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学习啦在线学习网   贝利 ,是二十世纪最伟大的体育明星之一,被国际足联授予“球王称号。是巴西足球形象大使,下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的贝利英文简介,供大家参阅!


  Bailey (October 23, 1940), born in Brazil, a poor family, is one of the greatest sports stars of the twentieth century, FIFA awarded the "king of the king (the King of soccer)" title. In the career of a total of scored a staggering 1283 balls, (more than 700 goals) in his life won numerous honors to create countless records of Bailey has four times on behalf of the Brazilian national team played a total of 12 goals in the World Cup, which in the World Cup final scored three goals three times won the World Cup (6,7,9) for the motherland Brazil permanent reserve Remy Cup. 1980 was more than 20 media reporters in Europe and America as the 20th century, the most outstanding athletes in the first June 1987, he was awarded the FIFA Gold Medal, in 1999 by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) election as "century athletes" The same year the International Sports Journalists Association (AIPS) will be Bailey and Beckenbauer together as the 20th century's greatest athletes, FIFA FIFA FIFA hundred years in 2004 he and the "football emperor" Beckenbauer won the FIFA century best player and Football Celebrity Award.

学习啦在线学习网   The 2013 FIFA Awards ceremony was held in Zurich, Switzerland. Bailey won the first award of the FIFA honor Golden Globe Award, the ball excited to tears scene.


学习啦在线学习网   Growth process

  Bailey is his nickname. He was born on October 23, 1940, in a poor family of town in the town of Trescas, in the town of Trescia, Brazil. 13 years old, began to represent the local Barou club youth team play, so that the team for three consecutive years by the Baolu city champion. The talented teenager attracted attention, in 1956, the famous Santos team invited to its team, Santos Club, is the king of the team, is the world's first and only one in the official game scored more than 10,000 goals in the ball Team (the latest figure for the 12054 ball), which last century, the fifties and sixties of the iron triangle to contribute almost 2000 balls (Bailey 1106 games scored 1091 goals, beibei 750 field scored 405 goals, Kutiniao 457 games Scored 370 balls). The first year, that scored 32 goals, becoming the team's youngest shooter. In 1957, under the age of 17 Bailey first selected the national team, and for the first time to participate in the World Cup, he was amazing skills to ride the stadium, so that football exclaimed: Brazil appeared a child prodigy! In the child prodigy, Brazil team more and more brave, one by one beat strong opponents, the first time for the motherland won the World Cup. Since then, under the leadership of Bailey, Brazil won the 7th and the 9th World Cup in 1962 World Cup (1962 World Cup Bailey only the first group stage), Bailey himself has become the world so far The only one won the three World Cup champion players. Bailey is the most outstanding figure in modern football, his outstanding achievements, extraordinary achievements, has become a follower to follow the example, in its 22 years of professional football career, a total of 1364 games, into the 1283 ball, he Won the World Cup, the Intercontinental Club Cup champion, the South American Liberation Championship champion, almost won the international football on all achievements, was hailed as "the king". October 1, 1977, the US cosmic team for the king held a grand farewell match, after the game, Bailey teammates and visitors in the cheers of tears to leave, the end of the extraordinary green career. After the 1995-1998 between the Brazilian sports minister. 2000 Bailey was FIFA as "century players", in 2004 was given the "FIFA Best Player of the Year Award." The mysterious guest of the closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympic Games.

学习啦在线学习网   Time back to the summer of 1956, Brito to a child to the Santos club officials in front of and said to them: "believe me, this child will become the world's greatest player." This child is Bailey, he In September, Bailey in the Santos team 7 to 1 victory over Corinthians in a friendly match, Bailey first for the Santos team break, when he was only 15 years old 11 Big month.

