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学习啦在线学习网   邓世昌,清末北洋水师将领,民族英雄。是清朝北洋舰队中“致远”号的舰长,下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的邓世昌的英雄事迹英文简介,供大家参阅!


学习啦在线学习网   Deng Shichang (October 4, 1894 - September 17, 1894), the Han nationality, formerly known as Yongchang, the word is Qing, Guangdong Guangfu people in Guangdong Panyu County Long Guiyuan Township (Guangzhou Haizhu District), the late Qing Dynasty North Ocean Navy ,national hero.

学习啦在线学习网   Deng Shichang is one of the earliest naval officers in China, and is the captain of the "Zhiyuan" in the Northern Fleet. He has a strong patriotism, often said to the soldiers: "Who is no death? I hope we die, die!" 1894 Sino-Japanese war during the Sino-Japanese cruise ship for the long-range cruiser (that is, the captain). September 17, 1894 in the Yellow Sea battle in the heroic sacrifice, posthumous feudal section of the public, Guangxu emperor Lianlian wrote: Today, the world wandering tears, there are male foot strong military force.

  There are many literary, film and television works, such as "Jiawu Fengyun", "Heroes Deng Shichang", "Jiawuhai Battle" and so on. There are many places to commemorate, pay tribute and pay tribute.


学习啦在线学习网   Early experience

  1849 (Qing dynasty twenty-nine years) October 4 (lunar August 19) was born in Guangdong Panyu County Long Guiyuan Township (now Guangzhou Haizhu District) (Long Guiwei Street). His father Deng Huazhuang, franchise tea business, taste in Guangzhou and Tianjin, Shanghai, Han, Hong Kong, Qinhuangdao and other places to set up Cheung hair tea, and the construction of Deng Temple. Because of Deng Huan Zhuang and his wife Guo suffered the darkness and war of the troubles, earnestly hope Deng's family prosperity, gave their only son named Deng Yongchang; However, the prosperity of the family business is easy, can not do without the situation and the national environment, Informed sense of the Deng Huanzhuang and his son was renamed Deng Shichang, the word is Qing.

学习啦在线学习网   Deng Shichang childhood qualifications smart, studious, in his hometown with excellent grades to complete primary school. Deng Huanzhuang think, regardless of the future of his son to inherit their own business, or engaged in other business, must learn foreign language, and then learn from foreign advanced scientific knowledge. This is the English as "barbarians" at the time, is shocking the world. When he brought Shichang to Shanghai, let him into the church school, under the European study of English, arithmetic. Shichang to accept new knowledge and ability, academic progress is extremely fast, in a very short period of time, will be able to dialogue with the foreign division, and can read the British and American original books. The foreign division admired him, and liked the clever student.

学习啦在线学习网   Volunteer from the army

学习啦在线学习网   1867 (Qing Tongzhi six years), Shen Baozhen as Fuzhou Mawei boat secretary, at the same time set up before the school manufacturing classes and post-school driving tube shifts. The school began to enroll, students mainly for the local qualifications of Fujian smart, rough text under the age of 16 students, after the lack of students, enrollment has been extended to Guangdong, Hong Kong area, and the age requirements to relax to 20 years of age. Deng Shichang informed of this news immediately after the father, asked to apply. The enlightened father did not hesitate to agree to his request. Deng Shichang back to Guangzhou, to take the exam, excellent results, successfully admitted to driving professional. At that time to participate in the application of students, poor family accounted for the majority, followed by foreign influence of the family and businessmen children, foreign school students. Applicants must be three generations of taboo, occupation, Paul who fame to fill in the warranty, and to take his father and brother and their own knot.

  Driving professional students in addition to learning English, mathematics, but also learning maritime astronomy, navigation theory and geography, after five years of study after graduation. 1871 (Qing Tongzhi ten years) Deng Shichang from the army after the "first" back to Guangzhou hometown to visit relatives.

学习啦在线学习网   Church education, only the first step in naval education. To be a qualified naval officer, an internship must be practiced. 1873 (Qing Tongzhi twelve years), Deng Shichang and other students boarded the "build Wei" training boat, began their long-awaited sea voyage. The flight, has arrived in Xiamen, Hong Kong, Singapore, Penang, which lasted four months. Sea days rippling, sometimes not seen a few days mountains, and sometimes the island linger, sand line staggered. The practice ship is subjected to various tests. When instructed by the instructor, the students were guided by the sailing diary, measuring the position of the sun and the constellation, and practicing various instruments. When the students were in turn, the teacher took the diary diary carefully. After two years of training courses after graduation.

