学习啦在线学习网 The Spring Festival is the New Year in china, just as Christmas in Britain. Chinese people attach much important to the Spring Festival, which is Chinese traditional festival. And the New Year’s Eve is the most important day in the Spring Festival. So they have many celebrations and customs in that day.
学习啦在线学习网 Chinese has strong attachment to their family, and Chinese family is usually a big family. In the past, they always dwell on together. In a family, there are grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and many children. They all live in a big courtyard. Father, Mother and a few children are composed a minor family. Every brother of father makes his own minor family. And with grandparents, they form a big family. Each minor family possesses a minor room in a courtyard, which grandparents live in the major room. Because old person has the superior position in a family, and Chinese respect the old as a long-standing tradition. In the modern time, not every family member lives in a courtyard but live separately. However, they still maintain close link with each other. They often have get-togethers in holidays especially in festivals.
In New Year’s Eve, the most important festival, Chinese family often get together to spend the whole night. They often have the New Year’s dinner together, and celebrate the New Year in their own way.
The New Year’s dinner is very tasteful and delicious, for it not only a dinner but also a family meeting. Each family member sits around the table and talks while eating. It stands for the harmony and unity of a family. Since the dinner is very important, it takes too much time and effort to prepare it. As we all known, Chinese food is the most delicious food in the world. Perhaps because Chinese people are very particular about eating. For New Y ear’s dinner, the food is extremely exquisite and traditional. First, Jiaozi is necessary. Jiaozi, also called dumpling, is well-known as traditional Chinese food all over the world. In New Year’s Eve, we often make dumplings of meat and vegetable, and we also make special dumplings. For example, we make a few dumplings with a coin in them. No matter who eat these special dumplings, it foresees he will have luck of wealth the next year. Some special dumplings with shelled peanut in them mean longevity. Some with sugar in them mean a sweet life. Besides these wonderful Jiaozi, there are various cuisines. Usually, there should be a fish in the table, which means the family has enough to spare every year.
学习啦在线学习网 After enjoying the New Year’s dinner, the family seat in the sofa and watch the television. There is a culture New Year’s dinner waiting for them, which is the Spring Festival Evening Party. Since the Spring Festival Evening Party began to hold in 1982, every family consider watching it as a tradition. The party that is held by CCTV starts at 8:00 and lasts four and a half hours. It gathers almost all the Chinese stars in mainland and overseas. And its style of programs contains songs and dances, comic dialogues and sketches. CCTV invests big for this party every year, and they want to make the party be the best party on TV. Though the quality of the party decreased these days, it is still a better party than any other party held by other television stations. Yet Chinese still consider it as a culture dinner in New Year’s Eve.
Since New Year’s Eve comes, the sound of firecrackers will not disappear. Playing firecrackers is the necessary custom in New Year’s Eve. There is a legend about firecrackers. Long long ago, a monster called Nian (means year) haunted around a peaceful village. He attacked the people and livestock in the village. The villagers had no idea to deal with the monster. They became very fearful and lived in danger. Until one day, a clever man invented an arm called firecracker. On one New Year’s Eve, he used firecrackers to defeat the Nian monster. In order to commemorate the man and his glory deeds, we play firecrackers and eat Nian cake every New Year’s eve. Nian cake, also called New Year cake, stands for Nian monster. Eating New Year’s cake means “we will live a better and better life yearly”. Though it is fun of playing firecrackers, we cannot play firecrackers without control in that playing firecrackers causes environmental pollution and safe problems.
学习啦在线学习网 At 12:00 of the night, the sound of New Year’s tolling bell rings. That’s the exciting moment. Every person waits for this time. When the bell rings, many firecrackers sound at the same time. Under this hot phenomenon, you will feel jubilant and happy. Every body celebrates this Chinese New Year joyfully. At the moment, we make and eat Jiaozi again. I don’t know why, it is just a custom. Today it develops another custom: people always pay a New Year call at this moment. Not by a visit but by a phone or mobile phone, we call our relatives and friends to say Happy New Year, or sent our wishes by short message. We attach important to our relatives and friends, however, we don’t forget our ancestors. On New Year’s Eve, we often offer sacrifices to ancestors and close relatives. We put food and wine before the picture of ancestors and burn joss papers for our close relatives. It expresses our respect and love to them.
学习啦在线学习网 We stay up all the night on New Year’s Eve sometimes. That’s a custom also. But the children are drove to sleep because they want to gain new year money gift to children. The new year money should be given to children on New Year’s Eve and press under the children’s pillow for a whole night.
学习啦在线学习网 除夕夜的年夜饭也叫团圆饭,根据宗懔《荆楚岁时记》的记载,至少在南北朝时已有吃年夜饭的习俗。因为正值冬天,北方人常常在饭桌中间设置火锅,因此也称围炉。
学习啦在线学习网 北方人年夜饭的菜色中常包括水饺、鱼、年糕、长年菜等。因为水饺状似金元宝,有富贵之意;鱼这道菜不能吃完,因为在汉语中“鱼”和“余”同音,有“年年有余”的吉祥意思;年糕则有“年年高升”之意;吃长年菜则有长寿的意涵。华南则多有鸡、烧肉、发菜、蚝豉等,因为“发菜蚝豉”与“发财好市”谐音。江南的典型年夜饭必有鱼,丰盛汤锅。
学习啦在线学习网 按照老礼,除夕夜传统的座次是“尚左尊东”、“面朝大门为尊”。年宴的首席为辈分最高的长者,末席为最低者。如果是请客,首席为地位最尊的客人,主人则居末席。首席未落座,其余都不能落座,首席未动手,大家都不能动手。
学习啦在线学习网 七郎找“夕”找了一年,这天已是腊月三十,他来到一个镇上,见人们都在欢欢喜喜准备过年,心想,这个镇大,人多,姑娘也多,说不定“夕”要来。他就找镇上的人们,说“夕”最怕响声,叫大家天黑了不要睡觉,多找些敲得响的东西放在家里,一有动静就使劲敲,好把“夕”吓出来除掉。