
学习啦在线学习网 In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.
学习啦在线学习网 秋中,有些感情便如落叶般凋零了,有些影子却挥之不去,只在网络虚缈中才有熟悉的名字。凋零就凋零吧,倦缩也好,成灰亦好,管它感情如一树红叶般怎样盛开,怎样凋零。我站在川流不息的时间里,谈笑风生,任凭满天的叶子飞舞,最终覆盖苍凉的生命。
学习啦在线学习网 Thursday marks the beginning of Shuangjiang or “frost’s descent” in English, the 18th of 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar. It usually falls around October 23 and ends around November 7, making it the last term of autumn and signifying the last two weeks of the season.
Literally, it refers to the time when frost starts to descend across China, or “the dews were congealed into frost” due to the coldness, as recorded in ancient Chinese books.
By the time of Shuangjiang, most of the harvesting work is already completed in northern China. Even the most cold-resistant crops can no longer grow. Large swaths of the fields in the north are done for the season, and farmers are now able to enjoy a period of rest.
学习啦在线学习网 霜降时,中国北方大部分的秋收工作已经扫尾,即使是最耐寒的农作物也不能生长。秋收农忙已经结束,农民们可以休息一段时间了。
学习啦在线学习网 But in the south, the harvest is still in its heyday, as farmers have to take home the sweet potatoes before they are destroyed by the coming frost, while the winter wheat and oilseed rape need to be mothproofed.
学习啦在线学习网 而南方此时正处于“三秋”大忙时节,农民们需要在降霜之前把红薯收获以防止其被冻伤,还要做好冬小麦和早茬油菜的防虫工作。
学习啦在线学习网 Autumn might be the most colorful season in China with the leaves turning from golden yellow to red. Activities like hiking become popular as people take in the bright red leaves.
学习啦在线学习网 秋叶由黄转红,秋天可能是中国最多姿多彩的季节了。在一片明亮的红叶中,徒步旅行这样的活动越来越受人们欢迎。
Nearly all the tourist websites list the best sites for admiring the red maple leaves during this time, and many city tourist bureaus start to even issue official routes for the most picturesque views of the leaves.
学习啦在线学习网 在此期间,几乎所有的旅游网站都列出了欣赏红枫树叶的地点,许多城市旅游部门甚至开始发布官方路线,以欣赏最美丽的红叶。
Reveling in the view is an old tradition starting in ancient times. Du Mu, a well-known poet from the Tang Dynasty (618-904) depicted the mountainous scenery in a poem: “I stopped the coach as charmed by the maple woods; Frosted autumn leaves outshine February flowers in redness.”
学习啦在线学习网 It is said that Shuangjiang is the best time to adjust to a nourishing life, which reflects the belief that this is an important time to focus on health. “Keeping warm” becomes a top priority.
学习啦在线学习网 Persimmon is the favored fruit in many areas. The Chinese believe that permissions could not only keep off the coldness, but also strengthen the muscles and bones.
学习啦在线学习网 柿子是许多地区欢迎的水果。中国人认为,柿子不仅能驱寒,还能补筋骨。
Other suggested fruits include apples, pears and bananas. Besides, honey, jelly fungus, chestnuts and sesames are believed to help supplement the necessary nutrition for the human body. On the protein side, chicken or mutton soup is believed to be good for the spleen and advised for the diet.
学习啦在线学习网 还建议食用苹果、雪梨和香蕉等水果。此外,蜂蜜、木耳、栗子、芝麻等食物都被认为能够提供人体所需的营养素。蛋白质摄入方面,建议食用对脾脏有益的鸡肉和羊汤。
学习啦在线学习网 Eating persimmons吃柿子
Eating persimmons during Frost's Descent can help people resist the cold and protect their bones. In the countryside, people believe that their lips will crack if they don't eat persimmons during this period.
学习啦在线学习网 在霜降时节吃柿子可以帮助人们抵御寒冷,保护骨骼。在农村,人们认为如果在这段时间不吃柿子,嘴唇会裂开。
学习啦在线学习网 Eating apples吃苹果
学习啦在线学习网 The apple is one kind of recommended fruit during Frost's Descent. There are many sayings about apples' benefits in China, such as "Eat an apple after meals, even old men can be as strong as young men," or as the Western proverb goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Apples can moisten the lungs, quench one’s thirst and help one's digestion.
学习啦在线学习网 -en后缀或者en-前缀都有此意,如:
学习啦在线学习网 enable:使能够,使...成为可能
学习啦在线学习网 endanger:使...遭受危险
Eating pears吃梨
学习啦在线学习网 The pear is another recommended fruit during Frost's Descent, which can promote the secretion of body liquids, clear away heat and reduce sputum.
学习啦在线学习网 梨是霜降期间的另一种推荐食用的水果,它能促进体液的分泌,清热化痰。
学习啦在线学习网 Eating duck吃鸭子
It's a custom to eat duck on the first day of Frost's Descent in south Fujian province and Taiwan. There is a saying in Fujian which goes, "Even nourishing all year is not as good as nourishing the human body on the first day of Frost's Descent." Eating duck is a way for people there to gain weight.
There is a saying in Fujian which goes,这是个从句,用简单句表达,就可以说As the saying in Fujian goes,正如福建的谚语所说。
Eating chestnuts吃栗子
Eating chestnuts during Frost's Descent is beneficial for one's health. Chestnuts have a warm nature and sweet flavor, and are good for nourishing the spleen and stomach, invigorating the circulation of blood, relieving coughs and reducing sputum.