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  Charles Dickens, full name Charles John Heifam Dickens (English name: Charles John Huffam Dickens, February 7, 1812 - June 9, 1870), British writer. The main works are "David Copperfield" "Pickwick rumor" "fog are orphans" "old antique shop" "hard times" "our common friend" "Tale of Two Cities" and so on.

  Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 in the suburbs of Portsmouth, was born in the Navy staff family, juvenile family life because of distress, only intermittent school. After being forced to work in the factory to do child labor. After 15 years old, became a law firm apprentice, record and court scorer. 20 years old when the newspaper interviewer, reported the House of Commons. In 1837 he completed the first novel "Pickwick rumor", is the first realist novel creation, and later creative talent to mature, has published "fog orphans" (1838), "old antique shop" (1850), "The Times of Hardness" (1854), "Tale of Two Cities" (1859) "Great Expectations" (1861), 1870 June 9 died in Rochester near the Gates Villa.

  Dickens especially paid attention to describing the life of the "little people" living in the bottom of the British society, and profoundly reflected the complex social reality of Britain at that time, and made outstanding contributions to the development and development of British critical realist literature. His works have had a profound impact on the development of English literature.


  Theme of the work

  Dickens life and creation time, it is the mid-19th century Victorian early period. Dickens lifelong activities and creation, always synchronized with the trend of the times. He reveals the tragic situation of the lower classes, especially women, children and the elderly, with a serious and prudent attitude, by revealing the hypocrisy of the upper classes and the bourgeoisie, the greed, humble, brutal, full of excitement and deep sympathy The awakening of the working masses of the struggle. At the same time, he also idealism and romanticism of the pride of human nature in the true, good, beautiful, looking forward to a more reasonable society and a better life.

学习啦在线学习网   Dickens embodies the core of the British spirit, a kind of happy and satisfied from the heart. But Dickens also has another spirit of the British, a conscious reflection and critical spirit. He speaks for the disadvantaged groups, pursuing social justice, exploring the core values that can make human beings live in harmony, inquire about the conscience of the world's richest country, and express the voices and dreams of many people with 15 novels and a large number of prose works.

  Business attitude

学习啦在线学习网   In the early works of Dickens, the reader was still able to find his affirmation of the commercial value, but the more the later, Dickens on the "business" the more the derogatory attitude, his works are more inclined to the intense Way, to show in the gradual industrialization of the society, the money has the power to subvert all - the real world, everywhere is a kind of indifferent philosophy, including religious life, including all spiritual life are nothing He turned into a vassal of money and a quantifiable indicator: "They will weigh all the weight, the size and the price, and for them it is not possible to weigh the weight, the size, and the price Never existed. "(" Dong Bei father and son ")

  Moral values

  With the development of the Victorian society, the aristocratic moral concept is inevitably affected by the impact of the middle class culture, the middle class ethical concepts gradually and broadly affect people's way of life. The development of this ethic is reflected in the culture is the development of Victorian culture, so that the original cultural values have been broken.

学习啦在线学习网   It can be said that Dickens in the novel is not only in criticizing the social class inequality, but also in the review of the culture of society, especially moral values. From which we can see his attention to that society and how to think, but also reflects his deep thinking on the human life ontology.

学习啦在线学习网   Style of work

  Dickens early novels, magnificent momentum, popular and smooth, humorous and pungent and full of sentimental, which criticized the community, generally limited to the local system and the field. Such as "fog are orphans", "Nicholas Nickel" "old antique shop", "Martin Zhu Erwei Wei Te", "Christmas song" and so on. From the "Dong Bei father and son" later, Dickens's creation is more mature. "David Copperfield" to further explore the struggle of life course, with autobiography, is reflected in the middle of the 19th century, the British middle and lower layers of the long picture of the community. "Desolate Villa" "hard times" "small Du Li" is a strong political consciousness of the three heavy works.

学习啦在线学习网   Dickens' late works clearly reflect the deepening of the creation of the theme, the skills of mature and multi-faceted exploration. "Great future" can be regarded as "David Copperfield" negative, but to explore the road of life is more realistic and alarming, and the early optimism of the author was significantly reduced. The protagonist is also an orphan, but can not stand the temptation of the environment lost the original simple nature, after the hardships of hard to repentance, re-life, the whole story is more concise in the structure.

  "Our common friend" is another widely criticized novel, which contains the exploration of human nature and philosophy of life is also more profound, the use of symbolism and detective novels to add their artistic charm.

  Dickens last novel "Edwin Druid's mystery" Although only the completion of 23 chapters, which also see its elegant writing, rigorous ideas and attractive suspense and mystery.

  He describes a large number of small people in the middle and lower classes, which are unprecedented in literary works. With a high degree of artistic summary, vivid details of the description, fun and humorous and meticulous analysis, shaping a lot of memorable image, a true reflection of the British early 19th century social outlook, with great appeal and understanding of the value , And formed his unique style.

  He reflects a wide range of life, diversity, dig deep and powerful. He does not use his preaching or conceptualization to show his inclination, and tends to stimulate the reader's indignation, hatred, sympathy and love with a vivid artistic image.

  Most of his characters are distinctive personality. He is good at using artistic exaggeration to highlight some of the characteristics of the characters, with their customary movements, gestures and words to reveal their inner life and thinking. He is also good at learning from the life of the language of the people, to character-specific language performance of the character and character.

  Dickens's creation has a strong romantic atmosphere, he describes the things seem to have some kind of feelings with the characters, temperament fit "spiritual", and enhance the appeal of the work.

学习啦在线学习网   Edge character

  "Marginal character" is a reality in British Victorian society, and Dickens is the first realist writer who notes that they exist and writes them into the novel in sympathy and compassion, the spirit of his rebellion at that time, Efforts to arouse the community on the "edge of the characters" fate and the survival of the widespread concern, but also enrich the creation of the Victorian novel, for the next lower middle class writer - H. G Wells, Arnold Bennett, George Ging and other pointed out a broad creative path.

学习啦在线学习网   In addition, Dickens' s "marginal character", as the "opposite" and "originality" rebellion of the Victorian social ideology, uses literature to produce an ingenious hotbed to display its power, which keeps the literary Relative independence, subversion of the Victorian social ideology dominant discourse - middle class values, but also reflects a dominant ideology of the discourse of the right to rely on to build their own right to speak, in the process of resistance Zhang significant The "other" force. Through the practice of novel expression, the independence and dependence of literary creation fully explained the relationship between literature and social history, so as to provide us with more social and historical thinking about literature, with a deeper understanding of Victoria's social culture , And even the deep implication of modern social culture.


学习啦在线学习网   The influence of Dickens' literary achievements on world literature is enormous. His work was introduced to China very early. In 1908, Lin Shu and Wei Yi translated the "Lost Meat" (ie, "David Copperfield"), "Thieves" (ie, "Oliver Tevester") and " "(Ie" old antique shop "). Since then, they have been translated and published a number of important works of Dickens. Dickens in the creation of the humanitarian and social criticism of the spirit and artistic skills, the creation of modern Chinese novels have a great impact.

  Dickens's work has not only been popular, but also a lot of adaptation of the film and television drama, his 15 novels have been at least twice each shot.