学习啦在线学习网   Work hard to learn

学习啦在线学习网   Deng Shichang in the shipping school for five years, from beginning to end, work hard, self-improvement, the door of the assessment are excellent. "Especially the wind Tao, sand, astronomy, geography, measurement, computer, line array of law, and foreign cooperation examples, extravagant not proficient" especially in the "build Wei" training boat to the practice of Southeast Asia, The actual driving, management of the ship's high quality and skills, won the praise of foreign teachers. Combined with older students in the older, more stable and experienced. Because of this, Shen Baozhen very valued him, praised him as a boat school in the "clever youth" one. 1874 (Qing Tongzhi thirteen years) in February, by the Minister of Shipping Shen Baozhen Award to five products military service, appointed as "Chen Hang" transport ship mate. Shipyard school training officers began to command warships, which is a major event in the history of Chinese military education, it opened up a precedent for college education.

  1875 (the first year of Guangxu) coincided with the Japanese invaders peep Taiwan, Penghu, Keelung pass, the "sea east cloud" gunboat tube, patrol Haikou, won the total thousand.

  1877 (Guangxu three years) in February, Acting "Yang Wu" cruiser mate. In March, the Fuzhou Ship Bureau for the first time to send students to study in the United Kingdom and France, according to Deng Shichang's overall quality and performance, can be selected into the study abroad, just because the ship is scarce talent, only let him temper in the domestic wind waves. Things in the artificial, Deng Shichang Although not officially go abroad to study, but he as a naval good, the quality is outstanding, so Li Hongzhang several times sent him to go abroad to accept the new ship. Deng Shichang in the process of taking the country, seize the opportunity, modesty, to make up for the shortcomings in foreign countries did not study.

  In 1878 (Guangxu four years) due to "Haidong Yun" tonnage smaller, less fire, in February, Shen Baozhen tune Deng Shichang any equipment before the five front guns "Zhenwei" gunboat tube, and agent "Yang Wu" fast Ship tube driving, was ordered to guard Penghu, Keelung and other fortress. After the recommended conservative reserve, plus the Secretary of the title. He was resolute and decisive in carrying out the garrison mission, and he was so popular that he had suppressed the arrogance of the Japanese invaders.

学习啦在线学习网   Study abroad

  1880 (Guangxu six years) at the beginning, as "flying" mosquito gun tube belt. Li Hongzhang for the establishment of the Northern Navy, sent Ma Jianzhong to study, recruit Navy talent. Ma Jianzhong was ordered to travel to Fujian, heard all aspects of Deng Shichang's praise, and to Deng Shichang brought the "Flying" mosquito gun boat to see, witnessed the ship management of the orderly, well-trained, disciplined, more And talk to Deng Shichang, Ma Jianzhong to give a high rating. Ma Jianzhong after the investigation, reported to Li Hongzhang, and recommended Deng Shichang, said he was "familiar with the tube driving matters, not easy for the navy talent." Li Hongzhang is also knowledge of the generation, the same summer, Deng Shichang transferred to the Northern Navy, any "town south" mosquito gun ship with. July, "Zhendong", "Zhenxi", "Zhennan", "Zhenbei" four ships cruising the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, "Zhennan" ship hit the rocks, Deng Shichang calm command, immediately out of danger, but after the accident was The same time, with the end of the year, the North Navy in the United Kingdom ordered the "super Yong", "Yang Wei" two cruisers completed, Ding Ruchang Navy officers and men of more than 200 people went to the British ship, Deng Shichang follow.

  1881 (Guangxu seven years) Deng Shichang very cherish the opportunity to go to the United Kingdom, because he graduated from the Fuzhou Shipping School, after the completion of the lack of water management needs, began to take the boat, failed to study in Europe Further study. This time to the United Kingdom took over, he tried to make up to make up. He used a variety of opportunities to travel through the famous British industrial city, saw the grand production of the magnificent scenes of the machine; he traveled the main base of the British Navy, the port, saw a ship of various giant warships, a taste of the world's most powerful He studied and studied the laws and regulations of the British Royal Navy and saw the great gap in the training and management of the Northern Fleet. He studied and studied the history of the British Navy, especially the search for the dominance of the ocean More than a century of secrets. He went to Greenwich and visited the Royal Naval Academy. This old palace, now the world navy temple. The history of the ship's history of the ship, the three-masted sailboat, as well as the ancient single-decked wooden boat, condensed the human conquest of the sea and in the ocean had a fierce battle history. On the wall of the corridor, he saw the oil paintings of the British naval generals, most notably Nelson, who defeated the Napoleonic fleet and defeated the French Fleet in one fell swoop. He also went to London's Trafalgar Square (commonly known as Pigeon Square), to pay tribute to the naval star Nelson tall and realistic sculpture. He carefully examined the situation of the Western Navy, carefully studying foreign advanced military technology and experience, these military equipment and training methods to be carefully studied, whichever is long, for their own use.