学习啦在线学习网   The king's career is so legendary. From 1956 to 1974, Bailey played 18 seasons in Santos, 11 times to win the Sao Paulo League, 6 Brazil Cup, 2 South American Libertadores, 2 World Club Cup (Toyota Cup Predecessor). In the meantime, Bailey was elected the top scorer of the Sao Paulo State League, especially from 1957 to 1965, he incredible for nine consecutive years to wear the best shooter gold boots, this record no one can go beyond.

  Bailey's body is not outstanding, but it has a great talent. Excellent speed, extraordinary balance, wide field of vision and amazing ability to control the ball, these are his "weapons", of course, the feet and the header of the precise shooting more help him knock on the goal again and again. In Bailey's career, a total of 1,363 games were played, scored 1,281 goals, which is the highest record in the official record. Among them, Bailey 6 times in a game scored 5 goals, 30 single-game into 4 balls, 92 times hat-trick, 1964 to Botafogo (this team for the Sao Paulo state a low-level team, not in About a hundred goals in a year, it was not difficult for the Bailey to score in a year. In 1959 he scored 127 goals, , The peak season is 1958, 17 years old in the Sao Paulo state league scored 58 goals, the game goals together to reach 139! These figures can only make people look up.

  The child will be the king of the ball

  (Edson Arantes do Nascimento), this is his real name, but a child at home, the family called his nickname "Dike "(Dico). "Pele (Pele)" origin, in fact, because of his childhood, his foot amazing, those with old cloth, bad socks into the football, he actually used it to kick the shop window! So those boss called him "shellfish Lee "means" very annoying guy "! This of course provoked him unhappy, but also because the nickname quarreled with others. But a few years later, the name spread throughout the world, and often used together with the great. Of course, after the World Cup in 1970, the British "Sunday Times" and the title of the form given the name of another writing: "Bailey how to spell? G-O-D (God)!"

  Bailey was a child of Brazilian street football. On October 23, 1940, he was born on the Brazilian coastline near the impoverished town of Tresc-Korakoyis, whose father Dondhino was also a player but did not play out of the tricks, low. Mother did not want Bailey to revive his father's way, but soon she found that she could not stop her son's desire. 10 years old, Bailey and partners from the group "September 7 street club", mainly in the town streets to play, but also rely on shoes to make money at home. At the age of 11, Brazil's former striker Brito found Bailey's talent, and later took him to the Sao Paulo state Bauru athletic team, from 1953 to 1956, Bailey played in the team for three years. Later, it was Brito to Bailey brought to the Santos team, the ball from the beginning of his conquest of the journey.

  A gift for another gift In a slum in Rio de Janeiro, a boy loves football very much, but can not afford it. So he kicked the plastic box, kicked the vial, kicked from the trash to pick up the coconut shell. He kicked in the alley, can find any open space to play.

  One day, when he was in a dry pond kicked a pig bladder, was a football coach saw. He found the child played so much, gave him a football. The little boy played more. Soon, he will be able to accurately kick the ball into a free bucket placed in the distance.

  Christmas is coming, the boy's mother said, "We have no money to buy Christmas gifts to our benefactor, pray for our benefactor." The little boy prayed with her mother, to the mother to a shovel ran out. He came to a villa in front of the flower garden, began digging. When he quickly dug a good pit, the villa out of a person, asked the child doing, the child lifted sweat face full of said: "coach, Christmas arrived, although I have no gift to you, but I wish Give a tree tree to your tree. "The coach pulled the little boy from the tree pit and said. "I got the best gift from the world today! You go to my training ground tomorrow."

学习啦在线学习网   Bailey has nine people

  March 30, 1961, "Rio - Sao Paulo Tournament" Santos VS Vulu Nisai team game of the first 30 minutes, wearing a Santos team No. 10 Billy Billy in the side half of the ball after the completion of a ball The greatest personal performance - even the other nine players (one said 10, the following said) break score.

  After the game, "OISPORT" sports newspaper reported not only with the full version of this feat - "Maracana's most beautiful ever ball." And also made a monument to stand in the entrance of the Maracana stadium, and also the letter - "Maracana's most beautiful ever ball."

