学习啦在线学习网 经典语录是指对那些富有哲理与特殊意义话语的记录,经典语录普遍来源于经典语录原创基地,一般用于正式文体。如:爱尚语录此类型的网站平台专门收集一些经典名人语录。现指能引起共鸣的、发人深省,有一定传播力的名人之言、网民言论、社会事件所产生的新词条。
学习啦在线学习网 人人都爱Maggie,她是百万美元宝贝。她的拳头让对手无法招架,她是身披绿衣勇往直前的fighter,是孝顺的女儿和乖巧的徒弟,是忠心耿耿的朋友。 其实,她只是一个受了伤的女孩。 要不是肖提醒,我还没发现影片的前半段一直没有眼泪出现。Maggie就像一个speed bag,被反复击打又反复弹起,仿佛这是她命中注定的节奏。Frankie对她说,你永远不要在我面前哭泣。毫无疑问它最大的特色在里面包含了一些具有意义非凡的百万美元宝贝台词,时常在脑海出现。台词网收集了一些台词在这里奉献给爱好这部励志电影的人们。
Frankie:Tough aren't enough.
学习啦在线学习网 Frankie liked to say that boxing is an unnatural act that everything in boxing is backwards.Sometimes best way to diliver a punch is step back.
学习啦在线学习网 Some people would say the most important thing a fighter can have is heart.Frankie would say,"Show me a fighter who's nothing but heart and I'll show you a man waiting for a beating."
Shawrelle Berry had a left hook that would move a tank but he had a heart the size of a split pea.
学习啦在线学习网 She grew up knowing one thing:She was trash.)
If there's magic in boxing it's the magic of fighting battles beyond endurance,beyond cracked ribs,ruptured kidneys and detached retinas.It's the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody see but you.
学习啦在线学习网 如果拳击运动中有诀窍的话,那么这种诀窍就是不停战斗,超越耐力的极限,超越折断的肋骨,破裂的肾脏和脱落的视网膜。这种诀窍是为了别人无法了解的梦想而赌上一切。
学习啦在线学习网 There's some things people just don't want to hear.
学习啦在线学习网 有些话人们永远都不愿意听。
I'm 32,Mr.Dunn.I'm celebrating that I spent another year scraping dishes and waitressing which is what I been doing since 13.And according to you,I'll be 37 before I can even throw a decent punch which after working this speed bag for a month and getting nowhere...I now realize may be God's simple truth.Other truth is,my brother's in prison...my sister cheats on welfare by pretending one of her kids is still alive...my daddy's dead,and my mama weighs 312 pounds.I was thinking straight,I'd go back home...find a use trailer,buy a deep fryer and some Oreos.(www.duanjuzi.com)The problem is,this is the only thing I ever felt good doing.If I'm too old for this,then I got nothing.
To make a fighter,you gotta strip them down to bare wood.Rest when you're dead.You can't just tell them to forget everything you know...you gotta make them forget it in their bones.Make them so tired they only listen to you.Make them so tired they only listen to you.Only hear your voice.Only do what you say,and nothing else.
学习啦在线学习网 训练一名拳手,你必须在精神上把它们剥光,死了再休息。你不能只是叫他们忘记以前知道的事情,你要叫他们从骨子里忘记。让他们疲惫到只听你的话,只能听你的声音,只做你叫他们做的事情,不做其他事。
学习啦在线学习网 Scrap:Thing is if you wanna get to the title maybe he's not the one to take you there.
学习啦在线学习网 It's the rule.Always protect yourself.
学习啦在线学习网 Danger:I got a question,but I feel real stupid asking it.
学习啦在线学习网 丹吉尔:我有个问题,可是我觉得问出来好傻。
学习啦在线学习网 Scrap:No such thing as a stupid question there,Danger.
学习啦在线学习网 斯科雷普:丹吉尔,在这里没有问题愚蠢。
Danger:How'd you get all the ice in there through this little tiny hole?I've been thinking on it.Can't figure it out.You could do that?You could show me?
学习啦在线学习网 丹吉尔:你怎么把冰块从这么小的口里放进去的?我一直都在想这个问题,但想不出来。你可以,你可以做给我看?
学习啦在线学习网 Scrap:I think so.I think so.
Scrap:I found you a fighter and you made her the best fighter she could be.
学习啦在线学习网 Frankie:I killed her.
学习啦在线学习网 弗兰基:我杀了她。
学习啦在线学习网 Scrap:Don't say that.Maggie walked through that door with nothing with nothing but guts.No chance in the world of being what she needed to be.Ayear and a half later,she's fighting for the championship of the world.You did that.People die every day,Frankie.Mopping floors,washing dishes.And you know what their last thought is?"I never got my shot."Because of you,Maggie got her shot.If she dies today,you know what her last thought will be?"I think I did all right."I know I could rest with that.
学习啦在线学习网 斯科雷普:别那么说。麦琪走进那扇门的时候,除了胆量什么都没有,根本就没有机会实现她的梦想。一年半以后,她在争夺世界冠军,那是你的功劳。弗兰基,每天都有人死去,拖地的时候,刷碗的时候,你知道他们最后一个念头是什么吗?“我从没有过机会,”因为有你,麦琪得到了属于她的机会。如果她今天就死去,你知道她最后一个念头是什么吗?"我觉得我干得不错",这样我会觉得心安理得的。
Frankie:Mo cuishle means “my darling,my blood.”
弗兰基:“Mo cuishle”的意思是“我的挚爱,我的血肉”。