  August 17, 1881, "super Yong", "Yang Wei" from the British Newcastle port sailing, began by the British to China's long sailing. This is the first time that the Chinese navy has been driving the naval vessels of the North Atlantic Ocean - the Mediterranean - the Suez Canal - the Indian Ocean - the Western Pacific, and the countries along the way have known that there are navy in China, all saluted, which greatly expanded China's international influence The The Qing Dynasty Navy for the first time to a foreign ship, sent the ship with the ship is undoubtedly the most outstanding in the Navy. Lin Tai has manipulated "super Yong" ship, Deng Shichang manipulation "Yang Wei" ship. "Chao Yong", "Yang Wei" two ships on the way back through the thrilling. First in the Mediterranean two ships separated, "Yang Wei" due to lack of coal and drifting in the sea for two days and nights, "super Yong" after the news to find help. When the Suez Canal, the "super-courage" of the propeller and hit the rocks hit bad, after repair to continue sailing. To October 15, the two ships finally arrived in Hong Kong, which lasted 61 days. After that, into the Jiangnan Manufacturing General Administration, for dock repair. After renovation in Shanghai, "super Yong", "Yang Wei" on November 22 arrived in Tianjin Dagu mouth. Deng Shichang due to patrol meritorious service was awarded the "Bo Yong Bartu Lu" brave, tours Dai Ling, to the Secretary of the supplement, and was appointed "Yang Wei" ship with. The out of the ocean, he not only expanded the horizon, due to devote themselves to study, increased knowledge, "more detailed sea tactics", and the greatest achievement is in the ideological understanding of a significant change.

学习啦在线学习网   As a tube

  1882 (Guangxu eight years) summer, North Korea civil chaos, when Li Hongzhang mother died, back to the fat mourning, Ding worry, Zhili governor Zhang Jingda public tree sound, memorial Zhejiang Admiral Wu Changqing led his entourage, life Shichang to warships The Deng Shichang drive "Yang Wei" drum drums driving, quickly abnormal, went to North Korea Incheon Haikou, compared with the Japanese soldiers first day. More than the Japanese ship from the soldiers, our army has since the Incheon team, into the North Korean capital for the end. After the Japanese soldiers, the door is not allowed to strike and strike. Deng Shichang led his troops to the DPRK, defeated the Japanese invasion of the DPRK plan, make up the guerrilla, reward to "Bo Yong Batau Lu" brave.

学习啦在线学习网   1887 (Guangxu thirteen years) Spring, Li Hongzhang sent Deng Shichang led his troops to Britain, Germany and Germany to receive the Qing government to Britain, Germany made the "Zhi Yuan ship", "Jing Yuan ship", " "To the ship" four cruisers. Is the second time abroad to take the ship with Deng Shichang, this time has been recognized as a "Western learning deep", "skilled in training," the Navy experts. Voyage voyage training is a compulsory course for naval officers and men, especially in the deep ocean. Deng Shichang that the ship is actually the best voyage training, so in the return home on the way, and actively organize the Navy soldiers to carry out maritime training. Deng Shichang on the way home due to overwork, made cold and heat. But he is very strict on their own requirements, as the tube, no matter what the circumstances, all the safety of the whole ship should bear full responsibility, to stick to their posts. So, he insisted on the weak body, step by step hard to walk on the bridge, "Fuji surveillance sailing." Not only that, he also led the whole ship officers and men along the way for a variety of uninterrupted drill, "all day array will be several times." The contents and subjects of the practice are exactly what the actual combat may occur, meet the needs of the fighting, and require regularization: "or when the fire insurance, or when the operation of water insurance, when or for the attack, Suspicious flag. "Deng Shichang to set an example of the incentive, the ship on the officers and men" did not actively work hard, no error Wang Zhang. "

  Guangxu thirteen years (1887) in July, the Northern Navy in Britain and Germany ordered the cruiser "Zhiyuan", "Jingyuan" and armored ship "far", "far" completed. Deng Shichang to vice president of the service will be "Zhiyuan" pipe with identity, to participate in the joint. On the way repeated by the wind Tao, the other ship sailors so many cases, but "Zhiyuan" ship due to Deng Shichang appropriate measures, care for soldiers, no dead.