学习啦在线学习网   But unfortunately, "because Brazil's poverty and backwardness, then the video can not be found" (Bailey) - in fact, people are television carelessly washed away, in order to record other programs.

学习啦在线学习网   Fortunately, however, Brazil has been able to prove that it is really true that some of the historical data that happened (more than 40 years ago).

学习啦在线学习网   May wish to (it over nine) to the "performance" about: the process: after the first ball is very easy (the side half, the opponent has not played the twelfth spirit, like Maradona's 1986 VS England " The other side of the "two of the other in the" six big "peerless classic" "will be a detailed analysis) to" left and right swing "over three opponents, followed by a" The ball "through the fourth opponent and cross the midfield, after the high speed in the ball" light pick "flashed the fifth opponent, after a" fake "fooled from the side rushed over the sixth opponent, After the "variable line to speed up" to avoid the seventh opponent's flying shovel, suddenly to the top of the restricted area at the top of a "false stop" so that the other two opponents rushed empty (Special Note: This "two opponents" One after the attack from the side, after a case of reasoning that can not be formed on the Bailey or even just interference, it has been that we have been "this off" Bailey only had an opponent, of course, this is the past years There have been "one over nine" and "one more than ten" two reasons for the argument.) After the kill Into the restricted area, followed by high-speed and a "false shot" cheat the goalkeeper push empty door broken network.

  Opponents: the first three I did not specify this information, the icon also did not show (only shows the back of the seven), after the seven were respectively - fourth EDMILSON, fifth VALDO, sixth CLOYIS , The seventh is the flying shovel that name is ALTAIR, but in the 1962 World Cup in the No. 15 jersey national teammates, eighth is PINHEIRO, the ninth is JAIR.MARINHO, the same is Its team in the 1962 World Cup teammates, Phi 12 jersey, the tenth is the goalkeeper is CASTILHO, also its 1962 World Cup team in the national team, Phi No. 22 jersey.

学习啦在线学习网   However, for such an absolutely unprecedented and very likely goal (not only "over nine", but also has been "the road suddenly" - indeed very yellow and very violent), Bailey himself only described only - "I avoid After crossing the entire Fluminese team, the ball is scored when the goalkeeper is attacking. This is a famous goal. "In his autobiography is only a pen with.

学习啦在线学习网   Bailey autobiography: the first thousand balls to free throw into my first thousand balls is not my original will. But at that time, what method to play into the line, but for everything! Do not know how long I stood against the ball, Antwerp looked at me nervously. I tried to keep a clear mind, forget the ball to me, the importance of my football career to my team. I tried to relax and restore just calm. Suddenly, I remembered a long time ago in a teenager game I did not kick the free throws, I restrained myself from thinking about it. I tell myself to stand longer, the greater the chance of conceding. If I can not kick it into it, there are other opportunities! When my mind is still debating, the body has been so impatient when I found the ball has been kicked out. I saw the ball with a wonderful arc, flying through the open palm of Antalat, into the net.

学习啦在线学习网   The roar of the audience can almost torrential rain down. Photographers and journalists rushed from behind the goal and surrounded me. Hundreds of viewers jumped off the stands, ignored the police, crossed the wetlands and rushed to me. My jersey was stripped down, and someone else put on another piece of it - printed on the 1000 number. I was lifted up and ran around the field, and the tears in my eyes showed how excited I was. When we passed the stands, the audience was thunderous. When I was put down, everyone wanted me to jog around for a week so that everyone could see my new jersey. When I ran through the crowded area of the Maraca Nina stadium, my heart was so fast that I was happy for the end of the day and was happy to have created a record for me. The audience stood up and cheered when I passed the grandstand.

  Then someone else replaced me. I went back to the locker room and sat there and did not feel it; I slowly took off the new jersey with 1000 numbers, put it on neatly, placed on the side of the stool, ready to take home , As precious things, forever preserved.

