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学习啦在线学习网   the marriagethe eternal topicfor many yearshas been the focus of all attentionis the world's one of the things that is not clearit is a life event that must be experienced people's life. Marriagesome people say it is goodsome people say it ugly. The marriage of success people praise itbusiness people failed marriage. Curse it into marriagethe besieged people began to decide their own lifecarefully managing their marriage.


  the marriage must be flat like a longflat to longthin water can flowbut not equal to the dull and tastelessfine water is not completely changedthe other extreme or into the marriagethe other one is the marriage of the deadthere is no novelty tasteless and insipid marriage is the most fatal.

学习啦在线学习网   婚姻的殿堂,万众瞩目,绚丽的礼花,漫天飞舞。欢歌笑语萦绕着每一对走向婚姻殿堂的人儿。宾客散去,礼花飘落,最后能留下的,只有寂静的日子来陪我们走过生活的每个角落。平凡的日子,不平淡的生活;一样的时光,却又不同的过活着,我们你们他们能够携手一生而彼此相爱吗?

  the marriage halleye-catchingcolorful fireworksflying in the sky. Carol haunts each pair to marriage thing. The guests dispersedfireworks fallingfinally leftevery corner only silence day to accompany us through life. The ordinary daynot like ordinary life; timebut different liveweyouthey can live together and love each other?

学习啦在线学习网   婚姻的好处,是你永远有个属于自己的去处,问题是你也永远只能有这个去处了。

  the benefits of marriageis that you always have a place of their ownthe problem is that you can only have this place forever


  the bond of marriagenot childrennot moneybut the common growth of the spiritin the most helpless and weak when he (she) lift your chinyour back straightmake you strongand accompany you aroundto bear the fate. At that timeexcept the love between youand never abandon in perfect sympathy with each other loyaltyunderstandingkindness and Mingxinkegu.

学习啦在线学习网   婚姻就是:一个乐天派的女人,嫁给一个乐天派的男人,最后变成两个悲观论者。

  marriage is a happy womanmarried to a happy manand finally become the two pessimist

学习啦在线学习网   婚姻就是坟墓,走近婚姻的人就犹如走近了婚姻的坟墓,那么到底是不是这样?大家请看一下语句来说!

学习啦在线学习网   marriage is a tombapproached the marriageas if approached the tomb of marriageso in the end is not the case?!



  the marriage of the people watching the outside worldmany people have to pay a heavy price. Marriage is not playing cardsre shuffling is sure to pay the pricewhether you are right or wrong!


  marriage is a tragedybut the audience to see it as a comedy. No one likes tragedybut we have to get married


学习啦在线学习网   what is the marriage? Mr. Qian Zhongshu said: "marriage is like a siegewant to go out of townoutside the city to come." this sentence has become a classic in the marriage. Bacon said: "marriage is the tomb of love." Lev? Tolstoy said: "happy families are all alikeunhappy family each have their own misfortune." too many celebritiesartists have their own classic interpretation of marriageto people's lives in many business marriage enlightenment.

学习啦在线学习网   婚姻需要相互的搀扶,不要丢下谁一个人去独自前行,没有了彼此的关爱,谁也挺不过沙漠的风暴。爱情需要两个人的经营,不要自私到独自喝完了共同的甘露,没有谁能忍受一直艰苦跋涉而没粮没水的旅行。

  the marriage needs mutual supportwho do not leave a person to walk alonenot love each otherbut who is the desert storm. Love needs two people businessnot selfish to drink a common dewwho can not bear to have been trekking and no food no water to travel.


  the marriage in the eyes of others that is only an illusiononly the people in the office to understand the taste of marriage is more of a responsibility of a family! No matter what decisions do not regret after a few years later!


学习啦在线学习网   marriageeconomy is the foundation of love is sex foodhousingchildren is wealthrespect is the talismanconfused happinesssweet is the daily necessariesmutual suspicion only to the grave.


  two people in a marriageis like walking on a tourist in the desert. At the beginning of the feeling at the foot of the soft sandcarrying a pot full of happiness and passion to realize their dreamsslowlya long timewalk too far. When the passion has been by the desert by the evil forgotteninstead of the physical and mental fatigueand againthe end of the desert is still far awaygo back to the road again disappearedsuddenly wake upthe original dream is not always good.


  marriednot two thingstwo things the family. The older generation about the perfect matchnot without reason feudal marriageyou should hold the faith once in a lifetimeso when selecting the slightest sloppy. Love it. Love marriageslowly.


