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学习啦在线学习网   首先,英文简历要写清楚自己的姓名,地址,联系方式-比如电话或者电子邮箱等等的基本信息。一般采用居中的方式,其他的则居左就可以了。今天学习啦小编要与大家分享的是:2篇医疗类个人英文简历相关范本。具体内容如下,欢迎参考阅读!



学习啦在线学习网   Position as a Nurse of Health Care Provider.

  Employment History

  St. Mark's Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

学习啦在线学习网   Surgical Nurse, 1994 to Present

学习啦在线学习网   Served as a staff surgical nurse. Provided health care checks for a diverse population. Performed blood pressure tests for community health outreach programs, provided a wide range of services including women's health clinic services and care for elderly patients.


  R.N. - American Medical Association.


  B.S., Nursing, 1994

  University of Scranton, Scranton, PA

  Professional Affiliations

  Monroe County Medical Society

  Pennsylvania Nursing Association



学习啦在线学习网   Name: YJBYS Sex: Female Age:

  Address: Suite , No. , Lane , East Hanyang Road, Shanghai

  Phone: Mobile: E-mail:

  Educational Background:

学习啦在线学习网   2004 - 2006 Had studied at Pharmaceutical Research Institute of Kobe Gakuin University, Japan. Had obtained a master’s degree.

学习啦在线学习网   2002 - 2003 Had studied Japanese language at Japanese Language School.

  Career Experience:

  June 2002 - Now Has acted as a senior manager of Medicine Manufacturing Division of a big-sized group    enterprise the “China XX Group Corp.” - a subsidiary company directly owned by the Chinese central government. Had mainly handled the following related jobs of project investment in establishing a big-sized liquid medicament manufacture base owned by the group company

  l Selection of transfusion product, conduct of marketing research and handling project scheming etc. (the Marketing Division)

  matters with partners at home and abroad such as project initialization, equipment bidding invitation and technology importation; (the Outsourcing Affairs Division)

学习啦在线学习网   l Promotion and co-ordination of new product in the stages from their research and development to launching them onto the market; (the New Business Development Division)

  Had acted as the general manager of Shanghai Technology Co. Ltd. (an individual-owned company)

  l In charge of overall management affairs of selling the imported medicinal additives on the home market, handle the technical support jobs and those in the finance division.

  l Research of medicine-related regulation and study of marketing affairs, as well as responsible for marketing strategy and scheming of work objectives and plans.