  The next day, I went into a thousand balls and American astronauts Kang Lai Te, Bean second boarded the news of the moon, split the front page of the Brazilian newspaper. In my opinion, the importance of these two things simply can not be compared. Not only once but twice to send the moon, of course, than in the football field of any matter of course much more important. But at that time, I still for myself finally broke the ball mark and feel very happy. The ball was scored in my ninety nine and nine games. It allows me to unload a burden of thought, from which you can focus on a more important thing - the upcoming 1970 World Cup.

学习啦在线学习网   Father and mentor

  One day, my partner and I sat away from the shade of the house, the family simply can not see me. Someone gave me a cigarette. This is not the mechanism of cigarettes, but the root "Xu Xu" smoke, is a completely no smoke of the Brazilian production of dried leaves do, the Brazilian children take the paper roll up and pumping, and the United States children with corn to do the same cigarette The I looked around carefully, and she was not near, and she was brave enough to smoke the smoke. This is not my first time smoking. But I never put the smoke in, this time I want to try. We talk very vigorously, far apart, can not remember talking about something, probably nothing more than football and girls it My alertness can not help but relax some, looked up, his father just walked. He waved to us, did not say a word went over.

  I put half of the smoke to the ground a press, face scared white: "God! After going home enough for me!"

  A companion ridiculed and said, "What is acceptable? He does not see you smoke." Another said: "If he saw, and now you will not sit here. He has longened your ears Drag you home! "

  They seem to be justified, and of course I hope that their optimism is well founded. But when I got home, I knew it was not the case. The father immediately called me in the past. I find it strange that his voice is very calm, just like talking to me on a recent football match.

  "I see you smoke."

  I did not speak because I had nothing to say. I just stood in front of him, looking around, is afraid to touch his eyes. He has been patience.

  "Do I have any mistake?"

学习啦在线学习网   "No, no."

  "How long have you been smoking?"

学习啦在线学习网   He is still very calm, like asking me how long rubbed shoes, school for how long like. Is this the kind of tranquility before the storm?

学习啦在线学习网   "I only sucked a few times, a few days ago ..."

  "Do you know that I did not smoke, and I did not know what it was."

  I did not say formal cigarettes I did not smoke, only sucked "Xu Xu" smoke. I also know that it is not useful to make it clear. "I do not know, maybe not much taste." I answered so stupid, thought he would slap in the face, but he did not beat me, but pulled me in the past, as if to make a conversation between friends like of. He stretched out a hand clinging to my shoulder, explained to me:

  "You play a bit of talent, and later may become a master.If you smoke and drink, you can not play a good ball.That time there is not enough physical strength in ninety minutes has been kicked out the ideal level. Do you decide for yourself? "

  Then he reached out and took the wallet from his pocket. The clip is old and thin. He opened the clip and I saw a few wrinkled tickets. He went on:

  "But if you want to smoke, it 's best to smoke your own cigarettes, and it' s a shame for people to smoke. How much do you need to buy cigarettes?

学习啦在线学习网   I am simply shame and shame. I do not seem to buy their own smoke, it does not matter, then I think of many things together - I seem to see his father every Monday to take a foot on the football field, knee swollen like watermelon so big; I seem to see him in order to feed the family, in no way to clean up the potty, clean the floor. My eyes staring at the floor, I really want to open a hole to swallow me, buried my shame. The father looked at me for a long time.

学习啦在线学习网   "Well, all right, for the reputation of our family, your own reputation, do not smoke again after the smoke to buy, take me money, I give you." I know, if I really want him, he Will give it.

  Later, I remembered the conversation several times. I know my personality. And at that age, I was easily impulsive and act rashly. If he was severely scolded me a meal, it is likely to provoke my resistance, and today I became a bad habit of hard to change the smoke. Of course, there is another possibility: because I have been loving football, and know that smoking is really a professional player, so I may not fall to that point. These are hard to say, but one thing is certain: from that day on, I have not touched the cigarette, and never wanted to touch it.