学习啦在线学习网   the freedom of marriage for womenmarriage will always find her lost more freedom

学习啦在线学习网   没有不幸的婚姻,只有不幸的夫妻。一对对夫妻怀着对婚姻的无比美好的憧憬走入婚姻的殿堂,可最终他们却失望了,于是他们责怪婚姻,说婚姻是爱情的坟墓,而其实真正要怪的是他们自已。

  no unhappy marriageonly unhappy couples. Couples with the wonderful vision of marriage into the marriage hallbut they are disappointedso they blame the marriagemarriage is the tomb of lovebut really to blame themselves.


学习啦在线学习网   没有绝对正确的婚姻保鲜高招,没有对所有婚姻都管用的灵丹妙药,婚姻是否有活力,能否保鲜,最关键的不是寻求这些保鲜招数,而是心里常有这根弦,心中有了这根弦,你就会想出适合你自已婚姻的保鲜招数,夫妻就能常爱常新。

学习啦在线学习网   there is no absolute right of marriage preservation meritare not useful for all marriage marriage is vitalitya ready-made panaceawhether freshthe key is not to seek these fresh tricksbut the mind is this stringwith the hearts of the stringyou will find fresh tricks for you marriagecouples will be able to love is often new.

学习啦在线学习网   面对不幸的婚姻,我们首先要做的事是放弃战争,当然也不奢求马上回归甜蜜,而是要彼此静下心来好好想一想。没有思考就没有行动,也就不可能找到解决具体问题的钥匙,因为自已想要的东西和婚姻的细节永远只有自已最清楚,解决问题的钥匙最终是握在自已手中。

  in the face of an unhappy marriagethe first thing we should do is to give up the warbut also do not expect to immediately return the sweetbut to each other Jingxiaxinlai think. No thinking without actionit is impossible to find the key to solve specific problemsbecause you want something and detail of the marriage forever only their most clearlythe key to solve the problem ultimately is to hold in their own hands.


  a man may think that few women fit him before his marriageand when they get marriedthey think a lot of women are suitable for themselves

学习啦在线学习网   女人结不成婚不是男人的错,有时是另一个女人的错。

  it is not a man's faultbut sometimes another woman's fault


学习啦在线学习网   if the marriage is a castlethen love is besieged in housingno housing and cannot withstand the wind and rainor they fledor they died. So whether you love before marriagemarriage or loveyour marriage will be lastingbecause you have love the housing.


  I hope my marriage is thatlove a personand said of a couple. Then have children togetherand then go home every dayslowly raising the children grow uplooked at each other every day face wrinklesgrayin the enda person guarding every dayeatingsleepingchatting. Grow old. In factthe essence of marriageis such light forever.


  to love as the raw material of marriage is a beautiful villa; with money as the raw material of marriage is a money piled paper housenot exposed to wind and rain.


  some of the marriagelike orange peelwhich is sweet; some of the marriage like coconutvery large shell inside there is no much sweetness


学习啦在线学习网   loyalty is a marriage lineonce the breakthroughit may upset the marriage of the shiphurt lovehurt peoplehurt their loved ones. Although many people understand this truthbut in this world there are too many temptationsit is important to make clear the mindlearn to reflect on their ownlet I mature.


  respect for marriage is the talismansome people think that walk to the cityis one familystill need what kindwhat respect? You knowcompletely mistaken! Before marriagebut you two unrelated people! Even if you are marriedor two peopletwo people from different respect. The otherthe other side is also regarded as a independentthat is to increase the distance between the one point twothis will attract more two people close to each other. This is like two magnetkeep a proper distance will make them stronger attraction.


  love can not be forcedmarriage does not have to insistregardless of men and womenlove and marriage should be carefulemotional marriage can not be arbitrary behavior

学习啦在线学习网   爱情和婚姻的基础是忠诚信任和妥协。如果一个人非常疼爱你,但却出轨,那不是爱情;一个人非常重视你,却一直不相信你,也不是好的婚姻;而两个人看起来很相爱,却都不愿为对方放弃自己的部分生活,这更不是长久的爱。忠于爱情,信任爱人,相互牺牲,这才是美满的婚姻。

学习啦在线学习网   the foundation of love and marriage is loyaltytrust and compromise. If a man loves you very muchbut it is not derailedlove; a person attaches great importance to youbut always do not believe youis not a good marriage; and two of them look very much in lovebut are reluctant to abandon their own lives for the other part this is not longmore love. To lovetrust and mutual sacrificethis is a happy marriage.


学习啦在线学习网   love is an adventuremarriage is an affair of insuranceis that what you wanthave insurance??


  jealousy is a cancer of the marriage lifesmart couples know how to work together to find ways to resolvethe suspicion of a party to do their ownsuspicion side to more trust and relievedmutual understandingmutual trustmutual loyaltyreduce misunderstandingstrengthen communicationto avoid suspicion because of good feelings and ruin a happy marriage.






