学习啦 > 生活课堂 > 节日知识 > 西方节日 > 圣诞节 > 有关圣诞节的英语作文


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学习啦在线学习网   圣诞节大家过的都很高兴,有的收到了礼物,有的看了电影,你呢?是怎么过的呢?以下是学习啦小编收集整理的关于圣诞节的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。


  On December 25, I spent a memorable happy Christmas!

  That day, I meet in schools and students, and the boy to a super fly snow, hee hee, look to bully my boy, do I fly snow, I think only KuangPen KuangPen, see they bully me, finally at half past seven, I finally want to use my weapon, think that the boy to so many people!

  We took only a few, blame him, to spell, have never thought the boy so much, I defy spirit, picked up the blowing bottle, ran to the boy, unexpectedly, spray in my eye, I feel, is that guy use \, others also spray dead boy, but, we are still less than boys, make a few girls cry, we know that our dead, unexpectedly Zhang Wen we ran, pull the boy also ran to come over, organize a reunion...

  This is a carnival of Christmas!

学习啦在线学习网   12月25日,我度过一个使人难忘欢乐的圣诞节!





  Tomorrow is Christmas, I want a special gift. But mom didn't agree with you. The second day, my mother and I go to keyboard lessons, because my heart is always thinking about that thing, so have a class on the bad, the teacher speak of what didn't listen.

  The interval of time, the teacher announced the good news: in the third session of the keyboard in the game, there are four students in our class get places, I won the 3rd place. I'm happy at heart.

  I am on the way back, mother said: you have got the best Christmas present.





学习啦在线学习网   Christmas, just like the Chinese New Year outside, very lively.

学习啦在线学习网   After I had finished my homework, dad took me to the supermarket. Supermarket everyone with a Christmas hat, there are many Christmas presents in the middle of the supermarket, a Christmas hat, Christmas trees, Christmas, Christmas lights, and so on, there were so many to buy the Christmas present! I chose a bottle of spray snow.

  Out of the supermarket came to the street, I saw many shops are playing outside Santa Claus, window all say "merry Christmas!" , the man in the street with a Christmas hat and laughing, when I take out spray spray snow sky, as if in the snow, I am very happy, happily said to dad: "dad merry Christmas!"

学习啦在线学习网   Christmas is the most happy is can, received a present from Santa Claus at this time my heart already fly to Santa Claus.



学习啦在线学习网   走出超市来到街上,我看见许多商店门口都放着圣诞老人,玻璃窗上都写着“圣诞快乐!”,街上的人有的带着圣诞帽有说有笑,这时我拿出喷雪朝天空中喷了一下,仿佛在下雪,我开心极了,高兴地对爸爸说:“爸爸圣诞快乐!”

学习啦在线学习网   圣诞节最开心的是可以收到圣诞老人的礼物,此时我的心早就飞到圣诞老人那去了。


  Today is Christmas day, my mother and I by bus to go to the mall to play, saw a variety of clothes in the street, looking good! And came to the door of the store and saw a passenger cars, the above is all kinds of milk tea and coffee, my mother and I drank a cup of strawberry milk tea together, really delicious! After drinking milk tea to alley around again, mother bought some things, I bought some toys and stationery, go out to eat KFC, posed two hanging lights inside the holy tree, tree with many beautiful small pendant, is really beautiful, we bought a bucket of ice cream and a family, we happy to eat it.

  On the way home, I ate some strawberries ice-sugar gourd.

学习啦在线学习网   We had a really happy today! I told Santa Claus beckoned, we meet again next year.




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