学习啦在线学习网   A few years later, the 17-year-old boy in the sixth World Cup soccer alone scored 6 goals, for Brazil for the first time won the Gold Cup. A name that was not known to the world - Bailey, then spread throughout the world.

  Genius of the road are paved with love, and paved into the road of love, a genius of their own one.

学习啦在线学习网   Success fame

  "It was not my wish to kick my first thousand balls with a penalty kick." - Bailey said in his autobiography "The First Thousand Ball"

  On November 19, 1969, Bailey scored the first goal of his personal career at the Maracana stadium, which was a penalty, and in order to celebrate or even rush into the field to stop the game, and later the Santos Club will be November 19 Day as "Bailey Day" to commemorate the achievements of the king of the ball. Brazilian President declared Bailey as "national treasures" and did not allow him to move for foreign effectiveness.

  King Bailey once said that the Soviet Union's most sad one is Yaxin guarding the door. This man is almost the only person who can make the king of the ball pressure. At that time the world's outstanding attackers are almost all of Lev Yaxin "Wangmen sigh."

  Even more surprising is that Bailey can prevent the war! In 1970, Bailey came to Nigeria, the war in Nigeria, played an exhibition in the capital Lagos, for which the government and the opposition army reached an agreement, the ceasefire 48 hours, because they have to watch Bailey play!

  King of the World Cup

  The achievements of the status of Bailey ball in addition to his 22 years of football career goals, the most important is the World Cup. In 1958 in Sweden, people in the TV screen to see a young face, the 17-year-old boy facing the camera performance back to dart dart, surrounded by beautiful in the shy, this is the fledgling Bailey. At the beginning of this competition, Bailey is only Brazil's bench, the first two games did not play, the group No. 3 on the Soviet Union although battle, but did not give a deep impression.

  Perhaps Bailey is a gift for the big game of heaven, into the knockout, the 17-year-old boy suddenly became Brazil's most terrible weapons. 1/4 finals 1-0 win over Wales, Bailey scored the only goal; semi-final 5 to 2 defeat the gorgeous French team, he played hat trick; final 5 to 2 down host Sweden, Bailey scored 2 goals , To help Brazil for the first time won the World Cup.

  This moment has become a classic

  On the 1958 World Cup, there are two shots that have become eternal. One is Bailey in the final pick a defender, volley shot scoring, played by the Swedish defender Peelin later said, then see such a wonderful goal, he could not help but want to go to congratulate Bailey. Another shot is to win, Bailey volley on teammate Didi's emotional to cry, the final day, Bailey only 17 years old and 239 days, which also created the World Cup finals and the youngest record of the team players. Objectively speaking, due to age injury reasons, Didi Wagga Garrincha is the first two real win hero

  1962 Chile World Cup, Bailey played only one and a half, opener 2 to 0 victory over Mexico, he scored 1 goal, but then was kicked, the next fight Czechoslovakia, Bailey muscle injury midway exit, also quit The current World Cup journey, but relying on the performance of Jia Lincha and others, Brazil eventually won the cup, Bailey also with his teammates won the second World Cup championship medal. 1966 England World Cup, Brazil once again lost Bailey, the king in the game with Portugal was kicked, on the sidelines witnessed the team was eliminated.

