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学习啦在线学习网   小暑:暑,表示炎热的意思,小暑为小热,还不十分热。意指天气开始炎热,还没到最热。小暑的标志是:出梅,入伏。下面是小编为大家收集的2019小暑科普小知识,小暑英语是怎么说的?希望可以帮助大家。

  小暑英语怎么说:Slight Heat

学习啦在线学习网   Slight Heat, comes between July 6th and 8th annually, is one of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar.


  "Shu" stands for hot, so "Xiao Shu" (Slight Heat) means hot, but not as hot as "Da Shu" (Great Heat).

学习啦在线学习网   “暑”表示炎热的意思,所以“小暑”即为小热,不过还未达到大暑时节的酷热程度。

学习啦在线学习网   Due to the high temperatures of summer, people's digestive functions are relatively weak. Therefore, bland diets are preferred.

学习啦在线学习网   由于盛夏酷热的原因,人们的胃口普遍不佳,故而较为偏爱清淡的饮食。

学习啦在线学习网   In the north of China, dumplings and noodles are the traditional food in Slight Heat.

学习啦在线学习网   在我国北方地区,饺子和面条则是小暑时节的传统时令饮食。


  When the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 105 degrees, it’s the time for “Slight Heat”, usually happening on July 7 or July 8. Slight heat means it’s hot but not the hottest.

  小暑发生在太阳到达天文经度105°,通常在7月7日或7月8日。小暑表示天气很热但并不是最热的时候。The continuous rainfall season for cities along “Yangtze River” will soon stop and enter summer days. On the other hand, the north and north-east of China will enter the rain season.Three periods of the hot season come one by one after “Summer Solstice”. In the Chinese, it’s call the three “Fu”, meaning that the weather is so hot and people better lie down than to move. Around the “Slight Heat” period, it’s the first “Fu” period.

学习啦在线学习网   长江沿岸地区连绵的雨季即将结束,进入夏季。而中国北部及东北地区将进入雨季。夏至以后,将一一迎来三阶段的酷暑阶段。在中国,我们叫它三“伏”,意思是这个天气人们不宜活动,最好躺着不动。小暑前后,就是第一“伏”。

学习啦在线学习网   Nowadays, people eat Jiao zi on the first “Fu”, noodles on the second and eggs with baked pancake on the third.In Xuzhou, the tradition of eating lamb can be traced back to thousands of years ago. At that time, there already had been the saying that “Having a bowl of lamp soup, no need to see the doctors.”

学习啦在线学习网   如今,人们在第一“伏”吃饺子,第二“伏”吃面条,第三“伏”吃鸡蛋煎饼。在徐州,吃羊肉的习俗可追溯到几千年前。同时,古话说:“喝一碗羊肉汤,不用看医生。”


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