  Guangxu fourteen years (1888) spring, arrived in Dagu. In July, Deng led the ship from Ding Ruchang to suppress Taiwan's Lu Jiawang uprising. After the return, to the general staff name Jane release, plus captain title. August, the Northern Fleet officially into the army, left, right, middle and rear four army, Deng Shichang granted the lieutenant general lieutenant, still charge "Zhiyuan" tube. With the end of the country. Due to take the ship active, or vice president, by the total rank, part-time "Zhiyuan" ship with. Deng Shichang and the ship finally.

  1888 (Guangxu fourteen years) Taiwan after the mountain, when the nuisance, the official army to suppress the loss, fierce flame Yi Chi. Fujian Admiral Sun Kaihua unified military investigation, Li Hongzhang Xi Xi (xí) Shichang, accompanied by the Northern Foreign Governor Ding Ruchang to Taiwan to help suppress. Shichang by driving "Zhiyuan" ship to Taiwan 埤 (pí) South area. But when the army struggling for a long time, although the next to capture and cut, and finally the mountain deep camp (gōu) dense, difficult to in-depth. And Shichang driving ship as far as the sea, the shelling of the bombardment, is the land and water into the pain plus Baptism, destroyed towers Walled, the Lvji Wang, Dazhuang and other community lords to capture, by the Health Fan Ping. To keep the general name of the general release, and add captain. Deng Shichang 17 years later, "the second" back to Guangzhou hometown to visit relatives, this time failed to see his father, because the elderly have died a few years ago. At that time, he received a mourning, but the military in the body, can not go home to mourning. This time home, he cried faint in the spirit, woke up after the tears to write the ritual, will not see his father side as a "lifelong big".

  1889 (Guangxu fifteen years) February 20, Li Hongzhang playing the Northern Navy new lieutenant general lieutenants, please Deng Shichang borrowed, as "Zhiyuan" ship belt.

  1891 (Guangxu seventeen years) Li Hongzhang to Weihai review of the Northern Navy, which is "Northern Navy Constitution" after the first large review. Deng Shichang usually training troops, absolutely not allowed to engage in flower shelves. The distance between the enemy and the enemy must be measured at the speed of the enemy and both sides. To Deng Shichang training effective, played the prospective "Gersa Bata Tu Lu" brave, and given the three generations of a product code.

学习啦在线学习网   1892 (Guangxu eighteen years) Deng Shichang "third", is the last time back to Guangzhou home to visit relatives.

  Heroic martyrdom

学习啦在线学习网   1894 (Guangxu twenty years) Deng Shichang taste said: "people who die, I hope to die of their Seoul." September 17 in the Yellow Sea Dadonggou naval battle, Deng Shichang command "Zhiyuan" ship bravely fighting, after the Japanese ship siege, "Zhiyuan" many injured the whole ship ignited the fire, the hull tilt. Deng Shichang encourage the whole ship officers and men: "We from the military defenders, early life and death, today's thing, there is death!" "Japanese ship exclusive Yoshino, Gou Shen this ship, enough to take its gas and become a matter of" The ship hit the full speed of Japan's main ship "Yoshino" starboard, determined to die with the enemy. The Japanese firefighters seeing the frightened, concentrated fire to the "Zhiyuan" shooting, unfortunately, a shell hit the "Zhiyuan" ship torpedo tube, tube torpedo explosion led to "Zhiyuan" ship sank. Deng Shichang fall in the sea, the followers to save life ring to save, he refused, and said: "I am determined to kill the enemy serve the country, now die in the sea, righteousness, what to survive!", The support of the dog "sun" Its side, the mouth of the arm to save, Deng Shichang swear with the warships survived, resolutely according to the dog into the water, he also sink with the sun, and the whole ship officers and soldiers together more than 250 martyrs martyred.

  Green history

  Deng Shichang sacrificed after the death of the whole country, the Emperor Guangxu trampled together "Today, the world wandering the world tears, there are strong enough Navy Wei," and gave Deng Shichang "Zhuangzhang" posthumous title, chase the "Prince Shao Bao", into the capital Zhaizhong Temple, Yu pen intimate essay, inscriptions each one. Li Hongzhang in the "please call the excellent Dadong ditch Navy killed the members of the fold" for their performance, said: "... ... and Deng Shichang, Liu Buchan and other merits can not also." The court also gave Deng mother a piece of 1.5 kg of gold made of "God of good words" plaque, allocated to Deng Bai silver 10 million to show the pension. Deng home with this section in the original Guangdong Panyu for Deng Shichang repair the cemetery, built Deng's ancestral hall. Weihai Wei people sense of their loyalty, but also in 1899 in the mountains for the statue of Deng Shichang built temple, to permanent worship. December 28, 1996, the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy named the new ocean-going comprehensive training ship for the "Shichang" ship, to commemorate