  The two night's bickering nightmare had let Beili swear, never to participate in the World Cup, concentrate on playing for the Santos team. But in 1970, the old friend Zagallo successfully persuaded the Bailey return to Brazil, the king can not resist the temptation to win the World Cup three wins. 1970 World Cup, Bailey laid the status of the king of the ball. On England, Banks saved his header, leaving a great "century fighting"; on Czechoslovakia, Bailey in the midfield of the lob is exciting; with Uruguay fight, others ball run Around the goalkeeper, although the shot missed, but still considered to be the most creative one extraordinary. In the finals of Italy, Bailey header first record, which is Brazil's first 100 World Cup goals, "my father had a scored five goals, so this time I can header feel very wonderful ... ... "Bailey said after the game. After the goal, he also assists teammates two break, Brazil permanently occupied Remy Cup, Bailey also made three wins the World Cup Albert. "I told myself before the game that Bailey was also the same as the one we made, but I was wrong," said the Italian defender Bognini, who was staring at Bailey in the final.

学习啦在线学习网   The national team played 92 games, he left 77 goals. In 1974, Bailey announced his retirement, Santos team permanently sealed his No. 10 jersey. In 1975, the New York universe in the United States invited Bailey to come back again, where the king played again for two years. On October 1, 1977, Bailey played a halftime on behalf of the Santos team and the cosmic team in the commemorative tournament, which was the last game in his football career. In 2004, Bailey was rated by FIFA FIFA as one of the greatest players of the century. (The other is the "football emperor" Beckenbauer) perfect, perfect, the king of the ball, which are used to describe Bailey, before retiring he did not make any mistakes. Immortal Bailey 2003 director Marceline said: "I have believed that someone will certainly go beyond Bailey, 70s of last century, I put the idea with Beckenbauer talked about, and later told Maradona said, But now I believe that Bailey is an insurmountable pinnacle. The film is to tell people that Bailey is the best player in history, not only unprecedented, and absolutely. "Bailey 17 years old turned out to establish the world's first person Of the position, he made the 1283 goals, is in the countless people under the strict man-made, no red card under the protection of the completion. In 1974, the French "team newspaper" magazine selected the last 20 years the world's best player, Bailey topped the list, Beckenbauer ranked second.


学习啦在线学习网   Effect Club: Bauru Athletics (1953-1956);

  Santos (1956-1974);

  New York Universe (1975-1977).

  Club honor

  (196,62,63,64,65,68), 6 times the Brazilian Cup champion (1961,62,63,64,65,68), 2 times the Brazilian Cup champion (1961,62,63,64,65,68), 2 (1961,62), 2 World Club Cup Champion (62,63), 1 US League Championship (1977); 11th Sao Paulo State League Top Scorer, 1957 (17 goals), 1958 ( 58 balls), 1959 (45 balls), 1960 (33 balls), 1961 (47 balls), 1962 (37 balls), 1963 (22 balls), 1964 (34 balls), 1965 (49 balls), 1969 ), 1973 (11 goals) National team honor: 3 World Cup champion (1958,62,70), 1 America's Cup runner-up (1959), 1 America America Cup top scorer (1959,9 ball), international competition played 92 Times, scored 77 goals.

学习啦在线学习网   The king of life

  Pele, The King of football, O Rei. Whatever the name, he gives the impression that the same is true: shocking the world's superstar, breaking the recorded football idol. With the impressive performance of the three FIFA World Cup titles, Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, also known as Bailey, is an innovative football genius.

  Every time the ball, every record pass, each back to the ball, Bailey can always bring some fans unprecedented lens. With the keen instincts of the opportunity to shoot, insight into the wonderful ball of sharp eyes and legendary ball skills, Bailey is the best football player. If the Santos team in front of many fans around the world staged this "perfect game", this is mainly due to their famous 10.

学习啦在线学习网   On October 23, 1940, Addison Alanis de Nasimanto was born in the town of Córdoba, in the town of Trescas, Brazil, in Brazil, "three hearts". Bailey was 11 years old by the former Brazilian national team coach Waldemar de Brito (Waldemar de Brito) phase, 15 years old to join the Santos team, and in September 1956 under the age of 16 he was in their own The first official match - against FC FC Corinthians (FC Corinthians) in the goal. Bailey legend was born.

