my mind, a trickle, a bunch of sunshine, or a bit of bitter wine, you can make them break out." In 1844, Write autobiographical works "ugly duckling". In 1846, write "little girl selling matches". 1847 and wrote a "no painting album", "the emperor's new clothes" spicy satirical emperor's stupid incompetence and courtiers flattery ugly. In 1870 published the longest work of a "lucky Peer", a total of more than 70,000 words, is based on his own feelings of life as written, but not entirely autobiography. In 1867, was hometown of Odense as the honor of the public. August 4, 1875 at 11 am, because of liver cancer died in a friend's country house. The funeral is very beautiful, at the age of 71 years old. He wrote for 43 years, until the end of life created a total of 168 works, that poetic language, wandering twists and turns of the plot, so that his fairy tale in his lifetime has become the world's readers with the most readers. "Ugly duckling", "firm tin soldiers", "wild swan", "nightingale" ... ... he gave all things fresh soul, let them sing. He deduces them to all the people - the children are fascinated by the story of the strange and moving; adults are hovering between his deep life philosophy, lingering. He believes that in the field of poetry, no one can be as infinite as the fairy tale.