学习啦在线学习网   In 1958, he first participated in the FIFA World Cup. When the age just over 17 years old. When the little-known little boy with the dazzling skills to bring the game into the climax, the whole world was shocked. In fact, he was with the athlete's will in the Brazilian third game (against the former Soviet Union) in the starting lineup appeared. Bailey was wounded, but after returning from the treatment room, the other teammates had no support, full support for him, Garrincha (Garrincha) and tile (Vava) composed of forward iron triangle.

学习啦在线学习网   He was in the quarter-finals with a small victory over Wales, in the semi-final with the French hat-trick, answered his teammates support. He is skilled, the speed is like lightning, smart and speculative, it seems unstoppable. He was swept away by FIFA World Cup with two wonderful goals in the final against Sweden. The first goal, he boldly pick the ball the last defender, and then sweep the ball into the goal; the second goal is an exciting header, the Swedish goalkeeper no preparedness. Defender Sigge Parling said after the game: "After the fifth goal, I could not help but clap."

学习啦在线学习网   The final whistle, Santos goalkeeper Gilmar (Gilmar) recalled that Bailey burst into tears, was his teammates on the shoulder, he had to constantly comfort the idol juvenile. Bailey in the next few years continue to grow, so that all the guards frightened, and to consolidate the status of football genius. (The objective of talking about the 1958 World Cup Bailey only 17 years old or substitute, in the golden age of Didi Wawakarina is the real win hero)

  In 1959 he scored 127 goals, 110 goals in 1961, twice held the South American Libertadores Cup (1961,1962), two world club champions (1962,1963) and nine Sao Paulo state champions.

学习啦在线学习网   1962 Bailey participated in the Chilean FIFA World Cup, ready to shock the world. This is the best stage to show his talent, but unfortunately, Bailey in Brazil's first game on the wounded, failed to play again. He witnessed his teammates on the sidelines to regain the World Cup. At this point, Bailey has been for everyone's attention. However, in 1966 he was again unfortunate, Brazil's third game with Portugal, was stretcher carrying the field. But the difference is that this time he had to see his team off the sidelines.

学习啦在线学习网   "Black Pearl" had to wait until the 1970 World Cup in Mexico once again to show their talent to the world. With the help of teammates Jairzinho, Tostao, Rivelino and Carlos Alberto, Bailey was thriving. In the first FIFA World Cup broadcast to the global broadcast of color television signals, Bailey seems destined to give football the world movement with new meaning. Wonderful clips include: against the Czech team he tried to far from the midfield goal; against England a wonderful header, the results of England goalkeeper Gordon Banks (Gordon Banks) performance more brave, the ball saved; against Uruguay At the foot of the ball, go past the goalkeeper, then a small angle shot, to the people left a deep impression.

学习啦在线学习网   Mexico World Cup finals, Bailey scored the Brazilian team symbolized the first 100 FIFA World Cup goals - jump, then a wonderful header. "I have a special feeling for my header, my father has scored five goals in a game - I have never been able to break his record." Bailey said afterwards.

学习啦在线学习网   The Italian defender Tarcisio Burgnich was invited to comment on the finals of Bailey, saying, "I told myself before the game, 'he was as bones as anybody else', but I'm wrong". The Brazilian team won the third consecutive cup, becoming an unprecedented team is beyond reproach, and they are therefore able to retain the Jules Rimet trophy. Bailey became legendary. The second day after the final, Sunday Times headlines: "How do you spell Bailey on the emperor?"

  Bailey is indeed a legend, in his excellent and long career, his record is indeed prominent. 1969 in Maracana (Maracana) stadium crazy fans in front of him scored his first 1000 goals. A game scored five goals of not less than 6 times; 4 ball situation 30 times; and hat trick has 92 times! 1964 once with the unfortunate Botafogo (Botafogo) against, he scored 8 goals into the ball! Carefully calculated, the genius in 1363 games scored 1281 goals, participated in a total of 92 international competitions.

  In 1974 he ended his so-called "beautiful game", a year back to football, "to the world-class movement to the American public" for the US cosmic team (New York Cosmos). Finally, in 1977 he finally considered hanging boots. "Berry played 22 years of football, and during this period he did more efforts to promote world friendship than any ambassador in any country," said Brazilian ambassador to the United Nations, J.B.Pinheiro. Who would not agree with him? In 1970, Bailey went to Lagos to participate in the war in Nigeria announced a ceasefire. Brazilian president said he was "national treasure", decided to prevent any possible transfer to his European club. In Santos, to celebrate Bailey's scored at the Maracana stadium in the 1000th goal, every year on November 19 is forever "Bailey Day".

学习啦在线学习网   At the end of his career, Bailey continued to promote the development of Brazil, the United Nations and the United Nations Children's Fund as his ambassador. "Every child in the world wants to be a bailey - that means I have an obligation to teach them how to be a player and how to be a heavenly man." It seems to be the reason for God's existence, is not it?

学习啦在线学习网   Book works

  Brazilian goalkeeper Bailey October 16, 2013 in Sao Paulo launched his latest book "1283", in the new book conference, also played a Bailey career 3 minutes review video, the king of Bailey in the film when the end could not help Emotion tears. Bailey this new book, told the Bailey player career many unknown stories, and there are some collection of pictures, Bailey conference site also revealed a memorable book, 1966 England World Cup, then the Beatles The band wants to meet with Bailey and is willing to do personal performances for Brazil, but eventually ruthlessly refused.

  The title "1283" from Bailey's career total score of 1283, and this book is only issued 1283, which has a lot of precious photos, weighing 15 kg, quite commemorative value, each price up 3600 reais (about 10,000 yuan), and the book also issued 50 special edition, which has Bailey and photographers autographed, priced at 5500 reais (about 15,000 yuan). In addition to the sale in Brazil, the new book will be available in New York, London and Dubai.

学习啦在线学习网   A generation of the world

  Football career played a total of 1364 times, scored 1283 goals; FIFA FIFA 20th century's greatest players and football celebrities (tied with Beckenbauer); International Olympic Committee of the 20th century's greatest athletes (exclusive). International Sports Journalists Association United Global Media Awards 20th century greatest player (tied with Beckenbauer); FIFA FIFA expert group voted and network voted for the 20th century best player (tied with Maradona); Bailey's presence It seems that after a lot of players can not turn over a mountain, simply can not go beyond. This is the king of the ball, this is Bailey!

  The ball king Bailey I only recognize their own life friend "football emperor" Beckenbauer's achievements can be compared with their own. As for Maradona, Bailey said with a smile: "You do not always compare him with me, it makes me very upset, we Brazil master clouds like Garrincha, Zagallo, Didi, Wawa, "I have been joking with the President of the Argentine Football Association to say that you are the best player to choose Argentina," said Velino, Tosten, and so on, and Maradona is better than them. Take the player to compare with me. "Bailey said:" I am 17-year-old team won the World Cup when people have been known as the king of the ball, do not take him (Maradona) and I compared to I won 3 times the World Cup champion, scored more than 1,200 balls, his champion have me more? Goal to my part of it?

学习啦在线学习网   And the ball king Maradona is retorted: my century is the best fans to vote out of the Internet, and Bailey and Beckenbauer's best is the FIFA's top officials on the table selected, I must Collar this award, because I can not let my fans are disappointed, I give this award to them, dedicated to the people of Argentina. "

  Beckenbauer also made his own opinion: "Maradona should be a very good player, but definitely can not be regarded as the greatest player, only me and Bailey have this qualification, because we not only outstanding on the pitch Achievements and honors can overwhelm him, and have excellent personality, before those bad private life on the reputation of Maradona caused a lot of bad influence, he was young when he almost tried to do all the bad things Even if the crime, such a person how can on behalf of football.





